Savage Claims Self-Defense and LE Cover-Up in Dismissed Shooting Case

Why I Am Suing The Governor of Virginia, iStock-1055138108
Savage Claims Self-Defense and LE Cover-Up in Dismissed Shooting Case iStock-1055138108

Criminal aggravated assault firearm charges against Historic Arms LLC president Len Savage have been dismissed after the lead investigator and the District Attorney’s office agreed that a “conviction [was] unlikely,” The News and Banner reported Jan. 10.

The District Attorney had previously dismissed charges against Savage in 2022, and had not notified him of that determination, and the sheriff’s office did not do so until the following March.  Savage was told the December 28, 2023, warrant hearing was going to be held to determine if the person who tried to run him down with a pickup truck should be held accountable for his actions. Instead, Savage was included in the warrant hearing and, contrary to law, was excluded from the courtroom while his assailant was allowed to remain.  Consequently, Savage was prevented from hearing testimony against him.

Per his own sworn testimony, Savage was out for a morning walk near his home when a speeding pickup truck, driven by Michael Lee, a neighbor with a criminal record and with whom he had previous disputes, swerved toward him, crossing the center line. “Fearing for his life,” he pulled out his .45 pistol and fired at the oncoming vehicle, causing the driver to swerve away. While the driver claimed he swerved to avoid a bad spot in the road, during the hearing, it was determined “upon looking at the photos of the scene, no bad spot was found in the road.”

Savage DGU Scene (Heard County Sheriff’s Department investigation photo)

“Savage was arrested on October 7, 2022, on a single charge of aggravated assault, stemming from his discharging a firearm at a man who was attempting to run Savage over with pickup truck,” a previous Motion for Immunity filed by his attorney explained. “The same man had made many previous similar attempts and has made similar attempts since.”

Savage’s attorney elaborated in an October 10, 2022, letter to the District Attorney:

“It is my understanding that Mr. Lee drove his truck much faster than posted speed limits, crossed the center line, crossed the opposite fog line, and even left the paved roadway in an attempt to run over Mr. Savage. This is after multiple complaints to the Sheriff’s Office by Mr. Savage that Mr. Lee, a frequent user of illegal drugs (and convicted drug felon) often drives erratically and attempts to run over Mr. Savage. I also understand that Mr. Lee, a long-time resident of Georgia, does not have a valid Georgia driver’s license nor a valid Georgia registration on his vehicle. I understand that Mr. Lee is a confidential informant for the sheriff’s office. This may explain why the sheriff’s office does not enforce laws against or even investigate complaints against Mr. Lee.”

While Savage asked for an arrest warrant against the driver, the investigator and prosecutor likewise felt a conviction is unattainable. That’s a conclusion Savage disputes, instead accusing the Sheriff’s Department of being corrupt and protecting the driver.

“The article being published alerted me to some false statements made under oath by a Heard County Sheriff Deputy,” Savage told AmmoLand Shooting Sports News. “I not only call out the false statements but give proof,” he asserted, providing copies of email correspondence he sent “to the Sheriff and the Deputy, the DA and the Chief Magistrate Judge of the county.”

“The cops involved with the incident (all of them) were NOT present for this warrant hearing, I suspect for good reason,” he elaborated.  “EVERYONE present is sworn in under oath.  Meaning if they were present, I could essentially interrogate them in front of the judge under oath.”

The driver, Michael Anthony Lee, Savage added, “is a convicted felon and has been to prison three separate times.  I have lived here 25 years, and he has gone to prison twice in that time.”

A search on corroborates the allegations and produces criminal records.

“Twice now he has been found culpable for the events that lead to defensive gunfire,” Savage asserts.  “Twice now,  the Heard County Sheriff’s Office, HCSO, refused to even issue a citation let alone any warrant or arrest.  I always referred to it as Mr. Lee had some form of relationship with the Sheriff’s Department, but the deputy attributed that to me calling it corruption.”

The hearing was attended by a colleague and longtime advisor and source who took notes and made observations, including:

“It was supposed to be a warrant hearing for Michael Lee, who tried to run Len down, and instead it was for Len too, except Len was prohibited from hearing what was said against him, unlike Michael Lee who sat through the whole thing,” he reported, noting further, “The Magistrate Judge, Betsey Kidwell, found there was sufficient evidence to charge Lee with reckless driving and speeding,” and “was p****d off that ‘the two people I need to hear from the most are not here,’ those being deputies from the Heard County Sheriff’s Office who were present at the incident where Len was arrested.  In my view, they didn’t show because they feared testifying under oath.”

Also of concern was the video the Sheriff’s Department took at the scene of Savage’s arrest that had been reported deleted, but Savage was later told it had not been deleted; they just could not find it on the county server.

As for District Attorney Herb Cranford, Savage is hopeful that he will impartially investigate further.

“That he is even communicating with me tells you he knows all is not well with the situation,” Savage tells AmmoLand. “Herb is known for being fair.  So much so the Governor appointed him to the Prosecutor Oversight Board.”

