New AI is Monitoring the Michigan State Capitol for Firearms

New AI is Monitoring the Michigan State Capitol for Firearms, iStock-1501906407
New AI is Monitoring the Michigan State Capitol for Firearms, iStock-1501906407

The Michigan State Capitol in Lansing is the first state capitol in the country to use artificial intelligence (AI) to detect people brandishing firearms.

The system is called ZeroEyes and uses a powerful AI to analyze over 36,000 images per second from security camera feeds to detect firearms. ZeroEyes has been trained by the company with over one million images. It takes the system only three to five seconds from identifying a person carrying a gun to a first responder being dispatched to the scene.

After the system detects a firearm, it will notify trained monitors in the 24/7 ZeroEyes Operation Center (ZOC). The monitors will review the footage to confirm the AI findings. All ZOC technicians are either former military or law enforcement. If the human monitor determines the AI is right, they will then dispatch officers to the site.

With more real-world experience, the AI will reduce false alarms and detect firearms more easily.

The ZeroEyes system is so precise that it can give a visual description of the suspect, the location, and the type of firearm being detected. ZeroEyes’ main marketing focus is government buildings, school campuses, and military facilities. The US Air Force will be the first military branch to use the system.

“ZeroEyes is a welcomed force multiplier,” said Major Jordan Criss, Commander of the 325th Security Forces Squadron. “This system will increase the situational awareness for our response forces through advanced threat detection analytics and automated threat alerting, providing both a rapid and accurate response. During an active shooter situation, time is critical, and saving time means saving lives.”

Michigan officials believe ZeroEyes the AI system is necessary as political unrest in the state and the nation grows. Michigan has recently passed numerous draconian gun laws that have upset the masses.

Some of these gun laws include extreme risk protection orders (ERPO), better known as “red flag” laws, “safe storage” laws, and now requiring a permit to purchase a long gun.  Before 2023, Michiganders needed to get a permit to purchase a handgun. Currently, they must get a permit to buy any firearms, including long guns.

Another recent law requires a locking device to be used on all firearms. This so-called “safe storage” law could delay the time it takes someone to retrieve their firearm during a home invasion. ERPOs are constitutionally dubious because of the lack of due process.  Someone could lose their gun rights in an ex-parte hearing where they are not allowed to defend themselves.

A militia, upset by Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s COVID restrictions, also plotted to kidnap the Governor. According to defense attorneys, twelve of the nineteen militia members were working for the FBI. The FBI admitted to at least three undercover informants and two undercover FBI agents in the group.

“As the political climate grows increasingly tumultuous, it’s imperative that we remain vigilant and attuned to our surroundings,” said Rob Blackshaw, Executive Director of the Michigan State Capitol Commission. “I want visitors and those that come to work here every day to understand that, irrespective of external circumstances, our building remains a secure haven, and ZeroEyes plays a pivotal role in ensuring that safety. The accuracy of its technology and proficiency of its staff are truly exceptional.”

Former Navy SEAL and ZeroEyes co-founder and CEO Mike Lahiff agrees with Blackshaw’s assessment of the rise of political violence. He believes that the system will help keep the Capitol safe from violence.

“We are currently witnessing an alarming surge in political violence, and the Michigan State Capitol’s dedication to ensuring the safety of its staff and the community is commendable,” stated Lahiff. “ZeroEyes takes pride in being selected to help ensure safety in this important and historical building.”

The rise of AI is affecting everyone’s lives. The gun world is not exempt. As AI improves, its detection ability will only grow. Soon, AI will not only be able to detect someone brandishing a gun but also detect concealed firearms carriers.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist; he has written about firearms and interviewed people of all walks of life. Mr. Crump lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on X at @crumpyss, or at

John Crump

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“Former Navy SEAL and ZeroEyes co-founder and CEO Mike Lahiff agrees with Blackshaw’s assessment of the rise of political violence. He believes that the system will help keep the Capitol safe from violence.”

Ever notice how there is never a shortage of scumboli who are ready, willing, and able, to enhance their own bottom line via development of technologies which will assuredly strangle what few freedoms we may have left?


You zeroed in on what I was thinking on their justification of this AI system. This former SEAL Lahiff and Blackshaw brought this system into play because of the rise of political violence.

Is anyone asking the question why is there a rise of political violence? I’d place the reason for it at the feet of these politicians who want to take away what freedoms we the people have left.


Yup. Remenber Thomas Gage… the British commander in the Colonies. He got orders froh HIS horrid boss, and tried to disarm the settlers in Lexington and Concord. He was not only unsuccessful in doing so he sparked a shooting war that drove the Brits out of all the colonies. That day’s attempt at disarming was his fourth, and by far the most disastrous, such attempt. ALL failed. Something about removing a man’s means of defense just does not set will with most folks.


I’m wondering when we patriots will have our Concord North Bridge moment? Or being from Texas, will it take a battle at the Alamo and a final routing at San Jacinto to retake our country? IMHO, we are at that loaded powder keg moment and someone is trying to strike a match to light the fuse.

