Once again, Florida Senate President Kathleen Passidomo has made it crystal clear that only she gets to decide which civil rights are allowed in Florida, and the Second Amendment isn’t one of them.
The Naples Republican is singlehandedly blocking legislation that would restore our right to Open Carry — a key component of the right to keep and bear arms, which is codified in the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and Art.1 Sec. 8 of the Constitution of the State of Florida.
Open Carry refers to the act of carrying a firearm in plain sight. In Florida, you can only carry a loaded firearm openly while fishing, hunting or camping.
Passidomo claims she reached her nanny-like decision after talking to Florida sheriffs.
“The sheriffs who I deeply respect, who are in the business, who understand the issues, do not support open carry in the state of Florida, they support permitless carry,” Passidomo said last year.
While Republicans enjoy supermajorities in both the House and Senate, Floridians have little protection from anti-gun leaders like Passidomo when they infringe upon our civil rights.
Last year, Gov. Ron DeSantis promised he would sign a Constitutional Carry bill. Sadly, DeSantis broke his promise. CS/HB 543, which the governor signed last year, allows only the unlicensed carry of concealed firearms. There was no provision for Open Carry. To be clear, this is not the same Constitutional Carry enjoyed in 26 other states.
We call on Gov. DeSantis to keep his word and demand that the legislature immediately send him an Open Carry bill.
We also call on Senate President Passidomo to better educate herself on the U.S. Constitution — especially the Second Amendment. Perhaps she should talk to more Floridians, not just those with badges in their billfolds.
Our Second Amendment rights, which we’ve had since 1791, are not subject to the approval of local law enforcement. The Senate President should know that.
We do not intend to sit idly by while our members’ rights are violated yet again.
Consider this our warning.
About Florida Carry, Inc.:
Florida Carry is a Florida nonprofit, non-partisan, grassroots organization founded in 2010. Florida Carry is dedicated to advancing the fundamental civil right of all Floridians to keep and bear arms for self-defense as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Florida. In 2016 Florida Carry was named the Grassroots Organization of the Year by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
She reminds me of Ann Richards and her elitist attitude ‘I know what is best and you little people need to stay in your place’.
As to the sheriff’s she claims support her, they need to be named, shamed and voted out of office post haste.
In Florida when its hot, I cannot see how you could conceal carry. But the state & people have a choice according to Bruen, concealed or open.
“The sheriffs who I deeply respect, who are in the business, who understand the issues, do not support open carry in the state of Florida, they support permitless carry,” Passidomo said last year.
What did you expect. They are worthless self serving politicians Just like you!
another republican in sheep’s clothing , just admit it you’re a commie and think your opinion matters ,well it don’t so go f yourself ,you’ll be gone by the next election hopefully
i sent an email to kathleen this morning when i got the fl carry email. as i told her, what difference does party affiliation matter if you don’t follow the law of the land.
sheriff’s are political animals, and will bend the knee to the powers that be.
patrol officers that i have talked with do not care and even support open carry. open carry is less dangerous than concealed carry to them, they can see who has a firearm.
The sheriff of the typical Florida county is an elected official. I’m pretty sure that’s true of 65 of the 67 counties with Miami-Dade and Duval being the exceptions. IIRC, recent changes in state law require each county to have certain officials be elected directly by the voters with Sheriff being one of the required elected offices. Miami-Dade objected but will probably have to comply eventually. Perhaps someone from the Duval County area could fill in on their situation. My point is that it should be possible for Florida Carry to poll the existing Sheriffs, find out their actual stance… Read more »