Book Review: America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything

America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything, by Christopher F. Rufo, 340 pages, 2023, Published by Harper Collins.
America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything, by Christopher F. Rufo, 340 pages, 2023, Published by Harper Collins.

Author Christopher F. Rufo does wonderful work explaining how the irrational and innumerate leftist radicals took over the institutions and political structure of the USA in his book, America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything.

It was planned. It was executed. It was through the deliberate and calculated use of lies, fraud, hypocrisy, and coordinated rejection of truth, morality, rationality, and science. The strategy was to conquer the universities from within as a power base and then to use them to destroy culture, morality, ethics, and history, as they conquered the media, bureaucracies, and government. As a final step, the entire structure of constitutional government would be overthrown by redefining words to mean the opposite of common meanings.

America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything

The history starts with the failure of the violent Marxist revolution against the USA in the 1960s. I remember the bombings, the armored car robberies, the assassination of police officers. The USA fought back. The revolutionaries were not popular. They were defeated.

Herbert Marcuse was a transplanted Marxist from Germany during WWII, sustained in USA universities. He became depressed with the failure of the Marxist revolution in the USA. He could not admit the basic assumptions of Marxism were wrong. He developed a complex new theory, where white intellectuals would team with the radical Black Nationalists [IE: Barack Obama] to take over the universities and, from the universities, overturn the knowledge base of the United States, destroy its history, and supplant it with a Marxist history where everything the USA ever did was racist. The USA had to be destroyed to create a new Marxist utopia.

The first planned casualties were the concepts of truth, objective fact, rationality, and objective history. It is surprisingly close to what George Orwell described in “1984”.

Marcuse and his theories created Angela Davis and several other pivotal theorists, who became powerful in the underground movement to take over the universities, all paid for with your tax money.

Rufo lays out what happened in a clear and brilliant expose of how this cancer was planted and grew, fed by government largess, and maintained by the moral code that anything was acceptable if it furthered the movement. The license to commit any crimes, lie without accountability, and subvert the institutions that fed and sheltered them gave enormous bureaucratic [Deep State] power to those working hard to destroy the United States.

Rufo is a bit light on the Progressive philosophy, which, in this correspondent’s view, created the fertile ground for cultural Marxism to take root and prosper.

The book has tremendous value in showing how the cultural monster grew, almost unnoticed until it had accumulated so much power it could effectively overturn the history of the country, topple statutes, turn criminals into heroes, and turn cities into sewers.

Read the book. You must know your enemy in order to destroy him.

It is the ammunition you can effectively use in the counter-revolution we are fighting today. The revolutionaries created by Marcuse, Davis, and Derrick Bell are parasites. They do not know how to build, only to destroy. They will never admit their failure, but they always fail.

The difficult part is to build a successful counter-revolution without destroying the country, the Constitution, and the rule of law.  It can be done. Those who believe men are not women, math is not racist, and property is not theft far outnumber the fortunate few who inhabit our universities, bureaucracies, the dominant media, and the alphabet agencies.  They are lazy, pampered parasites who live off the rest of the country. They have lost touch with reality.

View Related: The Genus Marxism

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten

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This is nothing new. European Marxists infested this country in 1848. Mostly in the Northeast. When the War of Northern Aggression began a lot of them were conscripted into the Yankee Army. Most spoke no English and they had to have officers who spoke their native tongues to lead them. Lincoln and these insidious creatures brought the war to the civilian population of the South. Looting, pillaging and murderous conduct were the norm for these monsters!
For more information. Please Google Michael Gaddy Rebel Madman. He is an American Historian.


The leftist communist have been on a role for years and it has reared its ugly head again for all Liberty gun safe owners. Liberty gun safes turned over all the codes to thier gun safes to the federal government. Glad I don’t own one of those over priced products produced by commie traitors .


Fifty years too late. As a returning Vietnam Veteran I spent my GI Bill at San Francisco State U studying English and Political Science. I actually took two classes from Dr Davis. Here it the truth of the matter: the Progressive New Left under the direction of Soviet intelligence told us exactly how they would take the West down and they did exactly as they said. Those of us who became lifelong communist fighters were scoffed at as paranoid freaks and John Birchers by conservatives and Republicans while the termites of Bolshevism worked their magic on our once great Republic.… Read more »


Once upon a time, not too long ago, left leaners of the politically active bent had their own parties: There was The Socialist Party, The Socialist Labor Party, The Socialist Workers Party and, of course, The Communist Party USA. At least, they were honest about their leanings. Then came the spiritual spawn of Karl Marx in the form of American born, Saul Alinsky. And he, realizing that just playing politics isn’t as satisfying as wielding real power, through his writings,set the Left on a course where they are today. The co-opting of the Democrat Party is the ticket to vanquishing… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Wass
Deplorable Bill

When you get a few minuets look up a speech given to/at the United Nations in September of 1959 by Nikita Krutchev. You can find it on line along with the video that shows him actually speaking. In this speech he describes in detail exactly how he and the rest of communist russia/china would destroy the United States of America. First was to destroy any accountability/worship of GOD and make dependence on government as the norm instead. Next was to destroy the family unit. This was done by getting the father out of the house. An example is found with… Read more »


Thank you, thank you, thank you Dean! THIS IS A MUST WATCH VIDEO!!!!!!! Watching this video can help you clearly see how the USA and the WORLD is being transformed. This is the ideology of the Muslim President Traitor Barry Obummer and the hope and change he was talking about that we didn’t get the definition of, and he wouldn’t share, because the college crowd (Marxists) knew what he was saying and what they are wanting and doing to transform America into a socialist/Marxist government like China. Please watch the video. I have a clear understanding of what is going… Read more »