I pray for a peaceful resolution to this great divide, but somehow I think we are way past that solution.


Oathbreakers are a dime a dozen.

Knute Knute

Note the lies present in their own presentation. While claiming that: “three to five seconds from identifying a person… to a first responder being dispatched to the scene.” But then it also says: “it will notify trained monitors… If the human monitor determines the AI is right, they will then dispatch officers to the site.” So which is it? 3 to5 seconds, or is it a phone call to an 800 number for a human review, which will take at least minutes to hours?? These kind of sneaky inconsistencies, when they cannot even keep their stories straight for two sentences,… Read more »


ai taking away the job of humans. but this still requires humans with firearms to stop a bad guy with a gun.
why do government agents not want law-abiding citizens carrying firearms in these “sensitive” places? who/what are they afraid of?
when seconds count first responders are minutes away. bad guys will still be there shooting people before leo’s get there.
i think this is more of a placebo effect/feel good effort than anything else.

Greg K

The rub is that they will eventually get around to putting AI behind the trigger as well.

Knute Knute

Likely just spray everything and everybody, indiscriminately, like ED 209 in the original “Robocop”

Greg K

Oldvet there’s “pray,” and there’s “prey.” As you correctly pointed out it has no soul so if it “prays” it will be to an evil entity. Because the people creating it are pure ignorant of nature, it will become the ultimate apex predator and “prey” on its very creators.


Isn’t the old super-computer from a few years ago named “The Beast”? What is the upgrade named?

Wild Bill

Yes, and sending them after us. I can not think of a single job that humans will not replaced by AI combined with robotics.


Any dirtbags that are determined to gain entry and harm WILL NOT be fully foiled by this system.


If what they are saying is true, you would think they would get the hint and quit their illegal activities. Na, politicians are too stupid and fat headed to get it. Mafia behavior

Knute Knute

Even worse than that. At least the Cosa Nostra has a few brain cells between them all. With politicians, I’m hard put to find a single functional brain, even combining all thousands of ’em.

Knute Knute

A good example of the above is that the Cosa Nostra run “numbers game” in NYC is still flourishing, even after NY made the State lottery legal. Almost the same thing, but lots would rather play lotto with the mafia instead of the State. And for good reason. Hitting the number is a one in a thousand shot, but if you hit it, your numbers runner will bring you your 800 cash the next day, and put it right in your hand. In cash, tax free, and personally delivered. Can’t beat that level of service. And 80% payback to boot!… Read more »


Michigan officials believe ZeroEyes the AI system is necessary as political unrest in the state and the nation grows.”

Unrest CAUSED by tyrannicaI eIected “representatives” who do anything BUT represent!


“Consent of the Governed” is NOT in their vocabulary, obviously!


I live in Michigan. The Empress of Lansing has enjoyed a Democrat legislature that allowed them to wreak havoc on the freedoms of all law abiding citizens in the state. Due to term limits she will be gone after her current term. That is why you see her positioning for a place on the national stage. I look to see her in an important cabinet position in the next Democrat presidential administration. If Biden ends up not running for president, Kamala Harris will be shown the door to some figurehead position and a new candidate for president will be chosen.… Read more »


I left 07 January 1979 and have no plans to ever move back. If there is a Gruesome / Witless ticket in the future I’m taking a hint from the movie Shooter; buying a place in the hills and stocking it with too many guns (as if there was such a thing.) How the heck did you Michiganders get storage requirements? I thought that went out with the first Heller decision.


Whitler will be a shoo-in, no doubt!

Capn Dad

Lahiff is one of those “collaborators” seen in remake “Red Dawn”. There will be many collaborators in the coming days….mostly all the politicians.

Capn Dad

Lahiff is a money grubbing opportunist and a traitor.


Illegal search – no warrant.


Only a corrupt government is afraid of its citizens.


There is a school district in the Northern part of the state, that is using this technology. It is used in conjunction with metal detectors, that require students to congregate in an atrium area before passing through the detectors. The school has 1000 students that must be cleared within 30 minutes in order to be on time. Which has basically turned the atrium area into a target rich environment. Before the students ever actually enter the school. With only 1 SRO in case of a SHTF incident.


“A militia, upset by Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s COVID restrictions, also plotted to kidnap the Governor.”

No, the feds plotted and planned the “kidnapping”.


AI isn’t necessary to detect persons brandishing weapons. Sheesh! Did AI write this?

Monkey Mouse

Self fulfilling prophecy – the more the govenment fears, the more they “clamp down”, the more they “clamp down”, the more likely 25,000 people show up armed at the capital looking for blood. Not going to be pretty, but well deserved.


with luck most bring 50bmg or similar, vest is usless


AI is 90% hype, used to sell products. It can no more ‘detect’ guns than a satellite finding cars by looking for rectangles. It is also easily defeated by fakes. Someone who wanted to mess with the system could cut, paint and conceal wood or paper mache look-alikes with intention of getting caught. No laws broken in carrying a toy, yes? Where the barrel should be, embed a Bic pen. Hey, now it’s your writing instrument.
Overwhelm the system with false positives and soon it will be abandoned.