The 2nd Amendment, Why We Have It & Why Democrats Want To Destroy It

Letter to the AmmoLand Editor

Democarts War on Guns and America
Democarts War on Guns and America

Because of the British King and parliament in 1775, the American Colonies were in distress over government mandates and taxes. To counter this, local militias were formed by Minutemen, who were prepared to confront the oppressive government at a minute’s notice, hence the name. These Minuteman militias gathered military-grade weapons and gunpowder and stored them in central locations. They were stored in a warehouse near Boston in the Town of Concord.

The key to these militias was that they trained as units at farms around their cities. In order to meet the British Army, they needed training to do so. Alongside these militias was a dedicated group [today, we call them Anons] that disseminated the truth and some fiction about the evils of the British.

Among them were Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Thomas Payne, and numerous others.

In an attempt to control the spreading of these truths, rumors, and falsehoods, the British Government clamped down on the press. In 1775, the Colonial press was strictly controlled by the British Government, and only what they said was allowed to be printed.

Local gathering spots, like pubs and stores, allowed posters, pamphlets, and bills to be left for all to read in order to circumvent these new, aggressive, repressive laws intended to suppress any non-governmental truth from being heard. Men and women were imprisoned for speaking the truth.

After our Constitution was ratified, before the ink was dry, the Bill of Rights became the first ten amendments to ensure that no government would ever again be so powerful that “We the People” could not replace it using the exact force used to expel the British.

That is why the Second Amendment is the only one that addresses only one subject; “The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms.”

The Second Amendment, above all others, is the only means that ‘We The People’ have to ensure that our leaders obey the rest of the Constitution. Of course, this writer is not the only one who has read American history. Biden’s handlers have read it, too. It is why there was a concentrated effort to destroy and punitively punish the Oath Keepers.

The Oath Keepers presented a particular dilemma for the anti-American left.

They really didn’t require additional training to be a viable militia and were a threat to the communist-loving left who are destroying our Constitution. The Oath Keepers were an organization of ex-military and police. These men and women had two things in common: they were all patriots and all trained in the martial arts. They were ready to go to war with a minute’s notice.

They were an existential threat to the Democrat party and had to be destroyed. It is why all of the leaders have been imprisoned for multiple years. And the organization no longer exists. All other para-military organizations, such as the Proud Boys, Three Presenters, and any other patriotic movement, have also been diminished, almost into obscurity.

As patriots are being imprisoned, demeaned, and isolated. The Biden administration, along with all Democrats nationally, have been attempting to destroy the Second Amendment in the most concentrated effort ever in the history of the United States. Even as the Supreme Court has found in favor of the Second Amendment in its most forceful ruling ever, the Bruen decision, anti-American communists are attacking the decision through activist judges and outright attacks on conservative justices of SCOTUS.


One more piece of history must be remembered to fully understand the severity of where we are at this very minute. When our Revolution began, about one-third of the citizens of the American Colonies were for separation from England, while one-third were opposed to it.

It was that one-third that were unsure that made the difference between America being another British Colony or an independent nation.

Through the efforts of those writers who posted the truth on bulletin boards, at pubs, and meeting houses, and every patriot who repeated those truths that swayed the majority of Americans, independence from Great Britain was not only possible, it was achievable. It took the militias’ dogged resolve in battle to provide victories in Oriskany, New York, Bennington, Vermont, and finally, Saratoga, New York, in 1777 that convinced enough middle-of-the-roaders that we could win that changed the course of history.

Today, we have one-third of our nation who are true patriots, one-third who are anti-American, and one-third who are middle-of-the-roaders. While our government, at every level, is doing everything it can to suppress the truth from getting out, making up new government-speak words like misinformation and disinformation, there are still those trying to spread the truth.

Letters to the AmmoLand Editor
Letters to the AmmoLand Editor: Got something on your mind? Let us know, and you can see it here.

You must become one of those spreading the truth. Pass on these truths any way you can. Email, social media, snail mail, word-of-mouth, and even pamphlets on bulletin boards in bars. It is the only way that America and our Constitution can remain without blood being spilled. Yes, we are nearing the point of no return.

This author believes that the election of 2024 will be a turning point in our history, no matter who wins and who loses if Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the candidates. Whoever wins, the losers’ supporters will not believe the results. Another January 6th will result, but it will not end non-violently because nonviolence was tried, and we all know the results.

