2A Justified: FBI Director Warns of U.S. Terror Attack Potential

Armed Defender Ends Attack on the Road, iStock-1354934183
FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday warned a Senate committee of the heightened potential for a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. His remarks more than justify the Second Amendment, making it possible for Americans to fight back. iStock-1354934183

No doubt unintentionally, FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday provided the greatest justification for the Second Amendment when he testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee that “the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole other level.”

According to Fox News, Wray told the committee, “We also cannot and do not discount the possibility that Hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil.”

At a time the Biden administration is pushing its gun control agenda in reaction to the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine—including a call for banning so-called “assault weapons” and original capacity magazines—Wray’s testimony provided clear arguments supporting the right of individual citizens to keep and bear arms for self-defense.

Quoted by NPR, Wray told the committee, “We are not currently tracking an imminent, credible threat from a foreign terrorist organization, a structured attack here or something like that, but it is something that we think heightened vigilance is warranted for.

“It is a time to be concerned,” he stated. “We are in a dangerous period.”

Wray’s remarks are available at C-SPAN.

Since the outbreak of hostilities in the Middle East, much attention has been paid to the porous border situation under the Biden administration. Many people argue that the situation on the southern border has lent itself to illegal entry into the U.S. by terror suspects, who could literally be anywhere in the country.

The Hill also quoted Wray’s testimony before the Senate panel, during which he acknowledged, “We’re keeping a close eye on what impact recent events may have on those groups’ intentions here in the United States, and how those intentions might evolve.”

Currently, more than half of the states allow private citizens to be armed in public without a carry permit or license, and all other states have permit/licensing laws. Millions of Americans are legally armed and licensed to carry, so there is a potential that a “lone wolf” terror attack could result in a dramatic reaction by armed citizens, depending upon the location and circumstances. An update on concealed carry statistics is due shortly from the Crime Prevention Research Center.

“We assess that the actions of Hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration, the likes of which we haven’t seen since ISIS launched its so-called caliphate several years ago,” Wray told the committee. “In just the past few weeks, multiple foreign terrorist organizations have called for attacks against Americans and the West.”

According to the Fox News report, a spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security released a statement noting, “As the Israel-Hamas conflict continues, we have seen an increase in reports of threats against Jewish, Muslim, and Arab communities and institutions. Lone offenders, motivated by a range of violent ideologies, pose the most likely threat. We urge the public to stay vigilant and to promptly report suspicious activity to local law enforcement.”

There is no small irony in Wray’s testimony. Biden and other Democrats wasted no time in exploiting the deadly shooting in Maine several days ago, proposing additional restrictions on Second Amendment rights, yet the threat of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil underscore arguments by those in the firearms community that the right to keep and bear arms is just as important now as it was more than 230 years ago when it became the second tenet in the Bill of Rights.

The president has devoted his half-century in government to the gun control effort.

Current estimates suggest that as many as 100 million American citizens own between 300 and 400 million firearms, including somewhere in the neighborhood of 24-25 million modern semi-auto rifles, routinely mis-identified as “assault weapons.”

“Here in the United States,” Wray said, “our most immediate concern is that violent extremists — individuals or small groups — will draw inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry out attacks against Americans going about their daily lives. That includes not just homegrown violent extremists inspired by a foreign terrorist organization, but also domestic violent extremists targeting Jewish or Muslim communities.”

Against this backdrop, the gun prohibition movement has not wavered in its efforts to push a gun control agenda, calling for licensing and registration, so-called “universal” background checks, waiting periods, limits on the number of firearms someone can purchase in a month or year, permits to purchase, and a plethora of other restrictions which criminals, and certainly terrorists, routinely ignore.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

Dave Workman

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The government cannot stop a terror attack- they are incompetent, and would use an attack as a reason to further clamp down on citizens, strip rights away and disarm them, all under the guise of “protecting the homeland”. The only real protection from terrorists and tyrants alike is armed citizens.


I fear the Tyranny inherent within Government. Far more than a potential terror attack. Simply because Government will use that potential, as another means to further limit the 2nd amendment. Nothing people like Wray say is a mistake or miss speak. They will try to make you believe. They are on your side or support your Rights. Believe that at your peril, because he and the rest of the Alphabet agencies. Have shown who/what they are, when it comes to anyone who doesn’t drink from their sacred ideology. You are the Enemy and that will never change. Terrorist attack or… Read more »


Yes, and the corrupt gov employees as well as Congress and the faux president are doing all they can to enable terrorists, encouraging millions to invade and funding the open border invaders with our tax dollars. They want mass shootings, terror attacks and random acts by murderous criminals from inner cities, to justify their tyranny and “safety measures”. They have moved beyond “never let a crisis go to waste” to now creating and encouraging crises.


