The National Rifle Association (NRA) today announced that President Donald J. Trump will address NRA members as the keynote speaker at the NRA Presidential Forum, part of the NRA’s Great American Outdoor Show, on Friday, February 9, 2024, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
This marks President Trump’s eighth address to NRA members, reaffirming his enduring commitment to the Second Amendment and the American tradition of firearm ownership.
President Trump first addressed the NRA in Nashville in 2015. Since then, he has been a steadfast advocate for the NRA, the Second Amendment, and self-defense rights, emphasizing this in subsequent speeches at NRA events, including his promise in 2016 to never let NRA members down. As President, Trump upheld this commitment by appointing a record-setting number of judges who respect the Second Amendment, designating firearm retailers as critical infrastructure during COVID-19, and unsigning from the ATT arms trade treaty on stage at the 2019 NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis.
In addition to his policy achievements, President Trump’s Supreme Court appointments played a pivotal role in landmark Second Amendment rulings such as NRA-funded NYSRPA v. Bruen, further cementing his legacy as a defender of gun rights. He is also a life member of the NRA, underscoring his personal dedication to the association’s mission.
NRA President Charles Cotton commented, “President Trump’s unwavering support for the Second Amendment, and his track record of protecting the rights of gun owners make him an exemplary speaker for this momentous event. His fellow NRA members can’t wait to hear from him for the eighth time.”
Randy Kozuch, executive director of NRA-ILA, added, “President Trump’s presence at the Great American Outdoor Show is a testament to his ongoing commitment to our constitutional freedoms. His leadership has been crucial in safeguarding the rights of hunters, sportsmen, and all Americans who cherish our outdoor heritage.”
The NRA’s Great American Outdoor Show is the world’s largest outdoor show, spanning nine days and featuring over 1,000 exhibitors across 650,000 square feet of exhibit space. Last year, the event welcomed 200,000 NRA members and patriots, celebrating hunting, fishing, and outdoor traditions.
The event will occur at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, 2300 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
About NRA-ILA:
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess, and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:
He’s simply one in a million. Count how many others from penthouses in Manhattan that feel this way.
Steadfast? Unwavering support? Bull. Trump talked big, just like on illegals and so-called dreamers, and then broke almost all promises. He didn’t do squat to oust dreamers, lock down the border, or reinstate gun rights. He didn’t protect the AR, he was for red flags, “take the guns first”, he was for bans of bump stocks and didn’t like suppressors either. He had his chance, and proved he was unworthy, right down to not fighting the fraudulent election that ousted him. He is likely better than any puppet candidate the gop would front, but he isn’t honest nor a true… Read more »
Maybe so, but still better than anything the other party has to offer. At least he was not vigorously pushing for AR and magazine bans, red flags, and safe storage laws like the current administration.
Better???….isn’t good enough. We the people, the NRA and all of firearms organizations need a solid commitment from him.
That’s like saying if I can’t have steak, I’ll just starve. He didn’t do much for us, and did a couple of things we don’t like, but the realistic althernative was HILLARY FREAKING CLINTON. If you think we’re in deep doo-doo now, we’d be Venezuela if she had gotten in.
I’d rather have a strong pro-gun candidate, too, but if it’s Biden or Trump, I’m voting for Trump.
Sadly, American politics has degenerated into “voting for the lesser of two evils” rather than voting for the best possible candidate. Beware the man who plays Pied Piper to the masses.
It’s always been that way. I’ve voted in every presidential election since 1976, and, except for Reagan and Trump the second election, I had to hold my nose and vote the least bad. I voted for Trump the first time, too, but I didn’t think he would follow up on his campaign promises, but, as far as he could do things, he did.
Spoken like a true cuck. Settling for half-assed is how we got to this point with civil rights restrictions.
With the NRA corruption trial involving testimony by Wayne La Pierre happening in New York. I wonder why sites like this and others, aren’t reporting the facts of his and other members of the BOD corruption.
Wayne LaPierre says he approved helicopter rides so NRA execs could avoid traffic while going to NASCAR races
Still Nucking Futs.
Nucking Futs.
