Massachusetts: Senate Passes Sweeping Gun Control Without Public Hearing


Secret Shsss

On Thursday, February 1st, the Senate passed S.2572 late in the night without the bill ever receiving a public hearing, ignoring the concerns of Minority Leader Bruce Tarr and second amendment advocates across the state. The bill will now advance to joint committee, where the House and Senate will work to streamline this omnibus of the nation’s worst gun control policies.

S. 2572 is the Senate’s version of HD 4420, which was passed in the House late last year. Much like the House version, this bill attempts to implement some of the strictest gun-control in the country.

As written S. 2572:

  •   Institutes a new, broader ban of commonly-owned firearms already owned by law-abiding citizens.
  •   Bans possession of any gun, loaded or unloaded, at any state, county, and municipal building.
  •   Expands Massachusetts’s Red Flag laws.
  •   Mandates serialization of legally owned firearm parts.
  •   Places new mandates, protocols, and training requirements on retailers.

The above bullet points are just some of the numerous provisions anti-gun politicians are proposing. For a more in-depth summary of the bill, please see the Gun Owner’s Action League’s (GOAL) breakdown here.

Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for updates as the situation with S. 2752 and HD 4420 progresses.

About NRA-ILA:

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess, and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:

National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)

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Why is it that our rights end at the property line that WE PAY FOR?


where freedom for Americans started is where that freedom ends it looks like. can’t fix stupid and the northeast area is stupid. maybe stupider than the west coast. what ya think, east coast or west coast is the stupidest?


“Bans possession of any gun, loaded or unloaded, at any state, county, and municipal building.”

I hope they were too stupid to think to exempt law enforcement.

2A Gun Guy

ASSACHUSETTS has done it again, making things worse for gun owners


I feel another SCOTUS slap-down coming. It’s a shame it will be at the taxpayers’ expense.


The overlords in Boston were working on this all throughout last year.

Stunning that our ancestors stood up to this tyranny at Lexington Green and Concord’s North Bridge and then laid siege to the tyrants in Boston nearly 250 years ago.