White House Wants Schools to Gaslight Parents About Guns

White House Wants Schools to Gaslight Parents About Guns, iStock-1043643234
White House Wants Schools to Gaslight Parents About Guns, iStock-1043643234

The White House wants to enlist school officials to help hoodwink parents about its gun control plans, according to a statement issued last week.

The reason is simple: They want to take advantage of the officials’ credibility, which the White House lacks, especially when it comes to guns.

Teachers and administrators, the White House said in the statement, “can be trusted, credible messengers when it comes to providing guidance on gun violence prevention and safe firearm storage options.”

The new program, which is one of three executive orders Joe Biden issued last week, will be spearheaded by Jill Biden, White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention Director Stefanie Feldman and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona.

“This issue matters to the President. It weighs on his heart every day. And he’s not going to stop fighting until we’ve solved it,” Jill Biden said last week while touting the plan at a “Gun Violence Prevention Event,” which was held in the Indian Treaty Room of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

From a civil rights perspective, the most worrisome portion of the White House plan is a customizable “communications template,” which school officials “can use to engage with parents and families about the importance of safe firearm storage and encourage more people to take preventive action by safely storing firearms.”

The template is designed so school officials can insert the name of the school and their letterhead to make it appear as though the document came from the school and not the White House. In fact, neither the White House nor the Biden-Harris administration are even mentioned in the document.

Dear [INSERT NAME OF SCHOOL OR SCHOOL DISTRICT] Families, Guardians, and Caregivers:



The template was accompanied by a letter from DOE Secretary Cardona, which urges school officials to comply with the new White House mandate.

“We encourage all school leaders to consider taking steps to build awareness in your school community about safe firearm storage, such as:

  • Share information about safe firearm storage with parents and families in your school communities. You can use the enclosed letter as a resource for parents, families, guardians, and caregivers—as well as teachers and school staff—to help build awareness around safe firearm storage, including what people can do to safely store firearms in their homes and spaces that children may occupy. You can also customize the letter to better meet your community’s needs.
  • Partner with other municipal and community leaders to help improve understanding of safe firearm storage and broader gun violence prevention efforts.
  • Engage other organizations and partners within your community, such as parent organizations, out-of-school time program leaders, nonprofit agencies, and other community-based youth-serving entities who routinely interact with children, teens, families, guardians, and caregivers, to inform them about the importance of safe firearm storage.
  • Integrate information about safe firearm storage into your communications with families, guardians, and caregivers about overall emergency preparedness and school safety.”


There is a lot going on here, and none of it is good.

The White House’s template is classic propaganda, in which a target audience is unaware they are being influenced and unaware of the true source of the message.

It is a psychological operation, or psyop, which targets unsuspecting Americans. Before the Bidens moved into the White House, that wasn’t supposed to happen. Nowadays, it’s become commonplace.

That the White House and its gun control office would publicly propose such a plan proves they do not fear exposure from the legacy media. This, too, is telling. They know who their friends are and don’t worry about repercussions.

School officials will have little choice but to participate in this scam. Secretary Cardona’s letter will see to that.

Joe Biden, or more likely his handlers and puppeteers, have rewritten the rules to further their war on our guns. Now, anything goes, including psyops and other forms of gaslighting and deception.

The White House statement also mentions that faith leaders and law enforcement have credibility in their communities.

There’s little doubt the Biden-Harris administration will make a run at the nation’s clergy next.

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

Lee Williams

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Suggesting safe and/or secure storage is not the problem, it’s the other garbage and lies that will come with it. Additionally, school officials are most likely to be the least knowledgeable about firearms in any community.


Exactly, and 90% of those receiving it will know that, and chuck it in the trash without reading it.


I’d like to be more sure about that. Wasn’t it P.T. Barnum who said something like, “No one ever when broke underestimating the intelligence of the American Public.” You can see this yourself. About half of the country votes Democrap.


Barnum’s premise is based on an assumption that the majority of the American public was victimized by public school indoctrination.


Surely, I agree with the quote, but it should be more correctly attributed to journalist/pundit H.L. Mencken.


That’s what happens when you have lived so much history as I have. You tend to misattribute or misremember your historical quotes. Although Mencken probably didn’t say exactly that, either. Rather something like, “No one in this world, so far as I know … has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.”

Roland T. Gunner

I wish it was so.


safe storage is on you at all times…..


Worse than this stupid propaganda plan, Biden’s puppet masters have the BATFE writing a 1300 page “decree” that basically outlaws private sales, and requires universal checks. This, despite the fact BATFE azzmunchers have no legal power to write law, nor to usurp congress or to create criminals through regulation (PER SCOTUS on Chevron Deference being inapplicable to criminal law!) I’ve never sold any of my collection, but I will start day one this tries to go in effect, just to demonstrate my total lack of regard for their criminal attempts to limit my freedom. I don’t need government permission or… Read more »


It won’t last 2 weeks in the era of Bruen, but yes, they’re going to try it.


there will be an attempt to enforce it that will need to be met with a possie, that takes and hogties or hangs this trash


what do these “teachers” know about preventing violence or safe storage of anything? do they have a degree in those things or will they just be reading a script?
if children were taught safe firearms handling procedures that would go much farther than this indoctrination attempt.
jill, feldman and cardona, the trifecta of ignorance is going to spearhead this initiative? wow, that is going to be one blunt spear.
ol joe can’t even find his way off a stage, how is he going to solve anything?


You’re exactly right. Most of the unionized teachers in my state don’t know how to teach anything anywhere at anytime. They are propagandists/groomers/babysitters probably in that order. Ever talk to any recently?


