Ryan Busse, Liar, Hypocrite & Shill for Anti-Gun Orgs, Now Wants to Be MT Governor!?


Ryan Busse Wrong for Montana
Ryan Busse Wrong for Montana

Montana needs to wake up and cancel this bad actor’s campaign for state Governor …and fast.

“Hi there, I’m Ryan Busse, [Senior Advisor, Giffords, gun Contol Org], and I’m running to be the next Governor of Montana. I’m a father, a husband, a hunter, and a proud Montanan who wants our great state to be a place where all of our freedoms are protected.” ~ Ryan Busse X.

Conman, Busse, might try to fool uninformed Montanans that he is all for protecting freedoms. But his track record on the Second Amendment is a Freedom-Gutting horror show.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation called Busse a “Fear Merchant and Liar.”

NSSF’s Larry Keane continued in a second OP-ED: “Busse likes to pass himself off to adoring gun control media types as a firearm industry “expert” but make no mistake…he’s nothing of the sort. He dresses up in Fudd-ish plaid flannel, hunts with expensive shotguns and spends more time dabbling in blue-anon progressive politics than he does actually concentrating on things like the facts. Don’t believe him. He’s nothing more than a modern-day snake oil salesman hawking gun control as a miracle cure-all elixir.”

“Busse is a charlatan. He’s a paid shill for gun control who has yet to find a media outlet that won’t fawn over his “Saul-to-Paul” conversion from defender of firearms to shotgun-toting, plaid-wearing doomsday prophet shouting repentance admonitions at anyone who dares to disagree with his gun control crusade.”

Those are pretty tough words from the starched-shirt, National Shooting Sports Foundation, which spends more time in board rooms and government offices negotiating with bureaucrats and not throwing verbal bombs at freedom haters.

Blah, blah blah, but where is your proof Busse is a two-faced shill against your right to keep and bear arms you might ask?

How about this proof: 18+ times, Ryan Busse has appeared in lawsuits to defend gun control in attempts to kill your second amendment rights.

Wake up, Montana!





















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When they tell you who they are, it’s smart to believe them. This POS has repeatedly told the 2-A community that he is pond scum. Why in the world would anybody not believe he is pond scum?


Thanks for the heads up.


He and Hogg-boy can run on a ticket together. Both are i6norant m0r0ns.


Another FUDD. Good to get the word out on this Anti gunner. Hope Montana is still heavy on republican votes, I would hate to see it go back to what it was 10 years ago.

Trump 2024

Knute Knute

You and me both! Or, even worse, 30 years ago. Montana was a shitshow then. So bad that we only just voted for constitutional carry a year or so ago. And this in a State that has long been open carry, sans govt. permission slips. Only now can we carry concealed without permission from the king and his minions. And about f%&*ing time, is all I’ve got to say about that! On Busse, I don’t think he has a snowball’s chance in hell. Just there to hope… and soak up some of Bloomberg’s and Soros’ money, OFC. A criminal type… Read more »


We all need to be consciously on the look out for wolves in sheep clothing. They are among us and deliberately so. We all must be vigilant and thoroughly vet all candidates. Words are cheap check out candidates actions over time. Showing up to a photo shoot in camo with a shotgun over your shoulder doesn’t make one a hunter or a gun expert. Be skeptical until a candidate prove him/her self.


As I understand it, he worked as some sort of management type for a certain gun manufacturer, NOT in production or product development of any sort. Seems to me he is a tireless self promoter more than he is any sort of ‘expert’. Now he thinks that makes him fit to run for governor?
I might have missed it but I imagine he will run as a dem…………….