I finally figured out what Mayorkissmyass means when he says that the borders are closed and safe. He means closed to American citizens taking charge and care of the problem themselves and safe for all the illegals to come in.

FJB, this administration has got to go.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

The problem is that they are NOT funding with our tax dollars. If they were they wouldn’t have enough to play their idiotic games. Go ahead children…down vote this one too.

Henry Bowman

The government, states and federal, have proven they’re untrustworthy, incompetent, and malicious. They know they have no duty to protect you – that you are responsible for your own safety. Yet they want to make you helpless in the face of common criminals, terrorists & government alike. This being the same government that loses F-35 stealth fighters and abandons $100 billion worth of machine guns, tanks, helicopters, bombs, missiles and more to terrorist organizations!! They can KMA, I’m not giving up scheiße!



Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

We need those first 13 words back in force and effect. Anyone who down votes this is against the 2nd amendment.

Henry Bowman


Henry Bowman

Keep it small, keep comms between units limited to one individual (either the CO’s or the XO’s), only admit people that someone (or better, two guys) in the unit already know, people who can be vouched for. If anyone spots a ringer, point him out to the others & keep him the hell away from your people.

As for labels, the government has been doing that for damn close to 30 years already. Their words have no power over us, and those who drink the koolaid are already our adversary!

Henry Bowman

As of today (1 Nov 23), word on the street is American Jews are rushing to gun stores to buy guns for personal defense in the wake of the Hamas attack that started the current war. Carrying a gun at all times is now an absolute necessity in this crazy world. Between criminals, terrorists and radical marxist insurgents, you can’t afford to be caught unprepared!


Until this latest terrorist attack, the motto has been, “NEVER REMEMBER”. I’m not sure anything has changed.
Relatively few Jews are being “given” the opportunity to purchase firearms. Their own government still doesn’t trust the vast majority of it’s subjects to have a way to defend themselves. The government of Israel is afraid of it’s subjects as much as it’s afraid of Hamas.


Henry quoted statement that AMERICAN Jew are arming themselves. As Americans they have that right protected by our second amendment. As for Israelis, apparently Israel is not a free country.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Yes, American Jews that think that the rest of us shouldn’t be armed. Just look at the names behind the anti gun movement. Sorry folks, that’s the FACTS. Gabby Giffords for one. So sorry if the TRUTH bothers anyone here. Here is another one for you. And here is a Jewish guy exposing a nice long list.


Two factors, no make tha tthree, led directly and causally to the Israelis getting bested. First, there had been an “agreement” signed with Hamas in Gaza, part of it being the issuance of I think it was 20,000 work permits for Gazans to daily leave Gaza, work in the We Bank area, then return. Of course, the third factorwas an unwarranted trust on the part of the Israelis toward the Gazans. An YUUUGE percentage of those work permits” were in reality spy permits. Those “workers” were able to xamine the entire border, learn the secure and the sloppy checkpoints, locations… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Heresy. I don’t believe it. Their border is so protected that a dog getting near it sets off alarms. And who exactly is it or was it that started and financed Hamas?

Last edited 1 year ago by Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor
Knute Knute

There is a very good briefing on Hamas, past and present, here:
By ex-Marine optics and fire control specialist Brian Berletic.
I’ve cued it up to the most relevant part, but the whole thing is well worth 33 minutes of your time. Just pull the slider back to the beginning to watch it all. It brings facts instead of emotions, and corrects many falsehoods.
Highly recommended.

Knute Knute

What happened is that Israel was behind Hamas from its inception, and still is. They are what’s called “controlled opposition”. AKA, an excuse…. for a well planned genocide. The 64,000 dollar question is whether they’ll be able to get away with it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Knute Knute
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

THANK YOU! Ron Paul explains this quite well at that link.

Knute Knute

Glad it was helpful. This has now left me wondering if every Isreali newspaper article is now forbidden fruit for the US sheeple. Or is it only any that mention Hamas? I’m guess some of both. Everything on Hamas, and only some on other things.

Knute Knute

While that is true, I kinda doubt whether whatever happens to O’biden and Co. matters much to anybody in Israel. Their papers sometimes talk about the mood in the US, But rarely do they even mention our politicians. It’s almost like they understand that both parties in the US are bought and paid for.
I really like foreign newspapers. One gets a whole different perspective than just the US one. I daresay one gets a larger, and farther away, view. The bigger picture. That the world consists of far more than just us.