The attack on the Second Amendment by team Biden is telling that the anti-American left believes that they are near the end of their campaign to substantially transform America as Obama promised five days before his successful 2008 presidential run. They believe that they will be able to suppress ‘We the People’ once we are disarmed. It is why they are putting so much effort into it while ignoring violent criminals.

Once they are in total control, those criminals, the homeless, and all patriots will be rounded up and sent to some gulag to vanish forever. That is why removing private possession of guns is so important to them. Just look at old England now, without guns. They arrest people for saying the word queer or silently praying in public. That is what we avoided when we took up arms in 1775. Democrats want that power now. And it all begins by ending the Second Amendment.

There is only one reasonable chance of avoiding violent conflict: winning the hearts and minds of most Americans before November 5, 2024. And we all can play a part in that simply by spreading the truth.

God bless America.

Joe Ragonese

Letters to the AmmoLand Editor: Got something on your mind? Email us at [email protected] Subject: Letters to The AmmoLand News Editor.

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The second amendment was written for such a time as this.
Dems definitely fear an armed citizenry as most thugs do.


That’s because perverted liberals intend to behave in ways perfect for getting people shot! Take banning electricity for example. That might be an excellent way for some liberal to get shot don’t you think?

Last edited 5 days ago by Ledesma

You’re wacko.


…nick I sure agree with ya…,that ole boy is shy on brains…waste of your time. …


I know. And maybe it is a waste of time. But it’s humorous seeing him get his panties in a bind.


A waste of good oxygen as they say


Ledesma thinks I have sex with animals. That’s how perverted his mind is.


We all know you have multiple personalities, and none of them good.

Monkey Mouse

Of course they fear an armed citizenry. Question is why they are pushing us hard enough for us to act when they know they cannot possibly win a conflict. Self fulfilling prophecy 101.


Because they can then declare martial law.


No one is coming to save us.
No one will fight to defend your rights for you.  

In order to remain “the land of the free,” we must demonstrate we are still “the home of the brave.”

Americans need to get off their couches and stop this downward spiral.  We need to hold our politicians and bureaucrats accountable, reminding them that they work for us as civil servants, not the other way around. We the People hold ALL the power, and can withdraw our consent to be governed, eviscerating all federal authority.


As a dedicated Patriot, having served this nation in uniform for decades, I can say with conviction – there are not that many Americans “laying on their couches” anymore. Whoever thinks that is ignorant of the facts of this nation. Private ownership of firearms – as was published by available data – is over 500 million privately owned firearms. I believe it is at least 20% higher than that. Conservative Patriots are just as prone to exaggeration, emotional outbursts and “gloom and doom” as any leftist, Communist piece of garbage Democrats out there. Do I believe that the Biden Administration… Read more »


Firearm ownership doesn’t equate to patriotic action. There are many millions laying on the couch, afraid to even speak up publicly, much less attend a 2A rally or protest government overreach! Most of the self-proclaimed patriots won’t do ANYTHING at all that could put their job, retirement, home or freedom at risk. Americans are lazy, weaker and more risk averse now than ever before, allowing authoritarians and globalists to pass more and more laws that infringe on our civil rights, just watching while elections are stolen, and politicians and agencies are seizing and assuming powers we never granted through the… Read more »


am sorry to say it but you might be right


fellow Vet, it is one thing to have a firearm it is another to use it, i hope you are right

Roland T. Gunner

Time to gut that porker.

Knute Knute

Because there are no “Saviors”. Any saving of you… you’ll either do it for yourself, or it simply will not get done. There are no saviors, just as there are no sacred cows. Those are just myths for the foolish to believe in.
In My Opinion Only. OFC. 🙂


today’s young are not smart enough to understand how they are being used and abused by the dumb as craps. but they will soon enough and the results will be ugly and bloody. can’t fix stupid. but you can enslave them


Indoctrination from an early age in the Liberal/Progressive Educational Indoctrination system. Formally known as Public Education.


Typical comment from an Antisimite progressive democrat. The KKK, Aryan Nation and Fascist Nazi’s must be sitting back and resting easy. Knowing their hatred is alive and well on college/university campuses and in the liberal/progressive democrat party.


Even I couldn’t resist giving that one an up vote.


