Biden’s FBI Boasts About its Young Adult Waiting Period for Human Rights


FBI Emblem iStock-505252961
FBI Emblem iStock-505252961

When it comes to law-abiding adults ages 18-20, the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) should be renamed the Never Instant Criminal Background Check System.

An article posted to the FBI’s website on March 25 shows how the agency uses the ill-named Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022 (BSCA) to impose a waiting period on young adult gun buyers.

Under the BSCA, when a Federal Firearms Licensee (gun dealer or FFL) contacts NICS to run a background check on a purchaser under the age of 21, NICS is required to contact additional state and local government agencies in the prospective purchaser’s jurisdiction before approving the firearm transfer. This includes the state agency responsible for juvenile criminal justice records, the state custodian of mental health records, and the “local law enforcement agency of the jurisdiction in which the person resides.”

These queries take time. Further, unlike NICS, these state and local agencies are not necessarily designed or equipped to handle these types of requests in an instant or even timely fashion. In fact, as made clear in the U.S. Supreme Court case Printz v. U.S. (1997), the federal government cannot compel the states to participate in its gun control regime at all. Therefore, no law-abiding 18-20-year-old adult experiences an instant background check.

Prior to the enactment of the BSCA, in cases where the NICS system flagged an individual as possibly having a prohibiting record, the FBI had 3-business days to determine whether the person was in fact prohibited before the firearm transfer was allowed to proceed. In the case of young adults ages 18-20, the BSCA demands that NICS extend the 3-business day check period to 10 business days (two full weeks) if “cause exists to further investigate a possibly disqualifying juvenile record.” The requisite “cause” to prompt the 10-business day waiting period is not defined by the legislation.

NRA-ILA warned gun owners and policymakers back in 2022 that the BSCA eliminated instant background checks for young adults and would be used by the Biden administration to create a waiting period regime. Despite the obvious implications of the bill, proponents of the BSCA claimed the gun control measure “does not create any mandatory waiting periods.”

According to the FBI, since the BSCA took effect over 200,000 young adults have been encumbered by the never-instant checks. The agency stated that the average waiting period for a law-abiding young adult to be cleared by the never-instant check is “about 4 days.”

Recall, the new under-21 background check procedure sends NICS on an open-ended fishing expedition for potentially prohibiting records – even when they don’t exist. Therefore, perversely, the system is quicker to deny gun purchasers – “about 2 days” – than to allow a lawful firearm transaction to proceed.

Aside from the waiting period, the BSCA background check scheme poses another threat to gun owners.

Federal law (18 USC 922) prohibits firearm possession by a person who “has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.”

Note the term “convicted.” Under a proper interpretation of federal law, many juvenile adjudications may not meet the criteria for a federal firearms prohibition.

As explained on a government website that describes the features of the juvenile justice system, the “process operates according to the premise that youth are fundamentally different from adults, both in terms of level of responsibility and potential for rehabilitation.” The juvenile system is typically more informal and less focused on procedural due process than the adult criminal justice system. Most states do not consider adjudications of delinquency in the same category as criminal convictions.

Of course, juvenile misbehavior varies in degrees. In most states, very serious behavior – homicides or assaults resulting in serious physical injury, for example – can lead to a juvenile being prosecuted in the adult criminal justice system, with all the usual consequences that implies.

Demanding federal bureaucrats delve into juvenile records that aren’t necessarily prohibiting under a proper interpretation of 18 USC 922 is an invitation to improperly delay or deny an individual’s Second Amendment rights.

As members of the political community, young adults ages 18-20 should have their right to keep and bear arms respected in the same manner as older adults. NRA-ILA will continue to work towards this goal.

About NRA-ILA:

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess, and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:

National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)

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Nazi In-Action Criminal System. NICS


All be darn, I thought a NICS check was done no matter what.
I’m interested in TX.. however , my hermit side wants a off the grid cabin way up in some isolated place in Northern Idaho. As long as I can get a dish to feed me some internet, I’d be happy living off solar and what is around me… (so I say) Imagine the world where I couldn’t dish out fresh sarcasm daily…. I can’t either.


LOL, there is allot of country in Idaho not being used that is like wilderness. I found a nice mountain area near Arco Idaho that is lower elevation that doesn’t get deep snow. I was there for a week in town and never saw a police or sheriff car and the town was clean.


there are places in florida like that with NO snow


Is it cool and not humid? When I got down into Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky I could hardly breathe. It was like I was breathing water and when I took a shower, I was already sweating while drying off. Yuck.


