Illinois Gun Ban Gets Met With Non-Compliance

The Illinois semi-automatic gun ban and mandatory registration were enacted on January 1st, 2024. The big question is, how many people will comply?

The fact that the Illinois State Government is requiring its citizens to incriminate themselves by reporting their newly “illegal” firearms to the State Police is a violation of the 5th Amendment. Acting in a similar fashion to New York State, anti-gun democrats in Illinois understand that creating a gun registry that is managed by the State Police bypasses the gun registry protections gun owners are afforded at the national level.

The new law called “The Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA)” bans the delivery, sale, and purchase of so-called “assault weapons,” which impacts dozens of specific types of firearms. The law also bans specific attachments, extended magazines, and rapid-firing devices, a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment. Apparently, the Illinois legislature thinks the 2nd Amendment reads, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed unless Democrats in Illinois disagree.”

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the law when it came before the court earlier this year. Under the provisions of the bill, gun owners were required to submit an endorsement affidavit through their FOID card by Jan. 1, and firearm retailers were required to sell or return their current stock.

Compliance will likely be seen by most FFLs, but the question is, how many private citizens will actually submit to the State Police their list of newly, restricted firearms? Our Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment as a tool to restrict government overreach and as a way of preventing the government from playing these types of games. Our Founders never intended for the government to know who had guns and where they were located. This new law in Illinois violates the very premise of the 2nd Amendment. Those responsible for writing it know it. They also know it will hang around for a long time while it winds its way through the court system. This new state-level gun registry stomps on our Bill of Rights and spits in the faces of the great men who wrote it.

But there is some good news. After Governor Pritzker rammed his new totalitarian rule (AKA PICA) through the Legislature in the dark of night before anyone could read it, he seemed a bit concerned about something. According to Illinois Review, he made it a point when confronted by the Press, to announce that those law enforcement officers who do not comply would be looking for other employment. Why would he say such a thing? Is it possible, he knows that what he is doing is unconstitutional, but he is pandering to discouraged Biden voters at a time when he may be considering a run for President?

Here’s the good news. Even though Pritzker seems to be preparing to confiscate guns from those who don’t comply, the vast majority are not complying. Of the 2.4 million Firearm Owner Identification card holders, only 2.17% have even entertained Pritzker’s new law.

Want some even better news? More than 74 of the 102 elected Illinois Sheriffs said they refuse to enforce the unconstitutional law. It looks like Illinoisans are reminding Pritzker who he works for.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos
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I wouldn’t comply either.
Heck, I don’t want to do anything as CLEARLY illegal as their little law.


Same results in NY and I bet the same will happen in WA and OR. Changing the laws to make what was once legal, illegal is unconstitutional and illegal. The fact that they charge for the right to carry, own or must be licensed to buy is an infringement.

We need constitutional carry for all states in the USA Hawaii and Alaska and for State governors and policing agencies to face being fired and jailed for enforcing these new illegal, unconstitutional laws.


need to take these hacks to cuba and hang them… the dark of night


Outlaw tyranny.


Tyranny is onIy outIawed at the end of a rope.


10 yrs minimum for all the governors, judges, prosecutors and cops who infringe.
Edited to add: and for all the legislators who pass these unconstitutional gun laws, 25 to life in prison.

Last edited 10 months ago by Arizona

25 minimum, and the $250,000 fine as well! (that is what it is for all of us)


Agreed. But it MUST start at the top of “the enforcers.”


We already have constitutional carry, and national preemption. It’s called the Second Amendment. It is in the Constitution which is the Supreme Law of the Land. As such, violations should carry supreme consequences. It’s incredible how many people must have failed Civics.

Last edited 10 months ago by buzzsaw

As Thomas Jefferson said, “I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.[1]
Rebellion is “a medecine necessary for the sound health of government.” And it is Long, LONG overDUE in Illinois. The overreaching, arrogant nd self-important lardass Prizker and his equally corrupt peers must be ousted, and any who take their places must govern from within the bounds of thenConstitution.


if there is no penalty, they will do as they wish until some shovels dirt on them


If I was a politician in a state and was passing unconstitutional laws that were being ignored I would probably be a little nervous.

Monkey Mouse

It has been war gamed that no state government can survive a small, determined force if they show up in that capital “unannounced”. Feds will come in to tag bodies the next day.

Dubi Loo

In ILL they are not the least bit nervous. In fact they are boastful.


