“As car thefts have spiked in Toronto, Canada, local police are prescribing new safety measures so that locals can avoid violent encounters with thieves,” Fox News reported Friday. “One of the recent bits of advice included Toronto Police telling residents of the town of Etobicoke to leave their car key fobs near the door to avoid being attacked in their homes by potential burglars.”
“Car thefts [have’ doubled in recent years,” we are told, and “thieves have begun breaking into houses to steal keys in order to steal cars.”
“They’re breaking into your home to steal your car,” Constable Marco Ricciardi claimed. “They don’t want anything else.”
That’s consistent with the “Just give them what they want” mantra repeated by “Only Ones” and gun prohibitionists here, who never seem able to answer the question, “What if what they want is your life?” We could cite all kinds of examples where victims complied with all orders given by violent predators only to end up helpless to prevent their own executions.
The ever-helpful Toronto Only Ones, passing out “free” doorstops so hapless subjects could “feel” safe, tried to backtrack without really retracting a damn thing, and offered completely useless advice if the object is to actually defend life and property. You can’t park in the garage if you don’t have one, and everyone leaving outside lights on all night seems to contradict “Canada’s green future” goals to cut back on energy use.
So, take the doorstop and let the criminals (freelance and official) rule the night because, as Constable Marco reminds us, “A lot of them that they’re arresting have guns on them. And they’re not toy guns, they’re real guns. They’re loaded.”
So much for all those “commonsense gun safety laws” we’re told are just the ticket to stop “gun violence.”… But Canadians can have guns, too, right?
Well, yes and no. In addition to federal regulations that include a “national freeze” on handguns and a prohibition on firearms capable of repelling multiple assailants breaking into homes to steal car keys, there’s also licensing, “safety training,” prohibited devices, ammunition, and magazine restrictions, storage, selective registration, and other infringements, like “red flag,” “yellow flag” and “expanded license revocation” diktats.
But those aren’t even the ultimate mandated self-defense inhibitors.
“Canada has a much more restrictive approach to gun usage and does not follow the ‘stand-your-ground’ law,” the What the Law Canadianlegal blog notes. “Using lethal force to defend yourself is a very gray area in self-defence law that must be considered on an individual case basis…While it is entirely possible for the accused to clear their name, demonstrating their innocence to the judge requires legal support from knowledgeable and experienced criminal defence lawyers. In cases where there are no witness, unfavourable circumstances, and limited evidence, it can be very challenging for a lone individual to prove they acted in entirely self-defensive methods without having a legal professional by their side.”
So, you’re guilty unless you can prove you’re innocent, exactly the opposite of the way things are supposed to be in the U.S., albeit not so much with the advent of our own “take the guns first, due process later” edicts.
This is what treasonous (undermining “the security of as free State”) home-grown gun-grabbers have in mind for their countrymen, for us to be cowering behind locked doors while they not only can’t protect us but punish us if we protect ourselves against predators traitorous politicians find more profitable to represent and promote.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
ultra prog far-left ideology; legalize crime and penalize anyone who does not toe the line, i.e. free people.
you cannot pick and choose which laws you want to, unless you are a third world $h1t hole country. canada is already there and we are getting close thanks to brandon.
Listen to 20 meters freq. 14.313. There is a guy there that calls himself the voice of Canada. 15 minuets of him and you will know why Canada is in the fix it is in and he hates Trump and America. He is calling for war against the infidel Americans and allu ackbar.
His call is VE7KFM. He is a major asshole.
The link goes to a web site for him.
Sounds like someone who needs a surprise visit from the pickaxe handle crew.
Make sure the hemp is lubed with the correct lubricant!
Put him in a burlap feed bag and beat it until he runs out on the floor?
tar and feathers.
Is that what they do to people that are leftist, commie, socialist Marxists Muslims there?
I wish the FCC could fine his vulgar mouth but you cannot stop the airwaves from crossing country lines and I don’t think the FCC and the Canadian authorities would work together on something like this but if it’s guns, hey Obidum and Trudeau are bed mates and do all they can for each other in both ways and places.
He’s not the only scumbag on 14.313. Hi Hi.
Ya, he has a group that agrees with him. Did you update your license?
Not yet!
I have stated multiple times that Canada is the testing ground for the USA.
O’bidmum and butt buddy Trudeau are working together along with the rest of the U.N. to disarm America because that is part of the NWO agenda to have total control over all people.
