In a recent SAF Video update, Bill Sack, Director of Legal Operations at the Second Amendment Foundation, highlighted what he perceives as a discrepancy between the Biden administration’s rhetoric on gun control and the actual data regarding illegal gun trafficking.
Sack referenced a report from the ATF’s National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment which reviewed over 9,700 ATF firearms trafficking investigations conducted between 2017 and 2021. The report revealed that licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) were responsible for only 1.6% of the illegal trafficking cases, amounting to 136 cases.
Despite these findings, the Biden administration has implemented a strict “Zero Tolerance” policy directed by President Biden himself, leading to the revocation of FFL licenses for minor clerical errors without evidence of intentional wrongdoing.
Sack argues that this aggressive approach disproportionately impacts legitimate, constitutionally protected businesses, with the ATF suspecting only around 0.1% of FFLs may have been involved in illegal activities.
The Second Amendment Foundation, as explained by Sack, is actively working to counteract what they see as overreaching gun control measures through litigation and education. Sack encourages supporters to stay informed about ongoing legal cases and the foundation’s efforts by following their updates on social media and their website.
Second Amendment Foundation
The Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org) is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 720,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.
It’s time we the people ban together and have a zero tolerance policy for the ATF .
This is the kind of insanity that proves to people that think “Our” government would never do bad things to us! It’s only the Russians or Chinese that do bad things to their people. We wear a halo and are so righteous. There will ALWAYS be psychopaths that will fill the shoes of the enforcement class willing to cage you or kill you if you don’t comply.
What the ATF should be MORE concerned about is the Constitutional ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on government INFRINGEMENT and TYRANNY. Apparently they have volunteered to learn the hard way.
I have said it before. Government should be held to the same standards as the plebes/surfs and peasants. If they make one error inputting data on a form, the person should be fired. If they make one mistake making an arrest, they should be fired. All of the people that did the raid on the gentleman that was murdered recently that worked at an airport in an ATF early morning raid should be fired, the boss that approved it and the person that is in charge of the agency should be fired. When I worked for the government, if one… Read more »
Once again, you state true facts and a very reasonable opinion and some numbnutz down votes you. I can fully appreciate that someone just doesn’t like you or me or anyone. But it just shows their ignorance and bias when they down vote something that is simply correct.
They are butt hurt over his previous comments and hold a grudge it appears . Hence all the down votes even when Music makes a comment that’s agreeable to most .
A wise person on here said to me something that really sticks. It’s not the vote that counts, it’s the content of the message.
But it’s probably the content of the message that gets you the downvotes. Right?
Well, there can be a few things. I’ve had arguments with others that place limitations upon my 1st amendment right that they do not observe for themselves and I have fought continuously with that person tying up the board. The funny thing is that they start it and I am the bad guy, so that is an indication of some of the people that are on this board that don’t believe in fairness or the 1st amendment for others but support their friend which to them has more value. I turn to God and the verse that says “when good… Read more »
It’s a sounding board about guns, not a Constitutional congress. If you get that provoked over a few downvotes and feel your 1st amendment rights are trampled on you need to get a thicker skin. Here you say your rights are walked on and down below you say “the court of public opinion means nothing to me”. So which is it?
Hello, have you been really reading what I have said or are you like others that have a reading comprehension problem. I have stated time and time again that I don’t care about the votes. HELLO?
Someone telling me that I don’t have a right to exercise my first amendment right is what I do have a problem with, especially when they don’t practice what they preach. You know, do as I say not as I do like the democrats do.
Get it?
Surfs up dude!!
“Aboard A Tidal Wave.”
I rest my case.
The court of people’s opinion means nothing to me, there is only one entity that rules over me and he is not of this earth. Hope you know his name!
Where is the penalty?
Oh, brother!
In Christ!!!
“I am an F…B…I. agent!”
Koo-noe Reeves is such a piss-poor actor.
Fired, and PROSECUTED!
shot better than fired, this would stop if they would pay the same price for their bad actions….
FK the ATF. I was a cop for 30 years and I am ready to stand up against these tyrannical Nazi’s.
fbi is no better, they have been doing more title 18 242 criminal actions under color of law , and no one is targeting them way past time
Hell, it is beyond that and has trickled down to your local LEO offices in our towns today. Corruption is rampant in the USA today. No one can be fully trusted.
And yet —
Of course the FBATFE is harassing and abusing power it claims to have. We don’t need BGC’s, we didn’t have them a few decades back (and life was just fine), and we don’t need licenses to sell… what we do need is to abolish the unconstitutional BATFE and every gun law. The gov is specifically prohibited in the strongest terms from restricting, limiting, regulating or policing firearm ownership, use, possession, sales, selection, type, etc. The country went over a hundred years before Congress violated our 2nd amendment protected rights with nfa. Repeal and abolish.