Federal Judge Finds Gun Free School Zone Act Constitutional

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Federal Judge Finds Gun Free School Zone Act Constitutional iStock-Elisank79 1432356580

On January 31, 2024, US District Court Judge Susan P. Watters published an opinion on the motion to dismiss the Gun Free School Zone case in Billings, Montana. She found the Gun Free School Zone Act (GFSZA) to be constitutional.

The case has been covered extensively here on AmmoLand. The person charged, Gabriel Metcalf, had reason to carry a firearm for his own defense and that of others outside his home in Billings, Montana. His home is across the street from an elementary school. The school was not in session while he was carrying outside his home.

Gabriel Metcalf’s primary defense consists of two pillars. First, the Gun Free School Zone Act has an exemption for people who are licensed by the state the school is in to carry firearms. Montana had created a special statute to grant individual licensure to people who could legally own firearms in Montana. Gabriel Metcalf has no criminal record or record of violence. Therefore, he was granted an individual license to carry in Montana, specifically for the purpose of the Gun Free School Zone Act.

Judge Watters found the Montana law does not meet the requirements of the GFSZA.

The second pillar is the facial unconstitutionality of the Gun Free School Zone Act (GFSZA). The GFSZA had already been found to be unconstitutional because it exceeded the authority granted by the United States Government under the Constitution of the United States. President Clinton and Janet Reno pushed to add 12 words to the law. Five circuits have upheld the law based on those 12 words, and three circuits have held that 12 words do not heal the constitutional defect.

The Ninth Circuit is one of the circuits that has held the GFSZA to be within the authority of the federal government under the commerce clause. This finding was before the Heller, McDonald, and Bruen decisions. The defense claims the GFSZA does not meet the Bruen decision (2022) requirements under the Second Amendment and is, therefore, unconstitutional.

Judge Watters has to reach and stretch to find any historical analogs similar to the GFSZA. She finds the prosecution brief to be inadequate, so she creates her own interpretation of the historical record to find an analog.

The judge cites one colonial law from the Constitution of Delaware in 1776, which she says forbids firearms within one mile of a polling place for 24 hours before an election and 24 hours after the election had closed. Then, she cites three reconstruction and post-reconstruction laws that forbid the carrying of weapons close to polling places during elections.

Judge Watters then jumps from the polling place prohibitions to claim buffer zones around schools, which are in effect every day of the year, are close enough of a law to justify the constitutionality of the GFSZA.  She relies heavily on claiming that “school shootings” are recent sociological phenomena that require a new response.

Consequently, Judge Watters finds the restriction of 18 U.S. Code § 922(q)(2)(A) to be constitutional, and the motion to dismiss the case is denied.

This case would always be appealed, whichever side Judge Watters decided for. The appeal will go to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. It is not known what three-judge panel will be given the case. The analogy of buffer zones around polls near election day is very weak. There is only one example from the founding era. It is from the Delaware Constitution from 1776. Judge Watters misstates the example. It does not ban all guns from a buffer zone around polls. It bans battalions or companies, organized and paid for by a state, from being within a mile of the polling place, not individuals. From the Delaware Constitution of 1776, ART. 28:

ART. 28. To prevent any violence or force being used at the said elections, no person shall come armed to any of them, and no muster of the militia shall be made on that day; nor shall any battalion or company give in their votes immediately succeeding each other, if any other voter, who offers to vote, objects thereto; nor shall any battalion or company, in the pay of the continent, or of this or any other State, be suffered to remain at the time and place of holding the said elections, nor within one mile of the said places respectively, for twenty-four hours before the opening said elections, nor within twenty-four hours after the same are closed, so as in any manner to impede the freely and conveniently carying on the said election: Provided always, That every elector may, in a peaceable and orderly manner, give in his vote on the said day of election.

The 1792 Constitution of Delaware replaced the 1776 Constitution of Delaware. Delaware was at war with the British government in 1776. Article 28 was not included in the 1792 Constitution. The 1792 Constitution was passed one year after the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791.

The reconstruction bans are all very late, with little weight. In all of them, the buffer zone is limited in time to a day or two every couple of years. The idea the citizens of the USA in 1791 would have found a ban on firearms within a thousand feet of all schools to be acceptable is ludicrous.

