Jury Finds Man NOT Guilty After Shooting YouTube Prankster

YouTube “prankster” Tanner Cook of the “Classified Goons” YouTube Channel receives treatment for a gunshot wound.
YouTube “prankster” Tanner Cook of the “Classified Goons” YouTube Channel receives treatment for a gunshot wound.

A jury last month found a food delivery driver not guilty of aggravated malicious wounding of a YouTuber in a DC suburban mall’s food court.

On April 2, 2023, while Alan Colie was picking up food in Dulles Town Center in Sterling, Virginia, for his DoorDash job, a group of twenty-somethings, led by YouTube “prankster” Tanner Cook of the “Classified Goons” YouTube Channel, approached him.

Mr. Cook, 21, took out his phone and stuck it inches from Mr. Colie’s, 31, face, and the phone started broadcasting the phrase “Hey dips—, quit thinking about my twinkle.” Colie asked Cook to stop, but Colie refused. Mr. Colie tried to retreat, but the group followed him and continued getting into the man’s face. Colie once again told the group to stop and tried to flee the scene, but the group stepped in front of him and stuffed the phone into his face.

Colie claims he was becoming fearful and once again tried to leave, but the group prevented him from leaving. Cook stuck the phone back into Colie’s face. Mr. Colie pushed Cook’s phone away and, for a third time, told the group to stop and leave him alone.

The group again followed Colie and cut off his retreat. According to the delivery driver, he was in fear of mortal harm. Instead of Colie trying to retreat this time, the licensed concealed carrier pulled his firearm and fired one shot, hitting Cook in the abdomen. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Department (LCSO) found Cook outside the mall and treated his injuries. Loudoun County Fire Rescue (LCFR) transported Cook to the hospital, where surgeons rushed him into surgery to remove the bullet.

The County Sheriff’s Office found Colie in the food court and placed him in custody. The man had placed the gun on the floor and laid face first. The man didn’t attempt to flee the scene or resist arrest. The LCSO spent the rest of the day searching the mall. This reporter, who lives in the area, was the first to report the happenings on X, formerly Twitter, after receiving the play-by-play from someone at the mall.

Colie was charged with aggravated malicious wounding, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, and discharging a firearm within a building. Colie would plead not guilty to all the charges because he claimed that he feared for his life. He would be held without bond until his trial.

Cook is known to police and the surrounding community for his “pranks” that many consider harassment. He has told women that someone was following them and then had a friend stalk them through a parking lot late at night. In another incident, Cook pretended to throw up on an Uber driver.

Prosecutor Eden Holmes tried to downplay the seriousness of Cook’s actions to convince the jury that Colie wasn’t attacking in self-defense. A person can only be found guilty of aggravated malicious wounding if there was no provocation by the wounded that reasonably arouses fear or anger.

“They were playing a silly phrase on a phone,” Holmes said in her closing statement. “How could the defendant have found that he was reasonably in fear of imminent bodily harm?”

The jury got to view the video of the incident and then deliberated for three hours before sending a note to the judge saying they were divided on whether Colie acted in self-defense. The judge urged the jurors to keep deliberating.

After two more hours, the jury returned a not-guilty verdict on the counts of aggravated malicious wounding and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. The jury would find Colie guilty of discharging a gun inside a building, a class six felony.

His attorney, Adam Pouilliard, said the conviction of discharging a gun inside a building is inconsistent with the law because of the acquittal on self-defense grounds. He asked the judge to set aside the guilty verdict. The judge said she would hear arguments on the motion next month and then decide. Until then, Colie will remain in custody.

For his part, Cook is still making YouTube “prank” videos and has no plans to stop.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist; he has written about firearms and interviewed people of all walks of life. Mr. Crump lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at www.crumpy.com.

John Crump

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This is how the left is doing it…. tie everything up in court while you rot in jail and have your rights denied. Same with gun “laws”.

The YouTube moron played a stupid game and won a prize. Consider it a win for society.


