Terrorist Shot & Killed By Armed Citizens, If Your Time Comes Do the Same


Exportable Terror:

This week, one innocent Israeli citizen was murdered (via gunfire), and eight others were wounded (also via gunfire) as they sat in stationary vehicles during a protracted traffic jam near the A-Za’ayem checkpoint that separates the West Bank from Jerusalem.

Not surprisingly, this incident received scant notice in the Western Press!

Exasperating traffic jams at this particular Israeli traffic checkpoint (and others) are routine and represent a real hazard to stalled motorists, as we see.

This particular planned, murderous attack was carried out by three (since positively identified) Islamic terrorists, who converged at the scene in two vehicles. Terrorists were armed with at least one American M4 (likely a copy left behind, along with untold additional brand-new American military equipment, when resident Joe R Biden haphazardly pulled American troops out of Afghanistan in August of 2021)

This deadly attack upon innocent motorists would surely have been much worse had it not been for quick, decisive intervention on the part of armed and trained civilians.

A young Israeli Army Reservist, on leave from fighting in Gaza and armed with a concealed pistol (brand unknown), was in the middle of this traffic jam when the attack started. He was in a car with his parents.

Sizing up the situation and acting unilaterally, this soldier immediately drew his pistol, exited his vehicle, and straightaway gunned down one of the terrorists. This courageous soldier was subsequently wounded via terrorist gunfire, but his injuries were not life-threatening.

A second terrorist was similarly shot and killed by at least one other armed-and-ready Israeli citizen, who was tied up in the same traffic jam when the incident started.

The third terrorist was chased down and wounded by arriving police. He died a short time later after being evacuated.

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir (my hero!), who arrived at the scene a short time later, used these circumstances to promote his policy of arming (and training) Israeli civilians, so they can likewise unilaterally protect themselves during these kinds of precipitous terror attacks.

Said he, “I think today, everyone understands that guns save lives.”

You can see why Ben Gvir is my hero!


  • 1) Traffic jams, especially predictable ones, are easy, lucrative targets for terrorists, as we see! Not all traffic jams are avoidable, but most are.

The above scenario is readily exportable to Europe, the UK, USA.

We’ll surely see more examples!

  • 2) When in a vehicle, stay in motion. Your vehicle provides some protection from gunfire so long as you stay inside it and keep moving. Sitting for protracted periods in a vehicle that isn’t moving is extremely dangerous!
  • 3) On the same theme, keep your vehicle in good repair and its gas tank full!
  • 4) As Gvir reiterates, routinely carrying a concealed pistol (maybe nearby a rifle/shotgun, too) that you’ve been trained to keep, bear, and use safely and effectively is a life-saver and may well be your own life!

The sage, go armed!

  • 5) Personal safety is 95% prevention/avoidance. Not in dispute!

Yet, that last five percent represents situations where the threat is real, deadly, and imminent, and you have no choice but to defend yourself with gunfire.

When you do, don’t dither, and don’t apologize. When your continued existence depends upon the immediate and precise application of lethal force, hesitant, half-hearted efforts will likely be ineffective in preserving your life.

You won’t get a “second chance” to correct your lack of indecisiveness!

Confront squarely this stark reality and prepare appropriately, or resign yourself to a short and fearful life.

“When faced with a choice between violence and cowardice, always choose violence.” ~ Ghandi.


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

John Farnam
John Farnam
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With the exception of Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and only a small handful of others, you won’t encounter actual vocal support for armed civilian self-defense, should such a terrorist act happen here in America.


Most of the cretins in congress would say wait for police, who are known to empty multiple mags at suspects and spray the area, putting countless citizens at risk, and who are worse shots than the majority of armed American citizens. Police are not charged with protecting the public, per SCOTUS, and usually arrive just in time to mark where the body fell and collect statements. So they can take their advice and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Protect and Serve is for those who write their checks.


MTG, Boebert, Palin, Noem.