From my limited experience I can say this: my sister is a lefty-loon teacher (now retired) and she has never once in her life fired a gun, or even had a gun in her home (except for mine when I was visiting). What she knows about guns would not fill a thimble. And yet, she is vociferously anti-gun for anyone except the police and military. And don’t ask me how I can share genetic material with someone like that. Pappy was a hard right conservative. Mom followed Pappy. I came out “right,” but sis is a hard left progressive. We… Read more »


The only thing joe wants to solve is how to outlaw gun ownership for the masses His re-election will spell disaster for gun owners and the country at large.


I’ve seen too many teaches being beaten up by students to give a crap what they think.


Our pubic universities train pubic school teachers to safely place condoms on cucumbers. What could possibly go wrong when they try to teach the bottom 10% of their undergraduate class (public education majors) how to safely handle a firearm?


I don’t believe they will be teaching how to handle a firearm. They will be teaching how to snitch on a innocent gun owner. Most likely false accusations to get your firearms removed by the courts.


These teachers can’t even teach kids to write coherently, write an essay, do arithmetic or understand the scientific process. They’re too busy letting pedophiles read to children and affirming mental illness as not requiring treatment.


From the article: “This issue matters to the President. It weighs on his heart every day. And he’s not going to stop fighting until we’ve solved it,” Jill Biden said last week We have provided the information that it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun and the gun free zones are really free killing zones and we have provided the facts to prove it. With your ignoring that, the only answer left to it being solved in your opinion is no more guns anywhere except for people like you and your buddies… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by musicman44mag

I’ll start paying attention to the whore, (ever read how she and pedo hooked up?), Dr. Jill O’biden when she cures cancer…oh wait…she’s really not a doctor.


Yep she is not a doctor but she is a cancer on society.


cancer or plague ?


There is a movie about only the government having guns for the military and the police. The name of that movie is “Schindler’s List.”

Roland T. Gunner

Now that is a sharp observation!

FWIW, Schindler’s List is one of my favourite rom-coms, along with Silence of the Lambs.

The other Jim

The President and his wife Jill (or Doctor Jill) Templet should always include, and/or the School Districts must always add to not do as Hunter Biden did and throw your gun in a garbage can in back of the local grocery store where the kids and others go to score some empties.


It was Hunter’s sister-in-law, that he was shagging at the time, who threw the handgun into a bin near a school.

Last edited 11 months ago by DIYinSTL
Capn Dad

School officials have an elitist attitude when interacting with the “unwashed” masses that’s not unlike how politicians and bureaucrats view constituents. They are on the lower rung of the neo aristocracy that currently infests our society.


biden’s government has gas lighted the American people for 3+ years already. will you let him continue to blow smoke up your dress for 4 more years. just know, if you do the election in november will be your last one.


I think you are right about this being the last free election, just listen to what they are saying about Trump, that he won’t leave after four years and become a dictator. Whatever they say Trump will do they are already planning on doing.


that is what they are planning, and they are counting on the millions they let in to be their army

Rob J

“Since 2018, there have been more than 100 school shooting incidents per year in our country and those numbers have steadily increased.i” i Riedman, D. (2023). K-12 School Shooting Database. https://k12ssdb.org/all-shootings From link: “All shootings at schools includes when a gun is brandished, is fired, or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims, time, or day of the week. How many school shootings this year? Unlike other data sources, this information includes gang shootings, domestic violence, shootings at sports games and afterhours school events, suicides, fights that escalate into shootings, and accidents.” I… Read more »


Never forget that Eric Holder demanded that schools talk about guns every single day and brainwash kids that guns were bad. The video might still be on YouTube


the guy that gave them to gangs


Just doing the opposite of what the Democrats demand would make a person right far more often than wrong.


I doubt any gun owner is listening to these sources anyway. They can chirp all they want. The correct answer to any medical, government or education official inquiring about firearms ownership is you don’t own any. Period. There is no requirement nor reason to be truthful. It’s simply not their business.

Roland T. Gunner

What is weighing on Biden’s heart is an impending massive heart attack. .

And school administrators have no credibility, while teachers have very little.


This says it all. When you specifically exclude those organizations Congressionally mandated to provide firearms safety training from a federal mandate you have a problem. I am speaking of the National Rifle Association, Civilian Marksmanship Program and the state Hunter Education programs delivered by your state wildlife agency and funded by Pittman/Robertson excise tax monies. We have programs in place. When I was a kid in rural America I was REQUIRED to take a state sponsored hunter education class delivered at that time by NRA instructors. Later on the state developed its own Hunter Education Instructor Program and I became… Read more »


The president has no business directing schools to do anything! Schools are local not under the control of federal government!!


“Divorce, or War”

Roland T. Gunner

Or both.


Indian Treaty Room? How’d that work out for the Indians?


Hey, this Indian practices safe storage every day, with at least one gun holstered on my belt, and others stored for easy access to keep my family safe.


I educated all of my kids about firearms and what they are capable of. They all had it ingrained in their skulls that you don’t point ANY firearm at anything/anyone you do not intend on destroying. My oldest learned it so well that he wouldn’t point anything other than a water pistol at any living creature. Rubber dart guns, nerf guns and anything else that dispensed a projectile were on his “don’t point” list.

This “gun safety” measure is complete BS and anyone with more than one functional brain cell can see that.

old guy

You are assuming they have ANY brain cells!


the dumbas craps are gaslighting everyone. if you are not smart enough to see that, then you deserve to in chains and slaves. can’t fix stupid but you can make them your personal slaves