Success of Homemade Guns at “Buyback” Propaganda Events

“Ghost Gun” homemade shotgun at Columbus event.

Second Amendment activists have scored a victory in the battle to have reality influence the debate over gun culture in the United States.

For years, those who want a disarmed population have attempted to demonize homemade firearms as “ghost guns.” They have claimed they are an existential threat to the people of the USA and the world. The claim is that the lack of a serial number somehow makes a gun more dangerous. Serial numbers are easy to remove. Homemade guns have existed since before the Republic was founded. Serial numbers were not required on firearms until 1968. The claim a few more guns that are not “traceable” is somehow a problem is not credible.

Most guns in the USA are not traceable, whether they have serial numbers or not. The credible reason to require serial numbers on all guns is to enable gun registration, which enables gun confiscation.

If “ghost guns” were a serious threat, they would be a high priority to be accepted at gun turn-in “buyback” events.

El Paso will not accept “ghost guns” because “ghost guns” at these events show the futility of “gun control.”  Accepting “ghost guns” quickly transfers the money from the event organizers to Second Amendment activists. The publicity of the “ghost guns” at gun “buybacks” destroys the propaganda effect of the event.

On July 30, 2022, a Second Amendment activist turned in at least 62 3D-printed firearms in Houston, Texas. The event organizers paid out thousands of dollars. The publicity was priceless.

On August 22, 2022, a Second Amendment activist executed a well-thought-out bit of activism in Utica, New York. The far left Attorney General Letitia James’ office paid out over $21,000 dollars for 110 3D printed “ghost guns.” From the activist, nom de guerre “Kem”:

“I’m sure handing over $21,000 in gift cards to some punk kid after getting a bunch of plastic junk was a rousing success,” laughed Kem. “Gun buybacks are a fantastic way of showing, number one, that your policies don’t work, and, number 2, you’re creating perverse demand. You’re causing people to show up to these events, and, they don’t actually reduce crime whatsoever.”

The AG said 177 ghost guns were paid for. There must have been more than one “Kem.”  Kem and company did their successful activism on August 22, 2022, just two months after the pivotal Supreme Court Second Amendment decision in Bruen. Before Houston, before Utica, several precursors turned in slam-fire shotguns at “buyback” events. These extremely cheap, effective homemade firearms showed the entire concept of “buyback” events as a farce.

The organizers of the recent El Paso event had to respond. They refused to accept “ghost guns” at their gun turn-in.

Exactly what the pronouncement means is unclear. At a recent event in Dallas, police officers put down “no serial number” for guns made before 1968. This correspondent asked if guns made before 1968, without serial numbers, were commonly encountered. The answer was a clear “yes”. Guns made before 1968 are a common occurrence. There are millions of guns, legally in circulation, which never had serial numbers because they were not required.

The pre-1968 guns are no more or less dangerous than similar guns with serial numbers. The presence or lack of a serial number does not make a gun more or less dangerous.

Second Amendment activists turned the tables on the silly fraud of gun “buyback” events. Paying people more than guns are worth is a propaganda effort. Paying people less than guns are worth is a cheat. The propaganda effect is neutralized and reversed by activists such as Kem and others. The organizers of the El Paso event have been forced to recognize the reality.

Effective guns can be easily and cheaply made at home. Serial numbers do not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms.

Private buyers at these events have a similar effect to those turning in homemade guns. The events are street theater designed to convey the message “Guns are bad. Turn them in.” Private buyers send a different message: “Guns are valuable. We pay cash.”

The recent flurry of gun “buyback” events is fueled by cheap government money, part of the trillions of dollars created by the Biden administration.  By creating monetary inflation, the money is driving up the cost of food, fuel, and housing. A few Second Amendment activists are obtaining some good guns at low cost as a side effect.

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten

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And the years just tick by, waiting to hear that the perpetrator of a violent crime was identified by tracing the serial number on a firearm.


“Ghost guns” will be exploited like “machine guns”. These 2 distant possibilities will provide authorities excuse to pester Americans for a thousand years.


Mike talked about “Patriot Grade” vs “Politician Grade.”

Patriot Grade was reserved for people who could put something to good use in a pinch. Politician Grade was reserved for the propaganda value of embarrassing a politician or two.

Now Mike was specifically talking about over 10 round “assault magazines” but the same would hold true for 3D printed guns, “ghost guns” if you insist.

Print Politician Grade lowers that would probably fail after a few rounds in something like PLA for “buy backs.”

Save the carbon re-inforced nylon Patriot Grade versions for the day we hope will not come.


You gotta love the 2×4 and 3/4 inch pipe gun. LMAO


Even after the supreme court determined that homemade guns do not require a serial number if it is kept by the maker. What crap.

A friend of mine says that Measure 114 will be found unconstitutional, so we don’t have to be concerned about the same thing happening here. I referred him to NY and kommiefornias answer to that ruling. I am sure oregoneistan will be no different.


It is far more about the propaganda effect, then any effect on crime.