“Both my attorney and I have only asked him to have the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) investigate this mess,” Savage added. “He has a situation where LE has made false statements attributed them to his ADA and managed to get them put on the front page.”

That it is important for Savage to clear his name was emphasized by Savage’s attorney, who made it clear in the above-referenced Motion that his reputation is his livelihood.

“Savage is a self-employed manufacturer of firearms, which is his sole source of income,” the Motion explained. “He frequently is required to ship firearms to dealers and customers, and his prohibition on leaving home with them means he cannot complete such shipments.  This disability significantly hampers his employment.”

It could have done more than that. Savage tells AmmoLand News that his arrest was reported to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the original intent was to confiscate parts, in-process builds, finished products, and personal firearms.

Supporting documents, including the News & Banner article, a timeline, the sheriff’s investigation, additional photos, attorney correspondence, and emails between Savage and LE officials, are posted on my WarOnGuns Placeholder website. And due to personal relationships, a disclaimer is in order.

I have been longtime friends with both Savage and with the courtroom observer, both colleagues in efforts to compel government agencies to produce documentation required by the Freedom of Information Act wherein we have been disparaged by one United State Attorney in a court filing as “a tangled web of connections between a small cadre of firearms activists and their efforts to recover fees through largely unsuccessful FOIA litigation.”

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Good Ole boys situation. More operatives working for politicians, not the people.


the only criminal action in this case is from the driver and officers of the court, law enforcement, attorneys and judge.
civil society has no need for people that pervert the justice system to benefit themselves.


I am ashamed of the state of the profession I retired from.


Don’t be ashamed because it is not your fault and you did not contribute to it. Instead, be pissed that law enforcement is taking advantage of its authority and not prosecuting everyone and anyone who is guilty of breaking the law, including the officers. I don’t think the party’s over on this one.

We the people should not let it rest until it is properly resolved. I could smell the rat when he said he swerved to avoid a bad spot in the road and in the investigation, none was found. That was the smoking gun.


The 77 didn’t rest. They stood and fought. providing for the Freedoms and Liberties now being denied. Because others refuse to stand and fight.


I don’t think that comment applies in this situation but nice change, not offensive like the old one you used to say.


crooked cops are the norm, what I saw in drug enforcement made me not trust any of them


To clarify my comment, I read more and more about violations of citizens’ rights. My own department, a midsize municipal police agency, is now hiring FELONS to meet its “quotas.” You know the ones I mean. When I was hired, you couldn’t even have bad credit. I also hate the militarization of law enforcement agencies. We live in the era where, under the so called “Patriot” Act, you can be held indefinitely without a trial. How is that countenanced in the USA? We had losers when I did the job, but nothing like they have now. Suffice it to say,… Read more »


I have heard about the hiring of felons from other countries crossing our boarder and making them cops. It’s as dam shame and a travisty that we are going so low to get law enforcement. It will only make it more corrupt than it already is. I know what you mean about bad credit being a qualification factor. When I went to work for Commiefornia DMV, you could not have a driving violation on your record that gave you a point. Shortly thereafter they were keeping people that had DUI’s in the DUI unit. They were saying who better to… Read more »


When I lived in Californicateya, a visit to the DMV was an all-day affair and you had to take a day off from work.


Yep, and I am part of the reason why now there are chairs to sit in and a numbering system. They asked what did we think would help improve the system and make it faster. I argued that making people comfortable rather than stand in line for hours was the answer because you can only do a transaction so fast and it is against union policy to put a time limit on a transaction and each person efficiency and speed is different.

It still take all day sometimes but at least you are not standing there uncomfortable.


If you didn’t speak out about abuses when you were a cop, then you were just as bad as those abusers.


I have a friend who did and was stabbed 45 times in his sleep and left for dead. He was unable to return to duty and he didn’t want too either. Cops never found out why or who but he knows and so do they. Sacto sheriff. I lost another relative too for turning people in for a departmental drug ring. His death happened when he was ran off the road, hit his head against the steering wheel and that killed him along with other bruises stated the coroner. No roll over, always wore a seat belt but he didn’t… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by musicman44mag

Man, if folks had this attitude in 1776 we’d all be speakin’ wit’ a cockney accent, guv’na.

…and I applaud officers who do speak out, who do the right thing, and I’m all for justice on those who attack, defile, and otherwise abuse said officers; those corrupt thugs should reap the whirlwind. The Thin Blue Line is meaningless without truth and honesty.


Yea. I couldn’t wait to get away from all of it. I wasn’t sworn, but I was on the team.

Jim March

I’m facing the same issue – a tangled web of corruption and a bunch of violent attacks. Somebody has tried to kill my wife at least four times from 2007 to 2017 and we never know if they’ll try again. It started when she was a whistleblower (on “60 Minutes”) in a major scandal back in 2007/2008. It’s an even bigger mess than what Len is facing:


Holy crap. I remember reading about the HealthSouth/Scrushy debacle when it happened. A lot of people were damaged because of that scandal if I recall correctly.