It’ soooooo humid and hot, stay there in Oregone.


You gave miss information Dopey. You do have to do a background check through NICS even if you have a permit.

Better sharpen you pencil and get your act together and quit telling people stuff that is not true.

Oregoneistan, the blue state where you can carry concealed in a bar rather than a red state like texas where you cant.


I provided proof that you are wrong and you are not supplying the link to show you are right. Just your word which we know is worth as much as nothing now.

Back to name calling again I see. Sign of a weak mind. Your three personality’s are outnumbered when it comes to brains and whit.

Show the link to support your comment. Quit lying to the people.

You are a perfect democrap, you accuse others of who you really are.

Liar, deceiver, manipulator, democrat.


MM, unfortunately you are wrong on this one. Please review section 29 of the 447 form. I also live in a state where the ccl exempts the nics check. And we were just ranked the number one “gun friendly” state.


4473 form


and we carry in bars, state capitol, all city bldgs, and within 1,000 feet of a school, on private property Could be asked to leave). We have the post office, and the Fed FSA office…That’s called gun rights….And if made here, stays here, exempt from the feds…..


We have the post office, and the Fed FSA office where we cannot legally carry…(Wishing for an edit button!)


Well that’s cool. What state. I can’t find the form without a 1/2 hour download. I wish I could see it where I don’t have to download it. Got a link?
Oh, you said 447, did you mean 4473?

Last edited 8 months ago by musicman44mag

Don’t tell ’em.

Desert Rat

MM44M, when you were in Arco, did you go out to see EBR-1? It’s the first breeder reactor project. Very interesting. The people who worked there wrote their names on the wall above the heavy water pool when they lowered the ball the first time. I guess they wanted to have their names recorded if that sucker went off when they started it up. LOL.


NO!! Don’t laugh, but they have put enough radio active stuff in me for MRI’s that they are concerned that I am getting too much radiation so I need to be careful. I don’t want to start glowing in the dark. LOL It blew me away that next to Arco was the very first nuclear reactor IN THE WORLD, how cool is that. Honestly, I didn’t know when I drove by that they would let you in. The submarine in town was pretty cool as well as all the kids putting their graduation year on the mountain. It was a… Read more »


Athol. I know of commiefornians that have bought a big chunk and are selling the plots to more commiefornians. The guy who bought it is a lawyer and leftist and one of his group have children that are gay. Her son likes men and her daughter cut off her boobs and wants to be a man. The all lived in Sacramento. The mom is a control freak and is very left. The husband left for a normal life.

Just a heads up.


Northern Idaho has its advantages, but consider this DISadvantage: are YOU ready able and willing to somehow gather, buck, split, rick, and haul about eight cords of firewood easyh summer? Cause that’s about what you will need to keep yer finners warm enough to smack those keys to continue doling out your fresh sarc daily.
and this is NOT a dose of sarc. I live about a quarter mile from Puget’s Sound and about eighty feet above sea level. Most years I need four cords, last year I burned SEVEN. It was a nasty one by our local standards.

Last edited 8 months ago by Tionico

That sounds like the house that overlooks the falls. I won’t say more because I am not asking you to give your location away. That’s the one thing that I would hate about living up north. My friends in Montana wait all winter for spring and then they have to go out and cut wood for a month, work on the house for two or three weeks to get it ready for the next winter and then it’s deer and elk season and camping on the weekends when they can squeeze it in so they can get some, fishing, swimming… Read more »


NICS check is done. Read my other post. Dopey doesn’t know what he is talking about, again.