Not much of a win. Society paid for his medical care, poor door-dash driver imprisoned and unable to support his family, now Cook is back on the street doing the same thing.
Cook’s actions directly led to the shooting – shouldn’t he and each member of his gang have been charged as well?


I’d bet Cook is a lot more respectful of personal space. Being gut shot is a powerful learning experience.

Last edited 11 months ago by TGP389

I doubt it! He is one of the entitled ones!

Matt in Oklahoma

Nope he and his dad actually made statements that he’s gonna continue and ramp up

Roland T. Gunner

See, stupid CAN be inherited.

Knute Knute

But they only said that. What good are media statements from fools and liars? I’ll bet the channel does become more civilized. Not because they want to… but because the lead fool will ever after be thinking: “I wonder if this guy is going to put some hot lead into my gut like the other guy did? That hurt bad!” IOWs, I think the media statements are just a pack of lies, the same as most other media statements. Just attempting to hold onto followers by vowing to not change the behavior that got him shot. From now on, I… Read more »

Knute Knute

Again with the censorbots. Just use the word “lie” with the word that cannot go through… Med e aaa, and it becomes all about marking things as unacceptable. Truth is disallowed.


Two to the chest, one to the head. That guy is positively a certifiable nut-job and is either too stupid to understand about harassment and personal space, or doesnt care. Apparently he didnt learn from his experience, so we’ll be reading his obituary soon. A “prankster”?? He’s not a bit funny, and deserved what he got.

Henry Bowman

Yep, file him under F’ed Around & Found Out. If he’s so stupid to not have learned his lesson, he deserves to be removed from the gene pool!


give him a darwin award and a paper box

Roland T. Gunner

Ah the Mozambique Drill, a thing of beauty.


fair enough..
more range time please!


When I clicked on the THUMBS-UP at thirty-one the count did not increase.


Amazing how regular Americans are held in jail until trial and scumbags are immediately released without bail. Then to add insult to injury they find him guilty of what is obviously a “pile on” charge that would clearly not apply in a self defense acquittal and they continue to hold him in jail.


I’m not sure why they are still holding him.
He has standing for the 1 charge to appeal and or get it set aside. The judge should have ordered him to be released and then demanded Cook and his clown posse be charged.


YAAAAAY! My THUMBS-UP actually increased the count!


Actually, another loss for society. The useless POS lived.


Subscribe to the Twits Youtube chanel, and downvote all his stuff. Hit him where it hurts, his wallet.

Knute Knute

That won’t work. The googltube algo assigns any interaction with a video as positive points. A downvote is the least of the points, an upvote or sub are more… but downvoting everything on a channel is still good for that channel’s bottomline.
Ain’t tech wonderful? Damned if one does, and also if one doesn’t.

Knute Knute

The above is the original post that the censorbot disallowed.
It would appear that googletube’s censors really want to keep the crooked way their algo’s work some big secret.
But, as usual, ammoland approved it manually. Not the one about the history of the Khazars though. That one never showed up. I’m betting because it’s trapped in ammoland’s spam filter, where only the really dangerous speech ends up.

Knute Knute

Check out that the wordpress censors don’t even want you to know about YT’s little ‘secret’!

Knute Knute

I bet I can sneak it through in pieces:
“YT algo assigns any interaction with a video as positive points.”

Knute Knute

an upvote or sub are more, but any interaction is a net positive.

Knute Knute

Nope, there’s the censorbot. I’m not allowed to say that even downvotes

Knute Knute

help their wallet.


just hope he pulls that shit on someone who knows mma beat his head in, will take a surgeon to remove the phone

Knute Knute

But reword it into pieces and the bot can’t understand.
Like Robin Williams in “Grandpa Funk!”
“I just turn sideways. That overamps their vision module and then I make jukeboxes out of ’em!”

Knute Knute

By your line if logic ie Roe v Wade overturned; then the Dread Scott decision should still be valid. Probably would have saved a lot of lives in the long run!


When I clicked on the THUMBS-UP at thirty-one the count did not increase.

