Judge Denies Preliminary Injunctions to Block New Mexico’s Gun Ban

New Mexico Reverting to Old Mexico?
New Mexico Reverting to Old Mexico? IMG iStock-884193540.jpg

A District Court Judge in New Mexico denied a preliminary injunction to stop the current version of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s public health order that banned guns in Bernalillo County public parks and playgrounds.

New Mexico’s original public health order banned the carrying of all guns in Albuquerque and the surrounding areas. This order was in direct contradiction to the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision.

Gov. Lujan Grisham claimed that she had the ability to violate Constitutional rights if it was in the interest of public health. Almost all legal scholars disagreed with the Governor. The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department and the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) refused to enforce the ban because of Constitutional concerns.

The ban would cause multiple gun rights organizations to file suit, asking for a temporary restraining order (TRO) and a preliminary injunction (PI) against the Governor’s public health order.

New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez refused to defend the Governor and her public health order because he believed the order was Constitutionally dubious. The Governor would push ahead with the order anyway.

All the cases challenging the order were heard in front of District Court Judge David Urias simultaneously. The Judge would issue a TRO while considering a preliminary injunction, temporarily putting the public health order on hold. The Governor would modify her order to only apply to public parks and “public areas provided for children to play in.” Most believe that the Governor was trying to moot the cases. The plaintiffs would continue to move forward with their cases.

At the preliminary injunction hearing, the Judge asked if the plaintiffs still had a case since the Governor changed her order. All the plaintiffs wanted to continue, insisting their cases were not moot. The defendants also told the court that the Governor was planning to extend the public health order. Judge Urias would extend the TRO while considering the PI.

Shortly after the hearing, the Governor would once again modify the order. The order still forbids firearms in parks and playgrounds but removed “public areas provided for children to play in.” This change seems to be in response to the Judge’s doubts about the clarity of banning guns in public areas where children play.

The Judge has now decided on the motion for a preliminary injunction. The Judge ruled that the plaintiffs were not likely to succeed on the merits of the case, which is the most critical requirement for obtaining a PI.

Bruen said that any gun regulation must be consistent with the text, tradition, and history of the Second Amendment. No historical analog exists for a gun ban in parks and playgrounds from 1791 when the Second Amendment was ratified.

He reasoned that the founding era was not the ratification date of the Second Amendment. He claimed the founding era was started in 1868 during the reconstruction era when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified. At that time, gun laws were being passed in the South to prevent formerly enslaved people from obtaining firearms. These racist gun laws are the ones that Judge Urias used in his decision.

“In Antonyuk, Koons, and Maryland Shall Issue, each of these district courts discussed, to varying extents, the historical evidence of gun restrictions at public parks during the time of the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. In Antonyuk, the court observed two state laws, one from Texas in 1870 and one from Missouri in 1883, and city laws and regulations from New York City, N.Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Chicago, Ill., St. Louis, Mo. and St. Paul, Minn., which restricted the Case carrying of firearms in public parks during and after the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment,” the Judge wrote.

This is not the first time we have seen the courts use the 1868 date to get around the Bruen test. The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals has adopted this date as the founding era. It might take another Supreme Court case to force anti-gun judges to use the ratification date of the Second Amendment instead of an era of Jim Crow laws.

Most, if not all, parties expect to appeal the District Court’s decision.

Judge Denies Preliminary Injunctions to Block New Mexico’s Gun Ban by AmmoLand Shooting Sports News on Scribd

About John Crump


John Crump

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Looks like the judge just admitted in his decision that gun prohibition laws are based upon racism. That’s a really ugly look Judge.


exactly, this judge supports racism.
wonder when or even if the blm crowd will begin protesting at his home and courthouse?


Rogue Judges.. its about time there is an uproar with our elected officials to start impeaching judges that fail to uphold the oath of their office they swore to.. so help me God.


Impeaching said judges will do nothing to fix the problem of them refusing to uphold their Oath. There are 100s, if not 1000s waiting in the wings to take their place. It is the ideology that must be eliminated. The Founding Patriots grew to understand this and dealt with it appropriately. They are at this very moment looking down on a society, they are ashamed of. Because it allows such things to happen. In the face of the sacrifices they made to ensure that future generations would have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. As well as the rest… Read more »


how about bringing back tar and feathers


T & F was traditional at the time of the founding and in 1868. It was usually combined with a free ride out of town, on (a) rail.


At this time there is no point in trying to remove any federally appointed judge, as their replacement would be appointed by President Poopy Pants.

Deplorable Bill

The day has come (it’s actually been here for decades) when it’s time to carry anyway in the face of government tyranny AND, if the government should actually attempt to harm us or disarm us in any way, shape or form, to defend ourselves with force, the least amount of force required to effect freedom. This is because; the government presently in office is corrupt, tyrannical and treasonous, the legal system and law enforcement has been corrupted and weaponized against the constitution and the people, the elections have been rigged by special interest groups, and the only other choice is… Read more »


Thing about using force is that minimal force usually leads to escalating violence from both sides. Overwhelming force with violence of action is often the least violent option.


that is the reasoning used for the bomb


I go out armed everyday. Today (Oct. 13) will be no exception. But, while I often take my .357 Mag six-shooter, today I will hang my P226 on my belt. I don’t really expect to see any violence in my part of North Carolina. But it would be foolish to be unprepared.


Exactly. Thank you for not allowing yourself to be victimized. I have to venture into Tacoma, Washington today, instead of my lighter 10+1 PSA Dagger, my Ruger SR40 will be accompanying me for the same reason you mentioned. And I think I might throw my suppressed .300 Blackout Pistol in my trunk just to be safe out there today. We are seeing brainwashed and radicalized savages mixing it up here in the Pugetopolis Hellhole that is the ruination of this state. You never know where they might show up. Until recently those losers stayed in downtown Seattle and Tacoma. Now… Read more »


Federal judge rules Biden administration’s ban on pistol braces likely violates Second Amendment | Fox News

J Gibbons

Wouldn’t it be nice of SCOTUS would just step in and make a truly landmark ruling that clear all of this up. They could with any of the emergency appeals. Sad.


“….her order to only apply to public parks and “public areas provided for children to play in.” – aka Killing Zones…….


Han6 the jud6e and the guvna.