Biden’s New Gun Control for Black Communities

Joe Biden IMG whitehouse-gov
Joe Biden IMG whitehouse-gov

The Biden administration is on a propaganda rampage, and the attack is focused on guns. Of course, Joe Biden is being presented as the face of the newly fabricated “Community Violence Awareness Week,” which appears to be nothing more than a new left-wing political holiday for the purpose of spreading anti-gun propaganda.

Although the White House gun grabbers continue complaining that they need action from Congress on their so-called “gun violence epidemic,” the new approach is to label gun-related deaths a “health crisis” for the purpose of justifying executive action.

As expected, Biden launched the “Office of Gun Violence Prevention” in September and coincidentally expedited the implementation of executive actions on gun laws and measures in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Magically, the new violations to the 2nd Amendment created a $750,000,000.00 fund that would be used to leverage States into implementing Red Flag Laws. Red Flag Laws essentially result in the confiscation of firearms without due process.

Greg Jackson, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, said, “Gun violence is a public health crisis that impacts our communities every day.”

By creating the appearance of a “health crisis,” Joe Biden’s handlers can pave the way for him to sign executive orders at the behest of the angry, radical-left gun lobby. This is why the propaganda machine will start using the term “health crisis” more often when the topic of guns comes up. Remember when the COVID “health crisis” gave state and federal officials the perceived authority to implement executive orders? Using the term “health crisis” is a trick, similar to the way they use the term “gun violence” to cover for “human violence.” When “violence is attached to the word “gun,” anti-gun bureaucrats can push legislation. If “violence” was associated with “human behavior” (as it should be), bureaucrats would be forced to deal with the societal problems they create through bad policy. They can’t have that.

Democrats are trying desperately to have this new “Community Violence Awareness Week” coincide with “Black History Month.” Joe Biden is scheduled to deliver a message recognizing “Community Violence Awareness Week” in the hopes of people recognizing it as a national holiday.

According to USA Today, Biden’s White House will be holding several events focused on combating their so-called “gun violence” in black communities. It would appear the planned virtual meetings and round table discussion invitations are limited to black leaders and black elected officials only. It’s been reported that these meetings will be followed up by a workshop where local and state leaders can learn how to obtain federal resources for New “Community Safety Programs.” Joe Biden has repeatedly called on Congress to ban semi-automatic rifles, limit ammunition access through dangerously small capacity magazines, and pass stricter background check legislation that would potentially deny more legal purchases and create more gun registry traps for citizens. Now, the push for these policies seems to be focused primarily on black communities.

It sure looks like the Democrats are acting on their racist impulses again and doing everything they can to remove the ability of black community members to exercise their 2nd Amendment.

Let’s recap the new strategy:

  1. Declare a “health crisis.”
  2. Use executive orders to implement Red Flag Laws (gun confiscation without due process.)
  3. Create a “Community Violence Awareness Week” and associate it with “Black History Month.”
  4. Focus primarily on black communities.
  5. Create programs to train black community leaders on how to obtain federal money that they can use to implement gun control on the folks living within their communities.
  6. Sell ‘self-inflicted’ gun control to the people of the communities under the label “Safer Communities Act.”

But don’t worry, they’re doing it to “keep people safe.” Maybe making it easier for people of all communities to exercise their God-given right of self-defense and keeping the bad guys in jail would be the solution to “human violence.”

Robert Heinlein said, “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” It has become perfectly clear that the Biden Administration would rather create an unarmed, helpless, government-dependent society.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos
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it is, was and always will be about controlling people. it has nothing to do with safety or health.


I don’t give a rat’s azz what Biden the dementia-addled fraud prefers. His handlers and he can shove their gun control dreams where the sun don’t shine, as we won’t abide by ANYTHING that they put out. As a reminder, the fraudulently installed pedo Biden has zero authority over our right to keep and bear arms.


arm all the “good” people and drive out the criminals


And that includes any politician that stands with any law that goes against our Constitution of these United States. Especially the second and forth amendment and Any Red Flag law. If it’s a Red Flag law you can bet your ass it isn’t legal and We the Peopled didn’t vote on it. Actually all of our Constitution. Who do these bastards think they are. We vote them in and they spit in our faces. I have nothing for them.
GO TRUMP 2024 100 % MAGA

Last edited 6 months ago by Choogie

#5 it’s all about the money as usual


Remembering history. Do the terms ‘Black Codes’ and ‘Jim Crow,’ ring a familiar note!?!


100,000 deaths a year from opioid overdoses, mostly Fentanyl that comes across the open southern border, is a true health crisis. It’s also easily, and constitutionally, curtailed by closing the border.

Anytime you hear a politician talk about “gun violence,” ask them what they’re doing about the opioid crisis, then stand back while the befuddled libtard spews out a nonsensical word salad of epic proportions.

They only seem to care about people if it furthers their left wing agenda.


And note that half the firearm related deaths are due to suicide. It is well known that suicides are committed with what is convenient and been reported on the news. And then another quarter of the deaths are gang-related, so again drug caused by the open border.


It’s not that guns lack control. It’s just that the black liberal propensity for going out and getting shot has proven extraordinary!


Will the black people see the writing on the wall? This KKK bastard is singling them out again and trying to take the glory and the celebration of Black History Month from a positive for the black people and turn it into something negative. Myself, I don’t think we need either. We the people are one. We the people share one flag, We the people shed our blood for freedom and the safety of this country, We the People share one anthem and if you don’t like it, you are always welcome to pack your bags and seek your own… Read more »


Personally, I think this is probably going to be the last straw that racist bastard can pile on that Camel’s back before it breaks. Only the dimmest of the dimocRAT’s say they support this lying, pedophile racist and I believe most of them are lying to save face.

There’s a whole lotta hatin’ goin’ on in biden’s circle of influence. It’s quite pleasant watching the dependent classes eat each other and the dims unable to misdirect the hatred to the wrong side. It seems like those racist dimocRAT Chickens are coming home to roost.




with out the 2nd amendment and your guns in your hands the USA and the constitution and all the amendments are history. you and your guns are what is keeping this country from being sold out bu the dumbas craps. fix the problem of be a slave. simple as that.


When Biden said “No amendment is absolute” that includes the 13th banning slavery which dovetails with the dramatic increase in human trafficking as a result of the wide open border and the cartel’s gang infiltration.


Yes, it is important to control the number of weapons, but for the all communities, not just a specific part of it. But the worst thing is that it is not “control” that needs to be funded, but measures that will make life safe and of a high quality 


Since the leftist brought up the 14th Amendment for Trump, we should point out how the 14th applies to Brandon’s Red Flag Laws. Let me quote:

“The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states that no state shall make or enforce any law that abridges the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

How about slapping them with that one!


Well you know the Usurper, ol’ Joe Bidet. He says poor kids can be just as smart as white kids, even if they make schools a “jungle.” Those are his words, not mine.


Thank you Dan Wos. This is an excellent article.


blacks were the first victims of gun control! seems like the govt. is doing a 180!