Mystic Wolf

That cook guy is going to gonafter the one person he should not go to and he will get himself gutted like a fish, in which case he jyst might have to end his harassing days for good. His so called friends are nothing but bullies and deserve to get some beatdown as well. Things are not going to end well for that cook guy or his friends.

Deplorable Bill

Getting in someone’s face and repeatedly cutting off their escape is beyond stupid. That IS a threat, that IS an attack in progress. A group, a mob in this case, cornering someone repeatedly is an obvious threat and I wonder why no one else was shot. This is the same crap that antifa and blm does. I would have felt threatened in the same case. The kid got what he deserved and he is lucky to be alive. Too bad he has not learned from it. He is likely to go through the very same thing again. Arm up and… Read more »


yep that’s right. it’s called disparity of force, multiple assailants against one person.
sometimes it takes something bad to happen to a stupid person for them to learn, obviously this guy is more stupid than that and needs some more training before he will learn not to bother people. he probably will end up getting killed doing stupid stuff like this, but that is his choice, just sucks that he is going to put more people through what this guy had to endure.

Knute Knute

Another symptom of empires in decline. They are unable to punish criminal behavior, since the authorities are criminals themselves.
So they try to appear lawfully oriented by punishing the honest instead. That works only until the honest get tired of being picked on. Then the whole crooked system goes down into cesspit where it belongs.


holding somene against their will and/or de ying their ability to retreat s something like unlawful detainment, a form of kidnapping. Actuonable crime. WHY did not this rotten DA charge the freak with the hole in his head to match the one in his head NOT charge him and his cinfederates?

Deplorable Bill

No argument here. I an still trying to figure out why the rest of them did not take the room temp challenge. The d.a. could be one of those leftist/communist/ Soros backed evil people bent on destroying the U.S.A.

Arm up and carry on


Sounds to me like it would meet the definition of Kidnapping in many states.


This if for the side board for all of you who don’t know. Firestein is dead. As far as I am concerned she is the one who started all this anti semi auto magazine bullshit in kommiefornia that has rolled across the USA.




Do I hear Munchkins singing?


Ouch, I am just being a parrot.


All day I’ve had “ding dong the wicked witch is dead” playing on endless loop in my head.


You do!


Sorry MM, You are giving that skaliwag waaaay too much credit. She never had enough brainpower to start anything on her own. You can blame all this on Karl Marx!


Actually, Marx and Engels were too damn stupid to come up with Communism, The Communist Manifesto was written by some banksters who wanted to rule the world!!

Knute Knute

Marx too, had his Trotski behind him. The figureheads of most everything are just that. Only figureheads. Talking heads that just say whatever their “handlers” tell them to say. The real power hides in the shadows, where people fear to look.. Nobody really believes that Biden is running this country. He doesn’t even know what city he’s in most of the time. All the way back to WW2, FDR had his live-in handler, “Harry the Hop”, AKA Harry Hopkins. If that sounds like a mafia-type nickname to you, then you’re getting close. Keep sniffing up the trail a little bit… Read more »


My condolences to the Chinese Communist Party for their loss of a faithful servant and operative. May they be comforted in their loss.



That’s funny.


With any luck, her and John McCain’s wait for Dementia Joe at the Gates of Hell. Will be a short one.


Hear here.

Dry gulched

Sic semper tyrannis.


I was wondering if the coroner removed her head from her ass for the family viewing ?


OMG thanks for the laugh. Had to share that one with the wife. She says thank you too.

Have a great day.


Uh, no Montana, nobody would’ve recognized her.

Dry gulched

I’m surprised a lot more of these “pranksters” haven’t gotten a wood shampoo or a dose of 230 grain stomache pills. This doofus that was shot didn’t learn his lesson and is on his way to going horizontal, this time permanently.


One can only hope.


Maybe initially the “prankster” was only a nuisance. But when the mob PREVENTED COLIE’S RETREAT, they upgraded their status to “MENACE.” Based on the story above, more than one shot would have been justified. NO charges should have been filed against the victim – it’s clear police and prosecutors have allied themselves with the criminal element. It’s absolutely preposterous that a jury would acquit the victim of malicious wounding and use of a firearm in a felony, but convict him of discharging a gun in a building! Clearly the IDIOT judge gave poor – perhaps even malicious – instructions to… Read more »


And it is insane that the judge would keep him in custody for a month or so to make his ruling.