This case is an excellent test case to challenge the Gun Free School Zone law. Vivian, Gabriel Metcalf’s mother, has set up a GiveSendGo fund to aid in covering their expenses in the case. It has already been very helpful in paying the fees for and removing the GPS monitor imposed on Gabriel.

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten

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The Commie judge admits herself that she is not interpreting law which is her job but behaving as a political activist by declaring that today ‘requires a different response ‘. She has stepped out of her role as a judge and is now making law like a legislator. Shameful, wicked hag probably drives to work on a broom. She should be removed.

Last edited 9 months ago by CBW

Roberts did something simiIar with 0bamacare. Couldn’t just give a yes or no answer, he had to get involved, re-writing part of it so it could pass.


And Roberts was being blackmailed over his illegal child adoption scheme, so that right there makes him ineligible to sit on ANY court!


She has a three-story broom garage with a launch window.

Roland T. Gunner

Nasty woman.


She’s wrong. The GFSZA is unconstitutional on multiple grounds.


Ask her which CONstitution she was basing her bogus decision on. What facts back up her decision, or was it one based on her feelings instead?


A political hack in a robe is as much a judge as an atheist in a cassock is a minister. The mere fact that someone resides within a “gun free zone” doesn’t remove their 2A and 14A rights.


Look up what Reside means in a law dictionary. Do some study of the legal system by reading my papers cited above.

Dry gulched

In the army you’re called an “outhouse lawyer”.


Three judge panel is meaningless, if they do not give the correct, approved answer, the 9th will just make the decision evaporate into the ether. 9th doesn’t even pretend to be neutral anymore.


NO ONE can trust the legal system to be right 100% of the time, so that makes it a gamble, right? And can we be forced to make gambles with our time and property? On what logical grounds?


Dementia Joe is to blame for the gun zone unconstitutional garbage infringement, which has turned schools into hunting grounds, just like every gun free zone is a welcome mat for evil people, knowing all will be defenseless. The gov doesn’t protect anyone within such a zone, and refuses to be liable for injuries caused by their disastrously stupid and criminal infringement of rights, so smart people ignore those signs. And defend themselves.


another activist hack judge, appointed by obummer, making up crap on the bench where it doesn’t exist. so, according to this judges logic anyone living within 1000 feet of a school is not allowed to carry a firearm off their property? it says into sensitive places not near. what about people driving by a school within the 1000 foot boundary? last paragraph pg 18 continuing onto pg 19, ‘because the government cannot find historical analogue i will make one up for the cause.’ most assuredly will be appealed, and then again when the 9th circus stamps their approval on it.… Read more »


WHO came up with this 1,000 feet rule? Do bullets suddenly stop and hit the ground after they have travelled 1,000 feet and cannot go any farther to hurt someone? Aren’t laws supposed to be based upon facts above all else?


Wild and crazy times we live in. How many times do things need to go back and forth through the court system while hunting for the correct judge that will side with your wants. Our system sucks now because it has become to dam political. When this law of gun free school zones was written, was it before the 2nd amendment was in existence. I don’t think so. Bruen. Clean up your acts and start following the constitution that you swore to uphold. Obiden, Oregoneistan, kommiefornia, Washington, NY and quit playing to a different drummer. Over 27 states have constitutional… Read more »


You need to read my paper called Is Someone Shopping Around For A Friendly Judge? sometime. Also The Scam Of The Legal System, The Holes In The Legal System, The Legal System Is Even WORSE Than Gambling, Any Person Subject To…, The UNIVERSAL Get Out Of Jail For Free Card! and many more too!


Too much truth for ammo land Dean ?


Why is my comment being censored on ammo land ?


Mine usually go through, after being stalled for moderation now and then. I never use swear words and never racist or misogynist either, so I don’t know what’s going on with that.


They approve the statement they don’t like the next day so that readers have moved on and nobody sees it , it’s a sneaky way of censoring the truth that they can’t handle .


it does seem to work that way

Roland T. Gunner

Habe not met the computer yet that could survive a 30 rd mag dump in 5 seconds from my Thompson.

