LongRange Shooting Accessories that Up-Your-Game & Increase Accuracy

Here is my list of those small but important longrange shooting accessories that will improve your riflescope shooting skills and ring steel or drop more big game.

Legacy Sports Howa 1500 with sun shade varmint optics
Legacy Sports Howa 1500 with sunshade varmint optics

Sometimes it will not take much in terms of some small changes in equipment or a few added tools to make a major difference in your ability to hit targets down range with that deer rifle or long-range rifle scope system you own. Illustrated here are some simple but necessary long-range shooting accessories that you can pack into your range bag.

Vortex Optics Riflescope Sunshades

Vortex Optics Riflescope Sunshades
Vortex Optics Riflescope Sunshades

In this case the standard style sun shade shown above is for a Vortex 44 mm Viper rifle scope. A shade like this 4” model is also available for Full-field II and Nikon Monarch,

These shades keep the direct sun out of your objective lens and reduce direct glare that can obstruct a target completely depending on the time of day and the amount of sunlight the shooter is dealing with at the time.

MSRP From $34.99 to $29,99 depending on brand and exact model. Source Brownells.

Sun shade on 270 Winchester Rifle
Sun shade on 270 Winchester Rifle, Sun shade being applied to a scope on a long range centerfire 270 Winchester during some 600 yard work.
Rifle ,338 Lapua Savage Model 110 with Tasco Custom Shop 50X1000 yard target model scope
Rifle,338 Lapua Savage Model 110 with a full eight-inch model Sunshade on a Tasco Custom Shop 50X1000 yard target model scope. The scope is older than almost every one reading this material.

Vortex Optics Bubble Level

Vortex Optics Bubble Level
Vortex Optics Bubble Level

Long range shooting requires accurate rifle placement in a rest when shooting beyond 400 yards. The use of a cante reduction bubble is a very positive way to eliminate at least one variable in terms of sending a bullet off course. The bubble-level system will keep the shooter in the know all the way to the point the trigger is depressed.

The Vortex Bubble Level comes in an assortment of scope tube sizes. Being the unit mounts directly on the rifle scopes tube it is offered in 34mm, 30mm, and a one-inch size. In effect, Vortex has the bases covered quite well here.

MSRP from $38.00 in the large ring size, to $33.99 in the one-inch variant. Brownells.

Sniper Tools Design Company Cosine Indicator

Sniper Tools Design Co Cosine Indicator a vital longrange shooting accessories in hill country
Sniper Tools Design Co Cosine Indicator

If you have ever missed a long-range shot because your target was up or downhill, join the club. If you have not done so you don’t shoot very much. The sniper-style cosine indicator will return the correct degree of hold under based on multiplying the number indicated in red on the wheel times the range you are shooting. Range point and factor the angle.

I have missed deer like this over the years far to many times and professional operators have figured out that when those targets shoot back at you, and is not just something for on the wall or on the dinner table, then knowing your hold correction can be life or death.

Badger Ordnance Angle indicator mount Gen II, used with above cosine indicator
Badger Ordnance Angle indicator mount Gen II, used with above cosine indicator. This fits Weaver bases.

When operational the orange needle moves with your rifle’s angle and displays a number that, as I have stated previously, is computed to the range and adjust for your shot. In effect, you are getting the hard data and then able to adjust your shot for gravity up or downgrade.

The dovetail bottom of the unit fits onto the aluminum mount ( listed separately ) which fits a Picatinny-designed rail ( Weaver style. ) Or mounts to a Weaver scope ring on your rifle. With this system, you keep your cheek weld in place as you adjust for your shot. The higher-priced Mil-Spec model of this unit is waterproof for 35 minutes in one meter of water.

As an upgrade for your optics, this setup is a real advancement in one-shot long-range hits. You could say oh, it is not very important … until that whitetail of a lifetime walks out 300 yards below you on a hogback rim, and you are now in need of an accurate estimate as to the amount of bullet elevation that must be compensated for.

These bucks shown below were all taken in steep ridge country along the South Dakota Missouri Breaks.

South Dakota Missouri Mule Deer Hunting
South Dakota Missouri Mule Deer Hunting

Judging shooting angles here is required reading or darn few good deer would be harvested. The Cosine device had some really effective work spelled out for it in this case.

A typical dope card on a rifle gives exact mil setting to the target, but it will not give back information as to the exact compensated amount necessary on an up or down range shot. A Cosine Indicator is a game changer in long-range shooting.

Brownells Magna-Tip Super Set

Brownells Magna-Tip Super Driver Set
Brownells Magna-Tip Super Driver Set

If you shoot often and long enough you are going to hit that time when everything goes crazy at the bench and you are in need of tools. This means good tools on deck and right now. Enter Brownells gunsmith grade Brownells Magna-Tip Super Driver 22-44 screwdriver bit sets. I have a 44 bit set myself and go to it often. In fact, I keep it in the truck 24-7 because it is a flat out lifesaver when a mount screw cracks, turret adjustments require a new zero, or bases and rings become loose in their mounts. These things should not happen but they do and fixing them quick limits the frustration factor.

Because every gunsmith knows all too well that almost no two screws on a firearm, mount or base system are alike, owning a complete set of screwdrivers and additional special bits is mandatory. Believe me when I tell you I could not get along without my full set of tools

  • 22 bits $69.95
  • 44 bits $112.99

Eleven total options when selecting a working field kit from Magna Tip.

I have all these small but critical longrange shooting accessories in my go bag on every trip. While not much money they can pay real dividends when they save a day or an entire trip.

L.P. Brezny
L.P. Brezny

About the Author L.P. Brezny:

With more than 50 years of experience in the field and the testing lab, author L.P. Brezny is one of today’s most recognized shotgun experts and authors. He is a contributor to dozens of firearms publications, such as Wildfowl, Shotgun Sports, and Varmint Hunters, and he is a regular columnist in the Gun Digest annual. Be sure and check out his newest book: Long Range Shooting, Second Edition

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Hey, L.P., if you want to sound like an expert, you should learn that a sunshade reduces FLARE, not GLARE.


First off I would like to thank Mr. Brezny for the excellent article. I am always interested in learning how to shoot better at long distances and though I have been shooting for years, 1,000 yards is my longest shot and I just got into it about 3 years ago. My target range where I live is limited to 300 yards. First off, what the hell is a Cosign and why haven’t I ever heard of or seen it? Thank you for this, I am going to buy one today. Below is a link that explains how it works and… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by musicman44mag

Thank you…

Roger simmons

Good article.