Last edited 8 months ago by musicman44mag

Taken from the link provided for Texas concealed carry. The Background CheckAs we noted before, there is no waiting period to buy a firearm in Texas. That simply means that you won’t have to spend long days or even weeks for approval. However, you may still have to wait a few minutes while the firearms vendor conducts the background check. This check is usually very quick. It simply involves the dealer running your information through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. One important thing to note is that due to federal regulations, you (or whoever is intending to buy… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by musicman44mag

Dopey said to me: Blah,blah,blah. Look, I can guarantee you others on this site don’t want to listen to your garbage. You started this exchange because I said it was an excellent idea for you to stay in Oregon. That’s all I said! Now I know you like to get the last word like all kids do. So bring it on.l I’m done with you and your nonsense. My comment started with a correction to your post that a CCW makes it so a background check is not required and nothing more. You are the one ASSuming that I got… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by musicman44mag

Nope, you have three accounts. I am smarter than you. You haven’t disclosed any personal information because you are afraid that someone might find out what type of person you really are. I have figured you out. You are a lonely man that has no wife, a female dog that pisses on the floor when you look at it or call it’s name like I said before and now I have proven that you are a liar. I didn’t say that in the beginning, I just proved you are wrong again then you come back with words backing your lie.… Read more »


Friend of minewanted to buy a house.. he was seventeen years old. He had to have his Dad “buy” it but on his (the id’s) money. Ince he was 18, they had to pay for more legal fes to reransfer the house to th son. S at eighten, he could vote, buy a house, hld localpublic office, enter milteray service without Dad’s sngiaure, own a car and isure it, ownrun a business of most types, etc. WHY can he not own a firearm just like his Dad could, at eighteen? During our founding era, “children” as young as fourteen served… Read more »

Wild Bill

That is not Constitutional. That Biden policy offends the equal protection clause.


not auditing contested election violate citizens protections too , unelected dont care,as long as they keep power


15 or 20 years ago the NRA might have had the political muscle to kill this so called bi-partisan act. Not any more. So NRA, what grade will you give to Cornyn and the other turncoats when they are up for election?


Nice try, you have pulled the same one down vote game before. Not working.


I am on the fence on this one. I know kids that are 18 that shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun and those that are 18 that are responsible enough to have one, so siding with the government on this would be hard for me. In oregoneistan we have a rule that if the background check is not completed in 3 days that the FFL can give the gun to the person. Measure 114 which is pending would change it and I think it can go past 10 days so oregonistan in essence would be worse for everyone, not… Read more »


I’ve had one time in my life where I wasn’t instant approval. Right when OSP changed their computer system after 114 went into effect and everyone went to the back of the line… (I was 48K something) My FFL knows me fairly well as a “regular” buyer. He left me go on the Charleston Loophole… But he said he had never done it for anyone other than Judges or LEO’s. I was honored he trusted me. If shit hits the fan, I won’t use that gun… out of courtesy to my really cool FFL… K.B J shout out to you… Read more »


Yep after measure 114 is when I had my problem too and I waited for 45 minutes. Before that I was approved in about 10. Usually it took them longer to go in the back and get the case with the mags and everything that comes with it. When the BS went through I bought a semi auto shotgun that uses magazines because they would be against the law if it passed. I wanted to have one just incase they said I couldn’t. When I did the electronic version in Bimart it was instantaneous. Sure glad we live here where… Read more »


respect for respect something people dont do anymore , that deserves 1 up from every self respecting ammoland follower


i know people in their 70s that should not have a gun or a car ,I bought my first rifle at 8had a muzzle loader that was a gift from my grandfather at around 5. you are taught to be responsible or not at an early age. music could bee your parents taught you to be good because they could not change themselves………the ultimate form of aggression is to change oneself


God knows, I’m just glad I turned out the way I did. I could not stand always running, or hiding, or lying to protect myself from being jailed or killed.

What a miserable life that would be. Who would really love you, who could you really trust. No thank you.


My Dad alked about rural Nvada where he grew up. The kids all rode orses o school, most brought their rifles wth them. they’d lean them up against the back wall in the one room schoolhouse. Recess and lunch they’d trot out the rifles and soend some ime urdering the tin cans hey had brought from home. NOT ONE of tose kids ever hurt anyone with a gun until they were sent off to the renches in Eirope and the Pacific to subdue the knot seas and Hirihito’s dweebs. Kids as young as seven owned their own rifles, and KNEW… Read more »


Yes, well those were different times. Today those kids are thugs that are 12 and are attacking innocent women in there home like reported yesterday in Huston Texas. They don’t have the common sense to know what is right and wrong anymore and the way they are being raised where everything is always someone else’s fault is coming out and rearing it’s ugly head. Yesterday I watched a cop show that is in Eldorado County Kommiefornia. She would not listen to the cop, was verbally aggressive and when the cop told her what to do she refused. The cop grabbed… Read more »