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Go Ted and thank you. I see him defending the constitution and what it stands for more often than I do most the other critters on the hill.
He is also one of the main people fighting to get our border under control.

Last edited 1 year ago by musicman44mag

Seems rather ironic that big banking and credit card companies want to stop the firearms industry from using their services. Yet also want the marijuana industry to have the right to use them.

AZ Lefty

How anti Capitalist authoritarian of the cuban Cruz


Your comments have racked up more down votes on this site than anyone else , that should tell you something. Try CNN you might get a upvote there clown. Lefty your side has zero credibility due to the fact you don’t know the difference between a man or a women or a door knob and a fire alarm. Educate your comrades so they are not so stupid then you might be credible .