With thousands of Chinese adults of military age now in the US illegally, the odds just went up a thousand percent!!!!


especially since biden failed to vet them!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Which is about impossible to do with most because they have no access to Chinese records.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

One site I was on, claimed 57,000. So the odds may have gone up 57,000 percent.

Wild Bill

Yes! the current government estimate is 24,000, therefore there are probably more. But just on the government’s estimate alone … there are six thousand to a brigade, more or less. And that would be four brigades or a division of undocumented, unvetted military age Chinese running around the US, but under the control of the Chinese Communist Party… with more to come. Something to think about.


You do know Red Dawn was fiction, right? In a conflict with the PRC, the PLA’s military modernization, development of A2AD systems, significant increase in nuclear capabilities, etc combined with complete intransigence over Taiwan, an inability to respect freedom of movement/navigation in the SCS, etc are way more of a threat than a secret infiltration of PLA into the country. Focus less on conspiracy theories and more on actual threats.


This incident did not pass Democrat muster and was not allowed to be reported in the free press.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

WHAT “free press”??

Deplorable Bill

Out here in rural Arizona, we have a sure cure for terrorists, cartel operators, murderers etc., we shoot back. Situational awareness can save your life. Those of us who have seen combat tend to see the situations develop and we are always “what ifing” the possibilities. This can be a cause for grief from those who prefer to remain blissfully unaware. One of the greatest blessings of my life is my wife and family have no idea what goes on out there in the world. Likewise, one of the greatest banes to my existence is my wife and family have… Read more »


I see a day coming when the streets are protected by the people and if law enforcement shows up, all they will due is collect bodies and haul them off. No one will be around to report anything and anyone that gets caught in the area will see nothing.


I think, if you look, you’ll find streets like that today in many US cities.

Trump 2024


I know but it is the streets of the Muslims, gang bangers and MS13 and it’s not a Holy War, it’s a war for ground and the ability to sell drugs to make their illegal living.

I’m talking about everywhere leaving Chicago, Boston, Louisiana and places like that out of the picture but there may be a war there too, a clean up the streets war.

We need to stop the insanity!!!!

God bless America

Trump/Noem 2024

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

read some of the stories from hurricane katrina.

old guy

Roger that on situational awareness.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

“It only took 19 terrorists, in three separate groups to cause 911. ” I can’t believe after all these years you still believe that nonsense. Seriously???? Let me help… The following is a public service announcement from: the Friends of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, SEC,MSM, White House, NIST, and the 9/11 Commission. Because Ignorance is Strength. On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in… Read more »


The most worrisome aspect of what you described above, is those living in Blue States – or ALL of us for that matter – may have to square off with our own LE and/or military when the Demented Poop-Diaper Pedophile declares martial law after multiple terror attacks throughout the nation. That idiot is just salivating at the chance to declare martial law and “order” everyone to “shelter in place” – subsequently trying to force all of us to “turn in your firearms”.


10-4, copy and rodger that.


Cowards never resolve anything. As a republican, you are a leader so this is a word of advice to the deomkkkrats, move over and get out of the way so someone that takes responsibility for his/her actions can take care of business and save your worthless life.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Or use them as shields. Especially if they are wearing a shirt that is against the 2nd amendment. If I knew who they were around me and something went down, I’d let them kiss the pavement on the way to the morgue.


Good points. Three for three is a nice outcome. However everyone should fully understand that the only parts of a vehicle that can protect you are the engine block and the wheels. Bullets go through car doors like through paper. I shot a .22 at a car door of an old abandoned and bullet-ridden 1960’s steel Pontiac once decades ago miles back into the woods on public land. Just to test this very idea. Had to find a spot with no holes in it. I found a spot and shot. The bullet went right through the door and then went… Read more »


Excellent article and advice Mr. Farnam.

Monkey Mouse

Terrorists will be taken out in real time, has to be this way. One thing I will say is that when these folks get taken down, any DA/AG/Prosecutor who goes after a legal gun owner who defended themself will be targeted to be made an example of.


teach ALL relatives to do as you do.