Most people associate Socialism with “the left” and in this country the Democrat party. Nazi is apparently a derogatory term for Hitler’s Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) or NSDAP. So if you hear anyone using the term to describe conservatives or those “on the right”, you can correct them because it really defines the left wingers. And true to form it is those on the political left who use violence far more often than those on the political right.


it is common for thieves and criminals to point at someone else to deflect the viewer so they can get away,with their crime


The lefts Antifa = Hitlers brown shirts and Mussolini’s black shirts. They will return if Trump is elected.

Last edited 2 days ago by Bruce

Return of the useful idiots, Soros groupies


“It is the only way that America and our Constitution can remain without blood being spilled. Yes, we are nearing the point of no return.” Sadly, I believe we are well past that point. We are not “nearing” the point of no return. To quote from the prophet Butthead, “We’re there dude!” The NWO/Deep State loves that there are so many who believe otherwise. It is a waiting game for them and time is decidedly on THEIR side. They control both sides of the Republican vs Democrat (Right vs Left) myth. They keep Patriots sitting on their hands, doing nothing,… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by Grigori
Roland T. Gunner

Violence is a legitimate tool of diplomacy.




Without violence in 1776 we would be taking a knee to the crown today .


so is a guillotine

Jim March

It’s MUCH simpler than that. Some minorities in America are more violent than the usual American violence rates. The worst is the African-American community, at 15% of the US population but making up over 50% of the murders in the cases where the skin tone of the killer is known. If you exclude African-American killers from the US crime statistics, our murder rate drops to the middle of the European pack. The left has no answer for this and for political reasons, cannot confront it with destroying a large base of their urban voting block. So they use gun control… Read more »


3) Post-slavery housing and job discrimination continued The Johnson administration’s Great Society programs trashinged families and cruelly limited black family wealth formation.

Fixed it for you.

Jim March

I was talking about the whole period from 1865 to present but yeah, that was a huge issue.


it could be genetic , remember the hatfields and mccoys feud , it was found to be a genetic thing, would explain the tribal warfare in Africa. they still kill hundreds to thousands every month for no reason, with no guns they burn villages club people with sticks or chop them with farming tools….no guns needed for senseless violence

jack mac

My understanding of the Hatfields and McCoys is that there were no “genetic” differences or political. Any of these families please correct me if I am wrong. Both families are of Scots. Both were Confederate, except one member fought for the North and was shunned by both families. I think there is but a small genetic conflict in the US if any at all. It seems criminal acts stem from the socio-political environment more than from hereditary, i.e. nurture, not nature. The highest percentage of homicides are Blacks on Blacks in Black concentrated areas. These killings are mostly between gangs… Read more »


You forgot one major item in the cultural degeneration of many parts of our nation – especially the blacks – the constant attacks on the Christian faith and the institutions that our citizens regularly attended and supported. Mass media, politicians, our schools and universities – all have a concerted effort to denigrate and destroy the Christian Family, the values and structure.

Roland T. Gunner

“If it was genetic we’d be completely screwed”

No, not at all; we would purge those genes from the gene pool.


I advocate not throwing SCOTUS under the bus with disparaging comments.. They are smarter than me and you combined… My belief is, its a procedural issue ( haven’t heard Mark at 4 Boxes yet). This Court has done more for gun owners than in decades… lets keep that in mind, until proven otherwise. I want ducks in order.. just like Heller, Bruen, McDonald and Caetano. It will happen, patience is a virtue… look how long DC took.. I was a kid when that “law” was passed and it took decades… yet here it is.. and I think things are moving… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by Colt

AII weII and good, however……SCROTUS has no mechanism of enforcement. Tyrants downstream, such as Hochul and Newsome, routinely ignore SCROTUS ruIings and even spit in their eye. Who wiII force aII to compIy when some DON’T compIy?


“SCOTUS has no mechanism of enforcement.” Might that be one of the jobs of the militia?

Happy Bill of Rights Day! Such as they are…


yeah, I don’t know how that gets resolved.. otherwise this whole thing turns into a wack a mole. Maybe we need a sledge hammer.

Look at the 9th Circuit… they flat ass ignore the Supreme Court. I’m frustrated as hell about that, I live in that district. Thankfully not California however. (oregon)

I never understood how that DC gun ban case could have been on the books so long..

Last edited 10 months ago by Colt

Let us not forget soros and son
to bad we can’t pull his passport ship him back to Romania for some proper in incarceration

Last edited 2 days ago by macdog

To know who controls you; know who you dare never, ever, criticize.


