Arkansas Attorney General Suddenly Mum About Fatal ATF Raid

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ATF Police Raid IMG ATFHQ Instagram

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin is the top law enforcement officer in the state, and he is ultimately responsible for safeguarding the lives and civil rights of the more than 3.5 million Arkansans who call The Natural State home.

After the ATF shot and killed 53-year-old airport executive Bryan Malinowski in his home during a botched SWAT raid, Griffin had questions about the ATF’s use of force, which Malinowski’s family and most everyone else said was excessive. Griffin publicly called on ATF to release the videos from their bodycams, stating “information from a camera helps fill the vacuum of conspiracy and all this other stuff.”

“Look, this is bizarre that there’s just been silence. I understand there’s a state investigation going on with it, but there’s nothing about this footage that should stop it from being released,” Griffin told the local media.

However, a story published recently revealed that ATF agents wore no bodycams on March 19 during their fatal raid, and since then, Griffin – not unlike the ATF agents he called out for their lack of transparency – has gone silent about the killing. Now, Griffin lets his spokesman field questions about ATF’s raid.

The Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project requested an interview with Griffin one week ago, but Griffin’s communication director, Jeff LeMaster, said this was not possible.

“The AG is not available for a phone or video-conference interview, but you are welcome to send us written questions that we will respond to,” LeMaster wrote in an email April 16.

Reluctantly, SAF sent Griffin 15 questions.

Elected officials prefer written questions far more than live interviews because they can order their staff to research the answers. LeMaster admitted as much, telling SAF last week that he sent the written questions to several lawyers within the Attorney General’s Office. Written questions also make it more difficult to pose follow-up questions – a vital part of any interview – and they allow public officials to pick and choose only the questions they are willing to address. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the Attorney General’s Office did.

Here are the questions SAF sent to Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin and the answers LeMaster sent back, which he said are attributable to him, not the Attorney General.

  1. Is the Attorney General aware Malinowski’s killing has become a national issue, especially among gun owners?

“Yes, and the Attorney General is deeply concerned. That’s why he was the first elected official to call on the ATF to turn over the bodycam footage.”

  1. If it is proven that the ATF agent who shot and killed Malinowski used excessive/improper force, will the Attorney General’s Office prosecute?

“The Office of Attorney General does not have original prosecutorial jurisdiction under Arkansas law.”

  1. If it is proven that the ATF agent who shot and killed Malinowski violated his civil rights will the Attorney General’s Office prosecute?

“The Office of Attorney General does not have original prosecutorial jurisdiction under Arkansas law. If it involves federal laws, that would be up to the U.S. Attorney to prosecute.”

  1. Has the Attorney General’s Office formally requested the bodycam footage and/or any documents from ATF?

“We have no information to provide on this.”

  1. Has the Attorney General’s Office reviewed ATF’s search warrant affidavit? If so, what is your impression of the allegations presented in the document?

“We have no information to provide on this.”

  1. Should less-lethal tactics have been used, such as contacting Malinowski at the airport, pulling him over, performing a callout at his home or simply waiting for him to answer the door?

“We have no information to provide on this.”

  1. Did ATF use excessive force during this raid?

“We have no information to provide on this.”

  1. Has the Attorney General’s Office been in contact with the Arkansas State Police Criminal Investigations Division, which is investigating Malinowski’s death?

“We have no information to provide on this.”

  1. Does the Attorney General believe Malinowski knew he was trading gunfire with federal agents, or is it more likely he believed he was defending himself and his wife from armed home invaders?

“We have no information to provide on this.”

  1. What is the Attorney General’s opinion of using a SWAT-type raid to investigate a process/licensing crime, such as failure to obtain a federal firearm license?

“We have no information to provide on this.”

  1. What does the Attorney General intend to do to protect Arkansans from federal agents using dangerous raid tactics such as those ATF used at Malinowski’s home?

“We have no information to provide on this.”

  1. Has the Attorney General considered asking the U.S. Attorney for a moratorium on federal raids until questions about ATF’s March 19 raid are answered?

“We have no information to provide on this.”

  1. What advice does the Attorney General have for federal agents who may be contemplating a similar raid at an Arkansan’s home?

“Federal law enforcement agencies have thorough policies governing their approach to serving warrants. Those policies should be followed.”

  1. What advice does the Attorney General have for Arkansans if they encounter an ATF SWAT team about to raid their home?

“Arkansans should cooperate with law enforcement to ensure the safety of all involved.”

  1. What was the Attorney General’s initial reaction when he learned an Arkansan with no criminal history was shot and killed in his home by ATF agents?