Knute Knute

Not if the judge is making a statement, it wouldn’t. If the judge is making it clear that defending oneself is not allowed in his world, then it would be shrewd. A clever ruse to cover up the judge’s alliance with the criminal element. Then it would be not at all insane.


Isn’t this an example of FAFO? The delivery kid was threatened by a mob of puke ne’er-do-wells three individual times until he feared for his life. I probably wouldn’t have waited three times, but then, I’m old and have little patience for threats against my life. It all seems pretty open and shut to me. But I wasn’t in the courtroom so I don’t know what the jury actually saw. Even jury trials can get it wrong because so many Americans absorbed the liberal (Marxist) bias in education that guns are always evil. It looks like we are losing our… Read more »


Thank God that justice was served! Too bad a bunch of halfwits couldn’t figure out on their own that he deserved to be cleared on all charges. Our “justice” system is seriously flawed in that too often, your fate is in the hands of a group of people who were not smart enough to get out of jury duty. Two words, people: “Jury Nullification” If you don’t know what they mean, look them up. Learn them. Know them. It is a real concept but no judge will ever let you speak of it in their courtroom. Knowing about Jury Nullification… Read more »


What gets me is that a jury is supposed to be made up of people who are your peers. House mom’s are not my peers, welfare people that don’t work because they are lazy but vote are not my peers, LGBTQ people are not my peers, non-Christians are not my peers.


You are exactly right, MusicMan44! That whole “peer” thing and its accepted legal definition as often stuck in my craw.


“And who are a man’s peers? They are his friends, neighbors and business acquaintances, for who else should know him better in order to judge him?”


A priest A pastor & A rabbi Are talking about how they give their donations to god. The priest says: I draw a circle on the ground. I then throw all the donations in the air. Whatever lands inside the circle is for God. What lands outside the circle is for me. The pastor says: I also draw a circle on the ground. I then throw all the donations in the air. Whatever lands outside the circle is for God. What lands inside the circle is for me. The rabbi says: I take all the donation and throw them up… Read more »

Knute Knute

And yours reminded me of this one: A doctor, a priest, and a lawyer, are all gathered around a dying man’s bedside. The rich man says to them; “You are my greatest friends. They tell me I can’t take money with me, but I’m going to. I have in these three cases, three million dollars in cash. You each take one case, and right before they throw the dirt on me, you each throw the cases in.” The man dies, and at the funeral the three cases are thrown in the hole. As the men walk away, the priest says;… Read more »

Dry gulched



Good for you, Oldvet! Were you able to acquit her or just hang the jury? You and your fellow rural dwellers sound like the rare exception unfortunately.




T-boned implies someone failed to yield at an intersection.


On the other hand. A cop drove through an intersection with his lights and siren on and hit some girls in the car making a turn. The girls claimed he was blacked out trying to hang him. My wife and her sister across from them at the intersection waiting for a green testified in court that they were lying. 1982 before camera footage. Not guilty.


Sounds like they were not give clear instructions about what self defense means.
The DA should be ashamed for not dropping the Discharge in a building charge.
Fטck him and his family. I hope they are next in line to be harassed and pranked.


There may have once been an America where the parties in a criminal trial were looking for justice. If that was ever true, it certainly isn’t true today.

The DA saw his job as getting a conviction one way or another.

And that’s what he/she/it did.


Hey, I see my fan club is back voting down everything I write. Thanks for the attention and time you are devoting to someone that does not give a shit. As for the judge? Hello, he was found not guilty for protecting himself and you need to have time to review if the discharge was illegal? I am not a lawyer and I have enough brains to figure that one out. WTF As for the group blocking him and trying to get away three times. He might not have known who the group was or what they were doing. I… Read more »


The victim needs to also name TikTok and YT in his civil suit against this guy. They encourage this behavior, reward ($) it and make money from it. The gang clearly was at minimum assaulting this guy, probably kidnapping charges, too, as they were not allowing him to leave.

