New Injunction Issued Against the ATF Pistol Brace Rule

The case, Mock v. Garland, challenged the ATF’s pistol brace rule that effectively banned pistols equipped with stabilizing braces. Maxim Defense PDX in Urban Grey
The case, Mock v. Garland, challenged the ATF’s pistol brace rule that effectively banned pistols equipped with stabilizing braces.

A federal judge in Texas has issued a new preliminary injunction for Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) members and Maxim Defense against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Final Rule (Final Rule 2021R-08F) on pistol stabilizing devices.

The case, Mock v. Garland, challenged the ATF’s ban on pistols equipped with stabilizing braces. FPC brought the suit in the Northern District of Texas. It was assigned to Judge Reed O’Connor, who has a stellar record on gun rights. This case would be no different.

FPC members, along with Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), already have preliminary injunctions against the ATF from enforcing the rule. In this injunction, the Judge takes a shot at constructive intent, the National Firearms Act (NFA), and the other issues already cited by the courts.

In order to attain a preliminary injunction, a plaintiff must show a likelihood to succeed on the merits of the case. Judge O’Connor believes the ATF rule most likely violated the Administrative Procedures Act (APA). The final rule was vastly different from the proposed rule. The proposed rule had a worksheet (ATF Worksheet 49999) to figure out if a brace could be used on a pistol. When the rule was revealed, the worksheet was missing. Instead, the ATF issued a blanket ban covering all commercially available braces. The Judge wrote:

“The ATF’s own regulatory analysis concludes that the Final Rule has effectively reclassified 99% of all pistols with stabilizing braces to NFA rifles. Through seminal Final Rule adjudications, the ATF has already reclassified a whole host of specific weapons platforms and commercially available braced firearms to NFA rifles. Upon review of this record in conjunction with Plaintiffs’ declarations, there is no doubt that the Final Rule will subject both FPC members to criminal liability for currently possessing each of their braced pistols. The moment the Fifth Circuit’s injunction dissolves, Mock and Lewis will become felons because their braced pistols have become unregistered SBRs under the Final Rule’s reinterpretation of the NFA.”

The Judge also said the plaintiffs would suffer irreparable harm if an injunction were not issued. Judge O’Connor points out that depriving someone of a constitutionally protected right is always irreparable harm.

The Judge believes that the rule might violate the Second Amendment. He states that braced pistols are in common use and protected by the Supreme Court decisions in the Heller and Bruen cases. The government tried to argue that braced pistols are “dangerous and unusual.” Heller has an exception for dangerous and unusual weapons. The Judge wrote:

“A weapon is in ‘common use’ rather than ‘dangerous and unusual’ if it is ‘commonly possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes today.’ (holding that the Second Amendment guarantees the right possess and carry weapons ‘typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes’). The relevant inquiry under this standard is the current total number of a particular weapon that is in lawful possession, ownership, and circulation throughout the United States.”

Judge O’Connor also believes that without an injunction, Maxim Defense would suffer irreparable harm. The company would cease to exist without the pistol-stabilizing braces they sell. Anytime someone cannot be “made whole” by monetary means, the Court will rule they suffer from “irreparable harm.”

The Judge also found that the balance of public interest favors the plaintiffs. Judge O’Connor said that public interest can never favor an unlawful action of an agency. Judge O’Connor is implying that the ATF’s action is unlawful. The Judge is calling out the ATF in the strongest sense possible.

The Judge also took a shot at constructive intent. Constructive intent is when you do not process something but have everything you need to make it. In this case, having a pistol without a brace and a brace nearby would make it a short-barreled rifle (SBR) in the eyes of the ATF. We have seen the ATF prosecute people for having parts to make a machine gun and also take action against people with precursor parts to a suppressor.

“But even despite laying out these alternative directives for firearm owners, the ATF shortly thereafter explained that it is still entirely plausible for none of these measures to suffice for compliance. To illustrate, the Final Rule specifies that a firearm owner can still be criminally charged under the NFA for constructively possessing an unregistered SBR if their pistol could be combined with any number of objects that the ATF believes are demonstrative of a firearm’s design for shoulder fire. The set of subjective criteria the ATF lists for potential constructive possession of an NFA rifle comprises open-ended, broadly articulated standards that are left largely undefined or underdeterminate. The ATF has a decades-long history of pressing regulatory enforcement actions based on its own constructive possession theories in other NFA contexts, where the mere ease of creation of a subject firearm has been sufficient to support criminal liability for firearm owners under the NFA.”

Judge O’Connor also seems to take issue with the NFA by calling pistol braces “safety devices.” He also cites the colonists being able to modify their guns to fight the British.