Now that’s wisdom.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Your free speech ends where my hook nose begins goyim.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Criticism and facts are antisemitic goyim.


It took the militias’ dogged resolve in battle to provide victories in Oriskany, New York, Bennington, Vermont, and finally, Saratoga, New York, in 1777 that convinced enough middle-of-the-roaders that we could win that changed the course of history. And that is why Oregoneistan made a new law that does not allow any militias. If they hear you speak of, text of, post of, hand out flyers or email of any type of wording or a sticker that looks like you are in or are thinking of forming a militia, it is a felony, jail and fine time for you unless… Read more »


The abuse will continue so long as citizens allow it. Silence in the face of authoritarianism is considered consent. Citizens must stand up and defend their rights.
Do not comply with unjust laws. Nullify them as a juror. Speak out.

Last edited 10 months ago by Arizona

I agree that citizens should stand up to defend their rights, but the problem is that everything now days requires an attorney.

If you don’t have an attorney and sue, it’s like you are complaining to open air because they don’t care, it’s their way or the highway unless you can take some stance of power on their platform to argue from. Oh, and you have to have lot’s of money too unless you have a lawyer that cares about justice and what’s right and wrong and I have found that very few do. It’s all about the Benjamin’s.

Roland T. Gunner

Nullify them with a rifle. Act out.


RTG, I agree, but IMO we are not quite there, yet. Nov 5 might be the cut-off date.


Supreme Court leaves Illinois semiautomatic gun ban in place : NPR


SCOTUS fail. They are failing to uphold what they said in both Bruen and Heller. It’s unconscionable.


Ya, because they are not going to hear it. The Bruen decision makes clear that it is illegal, and the lower court needs to change its decision to match what the supreme court says. I agree with their decision. It’s like we said XYZ, follow it, we don’t need to repeat our actions again to appease you or play your stupid games.

What concerns me is when you have states with governesses like Hochul or Newsome that make new rules to circumvent the ruling that they are able to do it.


As long as they are allowed. Most likely Newsome will be the democrat nominee for president. with everything happening to Biden now, because of his connections to Hunter. Newsome could very well win and if he does. He’ll likely nominate Kamala for Attorney General for being a god little soldier for supporting him. With eyes on the making her the next Supreme Court Justice. Keeping in mind that will likely be Clarence Thomas’s seat. As the democrats have already began their attacks on him.


The last paragraph in the referenced NPR story reads: “The court’s action on Thursday, leaving the Illinois law in place, is not a decision on the merits of the case; as of now, there have been no conflicting decisions by lower appeals courts, and the justices may well have felt there was no need to intervene without such a conflict.” The wheels of justice grind [very] slowly. The supreme court prefers not only to have circuit splits but most especially for the cases to wind their way up through the inferior courts so that the arguments on both sides are… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

Boy it sure sucks tp live in Illinois.

California Uber Alles

They copied and used this same wording in my state. Part of a concentrated push across America. Several states nearby have exact same wording laws that just cropped up over the last year. My state also had a meeting between democrats and ATF that was closed door; the populace at large and the republicans/independent lawmakers were barred from attending. We do not know what was said, but suddenly we had a slew of gun control bills passed afterward. What a surprise?!

BTW, the anti-militia law was passed with Republican support. No lawmaker opposed it, despite the obvious unconstitutionality.


They passed it in ours changing our state constitution as well and not a vote from the people. I haven’t heard of any uproar but then again we are a blue state which means government control is welcome. Very unfortunate.


Pretty sure that new law doesn’t override United States Code.


Thanks for sharing that. It’s line 2 that they are in conflict with but like my comment says, it is a BLUE state. In these states, they pick and chose what they want to accept and not accept, like supporting illegals, and now giving them money for down payment for houses. It’s all an attempt to bankrupt our state in our case and our country in Kamalatoes case and it really pisses me off. My Grandfather and father fought for this country and I served but it was during peace time. We saved for our first home for the down… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

I plead guilty to all the above, your honor; except the “unlawfully” part.


Please note : “These Minuteman militias gathered military-grade weapons and gunpowder and stored them in central locations.” These were in addition to their muskets that they kept and maintained at home, which were military-grade weapons. A large amount of gun powder lead bullets, flints and a few cannons as well as general supplies a military force would use were storied in Concord.

