Florida Post Office Gun Ruling and SCOTUS Votes Should Have Big Impact on Montana Senate Race

“Montana values” or the company he keeps? They wouldn’t have him on if it wasn’t serving their agenda. (Jon Tester/Facebook)

“A federal judge in Florida ruled a U.S. law that prohibits people from having firearms in post offices to be unconstitutional, the latest court decision declaring gun restrictions violate the Constitution,” The Hill reported Sunday. “U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a Trump appointee, cited the 2022 Supreme Court ruling ‘New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen’ that expanded gun rights.”

Considering the preexisting nature of rights, that’s a misleading way of putting things. Still, the Bruen benchmark of recognizing text, history, and tradition at the time the Constitution was ratified means many existing “gun laws” fail to meet that standard and are subject to far-reaching reconsideration in the courts. What remains to be seen is how this decision will stand on appeal, and what effects that will ultimately have on the application of the law in the rest of the nation.

In this case, it also means a Florida case centered around “illegal possession of a firearm in a federal building” by a postal employee could have far-reaching implications in, of all places, the Montana senate race. Specifically, Jon Tester’s bid for reelection


By letting Montana gun owners know that Tester demands they be disarmed when they go to the post office not even allowed to keep their lawfully owned guns securely stored in their vehicles. That means disarmed on their way to and from, no matter the distance, which in Montana can be considerable, and if it means they’ll be on their own for the duration of the trip.

Can that be true? Tester has always portrayed himself as a “pro-gun Democrat,” and once even boasted an “A” rating from NRA before they downgraded him over his vote against confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

This cannot be overstated: If it were up to Tester, we would not have the Bruen decision, as he voted against Trump’s nominees Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, and for Obama’s nominees Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

Back in 2014, as a member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Tester voted against “a measure … that would have allowed concealed, loaded guns to be carried in post offices,” dismissing it as a “publicity stunt” by Sen. Rand Paul.

“I would just say this. I don’t … I think I’m a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. I’ve got more guns than I need and I want some more,” Tester stammered to rationalize his support for infringing on the rights of his countrymen. “But the bottom line is, there’s some places where guns are not appropriate… And if there’s issues with the post office, I don’t think it’d be appropriate to have a gun at the post office.”

By “at” he means “in” or “on” the premises, effectively expanding the “gun-free zone” to personal vehicles.

“No person on U.S. Postal Service® property may carry or store firearms, explosives, or other dangerous or deadly weapons, either openly or concealed, except for official purposes. See Title 39, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 232.1.”

This is a point that the two most likely Republican contenders in Montana’s June 4 primary, Brad Johnson and Tim Sheehy, are both well-positioned to exploit.

“The Second Amendment has to do with fundamental and individual right to keep and bear arms – and nothing to do with hunting, target shooting, or collecting and everything to do with defending our homes and our families,” Johnson’s campaign website promises.

“I will fight back against any attempt by liberal politicians like Joe Biden and Jon Tester from pursuing a radical gun control agenda that threatens our Second Amendment rights,” Tim Sheehy declares on his.

Both understandings appear a far cry better than “pro-gun” Jon Tester’s, whose strongest Second Amendment creds appear to center around shooting cows. Johnson and Sheehy need to make sure Montana gun owners know that when it’s up to him, Tester joins his fellow Democrats in a disarmament agenda that will turn its sights on Fudds still dumb enough to vote for them soon enough.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Here is the sad fact of the matter. My rural county in NW Arizona, Mohave County is probably the most conservative county in the US. Just ask the FBI. In 2020 and again in 2022 if every registered Republican in my county had voted we would have flipped the electoral college and Senate race in Arizona to Red status and again, if every registered Republican in my county had voted we would have an entirely conservative lineup at our statewide offices of Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General. The margins in those races were in the hundreds of votes.… Read more »


Same here in Vegas.
99% of NV is red.
Why is this even a close race.

Fטcking Commiefornian’s moving here because we had low taxes and high family values.

That has shifted thanks to the retards from Commiefornia moving here with there voting habits then wondering why we are just as Fטcked as Commiefornia.

Joe Lombardo is a piece of crap but better than the alternative. We should’ve had a better choice for governor, a MAGA choice.


You would think the citizens of a state like Montana would have voted a POS like Tester out, years ago. I question the integrity of US House and Senate races the same as I do Presidential races. More and more, they are starting to look a bit rigged. In my own state, our inability to get rid of MIC darling, Lindseypoo Graham is one of those things that make you go “hmmm”.


or someone would have taken him up in the woods to try bear spray




Tester’s been running reelection ads for at least three months. He touts a few things he’s done for individuals but when the DNC calls he’s toes the line and marches in lock step. His greatest wish is to go from soldier to capo to (dare I say it) godfather of the party.


As long as allowed.


I believe Tester will out on his Pedocrat ass this time around. I believe there are good things in store for MT as replacing the Schweitzer Pedocrats brought better things for MT.


John Testicle and Rachel Madcow. hmmmmmm, I can pretty much guarantee you I will be watching something else.


How many shootings have there ever been inside a post office or upon the dirt bounded by the doted line on the plot maps? Yes, there ave been some… and some folks have died in result. BUT.. in each incident how many present at that time and place were themselves armed, and thus able to interveneand stop the violence? This stupid law assures that NO INE will br present who is armed. I often happen to have my friend” on my hip when I heppen to pop round to collect the mail. I have long resoled that of an “incident”… Read more »


Only when they went “postal” back in the seventies.


From Jan ‘04 to March ‘07 and from March ‘08 to May ‘13 I remember going into U.S. post offices on a semi regular basis and every time seeing people carrying rifles and/or pistols, including some of the people behind the counter… but they still had the signs on the wall stating it was a federal offense. I was a contractor in Iraq and Afghanistan after retiring with 21 years in the military. I asked one of the people working there why they had those stupid signs up when most everyone in there was armed. He said they were required… Read more »


I’m curious as to what was said between Tester and Rabid Mad-cow but not curious enough to submit to such torture.


Johnn Tester is a But-er; “I support the Second Amendment, but… er”

He can rot with Midget Bloomberg, Gabby Giffords etc


Don’t ever, don’t ever vote Democrat


‘Tester has always portrayed himself as a “pro-gun Democrat,”’

There is no such thing as a “pro-gun Democrat” if you vote democrat you are going to vote for people who are anti-gun and that makes you anti-gun.


I am going to do my part in November and go vote against every Democrat including Jon Testor . Hope he is done and gone after November and retired to Big Sandy where he belongs .