Biden & Newsom Exploit Maine Tragedy To Push Pet Anti-Gun Agenda

Democrats Blood Hand Print Bloody Hand iStock-Meplezii_Ck 516651591

President Joe Biden and California Gov. Gavin Newsom have predictably reacted like vultures in the aftermath of the terrible mass shooting incident in Maine to push gun control schemes which would not have prevented the outrage, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms stated.

“Gov. Newsom is demanding adoption of a waiting period in Maine,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “and President Biden wants ‘universal background checks’ and safe storage laws, and both of them know none of these proposals would have prevented what happened Wednesday evening. They’ve pounced like craven political opportunists in hopes of using this tragedy to stir up public emotions in an effort to push gun restrictions they’ve been promoting for years.

“Biden has wanted to ban semiautomatic rifles for years,” Gottlieb continued, “when he knows rifles of any kind are involved in a fraction of murders, and he also knows there are millions of law-abiding owners of such firearms who have harmed nobody.

Why should honest citizens be penalized for the rampage of one clearly disturbed individual with documented mental health issues?

“The president also wants to repeal the federal law protecting gun manufacturers from junk lawsuits,” he added, “which has absolutely nothing to do with this case and he knows it. Joe Biden is throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, which is what anti-gunners do every time there is a tragedy upon which they might capitalize. It is a disgusting process we have seen time and again.

“Meanwhile,” he noted, “media reports show many local residents immediately armed themselves, such as Lewiston Councilman Robert McCarthy, who told a CNN reporter ‘We locked the doors. We grabbed the guns.’ Other reports revealed local residents who did not have firearms said they wished they had guns. Biden’s gun control schemes would keep those people disarmed.

“This is deplorable political posturing,” Gottlieb stated. “Biden, Newsom and other gun prohibitionists are dragging out the same tired agenda which they have always proposed. They have simply repackaged it with the events in Lewiston, Maine, which is a disgusting exploitation of a horrible crime. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.”

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

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That corrupt, dementia-addled geriatric pedophile currently occupying the People’s House can eat a bag a phalluses. We don’t care what he says, what his puppet masters make him say, or any so-called decrees he makes. He’s illegitimate and a felon, aside from being a despicable and intellectually challenged p.o.s.


I think you can say.. ‘eat a bag of dicks”
if you don’t see my post, then apparently you can’t.


Haha, nice. They block the most random things here, even posts of just a sentence or two with no curse words are held for moderation for days sometimes. Makes no sense.


Let’s try this: Joe sent Jill up the hill, to fetch a pail of water. When she came back down, she was wearing a frown, cuz Joe was washing their daughter. 🙂


And draft-dodger. He timed himself out by the college deferment route.


Those two miscreants have no shame!

Alan in NH

One word message to Joe Biden. “Don’t”


two word message for dementia joe… “drop dead”


Actually… about drop dead the second week of nov 2024…..

Would not want the country turned over to the blow job in chief

Pete Spinone

Isn’t he the same gent who said, “I told Jill, grab that double barrel shotgun, go out on the back deck and fire off two blasts….buy a shotgun, buy a shotgun.”


I’m going to get one of those “assault ” shotguns…
I got a great police mossberg 500. had it for 30 years or so…
but I am interested in putting a stock on a Shockwave… do I need it, no, but its cool in my book. (ill pay the tax stamp, calm your tits down)


When you disarm citizens, they’re easier to slaughter. When are these morons going to understand, you can’t legislate evil.

Alan in NH

In fact, it’s being reported that the bowling alley had a ‘Gun Free Zone” sign on the entrance door.


Isn’t the leftist state of Main a gun free zone?

Alan in NH

Maine is a very gun friendly state, constitutional carry, all good as far as that goes. Most of us would feel quite comfortable living there. Big Woods and fantastic fish & game. Maine’s biggest problem is all the rich liberals that are taking over their politics, same as a lot of other places.


