Q&A: Speaker Of The House Michael Johnson (R-LA.)

NSSF’s Note: We are pleased to post the latest of our occasional Q&A features with an elected official who supports hunting and the shooting sports. NSSF thanks U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Michael Johnson, from Louisiana’s Fourth Congressional District. Serving in his fourth term, Speaker Johnson serves as the 56th Speaker of the House and was previously the Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference and served on the House Committee on Armed Services as well as the House Judiciary Committee.

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Michael Johnson
U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Michael Johnson IMG NSSF

Speaker Johnson is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and the firearm and ammunition industry.

Who introduced you to hunting and the shooting sports?

I am a proud native son of Louisiana – “the Sportsman’s Paradise” – where hunting and shooting sports are integral to our culture and a big part of our lives. My grandfather was a competitive marksman, and my family was like most in our area, where it seemed that everyone appreciated and participated as we did in the great American pastimes of hunting, fishing, and shooting. Those traditions are still cherished where we live, and I have been happy to pass them along to my own children.

Describe your most recent hunting or shooting sports activity.

My most recent experience was the annual deer hunt I enjoyed last December with my sons and several of our close friends. Both of my boys had a successful hunt, and our time together at the camp and in the deer stands was priceless, as always. My role in Congress does not allow me many of these opportunities these days, so I cherish our time in the woods. I am very much looking forward to our short hunt this year after Christmas.

Describe your favorite hunting or shooting sports activity.

In Louisiana, I have always enjoyed any opportunity for deer and duck hunting, but in recent years I have also had great fun quail hunting with friends and colleagues in South Georgia. My family has also enjoyed our visits to the exceptional gun ranges in our area. My daughters and my wife are all excellent shots, and it is not unusual for them to win our family competitions.

Which piece of pending legislation related to the conservation, hunting and the firearm industry is particularly important to you and why?

In my seven years in Congress, I have supported countless initiatives to strengthen Second Amendment protections and expand conservation efforts and access for outdoor recreation. I’m a staunch supporter of H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which would simply allow people who are eligible to carry a concealed firearm in their home state to do so in any other state which also allows the concealed carry of firearms. I’m also proud to support legislation that prohibits federal funds from being used by states to establish or maintain firearm ownership databases. As the Biden Administration’s ATF becomes increasingly hostile to gun owners, it’s imperative that Congressional Republicans safeguard the Second Amendment and push back against executive overreach.

What do you see as the challenges and opportunities for hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts?

While I have always been blessed to live in a state where political leaders at all levels revere our hunting and shooting sports traditions, that is not the case in all 50 states, and certainly not at the federal level. The Biden Administration has routinely sought to restrict the Second Amendment, through executive action targeting firearms retailers, firearm possession, and ammo. I will always fight to preserve our fundamental freedoms to keep and bear arms and our essential American traditions, and work to advance policies that halt unconstitutional and oppressive government overreach.

About The National Shooting Sports Foundation

NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearm retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations, and publishers nationwide. For more information, visit nssf.org

National Shooting Sports Foundation

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My copy of the Second Amendment says nothing about hunting or sporting goods.

How about a do-over with Speaker Johnson where you ask him his opinion on the nature of a well regulated militia and the core purpose of the Second Amendment as written, debated, and ratified by the founders.

Last edited 9 months ago by DDS

Yeah, I noticed things seemed weighted heavily into Fudd territory. His support of nationwide CWP reciprocity sounded good though. Yes, I know ideally, we would not need a permit to carry any and everywhere, but the permits are an improvement over how things were thirty or so years ago, in most places, and the success of the permit system seems to have opened doors of acceptance for permitless carry.

Last edited 9 months ago by Grigori

Reciprocity needs to over-ride equipment restrictions. Like with a car, if it is street legal in your home state it is street legal everywhere. Thus idiotic magazine size limitations, “safe firearms” lists and ammo restrictions do not apply to non-residents. At same time – do away with interstate purchase bans. If I’m in a shop in another state and see something I like – if it is legal there and legal in my home state – it should be legal for me to purchase.


Excellent point, Finnky!


You need to look up and get familiar with the terms lawful and legal, Finnky! And learn what the term Resident means too! You are involved in word games and have no idea of what the rules of that game are.


scotus needs to state 2a protects military weapons and right to cross country with said unimpeded. visit san fran with my m14 strapped on my hog…..mad max here we come


only permit should be social security card….you are a citizen your right


I do agree! Hopefully, one day, we will be there!

Last edited 9 months ago by Grigori

That’s a dumb thing to say! Did you know that our Founding Fathers did NOT have an SSN or an SS card? Do you know who a citizen is or what it means to be one?


to keep illegals out of the guns ,I have been in a street fight where the people shooting at me had mac10s Colombians no less so check for citizenship and ……..

Last edited 9 months ago by swmft

the biggest problem with the ease of migration (pan am highway) it makes a national ID card almost a necessity, think that might have been part of fdrs plan he was a Communist…think about it we spent our money building a road from tip of alaska to tip of south america


It is disgusting, the crap they keep adding to automobiles, washing machines, and other devices, “because the environment”. Most of this garbage like “water saving toilets” and electric cars” ultimately do more damage to the environment than it helps. Also, it doesn’t work well.


Amen to that and let’s not forget that they invest in the new technology first and then they impose a mandate that forces us to use it so they can get rich. I learned that with Jerry Brown Senior in kommiefornia. That is where catalytic converters came from and he was invested in the only company that made them at the time. How convenient. Just like nancy Pigoski investing in electric vehicles and the next day Obiden anounces that all USPS will be electric. How interesting. Her ass should be in jail just like Martha Stewart got because there is… Read more »


if it wont flush a democrap what good is it


and build a wall to keep them there, the commies too


my understanding is military arms are REQUIRED machine guns mortars rocket launchers, park your icbm launcher in last row at wally world ……..


When the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment, they had not just returned from a hunting trip, they had liberated a nation!


2a was written after washington put down the whisky rebellion , the change from articles of confederation to constitutional republic was to give people protection from government they saw as having too much power,they had fought a war to stop overreaching government and were watching their idea slip….so new controlling papers

Last edited 9 months ago by swmft

Ah, yes, the ol softball Q&A the NSSF is known for. You never ask the real 2A questions like, “Do you believe all arms laws violate the 2A?” or “Will you work to repeal the NFA, GCA, Hughes Amendment, import ban, NICS, etc…?”

Maybe it’s because you know these Butters and Fudds would never say yes. Maybe it’s because the NSSF has and does support many of these infringements. I’m leaning toward both.


No, He is Not. You need to check his voting record, AGAIN! RINO.


What/whom the heck are you referring to there with that non-comment? Maybe it makes some kind of sense to you, but I don’t see it.
You need to get tons more information before spouting off.


You must have been talking to yourself in the mirror when you uttered this here post.


think he does that a lot
to be fare ,he has posted some things that did make sense but others?????? Alzheimer’s disease?

Last edited 9 months ago by swmft