While this moron is free, the victim has been convicted of a bs charge and is still in jail.


Hey, I bet you are smart enough based on your response that if you were a judge that you wouldn’t need to review if the guy is guilty of illegal discharge of a firearm while defending himself.

What do you say.


Of course, as I stated, it was a bs conviction. How can one be not guilty for the shooting based on self-defense, but guilty of discharging a firearm in self-defense?

I believe the jury felt like, since he was charged, they needed to convict him for something.

I hope the victim can get a civil suit against that moron and those companies that encourage this behavior and pay him for assaulting people.

The fact that that moron states he will continue doing these videos means he hasn’t learned and have no morals. But maybe getting shot will temper his behavior.


LOL, if he is stupid enough to keep doing it then I doubt he is smart enough to learn his lesson.

I am tired of the system and its bovine excrement. The judge said (SHE) would review the problem. There is another problem in my books.

Knute Knute

That is the giant not-so-invisible elephant in the room. That today, nobody ever addresses problems. Only “review”, or investigate them.
And the reviews all seem to say the same thing: “Yeah, thats a big problem… but whatever. Nothing for it. On to the next ‘investigation’. ”


Maybe a federal prosecutor will see this case and charge the YouTube clown and Rico the case.

Wishful thinking.

Knute Knute

Shades of 1984! Remember when Bernie Goetz shot those robbers in the NYC subway? After his trial dragged on forever, he was finally found not guilty… only to be met by more handcuffs as he left the courthouse on the way out with a BS firearm charge. Which he had to do a year in prison for. OK to shoot the perps… but NOT OK to fire a gun in the process! This is one insane world, and has been for a lot longer than I’ve been alive. But, I’m an optimist, and I think, as a species, we can… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by Knute Knute

YouTube will demonetize you if you’re a feral hog trapper and show blood after dispatching them, but you can show trash like this POS does, and be rewarded monetarily for it. WTF


Yes I know. It is a new form of working for a living. I saw an article on a girl that is now famous on tik tok and makes over 5 grand a month with her posts. She doesn’t plan on doing anything else. If she saves her money she could do well but most young kids don’t really think ahead. When she gets older and not so fine, she will be looking for a real job. Yes mam, what experince do you have. I have shown off clothes on tik tok for the last 15 years! Oh, yes, you… Read more »


The only downside to this case is the fact that Cook is still breathing.


Well, two, the victim has been in jail and was convicted of a bs felony. The moronic instigator should be charged and sued for everything he has, and maybe even tiktok and YT for encouraging these types of idiots and assaults on people.


That’s a good idea. But 230 protects these piece of Sh!t companies.

Pssst! Hey Bub!

shoulda aimed higher…


Finally – a YouTube prank with a funny ending!


does not make a difference where you are, when you fear for your life anything to protect yourself should be ok being stupid and enforcing you will upon others is very dangerous

Matt in Oklahoma

People like this need killing. Leave others alone

Knute Knute

I also. Except I’d choose an elbow. It’s more effective, and can always be passed off as a missed cross. Besides, I like my fingers. Elbows are tougher than hands.


Once again, the perp runs around free, while the victim sits in jail. As for the judge, she doesn’t belong on the bench either. She should have immediately set aside the class 6 felony as being inconsistent with the not guilty verdict. Sadly, Cook survived, the useless little piece of shit. As for the prosecutor,
“They were playing a silly phrase on a phone,”she states. I wonder what her reaction would have been had someone stalked her in the middle of the night? Effin’ B!


The article says the prankster was accompanied by a group of 20 something youngsters. How many does it take to become a disparity of force whereby a reasonable person would be in fear of his safety.


fr n older of weaer ir smaller inended victim, ONE larger stronger healthy person comprises disparity of force. For two normal folks to attack ine healthy normal victim, that TWO comprise disparity of force. Three or more attackers/hecklers would comprise disparitu of force against any ine individual. It did not make it clear how many attackers there were at that scene but from what this piece says there were a significant gathering of young srong bullies against one appraently average young man. Disparity of force SHOULD have been raised as a preemptive defense. He had a rotten defense lawyer.