“Analogous to the role that stabilizing braces play for contemporary pistol owners, Founding Era gunsmithing involved modifying lawfully bearable pistols with extended grips and rearward stocks to facilitate greater stability, control, and accuracy in single-handed self-defense fire. The Court is persuaded upon this record that the Second Amendment’s text and history ‘presumptively guarantees’ Plaintiffs Mock and Lewis the right to modify lawfully bearable pistol arms with rearward stabilizing braces for the purpose of improving the performance attributes necessary to successful armed self-defense.”

The Judge enjoined the ATF from taking regulatory action against all FPC members, the named plaintiffs in the case, Maxim Defense, and customers of the pistol brace maker. The ATF will appeal the Judge’s decision. Considering the makeup of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, the government has a tough road to climb.

New Injunction Issued Against the ATF Pistol Brace Rule | Mock v Garland 92 Order on Motion for Preliminary… by AmmoLand Shooting Sports News on Scribd

About John Crump


John Crump

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PS – ya mean ‘shall not be infringed’ really means what it says? 😉

Apparently that simple phrase is just too complicated for some unelected bureaucrats…………………


It seems to be too complicated for elected representatives as well.




Looks like we have another candidate for the supreme court should one of the democrat leftist judges die, especially one that doesn’t know if she is a woman or not.

Roland T. Gunner

Not many years ago, my position on the death of Leftist judges would have been much more charitable, much more Christian; but today? It might be sinful to say it, or even think it, but I pray for some dead Leftist SCOTUS judges.

Jesus our Christ will forgive me.


For now pray that no more justices pass until we banish the Dim O Crats from the White House.


And possibly the other two branches of government! See ‘The Democratic Party Hates America’ by Mark Levin.


Mark is the only thing I went back to since Fox died and went woke leftists, but I am on the fence about him not speaking up for Tucker.

I do understand that he needs to keep his job and someone on that POS channel needs to tell the truth and make clear what is really happening in Merica today.

Trump 2024


I don’t think that Fox is woke leftist….for the most part anyway. I believe Murdock is/was going in that direction and the word went out that NO ONE was supposed to bring up Carlson’s name after the debacle. The only one I have heard bring up his name and make any comments about Tucker is Gutfeld, on the Five. So far as I know, Watters once slipped in an argument with Jessica, and said “Tucker”, looked at the camera, sheepishly, and ended the argument abruptly. I know why Gutfeld gets away with it, and at this time Fox cannot do… Read more »


Real Americas Voice if you get it is a great news station that doesn’t pull punches and tells it like it really is and they fully support Donald Trump and MAGA. Do you remember about a month ago there was a kid that was supposedly thrown in jail for reading scripture at a LGBTQ event? I can’t say what faux said because I don’t watch it but Newsmax, which I watch and like, said that the kid was thrown in jail because of the excuse written above. The real truth is that he was thrown in jail for using a… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by musicman44mag

Awaiting approval. I think the key word is Faux Trump or MAGA.


We gotta faux em out somehow, I guess.

Last edited 10 months ago by Oldman

I got a notice that you responded to my post and I think you must have deleted it. I just wanted to tell you that the last two days on Newsmax, Chris Salcedo ended his program by saying he thinks it is time that Americans arm themselves and QUICK! This was in response to how many sleeper cells are already in our country and got here through the open southern border, that is all.


Nope, didn’t delete it. I am not surprised, there are many in the media saying get ready cause here it comes.


Real Americas Voice is who I watch and a little Newsmax when Greg Boling comes on RAV.

Dish 219

Last edited 10 months ago by musicman44mag
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Some of those sleepers are down voting you.

OMGoodness! Whatever am I supposed to do? I am contemplating suicide, but I can’t decide which Glock to use for my demise.


Awaiting for approval.


Must have something to do with Fox hunting.




Finally finished the book last night. Mark proved his thesis to me, completely. Takes it all the way back to before the Civil War, and up to today. The only democrat president I ever respected was JFK, and you see what that got him. They are doing the same thing today, using the alphabet agencies to try and control the masses, which for me and most of us here is unfathomable. And now, we are on the brink of destruction again. If Israel loses this war, there will be no earth left to inhabit.


I don’t ask or pray for anyone’s death foe or not, but I do celebrate them dying because I know that is when they get to cross over to go be with Jesus. LOL, Not these rotten lying thieving bastards and bitches.



Don’t pray too hard until another constitutionalist president gets to appoint them. Sotomayor and Kagen look like they’re one buffet dinner away from the grave already.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

As a fantasy, I’d LOVE to see the following:
 To illustrate, the Final Rule specifies that a firearm owner can still be criminally charged under the NFA for constructively possessing an unregistered SBR if their pistol could be combined with any number of objects that the ATF believes are demonstrative of a firearm’s design for shoulder fire.”