“Like a lot of Arkansans, the Attorney General had and still has many questions about the raid, and he looks forward to more information being published soon.”


Malinowski’s killing can be blamed on ATF’s leaders who are obsessed with flexing their SWAT teams and have never once cared about the sanctity of human life. Unfortunately, these leaders have demonstrated they are incapable of learning from past mistakes – Ruby Ridge, Waco, Fast & Furious and now Little Rock, to name a few.

Unless elected officials are willing to take a stand and hold ATF accountable, the raids will continue, the excessive force will continue, and the killings won’t stop. Every law-abiding gun owner in the country is at risk, especially if they sell a gun.

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

Lee Williams

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This is very troubling. Congress has a very valid reason to defund the ATF, will they do it? I seriously doubt it.


Is there really a need for more than a few federal agencies to be armed? Not ATF, they could coordinate with FBI. Some Forest Rangers and National Park Service may need to confront bears, big cats, pot growers and the occasional misbehaving guest. That should cover it.


US Marshalls. They are probably the last honorable group among federal law enforcement.


I agree. Didn’t think of them until a few minutes after I posted. Better yet, get rid of TSA and use 10% of that money to triple the number of air marshals.


I’m not disagreeing with what you say about US Marshall’s at all. But I’m just curious why you think there is honor among that particular group of federal law-enforcement?

Roland T. Gunner

The Gipper’s cop? Frank Pascucci? But he did go to prison.


You don’t often read about the USMS having or causing problems. Yes, it happens, just like every other group of people, but not nearly as frequently. In today’s hate-the-police atmosphere misdeeds or corruption would be in the news.


You are right that the Marshals do show up in the news for corruption, but it is complete BS to think they aren’t just as prone/guilty for corruption as any/all law enforcement agency. Whether 1811, 0082, or whatnot, Federal law enforcement agents, including the Marshals, break the law all of the time. The Marshals may be better at not getting caught because they’re smaller, but don’t be fooled that they don’t rob/cheat/steal/kill (Ruby Ridge anyone?) like the other agencies.

Xaun Loc

Federal “law enforcement” has gotten completely out of control. No one actually knows how many federal “law enforcement” agents there are or even how many federal agencies claim law enforcement power. Not all federal “law enforcement” personnel are required to attend FLETC. Some agencies have multiple separate activities that supposedly have various law enforcement powers. I have little concern about federal agencies claiming law enforcement power on federal property or even in entirely leased premises, things start to get fuzzier when they claim authority over an entire property simply because the agency rents one office in a building. I understand… Read more »

jack mac

There should be little doubt that the FBI “coordinates” the ATF.


after bloviating pretty hard about holding the feds accountable it seems like the ag is going silent. i wonder why, maybe succumbing to pressure from the feds?
like johnny law always says to suspects, “if you got nothing to hide why not cooperate?”


Greg’s, The AR AG got a phone call or either a personal visit (probably a personal visit so there would be no record of a call or proof there was any contact) from the feds threatening him on how they could and would fu*ck up his world if he don’t back off on criticizing the ATF for that murder. I would bet my last $500 bucks that’s exactly what happened!

Last edited 9 days ago by Ope

the criminals in dc are worse than la costra nostra ever was most need to hang


You’re spot on right about that! The current federal gov. has become criminal domestic terrorists! They’re provoking us into a war that they can never win!

Last edited 9 days ago by Ope

They’re corrupt, evil and weak. The last statement is quite true, but sadly, far too many sheep willingly allow their rights to be infringed and outright violated because they fear any risk. As if their jobs, homes, freedom and lives are any less at risk by giving up rights and power. Some will still claim it is too soon to stand up for your rights and freedom until they have lost them all… some until they are starved and naked and marched to the edge of a mass grave.


Everyone in DC needs to be replaced one way or another and since the vast majority of them are traiters, hangings seem like a great way to get that ball rolling. And they should be public hangings to show everyone, we do not tolerate treason in this country.


Sounds like the AG needs to become the fromer AG at the very next opportunity.

Q: Why do dogs lick themselves?

A. Because they can!

And as long as the dogs at BATFE can lick themselves with impunity, they will continue to do so.

Roland T. Gunner

Without a doubt.


It’s a Federal issue. The AG pretty much stated that the Federal Attorney will have to engage.


