“They can’t shove it up your ass while you’re sitting on it!” ~ LT. JIM GLENNON.
The national calamity of trying to police in a woke political culture:
Today, I attended a number of [training] classes where I was treated to hearing all about “Constitutional Policing,” endless lectures on “de-escalation,” avoiding any use of force, skillful police officers being viciously criminally prosecuted for taking perfectly reasonable actions while protecting citizens.
Simultaneously, I heard all about the growing threat of active murderers, pernicious terrorist attacks, ambush of patrol officers, police suicide, etc.
It struck me that there is no protection for courageous & dedicated American police officers trying to do the job they’re paid to do!
Americans are desperate for assertive police to arrive quickly and deal effectively with dangerous people who threaten innocent citizens.
However, woke mayors, governors, prosecutors, judges, and even chiefs of police don’t want their officers to deal effectively with dangerous criminals. Whatever officers try to do in an effort to protect the public (and themselves), woke politicians will find fault with and simultaneously find ways to punish all officers involved – with bogus criminal charges.
They look for ways to “make an example” of hapless police officers in an effort to garner approval and support from liberal voters, many of whom don’t think there is a need for police at all.
I suggest unarmed “mental-health professionals” should take their place!
Here is the sad result of this naive, corrupt political philosophy:
Officers (the few who haven’t already left the profession in disgust), including supervisors, have correctly concluded that they can’t “get into trouble” for doing nothing!
“Doing nothing” has thus emerged as the only real personal protection police have from venomous woke politicians.
It’s only when police actually try to do their job (the job woke politicians don’t want them to do), that they become convenient prey for cynical political aspirants and arrogant media pundits.
This unfortunate (but inescapable) attitude on the part of today’s sworn police officers is a direct cause of slow (and getting slower) response times to emergency calls, emergency calls being redirected to answering machines, drastically depleted police ranks, a complete end to pro-active policing, catastrophic decline in arrests and incarceration of dangerous felons, rapid/insidious growth of violent crime.
I don’t fault any of the instructors I heard today for making clear this deliberate attempt to destroy the police profession in America.
And, I surely don’t fault the intrepid/audacious police who are still out there trying to do their job, despite a complete lack of backing and support (much less appreciation) from politicians and large segments of the general public.
What I didn’t hear about today was any real solutions to this rapidly deteriorating situation.
American citizens who see what is happening are voting with their feet, by moving-out of blue cities, blue states.
Those same citizens are also voting for their own welfare by buying guns and ammunition, reluctantly concluding that they’re on their own.
I wish I had better news.
“I will not allow a gaggle of shallow, paranoid, self-centered buffoons to dictate my fate when it comes to a critical incident” ~ A comment I heard more than once today!
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About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.
It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com
GO – since the Citizen on scene is the ‘real’ first responder it is incumbent on them to do what needs to be done to protect their own self and family. The coppers will show up whenever……………..
I’ve been preaching that for years. They have no duty to protect and more than ninety percent of the time no opportunity to protect. Police are evidence gatherer’s. Sandy Hook was a perfect example. Video of a hundred well armed cops wandering around after it was all over. All that was needed was the coroner and two detectives to gather evidence. If the principal and secretary had been armed and trained Sandy Hook would have never happened.
Cap – it is ‘possible’ that Sandy Hook would still have happened but the outcome might very well have been significantly different. OTOH just like the school shooting in Nashville(?) he might have ‘selected’ a different target like Audrey did.
Poor policing starts at the upper most levels of government.
It’s because the authorities need to get rid of any remaining honest policemen, in order to replace them with thugees. This is the way dictatorships function, whether in India or anywhere else. Since the dawn of human civilization, ever has it been thus.
There’s nothing new about any of this. It’s all recorded history. Just hidden and buried, waiting for someone to care enough to pay attention.
He needs more stars on his collar so he can tell himself how in charge he is.
Yep – THREE stars were good enough for Bobby Lee and Useless Grant 😉
Police have no duty to protect. That has been written into their SOP’s for years. However now it becomes imperative that they ignore crimes in progress. You’re on your own when it comes to your safety and always have been.
Unless a specific law requires it. Their only duty is to enforce the existing laws which is where the term LEO originates.. I had a detailed explanation earlier on this site but it was deleted as spam. We will see if this is removed as spam as well.
If anyone thinks system pigs are on the side of good, no point in trying to reach them.
The Lord helps he who helps himself!
When we are done taking out the trash (criminals), we will focus our attention on the politicians and others who allowed this to happen. Think about how they didn’t want to deal with the criminals and they will crap their pants when we come calling.
Police in ca, ny, nj, ma, ct, or, wa and other states enforcing and upholding anti constitutional gun laws are the enemy…..NOT honorable, not worthy of respect or support. If you wear the uniform of the redcoats, you are one and you are an enemy of freedom and unworthy of the slightest trust. Spare us the “I’m just waiting for my pension to kick in” or the classic “I’m just supporting my family”……..YOU are the face of totalitarianism and you are a nazi enabler, supporter and follower. You are aiding and abetting the destruction of the constitution for a paycheck.… Read more »
Police in every state support and enforce arms laws. I’m not sure why your distinction between what you call “enemy states” and the state you live in matters when the only difference is the number or type of laws.
Every single state that has moved to some form of permitless carry has had numerous police departments, chiefs, sheriffs, and organizations speak out against even the smallest restoration of our rights.
Your state still has numerous arms laws and your cops are still enforcing them.
We are experiencing every anti police example you listed Mr. Farnam. The Seattle Police Department was under Federal rule for years, have a citizens “oversight” board of civilian cop haters. And our state attorney general who thought it was his job to sue the Trump Administration 50 times, who is running for governor, has tried 4 cases against police, the latest being the popular Sheriff of Pierce County Washington. The only good news is he lost all four cases. We are definitely on our own. Never in my lifetime has the philosophy of the 3-S’s been more important and valuable.… Read more »
You and I are of the same mindset where our wishes and desires for our nation’s future are concerned, but the cornerstone of the unique type of freedoms we here in America enjoy under our “self-government” model can be found in the phrase “Acceptance of Personal Responsibility”. Without that principle being generally accepted, someone (something) has to be responsible for human-caused problems in order to compensate those injured and to restore them to the extent possible, and without the acceptance of personal responsibility government steps in, expanding its influence, growing its agencies and becoming more powerful. Even insurance has limits… Read more »
“Americans are desperate for assertive police to arrive quickly and deal effectively with dangerous people who threaten innocent citizens.” I’m a Constitutional Conservative, but the problem I see with many, if not most, cops are they’re not trained about the Constitutional and Bill of Rights. THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THE LAW IS, so they often trample citizens rights and break the law doing it. A local Lieutenant at the sheriff’s office told me he trains the new deputies to “do whatever it takes to go home at the end of the day” instead of training them to honor and obey… Read more »
“American citizens who see what is happening are voting with their feet, by moving-out of blue cities, blue states.”
Except for some of us, who are voting with our water wings, and sailing off to the Caribbean!
Why yes, people in blue cities/states ARE moving out. BUT they are bringing the shitty voting practices that created this problem in the first place with them!
My little rural corner of the block may still be a bit “clannish” but it also sends those libertards on to somewhere else because we damn sure don’t want their idiocy among us.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on a person’s views our legal system is based on what has been known as ” Old English Law “. Old English Law is set on direct orders from the King of England. These laws were enforced by the local sheriff. In the United States the Founders of the country varied from Old English Law by electing to have laws enacted by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by the U.S. President. Unless these laws expressly provide for public protection LEOs are not required nor enabled to provide any . The sole duty of any… Read more »