“Gov. Newsom is demanding adoption of a waiting period in Maine,”? Kinda overreaching IMO. He can’t even deal with Commiefornia; Mainers need to tell him to stick it where the sun don’t shine and stop trying to corrupt their state like he’s done so wonderfully with his. What a dork!


the pos would exploit his own mother to gain a step in his agenda to destroy America. turn every dumbascrap out of office at your first chance. you will not like slavery nor will you survive. is that what you want for you and your kids? and that is exactly what the dumb as craps are going to do to you i think


It’s just been reported that the shooter was found with a self-inflicted gun wound to the head. J.D. Rucker (Liberty Daily) posted an early tweet (since deleted) that said the shooter had two wounds to the head. Quite possibly the worst case of suicide ever seen–or maybe someone else was involved. There’s more to this story. In the meantime, FJB.


Another case of MK Ultra. It couldn’t be more obvious. The man was assassinated before he could talk, and after he executed the plan. We have a serious issue with brain-altering pharmaceutical drugs in this country as well, yet nobody wants to talk about that. And I agree, FJB and FGN, right up their commie asses.


MK ULTRA…..made to order


Obviously his evil fully semi automatic assault rifle with a .30 caliber clip( and shoulder thing that goes up) fired magically fired two rounds on its own.


Ask former Kommiefornia state Senator Kevin De Leon.


You’re quite welcome. Sarcastic commentary is one of my true talents. I also hope one day the whole world realizes how ignorant and deceitful all the gun grabbers are.


Could he have had a binary trigger? In that case I would expect second shot, but also that by time finger relaxed off trigger gun would have swung away from his head.

Could report have been referring to entry and exit wounds?

If he used his rifle (308), at contact range I would expect damage to his head to be extensive. Having no experience shooting live targets or 308 – really don’t know.


I didn’t even know that he reportedly used a .308 and take with a healthy grain of salt that he had two head wounds. At point blank a .308 would probably explode your head like a melon. Ope correctly deduced that I was injecting sarcasm and channeling what a gun grabbing politician might say.


So it not the mentally ill person it’s the gun! Liberals are MORONS wrapped in STUPID!


The universe is composed of neutrons, protons, electrons, and morons.


This murder event proves nothing other than unarmed people have no chance vs. an armed psychopath. Particularly a motivated, skilled and well-trained psychopath. More “gun control” = more sitting ducks. This is not difficult to understand, unless you’re a braindead leftist.

Last edited 10 months ago by Gdubb

This country is being attacked by communists from every angle. Odumbbiden is bad enough, God help us if they are able to fake enough ballots to get nedimbitch appointed as potus


Be careful:

“Biden has wanted to ban semiautomatic rifles for years,” Gottlieb continued, “when he knows rifles of any kind are involved in a fraction of murders, and he also knows there are millions of law-abiding owners of such firearms who have harmed nobody.”

Do not argue that these are involved in a “fraction of murders”. That is irrelevant and has already changed and may change more in the future.

Stick to the 2nd Amendment.



The question: ” Why would honest citizens be penalized for the rampage of one clearly disturbed individual with documented mental health issues?” With guns being the sole exception, no other issue in society is collective penalties or denials demanded for the criminal or negligent misdeeds of individuals.

Last edited 10 months ago by Wass

Of course they’re dancing on the still warm bodies of the victims. Always expect the devil to use your tragedy to his advantage.

Green Mtn. Boy

Both men are Marxist’s and as such go against a promised Republican form of government, thus neither is qualified to hold office.


After 9th circuit federal district court declaring “assault weapon bans” and “magazine capacity restrictions” UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! . . . (The Communist Democrat crown jewels of citizen disarmament) (And the only ones that really matter at this point) GOD . . . where is a mass shooting when you REALLY need one? So now a military firearms instructor who was recently in a MENTAL INSTITUTION for hearing “voices” telling him to shoot up the National Guard base and MURDER PEOPLE . . . is suddenly free . . . with an AR . . . and set loose on Lewiston ME. Did… Read more »


FYI you are a little premature on the 9th circuit. Judge Benitez, a senior United States district judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, ruled CA’s AW and LCM bans were un-constitutional. The 9th circuit court of appeals has only just begun with the process delaying and then reversing Benitez’s decision. Before too long I expect there will be an emergency appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if only to try and escape the quagmire of the 9th’s liberal majority.


Don’t you just love it when politicians dance in the blood of innocent victims?