Roland T. Gunner

We were looking hard at a home generator system a while back; what brought us up short was the maintenence requirements if you have to use it.

Roland T. Gunner

Russian hackers targeting Kansas; we”re not in Kansas any more, Toto.

What state is Kansas in?


I’ve lobbied for years that our utilities should be on a physically separate network(s) with extremely strict and harsh penalties for any connection that is not in a secure area onsite and that this/these network(s) need to be hardened from an EMP. The federal government could help with the cost at a tiny fraction of what they currently piss away on things that should be considered unconstitutional.


Sound asleep when it comes to important things like protecting our infrastructure and increasing production rates on military equipment and supplies. But the government has been hyperactive doing things they have no business doing. The only thing this administration has done that I approve of is nixing the LNG export terminals. Europe has plenty of their own gas if they would just drill for it. Natural Gas is a finite resource and we should husband our supply. It is ideal for home heating and cooking and invaluable in manufacturing processes and as a raw material. We should not be squandering… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

You never use swear words, racist or misogynistic speach? Geez, how the hell do you carry on a conversation?

Wild Bill

It is long time overdue that Congress’s use of the commerce clause be curtailed.


Congress should be curtailed to the limits of the actual ten mile square area of the District of Criminals and nowhere else! Ignore the Buck Act of 1949 for starters!!


Dean, thanks for keeping us updated on this case.


The massive problem with these “gun free zone” laws is that people innocently pass within the zones, if they are not from around there, and other people live within the zone and are arguably therefore banned completely from owning firearms. I lived on a street where it is entirely impossible for anyone to walk or drive out of the neighborhood without using the street or sidewalk in front of the school, and therefore you would have to risk years in federal prison to leave the neighborhood armed. And, there were houses immediately across the street from the school. If you… Read more »


So the next time I enter a ‘Gun Free Zone’ would you please make mine a 70 Series Colt Commander? I mean, free stuff for illegal aliens all the time ought to get me a benefit as a veteran. Right?


I’m not a judge, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. That said, even my simple ass knows that the GFZ is unconstitutional. After carefully rereading the 2nd amendment I have yet to find “except at some geographical locations to be determined by career politicians” in it.

Roland T. Gunner

I hate career politicians even more than I hate Illinois nazis.


what other rights get suspended due to geography?

Answer: NONE!!!!!


Gun free zones create target rich environments for evil criminals who don’t care about thier little sign that says ” gun free zone” . This only effects law biding citizens rights to protect the children . When are these stupid judges going to see the killing zones they are creating with thier unconstitutional decisions .

Xaun Loc

Dean is stretching even more than Judge Watters did. Dean claims the Delaware law only prohibited militia battalions from being armed around the polling place, but his own quote of the law begins “To prevent any violence or force being used at the said elections, no person shall come armed to any of them…” Yes, it is quite a stretch to claim a law banning guns at polling places during an election being the same as a law banning guns within a 1000 feet of schools at all times. On the other hand the whole question of an historical analogue… Read more »


If they can cheat Joe Bidet’s corpse into office for another term, look out for stacking the court.


Ninth Circus En Banc Panel member circa 2024.


Now another case will disappear into the vortex of the 9th circus, which will attempt to delay the case until Thomas and Alito are replaced with liberals or SCOTUS is expanded to however many justices the left will need to completely nullify the constitution.


Thank you for posting my post as there is no threats of violence or vulger words in it , just “FACTS” just the the Tom McDonald and Ben Shapiro video .


WHO FRIGGING CARES what the totally corrupted legal system says on ANY subject? Are LIEyers and fake judges some kind of all wise and all knowing gods of some sort?? If you know that someone is a drunk and a drug abuser, why would you trust them with your car or kids? Just on their promise to suddenly be good and responsible, when their history shows them to be anything but that? Not that long ago, in 2022, the USSC/SCOTUS reversed Roe v. Wade by simply saying that an egregious mistake had been made by a previous band of brigands… Read more »


many of the “decisions” are from a leftest packed court that has been in power from wilson until trump


with luck and votes trump will appoint two more constitutionalists and the ship will be stabilized, and trash taken out