The NRA and DJT; partners in progress! What could possibly go wrong?
Tell me which candidate republican or democrap other than Trump has said they would “support the second amendment including sporting rifles and standard capacity magazines”? Even Kenedy has said that NOW is not the time to take guns from the American people. That means that later would be the time. Nicky is a bought and paid for RINO. She is like most congresspeople, any way the wind blows is what they support. If it makes chances of election happen or keeping the office, they are for it until they win and then they will change their mind to whatever puts… Read more »
Hi MusicMan! As I have noted many times before, “saying” something and “doing” it are often two entirely different things. In 2016, Trump promised that if we elected him, the days of attacks on our gun rights were over. Then, after he was elected, he proceeded to call for red flag laws, raising the age to purchase long guns from 18 to 21, and gift us with a bumpstock ban; the last of which did more tangible harm to our gun rights in three years, than Obama did in eight. He also pushed to put anti-gun former FOP National President… Read more »
You forgot that Obummer made it legal to have a sidearm in National Parks but you are not allowed to discharge it in most cases and that is about the only thing that I can say positive about him except he positively was the instigator to start the racism up in our country again and F up America with his hope and change that We the People constitutionalists don’t believe in. I understand what you are saying and how you feel and myself and others don’t like the bullshit of being lied to either. You can either write in a… Read more »
Music, those are some amazing Olympics-class mental gymnastics to try and render Trump as blameless as possible for selling us out. For starters, the bumpstock ban did not take effect under Obiden. It took effect on 03-26-2019, solidly under Trump’s term. The ATF under Obama was okay with bumpstocks. The ATF under Trump was okay with bumpstocks. It wasn’t until Trump goaded them into finding fault with bumpstocks that they took action to classify them as machine guns. Also, I do not recall seeing anywhere, where Trump said he did this to distract them and give them a bone.… Read more »
Don’ know what the last sentence means or FWIW. Well obviously you do not watch as much of Trump as I do, maybe you watch a different channel. As for your request to provide proof to you again, do your own homework. You know yourself that allot of what has been said has been taken down by the left and I have seen you use typical leftist tactics to try and trap people and I am not one of them. If you want to argue points we can but what is the use if we are both on the same… Read more »
At least mine isn’t shoulders deep up a lying traitors posterior.
Hi Ope! The paradigm of the week seems to be SSDD (Same Stuff Different Day). We were told last week that the Senate would take up CC on Tuesday (yesterday). Later yesterday evening, on the Palmetto Gun Rights FaceBook page, Tommy Dimsdale said they had defeated one or more of the obstructionist Amendments that were on the agenda, but there is still much obstruction to be overcome before anything happens. It is a cliffhanger where news and updates are kinda slow to come out. Hoping something meaningful happens today, for better or worse. One good thing I hope for if… Read more »
Ope, Thank You for doing that (donation and concern)! I keep hoping we will pull this through but we have a tiny core of obstructionists in our Senate that seem to have limitless tricks in their bags, not the least of which is lying Luke Rankin. Unfortunately, our coastal area is full of these literal former Democrats who switched parties and now run as Republicans for the straight party lever pulls and other benefits. I wish there were away to make straight-party voting go away. It does a multiple evils. It is the incumbent’s best friend and absolute protection from… Read more »
As of about 5PM, still in contention. On PGR FB page, Tommy Dimsdale reporting one bad amendment defeated and another one on the burner.
Hi Ope! Sorry I am so late getting on here. Have been on the phone most of the evening with local friends about the “Constitutional Carry” situation. From what I have read, both on our side and the MSM, we will have permitless carry. There are strings, but what little I know at the moment sees this generally as a win. They passed “CC” with an amendment we could have done fine without. As I understand it, anyone who has not undergone training and exercises their 2A right under this law, will face “enhanced penalties” if they find themselves in… Read more »
I think there is a way to vote our way out. Multiple masses showing up to overwhelm the system and show the people/news agencies that more support Trump than anyone else at the booth.
I can already tell you Oregoneistan will vote Trump because we have mail in ballots. Washington will probably vote Trump but it looks like kommiefornia might be having problems with wealth tax, people not liking the state being taken over by illegals and having to support them with welfare, medical and free schooling.