Context Warrior

Great suggestions by Mr. Farnam, as always. I would add, we always want to be able to move in any situation and need to set this up as a matter of habit. To that end, avoid stopping bumper to bumper directly behind the car stopped in front of you. Leave at least one and a half to two car lengths between your front end and the rear bumper of the vehicle in front of you. This is an old police tactic, providing the ability to move out of a kill zone using momentum to split the parked cars in front… Read more »


And this you will NEVER hear about from any main stream media or anyone from the UN because it’s against their narrative of these people NOT being terrorists

Matt in Oklahoma

lol you shoot one of their precious terrorist or thugs in amerika and they’ll prosecute you
You gotta live in free America to do that and even then the feds will come after you for hate crime


I am confused. “routinely carrying a concealed pistol (maybe nearby a rifle/shotgun, too)”. Will my open carry pistol not fire and kill the evil people? The concealed people seem to have that concept branded in their brain. Try saying “pistol” with saying “concealed”. If more than one word comes out, try again. Yesterday I had a nice conversation with a Home Depot employee about my openly visible pistol. Have I violated decorum? I await comments with abated breath.


Context Warrior

Open carry in a populated area is an invitation to being: 1. Disarmed by someone bigger, stronger, better trained, and meaner than you. Disarming someone of their holstered handgun is shockingly simple and often happens without the individual being able to stop it. 2. Shot first because you are obviously a threat to anyone wanting to harm others. Being executed from behind without warning is a real possibility. Carrying open is generally an ego-exercise and a prideful exhibition of possessing a firearm for purposes of getting in the face of those who disagree with that person. It is tactically ignorant… Read more »



I’m not against open carrying as you are the first target, then the innocent bystanders. If they don’t know you are carrying, then you have a few extra seconds to react. Hopefully taking down the terrorist or Target.

Last edited 7 months ago by Bubba

Back in the day, the Israelis were known to have the best intel and did things the “Chicago way!” So to speak. Bring a gun to a knife fight. They hurt one of you, you Kill one of theirs! Ruin the deceased terrorist’s body with pig blood, etc., and dump it back where it came from for all to see (ok, made that part up)!!!!


Open fire on little Mohammed? Wouldn’t a US green card and a generous food stamp pension be less violent?


Huh? “correct your LACK of indecisiveness”? Why would one want to not be decisive?


that would be wonderful. however, the dumb as craps will have taken your guns that would have protected you and yours. get the idea yet? you don’t matter to the dumb as craps except for your vote for their broken promises.


To be clear, Ben Gvir is also a religious nutjob who himself is associated with a designated U.S. Foreign Terrorist Organization (Kach). People, if they want to, should have the freedom of exercising their right to self-defense and firearms. However, admiring Ben Gvir for his views on firearms is like admiring Trotsky because he thought the People should be Armed. Farnam needs to get some education, he’ll be a far more effective 2A advocate if understands facts and logic.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

You know what they say about an American Express card…Don’t leave home without it. Well I don’t leave home without an outfitted AR10 in the back of my SUV. With an attached bipod/foregrip enclosing a 200 MW laser, yea, you read that right TWO HUNDRED, not the joke 5 mw that they are over the counter. And it is equipped with an LPVO. And the pistol I carry in plain view in a cross draw. That one varies on what I feel like that day. Typically a Glock 30. And I can keep all of my pistols on an 8″… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Apparently too many of the control freaks running the country on the national and local level follow this 2nd amendment… “A well regulated Standing Army being necessary to the security of a tyrannical State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall always be infringed.” If we had those first 13 words back in force and effect you wouldn’t need to worry about having training because the Militia would be getting trained everywhere in the country that had one and you would be getting that training. And from what I can understand that would be 50 states. For some… Read more »


send this to biden,newsome and ALLleftist papers!
