Biden Administration Ratchets Down Another Notch v. Second Amendment

Biden Aims NRA-ILA
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to ratchet down a little more on gun rights, and especially gun shows. IMG NRA-ILA

The Biden-Harris administration—according to a statement from the White House—has taken what it claims to be “another life-saving step” to keep guns out of “dangerous hands,” this time by proposing a new “rule” to essentially shut down gun shows and make it more difficult for gun owners to buy or sell their personal firearms.

This came a day after the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced the following:

“On August 30, 2023, the Attorney General signed ATF’s notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) 2022R-17, ‘Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms,’ which proposes to amend ATF’s regulations to implement the provisions of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), enacted on June 25, 2022.

“The NPRM proposes to incorporate the BSCA’s definition ‘predominantly earn a profit,’ creating a stand-alone definition of ‘terrorism,’ and amending the definitions of ‘principal objective of livelihood and profit’ and ‘engaged in the business’ to ensure each conforms with the BSCA’s statutory changes and can be relied upon by the public.”

Gun owners can shake their heads and scratch their chins, wondering if the Biden-Harris administration and the ATF under Steve Dettelbach want to consider private sellers and buyers as “terrorists.”

There are two sets of bullet points, one from the White House and the other from ATF. Here’s the White House version:

“The proposed rule, if finalized, would clarify that an individual would be presumed to be “engaged in the business” of dealing in firearms—and therefore be required to become a licensed firearms dealer and run background checks—if they meet certain conditions. For example, under the proposed rule, a person would be presumed to be required to become a licensed dealer and run background checks if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Offer for sale any number of firearms and also represents to potential buyers that they are willing and able to purchase and sell them additional firearms;
  • Repetitively offer for sale firearms within 30 days after they were purchased;
  • Repetitively offer for sale firearms that are like new in their original packaging;
  • Repetitively offer for sale multiple firearms of the same make and model; or
  • As a formerly federally-licensed firearms dealer, sell firearms that were in the business inventory and not transferred to a personal collection at least a year before the sale, addressing the so-called “fire sale loophole.”

“The proposed rule,” says the White House, “would also clarify that, for civil or administrative actions, an individual would be presumed to have the intent to ‘predominantly earn a profit’—one of the elements of engaging in the business of dealing firearms—if the person engages in activities such as:

  • Creating a website or making business cards to advertise or market a firearms business;
  • Maintaining records to document and track profits and losses from firearms purchases or sales; or
  • Purchasing business insurance or renting space at a gun show.

“The proposed rule,” the Biden-Harris administration says, “would make clear that there is no ‘gun show loophole’ or ‘internet loophole’ in federal law. Dealers who engage in the business of selling guns are required to obtain a license and run background checks no matter where they engage in the business of buying and selling firearms. That include at gun shows and over the Internet.”

While it is an arguable point some people attend gun shows regularly to buy and sell firearms—and therefore might be considered “engaged in the business,” one would have to look closely at the White House criteria to determine whether he/she does, or does not, fit the description.

But then comes the list of bullet points in the ATF announcement:

“Furthermore,” the ATF says, “the NPRM specifically proposes to clarify when a person is ‘engaged in the business’ as a dealer in firearms at wholesale or retail by:

  • Clarifying the definition of ‘dealer’ and defining the terms ‘purchase’ and ‘sale’ as they apply to dealers;
  • Clarifying when a person would not be engaged in the business of dealing in firearms as an auctioneer, or when purchasing firearms for, and selling firearms from, a personal collection;
  • Setting forth conduct that is presumed to constitute ‘engaging in the business’ of dealing in firearms, and presumed to demonstrate the intent to ‘predominantly earn a profit’ from the sale or disposition of firearms, absent reliable evidence to the contrary;
  • Clarifying that the intent to ‘predominantly earn a profit’ does not require the person to have received pecuniary gain and that intent does not have to be shown when a person purchases or sells a firearm for criminal or terrorism purposes;
  • Adding a single definition for the term ‘personal collection, personal collection of firearms, or personal firearms collection” and adding a definition for the term “responsible person’;
  • Addressing how former licensees, and responsible persons acting on behalf of former licensees, may lawfully liquidate business inventory upon revocation or other termination of their license; and
  • Clarifying that licensees must follow the verification and recordkeeping procedures in 27 CFR 94 and Subpart H, rather than using an ATF Form 4473 when firearms are transferred to other licensees, including transfers by a licensed sole proprietor to that person’s personal collection.”

Once the proposed rule, all 108 pages of it, is published in the Federal Register, a 90-day period for public comment will be open. Here are the two ways people may submit comment:

  • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments. 
  • Mail: Helen Koppe, Mail Stop 6N-518, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement Programs and Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 99 New York Ave. NE, Washington DC 20226; ATTN: ATF 2022R-17

So, sometime between now and the end of this year, the Biden-Harris administration will have likely set another brick in place on the wall the president has been determined to build between the people and the Second Amendment.