Last edited 1 year ago by Knute Knute
Knute Knute

There’s the censorbots again. Even quoting an Isreali newspaper is forbidden. Does anybody else wonder if they censor it in Israel as well? Or is it only American mushrooms that get kept in the dark and fed on bullshit? 🙂

Henry Bowman

For one thing, Hamas terrorists were going to Iran to get serious training. 2nd, Biden paid for that to happen. 3rd, they know how Mossad gets intel, so like Osama Bin Laden they went lo-tech with comms, and they built their own surveillance infrastructure using workers allowed to leave Gaza, they would take notes/pics/video on the sly, and when done doing their site survey and analysis, would roll that into the overall operational plan.


Mr. Chris Wray, you lying and feckless idiot. Hamas and Middle Eastern allies would not be a legitimate threat here in the USA if you and your treasonous friends, associates and overlords had not LET THEM INTO OUR COUNTRY instead of PROTECTING US as you are SWORN to do. But I understand that 100 year old grandmas who share a Trump meme takes a lot of manpower to hunt down so you all can bash in their doors at 6 am with a tactical squad of 150 agents and parade them in front of the neighbors in their nighty and… Read more »


Your dad must be so proud.” And mom is running around the front yard barking in appreciation.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor



With demonrats it is impossible to learn from others mistakes because they lack the common sense they strive so hard for in every antigun law or other laws that they try and implement to take away rights of the people for their own safety. That’s why asking or telling them haven’t they learned anything from Israel and Ukraine about disarming their people is a waste of time? In addition, telling them past history about Yamamoto saying and believing America has someone with a gun behind every blade of grass is why he did not do a ground assault on the… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Common sense isn’t allowed. It is pounded out of you the minute you step in the door of public school.

Matt in Oklahoma

Lol they don’t want you shooting their precious terrorist they worked so hard getting here. They want to use them to create another agency to keep us all “safe”.


best thing to do, then, is to round them all up and loc them in the “safe”. That way WE can keep ourselves “safe” with them in the “safe”.

Knute Knute

Like Westmoreland had to destroy the village in Vietnam to ‘save it’. We’ve seen this movie before. The script hasn’t changed. Only the actors.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Like Ruby Ridge and Waco. I felt so much safer knowing a kid and wife had been killed at Ruby Ridge to save us from a short barrel shot gun. And those 17 little children killed at Waco made me feel soooooo much safer too…IT HAS HAPPENED HERE.

Last edited 1 year ago by Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

The FBI, ATF, DEA, and IRS are more dangerous to Americans than any foreign terrorist organization.


The terrorist is Christopher Wray. I wish he was staring at that picture.
The phrase in the article that is startling to me is… 100M citizens own 3-400M guns… so, quick math each person owns 3 or 4 guns?

Oh my, I’m embarrassed to say I may have a hoarding problem.

Last edited 1 year ago by Colt
Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

“hoarding problem”, LOL!


No such thing as hoarding guns. You can never have enough of them or ammo. Wray just figured out that having an open southern border might cause a terrorist attack on our homeland? Wow!, is he smart or what? Why didn’t any of us think of that? BTW, the administration only brought this up now, because they finally figured out Joe the Senile has 0 chance of retaining the presidency. This way they can say we were trying like hell to protect our country and the Magas made all this happen. Listening to the Speaker last night, Biden will be… Read more »


Yes shame on YOU for hoarding all that cash so you CAN go buy more guns and ammo.


Hoarding problem? How is it a problem? Maybe more accurate to say you have a gift for collecting firearms or you have the foresight to prepare?

It’s not a hoard if you use them. That would be like saying a mechanic hordes tools because they have an extensive collection of sockets – after all why would anyone ever need more than one wrench? Not like bolts come in different sizes…


where the hell did all my 10mm sockets go though?

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

I found one last year by the side of the road. Is that the one you’re missing?

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

You think YOU have a hoarding problem? LOL! As for the numbers…more like 600 million.


The university professors will invite them (the terrorists) in and the “enlightened” students will hold the door open.So much for “higher education”.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

“Educated beyond their intelligence”


Nice way of dancing around the federal government’s refusal to enforce security on our border Mr. Workman. That said, I am always looking for new target ideas here in Texas!

Wild Bill

Workman is not generally, in this publication or his other columns, a defender of incompetent government (e.g. see para ten), so I am forced to ask “How do you figure he is dancing around the federal government’s refusal, etc, etc.?
Perhaps you should read Mr. Workman’s excellent article entitled, “Vote Them Out” on page 56 of the December issue of Guns magazine.

Henry Bowman

LOL, vote them out. How cute!