If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t allow it. The system is rigged beyond a doubt, as we saw in 2020, and it doesn’t matter how many votes are cast… just who does the counting. AZ voted for Trump, and didn’t vote for Mark Giffords nor the fraudster sitting governor.
Well, we will see. They are trying to fix the vote but you know blue states don’t want to kill off their dead voter base.
You know that we need to revamp the whole thing just like me. What pisses me off is that you have a bunch of judges that deny the video proof and there is more out there with this primary.
They should be stuffing turkeys not ballot boxes.
We have that problem here in Oregoneistan. The people voted and said no illegals with drivers licenses. The court said unconstitutional and they get a license anyway. When they come to your door, they don’t ask for proof of residency at least they haven’t with me when I refused to fill out the form.
I took away my down vote, read what the ATF said, and I admit I made a mistake on bump stocks and who made it law.
Hi Musicman! I sent a rather lengthy reply to you earlier today. I am guessing it went to comment jail. I don’t know why but hope AmmoLand staff release it soon.
For the meantime, Thank You! Have a great day, Sir!
So who is your choice in 2024? If it’s between Biden and Trump, would you choose Biden, who is obviously more anti 2A.
Hi Bozz. As I have said many times before, and few seem to understand, I have no choice in the Presidential election, from any candidate list for either party. They ALL are working for and controlled by the Deep State/NWO. If people stopped paying attention to their words and looked at their deeds, political affiliations, family affiliations, business and financial affiliations, etc, they would see how hopelessly the deck is stacked against We The People. This is why I left the Presidential part of my ballot blank in 2020 and will do so in 2024. To me at least, we… Read more »
You can argue tinvowoot all day but we will not know for sure until after the election. I am sure, more cameras will be focused on ballot boxes than ever before, more people like me will follow and track people collecting ballots to their delivery point, more people will watch their mail man closer, more people are going to insist on watching ballot counters and republicans are going to be ready to combat the lies and hopefully not accept the judges that ignore the truth and lie. O’biden says our democracy is on the line. Trump says our republic is… Read more »
Well, here we are again and I hope we have learned a valuable lesson since the last election. You speak the truth about everything in your answer to Grigori. I have said and will continue to say about the negativity that when one says, “I didn’t vote for anybody in the last presidential election”, that contrary to that statement is, in fact, yes, you did. We have and will always have to pick the least evil person towards our constitution. I have been voting for over 50 years and figured it out about 30 years ago. There will probably never… Read more »
Double double right on all of it. If we have another democrap for president again I believe Trump is right when he says the America that we did know will be gone forever and we probably will never see a republican president again.
Save America and Make America Great Again
Trump 2024
Yes, you are right. The Town Dogcatcher should be on the ballot, but is always appointed thru nepotism.
“Trump said”, “Trump said”, “Trump said”…..
I am sorry so many don’t get it. Trump is a damn liar, like any other politician. His words are empty and meaningless because he does not back them with his deeds.
And biden is an Fing angel right? Trump said, no war, there was no war, Trump said seal the border and if he wouldn’t of had to fight the left he would have had it, Trump said that he would make us wealthy again and we got lower fuel prices and food didn’t sky rocket along with everything else, Trump said that he would help create peace in the middle east and he did, Trump said he would move the Embassy and he did, Trump said he would stop giving money to terrorist organizations and he did, Trump said he… Read more »
You know, it really pisses me off all of these he said he would do this that or the other things and he lied. Two of the most important things he did that no other president has done in our time is fix the VA and allow them to get treatment outside of the VA Hospital and most of all.!!! He gave his paycheck to multiple agencies who needed it. It might not have been directly from his check, but he has plenty of other incomes and proceeds that he can contribute to and multiple agencies stated that stated he… Read more »
We are all entitled to our own opinions. If we agree with them or not is secondary to our right to speak our mind. No where in any of my statement do I see where I said he is not.