Knute Knute

Probably because he didn’t have a lawyer, but an attorney instead. Contracting an attorney gives said attorney the right to act for you(AKA “power of attorney”), or against you… at his whim.
I never hire attorneys. Only lawyers, who give advice, instead of being empowered to act as if he were me. It’s good to know that members of the bar take an oath as “officers of the court”, to put their clients welfare second to the wishes and orders of the court system.


As civil society descends in to madness we shall see more of this. Here is the rub. When fools acting under delusion violate norms of civil behavior it is difficult to determine their limits. Folks who seemingly operate without limits are not predictable. In the shooter’s case one cannot reasonably predict or anticipate behaviors when reason is not in the equation. That is where we are as a society. Far too many feral fools are unrestrained by reason and civil behavior. We who may end up on the receiving end of this aberrant behavior are left to fend for ourselves… Read more »


An armed society is a polite society. Had these rotters heckling and assaulting this man realised he was armed before this all started, I am fairly certain they would have stood back further and simply heckled verbally, without the “up in yer grille” behaviour. The incident never would have happened. Maybe some good ol boy heckling and teasing, back and forth, then everyone leaves in one piece each, laughing about it all. unventilated.

Last edited 11 months ago by Tionico

The fact that the judge is keeping him in custody signals that she is more likely to set aside the acquittals than the felony conviction of defending your life inside of a building instead of taking it outside to the parking lot.


An assumption based on the last full paragraph in the story:

“His attorney, Adam Pouilliard, said the conviction of discharging a gun inside a building is inconsistent with the law because of the acquittal on self-defense grounds. He asked the judge to set aside the guilty verdict. The judge said she would hear arguments on the motion next month and then decide. Until then, Colie will remain in custody.

(Emphasis added.)


A judge can’t set aside the acquittals, only guilty verdicts.


That’s good, usually. I was speaking rhetorically of course, concerning the likelihood of her setting aside the one guilty verdict. i.e. she’s as likely to take a bite out of the moon.

Knute Knute

That’s probably why the month of delay. She needs to question her higher authorities to figure out how unlawful she might be allowed to get, while still remaining at least semi-“legal”.


Play stupid pranks, win stupid prizes.

Matt in Oklahoma

Guess he didn’t learn. Maybe the next one will be a better shot


What a dumb f*ck. He’s lucky to be alive.


maybe not. IF he refuses to wake up and ammend his ways, he may well experience sme REAL pain in the near future and wish he were dead. It would look good on his sorry self.


Makes you wonder how Cook’s daddy raised him. Didn’t teach boundaries. And just like the January 6 defendants, the man who defended himself has lost the ability to pay his bills and probably will be evicted and lose his job. Cook should be sued in small claims court for the expenses and loss of income. Make him defend his behavior.


This shouldn’t be news it should be SOP.


Just watched the linked video that I thought was going to be about the event that got him shot, that was a complete waste of time. That guy is a complete moron, from the stupid videos to his inane commentary, and his slack-faced expressions. Who would “follow” him to watch more of that inanity?

Last edited 11 months ago by Heed_the_Call-up

People as stupid as him, that’s who. They’re out there. A lot of them.


Yes, this is true. He looks dumber than the idiots in the movie Idiocracy.


post removed as it was on wrong article

Last edited 11 months ago by Finnky

Why is this article running again in the email feeds.
This is getting stupid Ammoland…

If you don’t have new content find some better reporters. Hopefully ones what will utilize an editor.
That way the articles article is grammatically correct.


Bummer his shot was not in the head.
A dead loser is better than an alive prankster.


Cook will eventuaIIy “win” a stupid prize.

As for the defendant, Colie…… .”…charged with aggravated malicious wounding, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, and discharging a firearm within a building.”

