New Poll: Majority Favors Strict Enforcement, NOT New Gun Laws

Concealed Carry Laws iStock-665117528

A new Rasmussen survey conducted in the aftermath of the Maine mass shooting substantiates what the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has said for years:

Americans think enforcement of existing gun laws would do more to prevent gun-related violence than passing new laws.

According to Rasmussen, 57 percent of voters say stricter enforcement of existing gun control laws would be more effective, while 30 percent believe passing new laws would do more. The veteran polling firm also found that 71 percent of Republicans and 58 percent of Independents favor stricter enforcement of current laws, while only 43 percent of Democrats concur, showing a marked philosophical difference between political affiliations.

“Rasmussen did this survey after the Maine tragedy,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “so it was definitely on everyone’s mind when they responded to the survey. We’ve maintained for decades that if existing gun laws were enforced, we wouldn’t need a constant stream of new laws, with additional restrictions on law-abiding citizens, which have really not prevented such events, as gun control proponents invariably promise when they push their latest schemes.

“As further evidence of a fundamental partisan disconnect in this country,” he continued, “Rasmussen also found that 44 percent of Democrats think it is possible to completely prevent mass shootings, but that opinion is shared by only 21 percent of Republicans and 19 percent of Independent voters. On the other hand, 66 percent of GOP voters and 63 percent of Independents say it’s not possible, while 41 percent of Democrats acknowledge it likely is not possible.”

CCRKBA is the recognized “common sense gun lobby” organization, and Gottlieb said this new Rassmussen survey shows the majority of American voters “concur with our long-standing position on these matters.”

“Passing a new, feel-good law only creates the illusion something has been done,” Gottlieb said. “In reality, such knee-jerk legislation accomplishes nothing and sets the public up for more horror when another incident occurs, after which anti-gun politicians repeat the process, fooling their constituents all over again while steadily eroding the Second Amendment and perpetuating a problem they know their policies can’t solve.”

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

With over 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

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We already have between 20,000 and 30,000 gun laws. The overwhelming majority of which are unconstitutional, running afoul of “…shall not be infringed” in some way. I don’t see how any more would help. Most of these laws should not only not be enforced, they should be removed from the books by legislative or judicial action. Laws that make using a weapon in the commission of a crime an aggravating factor might be acceptable. The crime itself is still the main charge. The weapon addon could increase the severity of the sentence after conviction. Otherwise, we should encourage people to… Read more »


“We already have between 20,000 and 30,000 gun laws.”

People use those numbers a lot.

I have used those numbers a lot.

Yet, I have never seen any source for them.

Does anyone know where they might come from?


Here’s a place to start if you want to delve into some interesting infringements…


I’m sure just one more will make everything hunky dory!



Sadly, THIS is the SOLUTION! For some reason a three-time murderer that has been previously released from prison for murder, will NOT be able to add to his/her resume if they were hung after the FIRST capital murder, rape, incest, etc.


There’s an old term that doesn’t get much use these days: scofflaws. The definition is in the word itself–those who scoff at or ridicule the very idea of laws. Any law is useless if it will not be obeyed. Laws only have an impact on the honest, law-abiding person. Why is that so hard for the anti-gun crowd to understand?


because their ignorant



Roland T. Gunner

Or evil.


Hilarious you post “because THEIR ignorant.” Can’t make that up…..
It would be “because they’re ignorant.
Signed: The Grammar Nazi 🙂 🙂 🙂


Alternatively could use more complex “because of their ignorance”.

Thanks for being grammer nazi – I hate doing it, but far to often posts are unintelligible due to grammatical and spelling errors.


What we need is a Iaw against murder! Oh…wait……

There is a Iaw against murder and speeding, so…..why is there still murder and speeding? Because Iaws DON’T prevent anything, they onIy prvide for consequences after-the-fact. Ah-ha!!!


That is IF properly prosecuted AND conviction is achieved.


We need more laws my ass. What we need is new laws that create the death penalty for the taking of a life. Drug pushers should get the death penalty, illegals should get deported once and told if they come back, it is instant death penalty and make sure to tell them in every language, even the ones they don’t speak and tattoo their ass with not allowed in the USA in the same spot on everyone so if there is a scar there, we know what was once there and they knew what they did when they removed it.… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by musicman44mag
Desert Rat

All gun laws are unconstitutional b. definition so they all need to be revoked. As for the scofflaws (and this includes most politicians) a speedy trial and a public hanging will eliminate that scumbag and may give some others a pause to reconsider their sources of livelihood and get a job to avoid a meeting with a hemp necktie themselves.


Politicians with laws never stop bad guys with guns, evil intent.
They only control the good guys, which is their true intent.

Roland T. Gunner

What percentage favored repeal of virtually all gun laws?


Popular laws require a 98% projected compliance veneer. For instance, take San Franisco’s classy “take a crap, wherever you at” law. That’s probably 98%.

Last edited 10 months ago by Ledesma

Crime prevention camouflages the Left’s true intent. Once you accept the premise that new gun control laws are not actually intended to reduce crime, but are aimed at disarming the general public instead, then the Left’s persistent attacks on the Second Amendment make perfect sense. If existing laws were rigorously enforced, crime would decrease. But decreasing crime ultimately undermines the Left’s agenda. There is always a hidden agenda.


the laugh is the people are talking about enforcing criminal laws against criminals ,demoncrats want to take rights from we the people


“We’ve maintained for decades that if existing gun laws were enforced, we wouldn’t need a constant stream of new laws, with additional restrictions on law-abiding citizens, which have really not prevented such events, as gun control proponents invariably promise when they push their latest schemes.” – CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb This guy makes it sound as if this organization is an awful lot like the NRA. The existing laws are all infringements. Not only should they not be enforced but they should also be abolished. Gottlieb somehow in the same sentence calls for the enforcement of infringement while acknowledging that… Read more »


Stag, you may want to re-read Gottlieb’s statement. It’s rhetorical.