Obidum stated, “its the new world order and you can’t stop it”. I say yes we can.
if we can’t stop them, they will die trying.
Love your answer.
And yet, what do Canadian laws say about violence against the prime minister Castro Junior? Would he allow himself to be robbed, car jacked, raped? What do police do when he is involved, and why is that different than any citizen?
if you havent noticed, Justin has set himself up rather nicely as Canada’s first Führer
Voting has consequences.. but the hate people will never figure that out. Until its too late.
Been seeing this on sites here-and-there for the past couple of weeks. And all I could think of is the Alaxandr S quote about, “And how we burned in the camps later…..we did not love freedom enough…..” Yes, our cousin Canucks may not have firearms, but the does not mean that they are DISarmed. There’s always bats (baseball & cricket), axes, shovels, cast iron pans, whatever comes easily to hand. “….. people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they… Read more »
Hammers, feet and fists are part of the top three weapons used to kill people other than guns. Drugs and car accidents kill more children than guns.
a pencil works real good too
Ya but you could give them lead poisoning. That would be using the wrong lead wouldn’t it??
most pencils have graphite ,art pencils can have either
Granma’s knitting needles.
Swimming pools kill more young children than guns.
Be careful you do not leave drag marks which can be backtracked. Better to carry the TERRORIST(S).
As in the Politician who committed SUICIDE by shooting himself in the back of the head —- TWO TIMES!!
OR the man who committed SUICIDE by HANGING himself and shooting himself with a shotgun found lying 20 feet away.
Ah the smell of “Clintoncide” is in the air!
Why not just leave the keys in the car along with any cash, valuables and your atm card with the pin on a sticky note?
The government and its agents are all operating in clown mode.
If the keys are left in vehicle your insurance will not cover the loss. As for how the government operates. it’s no different than in the United States. Citizens deserve the tyranny…They allow.
They’ll figure it out soon enough they’re responsible for their own safety. IMOA, we’re going to start hearing about Canadians protecting selves and property.
How about 12ga slug DRT instead of a FOB.
awwww what about being able to identify the criminal? that would seem to be more of a reason to eliminate any witnesses than any other. so go ahead and do what the “government” tells you. so long sucker.
Stupid people Do Not Deserve to live. The gene pool needs a cleansing.
What do you expect from a country run by French Canadians. The most arrogant people I’ve ever met.
It’s a big problem when authorities treat the criminal with more respect than their own citizens. Wait, am I talking about the Canadian government, or the Democrats here in the U.S.?
Constable Marco, stick your advice where the sun don’t shine!
More progressive magical thinking. Poor decision making does not equal bad consequences.Magical thinking. The only positive benefit from progressive magical thinking is the substantial decline in the progressive population.
I’ll call the police to come and pick up whats left of said Bad Guy
You DID mean that as a (/s)?
No, DON’T call the po-po.
That’s one of The Four Esses
-Shut Up
Why incriminate yourself? And you KNOW that’s just what the ProgTard Po-po will do. Even if you can prove self defense, the Po-po will arrest YOU.
Woman: “Hello, Toronto police? A group of men have broken into my house and are emptying all my possessions into a large truck.” Toronto PD: “It’s a warm night, eh? Maybe you should offer them some Molsens.” Woman: “I only have Carlings. But they are tall-boys.” PD: “As long as it’s not Bud Lite you’ll be OK.” Woman: “But I’m afraid for my life.” PD: “They usually don’t steal the kitchen. Why don’t you bake up a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies and brew a fresh pot of tea. Nothing like a good midnight snack after working late and… Read more »
Cucknadians should leave their wives and kids out there to be raped as well I suppose. Can’t be having violent encounters over that either.
Follow the directions of these STUPID communistic IDIOTS! You will find that THUGS and TERRORISTS will then not only STEAL from you, but then, they will be ENBOLDENED to SLAUGHTER you when you do not DEFEND YOURSELF!
As the American Supreme Court Judges have stated;
“Police are NOT REQUIRED to PROTECT individuals.”
This leaves Individuals RESPONSIBLE to PROTECT THEMSELVES from harm!”
This makes the markings on Policel cars, “To PROTECT and SERVE”, A LIE, DISINFORMATION, MISINFORMATION, a SHAM !
Police do not prevent crimes. They investigate after crimes have been committed.
Remember folks, when seconds count, the police are minutes away.