Elections are rigged, and only the corrupt are allowed to run in the first place. We will never vote our way out of this. All know what is down the road, civil war #2 is inevitable, because the corrupt running the gov refuse to abide the Constitutional limits on gov, and make a habit of violating civil rights.


Voter fraud is minor compared to: The media, both traditional and social, suppresses any good news about conservatives or bad news about liberals while at the same time blocks information good for conservatives and bad for liberals. The people in our education system begin leftist indoctrination of our children early in elementary school and continuing through college. Most of the mega-rich make huge contributions to Democrats even though the D’s badmouth them for paying off Republicans instead of their taxes. It is the Democrat way to accuse Republicans what they are guilty of. It’s a three legged stool that never… Read more »


Yes, there is a massive school and media indoctrination program, but dementia Joe is only in place due to massive cheating in the last election, hundreds of thousands of ballots injected and others not counted or changed in 4-5 states.

Henry Bowman

Exactly what I’ve been saying for YEARS! When ppl talk about writing your elected officials tyrants to gripe (like Harold Hutchinson would always tell people), I get all sarcastic as I did above. There’s only ONE way to put off tyranny, and it isn’t by begging “Mother may I?”!!


Not meant as criticism of the author or the article. He was much kinder to the senile sock puppet’s regime than I would have been.

Knute Knute

The more important question is why so many in the media are so kind to the powers-that-be, no matter what heinous things they do, don’t you think? Is it possible that the media is paid to manipulate people’s perceptions?

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor


Knute Knute

Vote them out, eh? Hoping for that is kind of like hoping that we can vote a hungry wolf out of eating us, don’t you think?


Just put more obstacles I the river and save your ammo for when the SHTF . Most of them can’t swim and will become a statistic due to thier own ignorance


flesh eating bacteria


We would ANYONE attack us? All that does is make us stronger. If you want the USA to end – leave us alone. We will destroy it ourselves FAR faster than anyone else can.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

this i projection. wray is the terror threat. He is a meaningless pygmie that should be tried and shot for treason.


Hit Wray’s house first. Make be “believe”

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

Sounds like (Fay) Wray wants an Israeli scenario, “oh, we’ll keep you UNarmed, until there’s a terrorist crisis, THEN we’ll “allow” you to be armed”.


Hey Wray: you don’t come into my house and decide what I am going to have for breakfast then cook it for me, so don’t come in my house to decide what “security measures” I need and am then “allowed” to have.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

On Sunday, The New York Times reported that the number of illegal crossings at the border surpassed two million for the second year in a row. “The 2022 fiscal year set a record of 2.2 million illegal border crossings. These numbers do not include crossings at official checkpoints. Including those, migrant crossings in the 2023 fiscal year hit a record high.” A new caravan of some 3,000 mostly Venezuelans is headed north across Mexico for the U.S. border, Reuters reported on April 23. Other reports, including one from Mexico News Daily, estimate the size of that caravan to be closer to 5,000 people. The U.S.-Mexico… Read more »


Wray is talking out of both sides of his mouth. He said that white extremists are the worst threat. That is why the FBI is still expending great resources going after Jan 6th people who mostly just strolled through the building. One thousand and counting have been arrested many by FBI SWAT Teams. Is this why they are locking up a Grandmother, who only spent a few minutes in the building and most of the people who went in the building were unopposed by the police most just standing around? You have some escorting people around the building. You have… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by Chicago1776

FBI Director Christopher Wray condemned the violence of the Capitol riot on January 6 while testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday and said the FBI so far has arrested more than 270 individuals allegedly involved. Overall, more than 300 have been arrested. “As citizens, in a sense, we’re all victims of the January 6 assault,” Wray said. The ClaimOn Tuesday, a Twitter user wrote: “At today’s hearing about Jan 6th, FBI Director Wray stated very clearly that white supremacy is the biggest terrorist threat in the country. He said white supremacy is a ‘persistent, evolving threat’ and the ‘biggest chunk’ of racially… Read more »


He said white supremacy is a ‘persistent, evolving threat’ and the ‘biggest chunk’ of racially motivated violent extremism in the U.S.” Then he needs to explain why the population that is the smallest in America which is black is the majority in prison, look at the destruction of peaceful protests in America by BLM and Antifa and Black Panther party intimidating white conservative voters and tell me where the white people are gathering and destroying buildings by lighting them on fire and killing the political opposition like Antifa does or playing the knock out game like blacks do with whites.… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by musicman44mag

Don’t you mean the real insurrection by American terrorists for Muslim terrorists that want to destroy Israel and take over the land and chant death to America?


No, you said you wonder what he has to say about the demonstration. I am calling it the real insurrection of an American terrorist organization.