CCRKBA Chair says Seattle-area Freeway Shootings Prove Gun Control Failure

CCRKBA Chair says Seattle-area Freeway Shootings Prove Gun Control Failure
CCRKBA Chair says Seattle-area Freeway Shootings Prove Gun Control Failure

EXCLUSIVE – Following a string of freeway shootings in the Seattle area along Interstates 5 and 90 and at least one state highway, the head of one of the nation’s most active gun rights organizations, coincidentally based in the area, said the rash of gun-related crimes underscores the failure of increasingly restrictive Evergreen State gun control laws.

Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, described what he believes are several factors which may be at work. Speaking exclusively to Ammoland News, he pointed to the state’s reduced number of law enforcement officers in the field, a significant increase in local gang and drug-related activity, and a noticeable leniency by the courts toward criminal suspects in Western Washington.

“You can’t blame it on the lack of gun laws,” he observed, “because the state has adopted lots of gun laws in recent years, proving that none of them work.”

In 2014, Washington voters passed Initiative 594, which mandated background checks on virtually all gun transfers, with some exceptions for family members. It passed when Seattle-area wealthy elitists bankrolled the initiative campaign, outspending opponents—and a competing initiative—more than 10 to 1.

Four years later, big-money backers mounted another multi-million-dollar campaign to pass Initiative 1639, which restricted sales of semi-auto rifles to adults over age 21, required proof of gun safety training and registration. Statewide, homicides have gone up.

In the interim, in 2015, the City of Seattle adopted a gun and ammunition tax to raise money for anti-violence efforts. Seattle homicides have tripled since the tax was adopted.

And in Olympia, the Democrat-controlled Legislature passed legislation banning so-called “large-capacity magazines” and “assault weapons.” They extended the waiting period to 10 days on all gun purchases. This year, lawmakers are considering bills requiring permits-to-purchase which include a training mandate and one-gun-per-month restrictions.

The Washington State Patrol has been investigating the shootings, and that is continuing. The agency is asking for public help in identifying the culprit(s) and prosecuting them. In once incident, a trooper followed a suspect car through Tacoma and back on I-5. That car was later abandoned and had been reported stolen, but a gun which had been reportedly thrown from the vehicle was recovered by police.

According to KOMO News, the local ABC affiliate in Seattle, one recent incident left a passenger injured earlier in the week. That shooting occurred on southbound I-5 near the junction with State Route 520. A bullet penetrated the driver’s side window, and the passenger “sustained minor injuries,” the station reported. Those injuries were caused by shattered glass.

Another recent incident along I-90, which intersects with I-5 near downtown Seattle, involved a bullet punching a hole in the tailgate of a pickup truck. No suspects have been identified in these incidents.

Gottlieb has watched this unfold and he is already anticipating more gun control hysteria.

“I find this kind of violence on our highways deplorable,” he said.

But guns and law-abiding gun owners are not at fault and should not be penalized, he added.

Gottlieb, 30 years ago, championed two anti-crime initiatives—Three Strikes and Hard Time for Armed Crime—which were popular with nearly everyone, except for liberals who instead wanted to blame guns rather than criminals. In the years since both measures have been gradually weakened, and the veteran gun rights advocate suggested incidents like the freeway shootings are a result.

“No doubt,” he said, “over time (lawmakers) have weakened the Three Strikes and Hard Time laws. When you don’t put the resources to work, to keep criminals off the street, it endangers all of us.”

CCRKBA’s Alan Gottlieb says Seattle freeway shootings are proof that increasingly restrictive Washington state gun control laws “don’t work.”

Gottlieb suggested these crimes are resulting in an increased number of people buying firearms, and applying for concealed pistol licenses. New data Ammoland News obtained from the state Department of Licensing shows January ended with almost 693,000 active CPLs, a remarkably high number in a state considered to be politically “blue” with increasingly restrictive gun control laws. The number of CPLs has hovered up and down in the 692,000 – 698,000 realm for several months.

“All of this certainly explains why people have rushed to buy guns and get concealed carry licenses,” Gottlieb said. “They have realized they can’t rely on government to do it for you.”

The random freeway shootings have occurred primarily along the I-5 corridor between the Seattle and Tacoma areas; two communities in neighboring counties long controlled by Democrat politics. According to the Seattle Times, there have been at least seven freeway shootings so far this year.