With 2024 just over the horizon—and with it the beginning of the campaign for the presidency, every seat in the U.S. House of Representatives and many seats in the U.S. Senate—one might think a major gun control effort might be held off. Nothing brings gun owners to the polls like an attack on their rights, but perhaps Democrats don’t think they need to worry this time around.

ATF – Engaged in the Business as a Dealer in Firearms by AmmoLand Shooting Sports News on Scribd

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.Dave Workman

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You can’t fix stupid because if we could, O’biden would be out right along with McCarthy, another kommiefornian. This is nothing more than another ploy and attack. I hope if the stupid son of a bitch does run again that he does run on his gun attacks. I have a feeling that We the People both republican and democrat are getting tired of attacks on our guns, paychecks, pocketbooks, cars, stoves, economy and rights while supporting the rights of people that don’t belong here and giving them our wealth. If we have to mask and stay indoors again it may… Read more »

AZ Lefty

All he is doing is following Traitor Trump’s lead with the Bump Stock ban


What are you doing here liberal? N-word stake out?


Your clueless and on the wrong site liberal idiot , CNN’s comment site would be more to your liking and you might get a up vote there .


He’s probably still on mommy’s teat too.


I got rid of the AZ idiots down vote for you . FJB
TRUMP 2024 !


There, fixed yours too.


Thank you. I have lefties that follow me so when I post it is automatically one to three down votes on almost everything. It tells me that I have hit the magic spot and that they don’t want people to hear what I have to say and are trying to make me look unliked, so others won’t pay attention. or think bad man. Tells me that I need to stay focused and on the track that I am on because like President Trump, they fear my words and want to get rid of me. If they could scream over the… Read more »


Pray to God first, then get up off of your knees and use the Holy Spirit for strength to become the Paul Revere in your circle of influence. I am not posting this advice directly to you because I know you are doing everything you can, but others who may read your wise words might need some encouragement to do what I call God’s Work. He bestowed upon us unalienable rights that MAN is trying to wrestle away from us. I am not giving up without a terrible fight. We can fix this, but it requires getting outside our comfort… Read more »


The first sentence says it all BFB.
Take care.


We can fix this. But we would brake laws and be called terrorists.
Much like George Washington.


We are already being called terrorists by the great satan leader O’biden if you are MAGA. Which I am.


I am NOT going to wear another mask and stay inside just because that stupid sob says so. He may be our leader but he’s sure as hell ain’t my damn boss! And as far as I’m concerned, he can go straight to hell!


He won’t go home until someone new is elected. Then he can go back to ruling there rather than on the surface of the USA.


And that damned bastard is no Catholic either. I don’t care what the Pope says.


Another ambiguous rule that can be interpreted in any which way the ATF feels at the moment.


redefining and/or reinterpreting their ‘rules’ at their leisure is what the bats are ‘experts’ at. ;-(
Perhaps an appropriate legal defense against this new ‘rule’ will be to factor inflation into the ‘for profit’ part. For example, something (maybe a gun – gasp!) I bought for a hundred bucks way back in the dark ages is possibly now ‘worth’ about five hundred. IOW, that has not even kept up with inflation.

Patriot Jim

Call me paranoid, but all this sudden flurry of creating new definitions for this and that, and everything in between, leads me to think these marxist thugs will eventually create a definition of a personal gun collection that is, maybe only 3, or 5, or no more than 10 firearms at the most. Why do you need more than 3 guns to defend your family???? These thugs are getting scarier by the day. You will then have to become a “Registered Personal Collection Owner” under some new definition they pull out of their a**. With onerous fees, and who knows… Read more »


Oh, the old “clarify”.

Substantive changes are not clarifications. And that’s what ATF is doing here: making substantive changes to law absent the authority to do so.


We can fix this.
But we would brake laws and be called terrorists.
Much like George Washington.


I agree but we need to stop wasting time about it. We need to form a standing army and get this show on the road. If we don’t it keeps getting worst and worst each day, making it even harder each and every passing day. Plus I’m tired of the BS.




Don’t give me that waiting for approve bullshit . Post the comment now !


Joe Biden’s head has been lodged in his ass for over 50 years and is permantly stuck there . A 50 pound keg of tannerite could not blow it free .


Wait..if you sell a firearm with the intent to make a profit, but lose money on the sale, you need an FFL?


Don’t you know, intent is worse than doing the deed. Look at Trump! He challenged an election and is now being tried for doing so. However, if commiecrats do it, it’s ok


There is no gun show loophole. Private citizens can sell each other their guns, and will continue to do so despite what dementia Joe and his criminal gang say.