Whoever filed these “charges”, police, sheriff, district attorney, they should be demoted or fired. SeIf-defense is NOT a feIony.


What was he supposed to do, drag the harasser outside and shoot him? He should be a free man and if the judge decides anything other than to drop the charges they are just making the miscarriage of justice worse!!!


This is life in a Progressive Utopia. As values crumble, civil behavior collapses. As civl behavior collapses those who remain of right mind will defend themselves from the pandemonium going on about them. When the sane defend themselves the irrational authorities will not know how to respond. Those same authorities are responsible for the collapse of the moral order in the first place but refuse to accept the obvious failure of their experiment. So it is a vicious circle. The few remaining sane and moral people must contend with nuts on the streets and nuts sitting on the bench. I… Read more »

American Cynic

If his YouTube videos were demonetized, this would probably come to a stop.
Otherwise he makes his money being a bully and a thug, and they should probably get their butts kicked by a bigger bunch of thugs; daily.


Outrage, men accused of worse crimes out on bail even after conviction on basis of appeal.

Roland T. Gunner

Good God, the system is rigged against good men.

Matt in Oklahoma

Some folks need killin


Great article John…..
This kid youtuber may be less aggressive in the future.
Now that his abdomen will be sensitive…..a light push in that area may slow him down.
He got what he deserved……his friends should all be arrested for harassment.

Henry Bowman

Play stupid games, win stupid… you know, the thing.
This is where having a USCCA or CCWsafe membership comes in handy. We may have more latitude in exercising our 2A, but the antigun Karens are using lawfare to punish law-abiding gun owners, among others.

You carry a gun to be hard to kill. Know the law to be hard to convict!


This is a repeat. Did the judge find him not guilty for discharge of the firearm? Why doesn’t the prankster have charges brought up on him yet.


7 words “I was in fear for my life” has to be the case before you shoot.


In most, maybe all, cases, that statement has to pass what is often called the “reasonable person” rule. IOW, it likely wouldn’t fly if the threat you’re speaking of was an aggressive Yorkie. In the case we’re discussing, I think the person being threatened would likely have been justified in shooting his way clear of the mob, but not in shooting any of its members after he was clear and there was no further threat. It would also matter quite a bit if the jurisdiction involved had some kind of “stand your ground law” and not only in the way… Read more »


Too Bad he didn’t kill him and shoot a few other of the Idiots.


Must have had a public defender? Time to file civil suit against the Tuber and get back pay from day one arrest and damages.


Which of course means he should’ve never been charged in the first place! Advisory: Jurors should use maximum discretion when exonerating police in their many riffs with the cut throats of leftist America. Because these blue jackets have no intention of ever exonerating YOU!

Last edited 11 months ago by Ledesma
jack mac

Class 6 felony? Still, grounds to be subjugated into the official and enlarging underclass of prohibited persons. Nations that allow an official underclass of citizens can not continue to be a free society.

Allowing any free citizen to be deprived of any right provides the government the power to overwhelm the freedom of all private citizens.


The harassing JERK should be happy he is not at room temperature for making people FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES when they are surrounded and not allowed to retreat!


Cook and his “videographer” should be locked up for instigating
the conditions that led to the shooting. Cook’s public masturbation
is designed for attention. And a pussified jury is screwing up
Mr. Colie’s life and liberty.


A citizen should be able to go through his day without being accosted by groups of people with obscure agendas. The Youtuber was/is making a living at the expense of others. This type of content is dangerous. I have seen a couple of videos where firearms were drawn on YouTube pranksters. How can you know the intentions of a person or group of persons exhibiting aggressive behavior in public for reasons that are not readily apparent? Maybe the defender overreacted but the jury says no. The other charge is the state raising the hassle and expense factor for self defense.… Read more »


There is a video of the incident. It did not happen as described in this article. The “mob” was two people including Cook. It was less than 30 seconds and nobody blocked or prevented Colie from leaving. Cook was wrong for doing what he did. This day and age, you never know what’s going to happen when somebody is harassing you like that. But the author should have the integrity to tell the story correctly.