Human Rights Group Supports Senators Seeking DOJ Intervention In New Mexico Gun Ban


The Second Amendment Foundation supports an official request by six United States Senators that U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice act swiftly and take legal action against New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s unconstitutional edict suspending Second Amendment rights in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.

“Attorney General Garland should have acted immediately when Gov. Lujan Grisham announced her order last week,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “Instead, Garland and the DOJ have remained silent while gun rights organizations, including SAF, had to carry their water by suing to protect the constitutional rights of American citizens. It was us, not Garland and the DOJ, who went to federal court and obtained a temporary restraining order against the governor, and the American public should be asking why.

“The fact that Garland and the Biden DOJ have not taken any action is proof positive that Joe Biden has not upheld his oath of office,” Gottlieb continued. “Furthermore, Garland’s obvious hands-off reaction to the governor’s outrageous direct attack on the Second Amendment clearly illustrates why he was not confirmed by the Senate to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.”

In a letter to Garland Wednesday, Senators Lindsey Graham, Thom Tillis, Jon Cornyn, Tom Cotton, John Kennedy, and Marsha Blackburn stated:

“By preventing certain New Mexicans from exercising their constitutional rights to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home, Governor Grisham is violating the Second Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, and Article IV of the Constitution. This is a chilling action, and it is imperative that your Department act immediately to show that this kind of unconstitutional abuse will not be tolerated in New Mexico or anywhere else in the United States.”

“Attorney General Garland and the DOJ have been AWOL since this disgraceful episode erupted a week ago,” SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut observed. “There is no small irony in the fact that SAF and other gun rights organizations have once again had to defend the constitution while Garland and his boss have been so busy trying to erode it.”

Second Amendment Foundation

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing, and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to own and possess firearms privately. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 720,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed better to inform the public about the consequences of gun control.

Second Amendment Foundation

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we certainly dodged trouble when Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court was ignored.


Not quite Ope. As much as it pains me to give McConnell any praise, McConnell not only kept the little tyrant off the Court, McConnell was damn good shepherding DJT’s judicial nominees through. Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett were the 3 well known.

Other than that…


McConnell is a astute seasoned politician, unlike many. Inference that he is a “RINO” is an insult.

Knute Knute

Even though he was one of only 14 RINOs to push for the so-called “red flag” laws(among other restrictions) that remove one’s 2A rights without due process? Which was applauded by the Dems as the “biggest breakthrough” in gun control in 30 years? Even with all that on his record, he can’t be called a RINO?
Then what, I wonder, could he do to earn that distinction in your opinion? Would changing his Surname to “Shumer” be enough? 🙂


no federal red flag law has been passed, much even debated in Congress.

Knute Knute

So the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act was NOT passed(with McConnell’s vote) by the 117th US Congress? Well, considering how little Orion knows, that figures.
Or are you going to try and weasel around by claiming that federal bribes to the States to do their “red flag” dirty work somehow doesn’t qualify as a “Federal” law, even though it funds exactly that?
What’s that I smell? Did a cattle truck full of bulls just drive by? 🙂

Knute Knute

Edit function still AWOL:
Even though he was one of only 14 RINOs to push for the so-called “red flag” laws(among other restrictions) that remove one’s 2A rights without due process? Which was applauded by the Dems as the “biggest breakthrough” in gun control in 30 years? Even with all that on his record, he can’t be called a RINO?
Then what, I wonder, could he do to earn that distinction in your opinion? Would changing his surname to “Shumer” be enough?


Butters and Fudds are cancer and McConnell is riddled with it. He has helped enact numerous arms laws.


Merrick Garland is a corrupt compromised POS !


When you can eliminate God from the discussion (as in modern prog political theory) then the term God-given rights has no meaning. If God doesn’t exist, He cannot bestow ANY rights. That’s where this whole mess is headed.

Knute Knute

I don’t think you took note of the part of this article wherein SAF bemoaned that they had to do the federal government’s job(to reign in unconstitutional States) for them, as Gottlieb put it: “Garland and the DOJ have remained silent while gun rights organizations, including SAF, had to carry their water by suing to protect the constitutional rights of American citizens. It was us, not Garland and the DOJ, who went to federal court and obtained a temporary restraining order against the governor, and the American public should be asking why…“ If you’ve read the Constitution, the supreme Law… Read more »


Would someone please advise them that we DO NOT HAVE 2nd Amendment or Constitutional Rights.

We have unalienable rights and some of those rights were specifically enumerated in the Constitution from abuses by the government.

Words matter. If they continue to specify that our rights are granted by the Constitution then it is easy to remove those rights by amending the Constitution.


“We have unalienable rights”

I hear the left wing wacko’s coming up with a report saying aliens in UFO’s are here for your rights. I think I believe that actually.

Knute Knute

Yet another comment held up by the antis/progs. Nothing negative in there to censor…. so they do! Stay tuned for a few hours and ammoland will approve it manually, as usual. This is one of the last sites available that don’t just bow to the powers-that-are(at the moment) and kiss their ring. And congrats to them for that. I can imagine how much pressure they are under to “just bend the knee” as a certain miniseries repeatedly insisted that Jon Snow must do. Watch the games that the elite play. It is fascinating. Like most of human history, esp. that… Read more »

Knute Knute

It’s not ammoland doing it though. It’s just wordpress, or whatever other service they use, to try and keep the trolls at bay. WordPress (or whoever) are the antis/progs attempting the censorship. I applaud ammoland for checking them manually, and doing so quickly and properly. I’ve yet to have a comment barred, and lots of them have been held up. The only times it has taken them more than day to post them is when it happens on a Sunday or a Holiday. I just have to give them that one. I, for one, wouldn’t want to be the one… Read more »


Oh yeah, “help from the DOJ”…
If that ain’t asking the wolf to guard the flock I don’t know what is.
Maybe ask the ATF to intervene?

Knute Knute

When I was a kid the adults called this: “Putting a fox in charge of the chickencoop, and then wondering where all your hens went”! It was a joke they used to make fun of the foolish. 🙂


They are still looking..