Augusto Pinochet

I suspect that the election may well be decided in the summer of 2024, for the Left figures 2020 worked so well, let’s unleash the brownshirts AGAIN (the usual suspects; Antifa, BLM, etc.) for another summer of riot. This time, however, the brownshirts are going to be given NAMES & ADDRESSES OF THE ENEMIES OF THE REGIME. We call it doxxing. They call it ‘a target list’. Stand ready, next summer: The Left wants a civil war, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get it! Stand fast with your neighbors and others you trust, and REFUSE TO… Read more »


Establish your effective neighborhood fields of fire early.


How ironic that the symbol for the Democrat Communist Party is a JACKASS!
It seems to me we as a country were doing pretty good, and then Obama was elected. It’s not because he’s bi-racial, it’s because he’s a Commie Rat Bastard. (CRB)


Yep. One chance. Because if they steal it again in 2024 the gloves are coming off and there will be no mercy. Those who messaged the lies will be first. Those who enshrined the lies will be second. And anyone who stands in the way will have made the choice to die protecting maniacal tyranny. Anyone.

Last edited 10 months ago by CBW

No, if 2024 is stolen, nothing will happen, same as 2020. There will be pseudo prosecutors, pseudo investigations, and nothing of substance or duration will change for the better. There will be pseudo “champions” of The People who will talk an outstanding game but who will neither do nor accomplish anything of substance or duration. Though increasingly angry and frustrated, Patriots will sit on their hands, watch, wait, and most of all HOPE for a different outcome in 28. Like a University of South Carolina Gamecocks vs Clemson Tigers football game after the Gamecocks have their posterior handed to them… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by Grigori

“This is the government our Founders warned about”…..and, for which they penned the Second Amendment.
Quote from tee….tag line by me.


“In 1776, we had to clean house. The house is filthy again.” – tee.


Unfortunately, in order to fight the Pedocrats the GOP is abandoning any semblance to former platform positions in an effort to become the new NEP instead of the GOP, i.e. the National Eunuch Party. The NEP will be based on it’s firm stance for nothing in particular, inability to accomplish anything beyond intraparty bickering, posturing and prostrating before fake news media for attention, and generally become impotent and useless. Please send your donations today. For more information please contact Cocaine Mitch or whatever House of Representative member is currently claiming to be the leader but subject to change without notice.

Wounded Vet 768

“They were an existential threat to the Democrat party and had to be destroyed. It is why all of the leaders have been imprisoned for multiple years. And the organization no longer exists.”

The OLD organization no longer exists, but like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, a new more disciplined organization has emerged and continues to take up the mission to bring the government back under control and confined to its limits under our Constitution. oathkeepersusa .org


Vets sign on that proverbial dotted line, leave family, train, kit up, go into harm’s way on foreign to protect American freedoms.. Then, return home to enjoy those freedoms on domestic soil building a good life, only to sit on the couch watching politicians take away those very freedoms once defended. We’re kitting up on the wrong soil!!!!! “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the… Read more »


i’m betting that if you knew what the dumb as craps have in store for you once you can not defend yourself, even the most diehard anti gunners would rush out and buy all the “assault rifles” they could afford. it’s going to be that bad for you.

Watch um

Sir, you are correct


Back in the 80s, after Sarah Brady and her cohorts started up HCI, some intrepid reporter (back when we still had a few real reporters working their beat!) asked Sarah why she was so intent on disarming Americans, and the instant reply she blurted out, was that they had to take away our guns so they could impose their socialist agenda! Oops! The gaffe of the century there, and it went unnoticed by the lame stream media!!


The Second Amendment Exists to Protect ALL the Other Amendments,
AND Prevent A Tyrannical Government from being Formed,
 as is whats happening right now
There is NO Discussion and no need to keep rehashing and re-analyzing the clearly written plain language test.

Last edited 2 days ago by grant

How is this article dated 10/12/2024? You say that regardless of whether Biden or Trump wins – this election will be a turning point. Certainly by now everyone is aware Biden is not running! Question remains whether Trump will be participating either – but only because SS is utterly failing their protective duties. Perhaps his biggest survival asset (besides all the patriots) is that many leftists seem to hate Vance even more than Trump – surely they are aware that assassination of Trump will lead to an absolute avalanche victory for Vance? Look how Trump’s polling improved in response to… Read more »


Ammoland is notorious for recycling articles. The worst is the ones from the gun reviews section. But even in gun rights, they’ll recycle, just less often.