So, I read the questions and answers and find one conclusion. The feds’ ATF or above must have contacted him and threatened him so now he is playing Sargent Shultz. He doesn’t have the balls to speak out against the government now and all of a sudden the ATF has it’s own rules which they will follow, observe and provide full assistance for. Their master has spoken. So there you have it folks. When Uncle Sam comes to your door to kill you, don’t expect any help from your local state government because they do not want the repercussions from… Read more »


would be nice if he said he was threatened by the feds,,, I wonder how many other ags would go after them under title 18 that is what it is for


I am not sure any state would have what it takes to threaten them and lose their job. It looks like our feds are trying to obtain total control over all the states and make everything fed rule and eliminate what the states say.

ATF is a rouge agency.


that’s what they were angling for under obama, an office of federal police in every state to ‘oversee’ (meaning dismiss or heavily prosecute) civil rights issues (meaning cases they like or dislike). we have no evidence to presume the effort or idea has been abandoned.


Especially under this presidency where they claim that Obummer is pulling the strings and joe does the talking. I call this session of presidency obummer 2. We can’t take a 3rd, it will be the end of the Republic. Trump 2024. I pray he isn’t a RINO and is fooling us into voting for him only to change back to his democrat founding’s he started from. If that were to happen, it would be anther obummer rule and we would surely turn into the NWO uncle joe says we cannot stop and America’s freedom would die. For some reason I… Read more »


Yep. “…hmmm, let me think about this… should I drop my request and this will all eventually be forgotten, or… should I press on and risk this cushy overpaid government position and the big fat pension it promises?

Keep your shirt on mister AG, lest you reveal a bright yellow streak. Or could it be the left has a little “dirt” on the state AG? Seems everyone has a skeleton or 2 in a closet somewhere. (There’s a couple from this same state that it’s been said they appear to have several storage facilities hiding their “skeletons”.)


That’s why Lon Horiuchi didn’t do time for executing Vicki Weaver. “Prosecutors in Boundary county, Idaho, however, charged Horiuchi with involuntary manslaughter. The case was removed to a federal district court, which dismissed charges against Horiuchi, on the grounds that he was immune from prosecution because he was acting in his official capacity.” This kind of sh!t didn’t start a few days ago, or at Waco, or at Ruby Ridge. The blood trail goes back at least as far as this incident in 1971. That means that the merry band of what the NRA called “jack booted thugs”… Read more »


Thank you for sharing. Sad that OUR government seems to have turned into Their government and we are always subject to whatever they want to do to us and even though we may not like the taste of it, we are forced to take the medicine.

I don’t think it will be long and change is going to come.


Take it to the governor. Take it to the Congressional delegation. Take it to the conservative majority in the Arkansas legislature. Keep up the pressure.


Why hasn’t Gov. Huckabee had anything to say about this murder? Why hasn’t she got rid of this spineless ,lilly livered coward she appointed as AR AG? Pussies like that POS is why we deal with so many problems we have today.


Just another murder by the Federal Gestapo. Arkansas AG was probably threatened with a tragic accident if he didn’t shut up.


My money is on your statement. Intimidation, withholding of funds and threats to your career seem to provide ample reason for people to shut up in almost all cases.


As predicted, nothing will happen to the government thugs.


The Arkansas Attorney General was bribed or Epsteined to shut up? It’s a possibility.

Roland T. Gunner


Extreme probability.

The other Jim

Tim Griffin, just another Coward RINO. Spent his life in the legal profession, and allows the most violent, unlawful, murder to to take place under his authority because the Corrupt Left Democrats told him to shut up or we will “get” you. He knew the job when he took it; he is no better then a Corrupt Cop who takes graft money to turn the other way to the murder he saw commited by the Mafia. I would never trust Tom Griffin, his office is mostlikely ridden with corruption with the help of the sleeze that responded to the questions.… Read more »



Roland T. Gunner

Wow Arkansas, talk about your attorney general throwin’ y’all under the bus.


What is the AG’s re-election chances..

We have no information on this.


Hey,Tim Griffin! Best you keep your mouth shut about Malinowski. We know where you live too!


Ruby Ridge, take 2. Very sad.

Xaun Loc

This is yet another Ammoland article where you have a 50/50 chance of seeing the article or having your browser hijacked by the scam advertising that fakes being an anti-virus warning. Ammoland is well aware that they are carrying “advertising” that is a violation of their so-called terms-of-service but the reality is that the only thing they care about is whether or not the advertiser pays to run their scam “ads”


Good morning.
I use Firefox, with ad blockers, and all I ever see is the nag to disable my ad blocker at the bottom of the page. That procedure will work until Ammoland decides it doesn’t, and blocks the entire page, at which time I’ll probably stop reading their articles.
Thanks, stay well.


Another victim of BATF incompetence and overreach. Thankfully, this one survived it.