Recently, in a gun free zone in Moscow, Russia, at least 133 people were killed and 145 injured. The attack took place at the Crocus Concert Hall. Russian officials are calling it a terrorist attack. Russian military special forces arrived after the killings and the detonation of explosives, which caused the building to go up in flames. Some reporters are calling the attack reminiscent of a 2002 Islamic terrorist attack at a theater in Russia. According to CNN, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack.
As American media outlets reported on this incident a few things were very clear. Animated discussion about firearms used was abundant in articles and headlines. Terms like “assault rifle,” “automatic weapon,” “gunman,” and, of course, “gun violence” were all part of the conversation. The anti-gun lobby has done a fantastic job of conditioning American media to focus on firearms when killings occur. Logical, thinking people look at this incident, and see that the attack would likely not have happened if people had the ability to defend themselves.
How is it that the terrorists were armed with Kalashnikov rifles, vests with various ammunition, backpacks, and Molotov cocktails while every single person attending the concert was stripped of any means of self-defense? The Crocus concert hall was a gun free zone. Concertgoers were all unarmed, helpless, and corralled into a condensed location. In one video, three men in fatigues are seen in the lobby of the concert hall, shooting people at point-blank range. Not one person was equipped to shoot back.
At what point do we hold the anti-gun lobby and gun-grabbing politicians in America accountable for gun free zone killings that occur here in the United States?
Those on the anti-gun side of the conversation use killings like the one in Moscow to push for more gun restrictions. They stand on the graves of the dead while demonizing American gun ownership and the Second Amendment. They fabricate talking points about the dangerousness of certain styles of firearms even when they have no idea what they are talking about. The anti-gun activists living among us take no responsibility for creating and supporting deadly gun free zones where people are rendered unarmed and helpless. They show no remorse for intentionally putting policies into place that get their fellow American citizens killed.
The problem is not firearms. The problem is the disarmament of people who would likely be able and willing to save lives when they were under attack. The irony of it all is that if good people were allowed to be armed while attending public events, the attacks would likely never occur. The political left has been diligent in creating environments where good people are slaughtered and bad guys are emboldened. The wall of politically correct talking points on this topic needs to be torn down, and the people who support gun free zones and other dangerous gun laws need to be held accountable. If not legally, publicly. Groups like Moms Demand, Action, Everytown for Gun Safety, The Gifford’s Group and March for Our Lives all support gun free zones and other gun restrictions that put good people in danger. All have blood on their hands.
About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE
Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.
Gun free zones are unconstitutional and are aiding criminals, creating areas of defenseless victims in waiting. Biden helped push through the first, in violation of his oath of office. You simply cannot tell people they cannot defend themselves and then refuse to offer protection for them while in this stupid gun free area, guarded by nothing but signs. Politicians should be tried alongside every shooter that targets a gun free zone, as they are equally culpable.
We must remove all armed protection from politicians and have them wear gun free zone signs as their only protection. They deserve it.
C’est correct
This was hashed over and passed in 1791, the discussion is over.
Anti-Gunners like all liberals only know how to do three things – LIE, STEAL and CHEAT!
Short, simple and well said.
I avoid all gun free zones for my own personal safety . I prefer to be armed and able to defend myself if need be at all times .
I quit avoiding them if they have something I need right now and cant find it anywhere else, I go in locked and loaded everywhere now, including the bank because I refuse to leave my gun in the car even if I had a lock box which I wont. What better place for thieves to rob and have your life put in danger than a bank? Otherwise, I spend no money in gun free Killing zones and tell others what they are supporting and that they are unprotected and in danger. I tell them to look at the one guard,… Read more »
It is better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.
I think more should start challenging the laws. If I get caught, I will hire Alan Beck and call on other gun groups to back me. These infringements have to stop and those that circumvent the Supreme Court need to be jailed.
Screw these bought and paid for governors that suck from bloomturds tit.
John Lott observes that 94% of mass shootings occur in Gun Free Zones.
“Fish In A Barrel Zones” Pro-gunners need to print sign with this fact to cover those “Gun Free Zones” signs. Or, maybe better, place the Fish zone signs adjacent to the Free zone signs with an “=” sign between. Maybe include a note at the bottom of the fish sign….”You ARE your own First Responder.”
“Police only show up after the carnage to draw chalk outlines, call the meat wagon.” The Good Samaritan victim should have been packin’ a Glock.
the road ahead, with criminals prowling, gun free zone, not for chowing, drive on burma shave
Dan, now we’re talking! It’s about time, we play offense instead of the usual defense, every time there’s an atrocity.
Proponents of “gun free zones”, and the whole rigmarole of gun control, have blood on their hands.
There are “common sense gun laws”. But as we know, those are the ones which penalize strictly crimes committed with guns, as well as irresponsible gun handling. The antis only talk about restricting guns for the non-authorized..
Totally agree. Now if there was only a way to flip the talking points in the MSM to place the blame where it should have been long, long ago. We can report the truly common sense solutions as we know them to be “until the cows come home” but, unless and until the ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc., news outlets flip on their loyalty to the left, our message will not reach the masses who need to hear our message repeatedly. Otherwise we’re reaching only those who already know and believe what we’re saying. Unfortunately, the amplitude of the… Read more »
“The problem is not firearms. The problem is the disarmament of people who would likely be able and willing to save lives when they were under attack.”
The Israelis are a prime example. They got lax – passed a crapload of gun control poop (that would have made Bloomburger proud) and then got smacked down by the sand clowns. Just like making gun-free zones and expecting monsters to obey the rules.
Sue the gun free zone supporters. It won’t go anywhere but it will make them pony up money to defend them.
If we hand in our guns to the government either piecemeal or all at once what will protect us from the government??
Probably those of us who didn’t turn in our guns.
“Anti-Gunners Use Tragedy for Gun Control”
This breaking news just in: WATER IS WET!
One of my favorite lines is a joke someone made. Trump walks across the water and saves people from drowning in a sinking boat. The next day the headlines read: BREAKING NEWS, TRUMP CANT SWIM!!!!!
Trump and I hope Noem 2024
If Trump walked down 5th Ave. in NYC throwing out $100 bills, the headlines would say TRUMP IS A LITTERBUG!!!!
Another good one. Thanks.
fools will be in chains when guns are taken from you
So many on here have called it what it really is. Not gun free zones but Gun Free KILLING zones and the stats prove it. Yes the real stats not the made up ones the left prefers. I wish we had the backing of the media like the anti gunners do. If we deluged the public with our message like they do theirs, people would have a different opinion but the people who claim to be poor and for the poor and not the rich have all the money and the media on there side as well as most of… Read more »