Secret Service has never failed. The Trump assassination attempts were clearly allowed to happen by them. Don’t forget the Secret Service is under the Homeland Security Agency. They were CIA attempts to kill Trump, which the Secret Service was told to leave a hole in their security, and they have, at least twice that we know of.

Remember Dallas in ’63? Secret Service, CIA, FBI… No Homeland back then, but, same old rats.


Brian’s really on a tear. I can’t post anything without approval…

Se-c-r-et S-erv-i-c-e has never failed. The Trump a-s-s-a–s-s-i-n-a-t-i-o-n attempts were clearly allowed to happen by them. Don’t forget the Se-c-r-et S-e-r-v-i-c-e is under the Ho-m–el-a-n-d S-e-c-u-r-i-t-y Agency. They were C-I-A attempts to k-i-l-l Trump, which the S-e-c-r-e-t S-e-r-v-i-c-e was told to leave a hole in their security, and they have, at least twice that we know of.
Remember Dallas in ’63? S-e-c-r-e-t S-e-r-v-i-c-e, C-I-A, F-B-I… No Homeland back then, but, same old rats.

A-m-m-o-l-a-n-d is notorious for recycling articles. The worst is in the gun reviews section.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Orange spray on/Eye liner 2024…. Murika… Fuck yeah!!!

Roland T. Gunner

We are finally here, December 18, 2023, and what have we achieved?

Screw that.

Let the heads roll and the blood run in the streets.

It is a good day to die.

“With a gun in my hand, a bullet in my chest and blood on my teeth”.
-Cat Shannon.


Personally if Americans are that stupid to give up their 2nd amendment rights then they do not Deserve to be Free. Stupid people deserve no rights or freedoms whatsoever.

Capn Dad


Last edited 10 months ago by Capn Dad
jack mac

Does anyone else have their votes pre-cast on comments not yet read by you? Why are mine being pre-cast?


The 2A does not grant us any more rights that we already have via the constitution. The 2a could be purged, and we still have the right of defense with weapons.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

“It’s da dimocRATS I tell ya… DA DIMOCRATS” LOL. I’m pretty sure Mr. TakeTheGunsEarlyWithoutDueProcess isn’t registered as a DIMOCRAT. You can vote your way into communism, but you can’t vote your way out. We send 4 BILLION a year to Israel, for AIPAC to turn around and buy both sides. Look at what happened to JFK after he wanted AIPAC to register as a foreign agent. I’ma vote sooo hard next time, I’m jacked AF. Voting is the adult version of writing a letter to Santa Claus… change my mind.


you, the American people better wake up to the fact that it is not only guns the dumbascraps want to take away, it is all of your constitutional rights that so many have fought and died so YOU could be a free people forever.


Hey It’s a Holiday today maybe that’s the problem .


This article is a repeat from 9 months ago but if there ever was a time for this message to be spread, now is the time because it stands even more true today than it did yesterday when it was written.

Dam good article.

Trump/Vance 2024


I fixed your downvote for ya MM. Today, both sides are saying this is the most important election in history. It is. In just three weeks we will find out if there is any hope of saving our Republic. If the wrong side wins there will be no election in ’28 because we will have been taken over completely by the socialists, there will be 15 judges on the USSC and once more just traveling gangs of terrorists whose sole means of support is doing the dirty work for those who maintain power by any means necessary. Get ready folks,… Read more »


States that vote by the ballot box have a chance. We here in mail in ballot land have our elections already decided for us. Since we went to mail in only, I believe we have never had a republican governor so it was state on the news the other day. I thought we have had one but I guess I am wrong.

P.S. you can’t drive by my house and not know I am a Trump supporter, in fact I am sure that a lot of demonrkkkats look at it and say, this dude is definitely MAGA.

Trump/Vance 2024


Fixed it for you again, MM. Yep, All the networks have already called WA, Oregon and California for the Dims. It is sad because we don’t even have our mail-ins yet. I used to think that to wait til the last second to vote would make sure your ballot got counted. In 2020, they called the vote at four minutes past 8Pm on election day. So I can say without a doubt that my vote doesn’t mean a damn thing in WA., probably never gets counted cuz they know I am a conservative. Go Reichert! and crush that asshat Ferguson!!!

Get Out

FYI, Go and check your voting registration status. Your state should have a data base.

I checked my status, and it shows last date I voted and party I voted for.

How to confirm your voter registration status | USAGov