Seattle’s KIRO 7 News, the local CBS affiliate, is reporting that the State Patrol is investigating nine confirmed shootings so far this year, and there are four other reported shooting which have not been substantiated. As a result, state troopers have been conducting “emphasis patrols.” These could yield far more results than pushing more gun control schemes.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

Dave Workman

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Why haven’t they made it specifically illegal to shoot people on freeways? All it should take to end this travesty is a few more gun laws outlawing this sort of behavior. Or, as has been pointed out, make freeways into “gun free zones” so nobody can shoot anyone there./sarc off


they haven’t because they are too busy reducing the penalties for gang bangers that shoot each other doing drive by’s and we all know they travel the freeways to sell and transport their drugs.

Doing that would make it worse for the drug runners ergo, you can’t have gun free shooting zone freeways. Besides, if they did that they would have to re name it and take the FREE part out, right? Maybe no gun deathways instead.


A casual reader would think your statement is just anti dimocRAT rhetoric. No politician would do such a thing, right? Wrong! You are spot on. Washington State has a proud convict representing the folks in Washington’s 23 Legislative District named Tara Simmons. She and another representative reprobate from Tukwila have tried the last 2 legislative sessions to do exactly what you wrote. This session the con introduced the Gary Ridgeway Gets To Vote and Run For Office bill, I kid you not. A bill allowing incarcerated felons and others to fully participate in elections, voting and running for office from… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I’m starting to think that someone needs to start a real life Mission Impossible team.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Good one! I thought freeways are already a murder free zone.


DING…DING….DING!! Cappy for he win. That’s what we need ….a law. Maybe, “Thou Shalt Not Kill” Nope, not working, God, with a little heavy lifting help from His friend Moses, been there, done that. Man surely smarter than God, maybe Murder 1, Murder 2,and 23,000+ and growing anti-gun laws. Nope, not cuttin’ it either. But, those shootings are fueling the support of the free-shit addicted useful idiot, hair-on-fire-we’re-all-gonna’-die Karen Government Plantation Dwellers that keep voting those politicians back into power, wealth, and control. Maybe, there’ll be a flurry of freeway shootings to garner support for those dangerous long range hunting… Read more »


this is what happens with open boarders and catch and release criminal policy gangs run amuck

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

That sure doesn’t help, does it?


Piss on “catch’n’release.” Nothing better than a great salmon or trout fillet over an open fire.. Bringing us to invader fillets


Thanks Dave, another great news article. I guarandamntee you, these shooters are under 25. Probably even younger, 12-16. A subdivision of the “Kia Boi’s” phenomenon and gangs taking advantage of the fact it is impossible to incarcerate juveniles in this state. Instead they all get sent to some restorative justice program and there’s nothing “restorative” about any of these terrible policies unleashed upon America during the dark days of the previous dimocRAT president. Add that to this terrible Washington State dimocRAT Juvenile Justice Act, these little pukes are extremely dangerous. One aspect of the law prevents LEO’s from talking to… Read more »


Much of what is in the 59 pages of the referenced JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION ACT is quite reasonable, like keeping juveniles separate from adult prisoners. But yeah, the justice system is pretty well broken and we will remain on the downhill slope to dystopia until it is fixed.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

How about being part of a state sponsored militia with arrest powers and if these little turds want a fight, well send them to the promised land. I’d have no problem shooting a younger gang member if need be. It was HIS choice. And 12-18 is definitely of an age where you have a choice and you KNOW what you are doing is wrong. YOU can’t say even at 12 that you thought it was ok to have a gun and use it to shoot at random, most likely, white strangers.

Last edited 8 months ago by Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Wow – some people must really hate you today. I upvote your post and count goes further down! Meaning that since I opened this page two more people down voted your post. Same for other posts on this thread.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

They hate me all the time because they can’t stand the truth I post. They are like little children that play “Let’s Pretend”. They are PRETENDING they are adults, but in reality they are children with tiny under developed critical thinking areas of their brains in adult and in sometimes older adult bodies. Poor little Karen’s. Most are boot licking slaves and some may be the kind of person that spent their lives making other peoples lives miserable because they were “law enforcement” just doing their job of putting non violent offenders in cages. Or maybe military veterans that went… Read more »


My pet name for the roughly 25 mile zone around Puget Sound is The Peoples Repubelick of Pugetopia.

I tell out of state people that the rest of the state is relatively sane. (With a few pockets of libidiot infestation, like Spokane.)


Can’t city freeways be protected under their own gun free zone escapade? Like it protects everywhere else?

Last edited 8 months ago by Ledesma

Hell, you can protect the whole state which is what they really want but we all know it won’t do a dam bit of good. Look at Commiefornia and new dork for a couple of examples. Funny they are spaced so far apart on opposite coasts and the result is still the same for both.
The more anit gun the state is, the more anti-gun laws they make, the more gun problems they create.

