Illinois Case Heading to Supreme Court

Illinois Case Heading to Supreme Court
Illinois Case Heading to Supreme Court

This week, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals issued an order denying a rehearing in the case of Barnett v. Raoul, which is actually a consolidation of four separate 2A cases challenging aspects of Illinois gun laws, including PICA. As the order notes, every judge in the Circuit passed on granting a hearing on the case despite significant questions about the constitutionality of the regulations at issue.

This leaves no choice but to take the case to the Supreme Court. 2ALC has actively supported these fights through amicus briefs and we will continue to do so as the case moves forward.

“Illinois has been proposing wrong-headed firearm restrictions for years, all of which promised to protect public safety,” expressed 2ALC President Chuck Michel. “The crime rate in places like Chicago tells you all you need to know about how that is working. 2ALC is proud to stand with FFL-Illinois and other appellants in these cases as they are critical to defending the right to keep and bear arms in others states as well.”

In the wake of the Bruen decision and it’s requirement to establish historical analogs for modern firearm restrictions, amicus briefs take on crucial importance in cases such as these. Historical and legal research supports the arguments being made, but requires immense time and effort. And since parties to a case cannot coordinate amicus brief campaigns, 2ALC plays a key role in such cases.

We must continue to fight back and hold the ground that we are gaining in each of these cases across the country.

Please visit 2ALC’s Illinois page to subscribe to updates and to donate to help this cause!

About Second Amendment Law Center

Our mission at the Second Amendment Law Center is to protect and enforce the Second Amendment’s solemn command that our government never unduly restrict law-abiding individuals from responsibly possessing and carrying firearms and other arms for sport, hunting, self-defense, and other lawful purposes.

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Dubi Loo

I’ve lived in Illinois for nearly 7 decades. I am a named plaintiff in one of the suits. I’ve never heard of this organization. I’m curious why would an organization claiming to be a champion of Illinoisans gun rights and soliciting donations be located in a UPS store in Nevada? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

284C East Lake Mead Parkway
Suite 530
Henderson NV 89015,+Henderson,+NV+89015/@36.03965761,-114.97752813,573.92186702a,0d,15y,60.82554247h,87.80977835t,0r/data=CpsBGnESawolMHg4MGM4ZDZiZTViNzNlYjdiOjB4YWZhNjM3MzIxMzlmZWU2NBkJBPAFHAVCQCF0fXrHhL5cwCowMjg0YyBFYXN0IExha2UgTWVhZCBQYXJrd2F5LCBIZW5kZXJzb24sIE5WIDg5MDE1GAEgASImCiQJxLkSlqPCNEARxLkSlqPCNMAZdbJYjN4jQUAhkZLgDmYQUcAiGgoWTUhXc3c1MEFtV3BDOXU4MHF3SlExZxACOgMKATA


I do not read everything here on AmmoLand but this appears to be first-time I’ve heard of him.

Dubi Loo

No required federal filings.


Chuck Michel runs a law firm here in Kommiefornia that has been part of many of the suits against the gun control regime. He may also be one the board of at least one pro 2A organization. This particular organization is likely incorporated in Nevada because CA is almost as hostile to small business as it is the 2A.

That being said, if I were inclined to donate to that fight I’d search out a local or state level organization in Illinois.


A lot of newly formed and regenerated 2nd Amendment organizations have appeared. It would be helpful to have a historic analogue on them.



Illinois Gov Prickster and IL lawmakers have a fetish begging for spankings from SCOTUS….


So, the author is Chuck Michel, who quotes Chuck Michel, and asks for donations to the organization of which he is president. Fishy, fishy, fishy.

Posted on December 19, 2023 by Chuck Michel

“Illinois has been proposing wrong-headed firearm restrictions for years, all of which promised to protect public safety,” expressed 2ALC President Chuck Michel.

Please visit 2ALC’s Illinois page to subscribe to updates and to donate to help this cause!