I’d LOVE to see male BATFECEs agents charged with “rape” based on their own argument that, if their penis COULD be combined with any number of orifices to commit a violent sexual act.

old guy


I’d LOVE to see male BATFECEs agents charged with “rape” based on their own argument that, if their penis COULD be combined with any number of orifices to commit a violent sexual act.


there should be nothing called the administrative procedures act. it should be abolished just like qualified, sovereign, governmental, diplomatic, and all other types of immunity. if congress cannot do its job of writing laws then they shouldn’t be in office. they have abdicated their authority to the administrative state, a.k.a. the deep state, because they are more interested in campaigning for the next election than doing their job. although they, congress, are supposed to be our representatives in d.c. they represent themselves and no one else. who else can give themselves a raise, or pay themselves when there is no… Read more »

Watch um

We do not know the mind of God except by reading and obeying His word. Now we know from reading the old and new testament that God uses Government in ways we do not fully understand, He sometimes uses rulers to punish nations. God also said to honor authority and our authority in our nation is the Constitution by which we are governed. So, if our government rules contrary to the Constitution then it has no authority.


I support every word you wrote.

Roland T. Gunner

Brother, your post sounds like you misunderstand the Administrstive Procedures Act. The APA is a codified attempt to regulate how government agencies exert their “administrative” authority arbitrarily and unjustly on we the people.

If there should not be an APA, it would only be possible if it were not needed.

Last edited 11 months ago by Roland T. Gunner

I’ve said it before but it still bears repeating – I have limited experience with ‘shouldering’ a braced pistol but I can give a near 100% guarantee that my limited experience is more than the head bat has. Due to physical limitations, I simply cannot contort enough to make it a viable option. I CAN use the brace as it was designed/intended which is why it was created.


Judge O’ Connor knocked it out of the park with this decision! A few commentators have pointed out one line in particular:
Users directly advance these fundamental ends of self-defense when they modify “lawfully bearable pistols” with a “rearward attachment—whether as a brace or a stock.”
It’s probably a long shot pipe dream, but we have the beginning of the end of the NFA.


This judge sounds like he is laying the groundwork to abolish the NFA. Then the GCA 68’ and finally the FATF.
The NFA would be a good start.


But he doesn’t need to “lay groundwork” to speak truth!! All that he has to do, is show by facts and logic how the “law” is incorrect and therefor void on its face!! There’s no need to justify making right what is wrong!! You just do it and then stand by your decision!!


While braced pistols are in common use, and also not unusually dangerous – they are simultaneously SBRs. Thus this component of NFA is unconstitutional and must be vacated.

Same for suppressors.

With half a million in police hands – hard to justify third component as well.

Roland T. Gunner

Goood mornin’ Crumpy, your article is great news! I have been losing hope over the past couple of months. In fact, just yesterday I ordered another pile of parts to reassemble several of my (useless) pistol format AR’s into NFA cpmpliant rifles eventually.

I am currently waiting to see how this plays out, before providing a dear family friend with an AR best suited to her abilities and some basic instruction and training in it’s use.


Or you could go the “I will not comply” route, and do what you intended to do.

Roland T. Gunner

Those ATF asshats and I already have a somewhat adversarial relationship going back over ten years; and they have already come beating on my door too many times.


the atf needs to go away, the 19th amendment was rescinded by the 21st should have been the end of revenuers. the demoncrats will never let a control structure go away




take the pistol brace and the FRT case and join them together then spearhead a case against the NFA. That is what I believe it will take to defeat the NFA. I believe that will be what it is going to take to defeat the BATFE and the NFA in its entirety. individually I do not think they can win

2A Gun Guy

The NFA needs to go!


I’ve got a 300blk, AR-15, with a pistol brace which i purchased in 2020. By carrying this as my “truck” gun, am I now breaking the law (Florida resident) and opened myself up to arrest and incarceration?


It’s kind of difficult to be commonly using something like a fully automatic weapon or supressor without following Master’s rules and doing paperwork and tax stamps. Hence, they say those particular items aren’t in common use. It’s sort of “circular logic.”


It’s beyond all understanding why someone would be so worried about a pistol being shot from the shoulder. Same firearm. Same ammo. Same ballistics. Of course, we understand that it’s just the next convenient slice to cut off our rights. After a lifetime of enforcing laws and living by them, I had an epiphany when I became too ill to work, and, hence, to ill to pay $803 a month child support for one child. The ex had the state take my tags and driver’s license. For a while, I mooched rides off my brother, but then, I realized that… Read more »