Last edited 8 months ago by musicman44mag
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. ~Ayn Rand

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Are you down voters that ignorant? Or did I write something that upset you poor small minded idiots? Either way, THANK YOU! If I PISSED YOU OFF, I’M GLAD I DID.


This is what happens when you don’t execute people that shoot at people with guns and let lower crime individuals go right away over and over again. If you are not going to pay a penalty for doing a crime, then it becomes no longer a crime, only a revenue for the man.

Typical leftist control has got us where we are at today. Soft on crime unless you are republican. Soft on punishment for children, everyone is a winner and it is your choice what to do with your life right or wrong and they support that.

Last edited 8 months ago by musicman44mag

You would make a defensive gun use into an executable offense, is how it would be enforced and turned against us armed citizens by the government. How can’t you see that? Thank God, you did not move to the hinterland of our good states, where you would try to ruin them with gun control laws. This is a result of the wussification that you older folks forced on us future generations, where you cowards off.loaded your duty to safeguard your areas to just following orders socialist cops, especially when the criminals got darker skinned. The Founders kind of warned us… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by WeWereWarned
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

“You would make a defensive gun use into an executable offense, is how it would be enforced and turned against us armed citizens by the government.” Gee…I think your gooberment skewl edjakashun did a crappy job on your ability to comprehend other folks effort at communication. No where do I see musicman44 making any sort of inference that defensive gun use would be an executable offense. They ALREADY make defensive gun use an executable offense if the can get away with it. I don’t know how old you are but you are acting as if somehow in your younger age… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I accidently wrote a response and it was sent to you. I deleted it because it was to the wrong person.


I know but I always hope that I can educate and sometimes people need to hear it more than once in order for it to sink in.


Sorry MM, You could say it one hundred times and it would NEVER sink in..With some people there is NO hope, at all.


While you are not wrong – I think you misinterpret MM44Mag’s post. Look at his history – he is vehemently against gun control and tyranny.

Last edited 8 months ago by Finnky
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

It’s the result of gooberment skewl edjewcahun. Reason, logic and common sense causes responses like that. And he IS wrong. Most of his statement is aimed at the older generation because he thinks he knows it all and has it figured out. Typical Gen Z or whatever arrogant jack ass.


Perfect leftist reaction to accuse someone else of being what you actually are. How democrat of you!


No body is wrong 100% of the time unless they are a leftist/Marxist/Communist/Socialist/libtard/democrat.

Watching Tuker and Putin right now. The side board is really interesting what people think and feel.


I don’t understand how you can take an ironic statement and turn it into something else other than what it is unless you have no sense of humor in it all. You younger generation animals are the ones that is destroying this country. You don’t see people in their 50’s + out burning and destroying in the name of justice which isn’t justice at all, its just a bunch of out of control children that are mad that they don’t have control over their lives to do what ever they want, when ever they want and are never guilty of… Read more »


Criminals don’t care what laws are passed, they’re criminals.


just how dumb are you? gun control has never been about guns. it is about controlling YOU. wake up before you wake up one day with chains on you. then it’s too late.


Most anti-firearm laws are intended to prevent racial equality. Most Americans are okay with that.


You will note, of course, that these bills are brought forward by the Party of Slave Holders.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Wake up.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Most? When and where did you do a survey and where are the results posted?

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Down vote away!!!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Seems like there are some really small minded children that post on here. They find something someone says that they don’t like and they use their downvotes as a way to make their statement. The kind of people who hide behind their keyboard that don’t have enough fortitude to say WHY they are down voting because it will make them look like the morons they are. The little children in an adult body that would cry in the sand box and take their toys home because someone said something that made the feewwelll bad. Well KMA!


I don’t understand your reasoning behind down voting. Doing that is a way of saying I do not agree with your statement and has nothing to do with popularity and the age of the person doing it is not divulged in clicking on the icon.

Some people are confrontational and seeing that, they do not leave a comment because it will feed the beast.

Something to consider.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Want to stop this insanity Washington? Reinstate the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment, get a well regulated and trained and equipped citizen MILITIA together as the Constitution expects and then when some crap for brains idiot is doing these kinds of things they will be surrounded on the freeway by well armed and trained militia 24/7 who will be trained to take care of situations like this and citizen militia members can be given arrest powers for FELONIES committed in their presence, which in most states is that way anyhow. The problem is that since a very small… Read more »