I am sure if he feels it needs clarification or amendments or additions he will do so. If not, it doesn’t matter because, he doesn’t owe me any explanations for anything just like none of us owe any explanations to the man in the moon. It’s no problem. I have read some of his stuff and like you and I, we agree on a lot of it but there is always the exception. He did say he would vote for Trump and that is the bottom line. Being able to respect each other’s difference of opinion, acknowledge it, not let… Read more »
Amen to that.
Enjoy your Bump stock there sparky!
Don’t have one, didn’t even know they existed until after the Las Vegas shooting where multiple people fired multiple calibers of guns at multiple angles in the psyop.
And none of the shooters actually used the bumpstocks that were staged for the photo op.
Were on the same page.
There’s a lot I don’t like about any of the candidates and will vote for Trump but Ramaswami was the strongest advocate by far for the 2A. An absolutist if you can believe what he said on the campaign trail. Trump could do worse than have him for a VP pick. A lot to be said for Noem too. Whomever he picks better be electable in ’28 and ’32.
I am for Noem and hesitant on Ramaswamy but think that if he were VP that I would most likely vote for him if Nome didn’t run and if she wanted to be his VP I would go for that too. I just wish the time was here for him to announce who it is going to be. It will not make any difference on my vote for him. I think it all stems on if Mike obummer runs or not.
I have been expecting that ever since O’bdien /obummer the third stole the office.
Oh ya, LOL and they have it. She hates Trump and hates guns. Its no problem most of the people that follow her are little kids and can’t vote. Since she went no Trump no Guns, I don’t listen to her anymore, deleted her to bluegrass songs from my database when she was supposedly a country girl. I talk about 2,500 dollar cheap tickets and how she is really all about the rich that can afford her. I think the football player she is supposedly falling for is all to promote more people listening to her BS. When the election… Read more »
Swift has to be the most overrated “talent” currently on the market; sort of like a modern-day female James Taylor.
Have you noticed in the last three weeks how Kristy Noem is in the news more often and sounding very knowledgeable about our history and very presidential.
Please, oh God please, let it be Trump/Noem 2024.
Neither Nikki Haley or Vivek Ramaswamy are eligible to be President or V.P. Both were born before any of their parents were naturalized. Vivek’s father has never been naturalized. The Founders were very specific about the Presidency being occupied by a Natural Born Citizen. The requirement to be eligible was that both parents of the candidate had to be citizens when the child was born. They made that rule to prevent the leader of the country from having ties and loyalties to any other country. My Senator, Ted Cruz, isn’t eligible either. It really chaps my ass that our so-called… Read more »
You may want to check your sources. From Article 2, Section 1, paragraph 5 of our Constitution: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. For a more expansive discussion (90 second read) go here: There is no requirement for parents to be citizens, only… Read more »
I will never figure out how we legally got the Muslim extremist Barry?
I remember. We can’t ever let anything like that happen again. We need to stop the majority madness and the fact that we didn’t back then is the reason we have the kind of BS that is going on today.
Nip it in the bud.
The term RINO, as in “Republican In Name Only”, says as much about the person using it as it does about the politician they’re trying to describe.
It says the person assumes that a Republican is a pro RKBA conservative.
That is not true for most of the Republican party. Never has been. Regrettably probably never will be.
Assuming otherwise will eventually bite you on the a$$ without much warning.
Ok. I looked at it as a person who is elected and represents the republican party but is not a strong conservative and has democrap tendencies, but I understand what you are saying and the angle you are coming from and you are right. In order to be one thing they have to be part of the other and they are not real republicans in the first place.
I think I got it!!! Thanks for sharing.
Spoken like a true cuck. Settling for a right wing authoritarian vs a left wing authoritarian is still settling for an authoritarian. Better to vote Libertarian and not be a whore.
I would if they could come to power enough that they could get elected and we could actually have a free market, have less government and the government stay out of our lives like what the party was created for. How many years have they tried to intervene and actually do something since 1971and still hasn’t the power to have done it. Rather vote for a republican than be a dreamer that hasn’t got anything done. Your comment was rude, unappreciated, and not warranted, just like you! Oregoneistan, voting for a party that can win rather than pissing my vote… Read more »