Throw a cordon around Chicago and watch that change.

“Let the Bastards Freeze in the Dark” — bumper sticker seen in Louisiana during the 1970s oil embargo.


Good article. Blatant tyranny. These tyrants aren’t gonna stop themselves.


They won’t stop until they are stopped. They have no fear of repercussions, That must be addressed.


l wiII NOT compIy.


Illinois gun owners tell fat a$$ JB to eat a turd .


I guess this is a law that the democrats consider to be “commonsense”. One that they can’t charge a convicted felon with if he or she violates it.


same happened with 1934 gca. only applied to people who could legally own gun ,that is why 1968 gca was written Haynes decision made 1934 act un enforcable (did not stop atf from trying)


well according to the dictionary ASSAULT is defined as ,make a physical attack on. so nobody has a assault rifle .


even the german Sturmgewehr is not an assault rifle it is a trench storming gun made after trench warfare was all but done


Illinois doesn’t have enough criminals in the gangs so they have to create more criminals out of previously law abiding citizens while ignoring the death and destruction wrought by the aforementioned thugs.

The only class of people made safer by this law are the globalists.


which is why they dont want the drones (workers) to be able to defend themselves, or vote them out one cartridge one vote


From my cold dead hands!


The courts will receive enough unlucky souls to feed their system. And that is what it’s all about. No need for enforcing it from house to house. Just give your mad wife, ex wife or a disgruntled neighbor enough time. Will the ALL LEO due as some of the Sheriffs say they will do (not enforce) ? This will be another charge for ALL of them to use against you. Whether they say they support it or not. Just give it time.


Battle of Athens might be just the next re-enactment…


Dan Wos, I have to disagree with you when you say: ” …a gun registry that is managed by the State Police bypasses the gun registry protections gun owners are afforded at the national level.” As I have said before, FOPA changed 18 U.S. Code § 926(a)(3) so it reads “…No such rule or regulation prescribed after the date of the enactment of the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act may require that records required to be maintained under this chapter [i.e. the entirety of Chapter 44] or any portion of the contents of such records, be recorded at or transferred to… Read more »


when their is no civilian group to enforce this it is just nice words on paper


I have not read the IL brief so I don’t know if it was included in their arguments. I have pointed it out to their attorneys. But you are correct that it is just words until it is used in court and the law is upheld. William Kirk at Washington Gun Law on youtube has mentioned this on occasion since it was pointed out to him.


Every state that requires Foid cards, applications to gain permission to purchase a firearm, permits and registrations MUST be sued to submission over this violation. Make a stink about it if your state is affected, and be ungovernable.


Any new registry created after 16 May 1986 is illegal. Unfortunately Illinois has had a FOID card requirement since 1968 so it needs to be found unconstitutional or illegal on other grounds.


EVERY STATE must be sued. EVERY STATE has arms laws. Even the states that many clam have “constitutional carry” are, at best, only “permitless carry” and even that is a misnomer considering EVERY STATE still has laws dictating who, what, when, where, and how one is “allowed” to carry and what one is “allowed” to own.


Government’s solution for it’s ongoing inability to legislate criminals is to re-brand the law-abiding by passing laws that create a new government scapegoat based on incompetence.

Polish Raven 3

Some one is going be a victor tango delta in law enforcement if they confiscate…m-885 Stock up and I’m not even close to Illinois… Leo’s in my state would not comply with any such order were all formally armed services here in SC and red as blood

Last edited 10 months ago by Polish Raven 3

M855. Or M856 for tracer.

Polish Raven 3

My fault it’s m855 not m885


I was wondering, are the non compliance numbers higher or about the same as the New York safe act from a couple years ago?

Dubi Loo

PRICKster wants to be POTUS so bad he can taste it. Maybe he can buy that office just as he bought the IL SC judges?


warren buffett bought odummer the office ,so it could happen

Polish Raven 3

These unconstitutional laws are worthless junk mail as the us constitution supersedes these laws…! I would not comply with them in any state of this union..!

Last edited 10 months ago by Polish Raven 3

but you have to have the money, or backing of an army to fight


Wait until the “federal” government “recruits” some of the most vicious psychotic sociopaths and psychopaths they have PERMITTED to enter this country ILLEGALLY (amongst the 8+ MILLION who come across). You can be sure they will “get the job done”, including bashing down YOUR door to get the guns YOU own. But I wouldn’t worry about the guns, cause they will be dragging your fat butts out the door with’em.