I downloaded and read most of your letter on the googledrive and plan to finish reading it after work. How can a person of modest means sympathetic to your predicament answer your call for help? Do you have a GiveSendGo account?

Please stay safe, it sounds like you’ve decided to make yourself a moving target, probably the best decision available to you right now. You will be in our prayers.

Jim March

Don’t need cash. Jill is dying. Metastatic breast cancer stage 4, double mastectomies but the first batch of doctors missed that it jumped to at least one major bone.

Once she’s gone I’ll be able to blow this up (*metaphorically speaking*!!!).


Sincere condolences.

Knute Knute

“I also understand that Mr. Lee, a long-time resident of Georgia, does not have a valid Georgia driver’s license nor a valid Georgia registration on his vehicle. I understand that Mr. Lee is a confidential informant for the sheriff’s office. This may explain why the sheriff’s office does not enforce laws against or even investigate complaints against Mr. Lee.” Sounds pretty similar to another case, also covered by this site, involving a Mr. Metcalf from Billings, MT., does it not? The Billings PD has acted the same way. Protecting their partners in crime. As I’ve noted many times, the rule… Read more »


it is on way down, florida fdle protected head of marine patrol who in a drunk driving incident nearly killed two people, oh yea he was in his cruiser , the son of one of his victims was a marine patrol officer, he pulled a copy of report when he heard about the accident on way to hospital, by the next day all mention of accident was gone from fhp records, the son was put on leave and never recalled, the state sent a wrecker to pick up his patrol car more than a year later state filed and foreclosed… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by swmft

Logician, here is your chance, take it because it fits what you have been saying to a T. Sacramento kommiefornia city police has the same thing going on and I am sure there are many others.



Latest tyranny out of Oregoneistan…
Oregon Supreme Court stops 10 GOP lawmakers from running for re-election, siding with Democrat’s ballot ban | Fox News


Yep, stupid ass low information republicans that don’t listen to me and the wife and democrats that new this would happen. Not surprised that commie judges would side with commie legislators and moron republitards that voted yes. I hope you listen next time. This is kommiefornia politics at its best, I know what it is, how it works and how it’s done and I can read the writing on the wall as well as in between the lines. I hope you “don’t get fooled again”. I wish this would go to the US supreme court and be found unconstitutional but… Read more »


Perhaps it’s finally time to invoke the 77, who answered the call…Against tyranny.


More down votes from the cowardly trolls. Who have allowed Oregon and numerous other Liberal/Progressive controlled cities and states. To devolve into the tyranny’s they have become.


You are going there again. Remember, not all of us vote for this type of Oregoneistan and we are outnumbered by the big shitty Portlandia.
So, I downvoted your comment.

Last edited 11 months ago by musicman44mag

So were the 77. Who took a stand against tyranny.


Remember everything occurring in Oregon. That violates Constitutional Rights. Is being allowed. Whether you want to admit it or not. Doesn’t change the fact.


Ok, tell me what to do. I call and write my legislators, I am getting signatures to put constitutional carry on the ballot. Besides testifying which the governor only allowed via the zoom tool and we had technical difficulties when republicans spoke but not when democrats spoke, we had more democrats testify and they made sure they testified last. Tell me what I should do. What am I missing here since I don’t vote for the trash and you seem to think that the republicans that are out numbered are lacking. Tell me??.


Ok, tell me what you call a Trump rally when Antifags show up, start a riot so the truly peaceful assembly with a permit is broken up, the police work in antifaggots favor and the governor as well as the news agencies say it was another violent action by republican racist Trump supporters’ his proud boys, skin heads and the KKK.

Weve been there and done that during the peaceful protests of the left. Remember the Trump supporter that got shot by a Antifa affiliate that was hunted down and shot in Washington?

Got something else that will work?




I asked for help and all he said was typical leftist, unwilling to help himself but asking others to help him. He stated that he won’t leave his fox hole to help someone like that. I told him he is the real coward that he accuses us of being because we are all in this together and we need to work as a team. Silence.

I am starting to think it is all about the attention that matters because he ignores the logic.


He’s more than that.


Democracy in action? the democratic party”s way. They can’t beat you if they’re not on the ballot.


Not that much different from the British Crown way.


Seems Mr Savage has some solid ground for a false arrest tort claim, but it would have to move to a state court and ouside of his local county. Multiple felon no driving license no valid regustration/tags on is truck, uses the vehicke he should not be driging to thraten a citizen, coppers show and no arrest for him or his truck? But they charge the intended victim? Not a good look in its face. Maybe a least a coupe of the dirty coppers might find themselves in line for pogey…… maybe even a well worn orange onesie and a… Read more »


This good ‘ol boy corruption should be taken apart, ASAP!


but the deputy attributed that to me calling it corruption.”
Let’s see, The south in Ga. not to mention the SO in most counties are not without their detractors.
Well seems to me if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, more than likely it’s a duck!


Are you trying to say cops lie??? But, I thought they upheld the law? Sarcasm intended, there are no good cops, only bad cops and those who cover for them.