NRA election results are in. Not only were all four of our “Four for Reform” candidates for the NRA Board of Directors elected, each winning a 3-year seat, but we almost swept the top spots.
Ronnie Barrett, the founder of Barrett Firearms, came in with the highest vote count, as everyone expected, but he was followed closely by Judge Phil Journey and Rocky Marshall, both reform candidates who got on the ballot via petition of the members. The next seat went to Wayne Anthony Ross of Alaska, a former Vice President who’s been on the Board since 1980. I rounded out the top five. Our fourth reform candidate, Dennis Fusaro, came in at a respectable number 16.
All in all it was a stellar performance for complete outsiders with no internal NRA organization support.
As I said during the early days of the campaign, getting one “insurgent” candidate elected without the support of the establishment is extremely difficult, but getting two or three elected, much less four, is damn near impossible. The fact that all four of us were elected, with three of us in the top five, should send a loud and clear message to the Board that the members are ready for some serious changes.
An echo to that message was sent via the list of candidates who didn’t make the cut, including long-time Director and LaPierre defender Joel Friedman, as well as two past-presidents, John Sigler and David Keene. Keene distinguished himself last month by publishing an editorial in the Washington Times newspaper praising Wayne LaPierre, just days after LaPierre had been found liable for failing in his fiduciary duty and misappropriation of charitable funds, being ordered to repay some $5 million in “excess compensation” that he’d improperly taken from the NRA.
I hope the current Board members hear the message the membership sent with this vote. We will be only four Directors among 76, which means we’ll have no real power, and very little influence.
Nonetheless, I’m hoping our win will put some starch in the shorts of some of those Directors – you know who you are – and help them recognize that it’s time to be part of the solution.
We hope they’ll work with us and together we might be able to get some positive steps taken. Our election shows that the strategy the Board majority has maintained for the past 5 or 6 years has run its course. If they stick to that strategy, continuing to follow the current “leadership,” we’ll be helpless to stop them, but we will ensure that the members – and the judge – know what happened.
The judge being informed is a critical factor because the New York trial isn’t over yet. The first phase of the trial was to determine whether wrongs were done and accusations were valid – basically whether Wayne LaPierre, former Treasurer Woody Phillips, Secretary John Frazer, and the NRA itself (meaning the Board of Directors) did indeed fail in their fiduciary duties, violate their obligations to the Association and its members, and, in the case of Lapierre and Phillips, misappropriate funds. The outcome of that trial was “guilty as charged” though since it was a civil, not criminal case, they called it “found liable,” rather than “found guilty.”
The second phase of that trial begins on July 15. In that phase the judge will hear arguments and decide what remedies are needed to protect the NRA and ensure it won’t fall right back into the same traps that allowed the corruption and mismanagement to flourish.
The NRA Board and staff have taken some steps to guard against future problems, but most of those “corrections” are superficial and toothless. Most importantly, they’ve left the same people in control who were in control during the corruption. LaPierre is gone, but his hand-picked replacement fills his vacated office, while the same officers and executives retain key positions throughout the organization.
The NRA Board has some tough choices to make, and if we abdicate our obligation to make those tough choices and do what’s right for the members and the Association, the judge in New York will make those choices for us.
So far that judge has been very fair and reasonable, so I think he will probably make positive changes that will be good for the Association. Still, it would be much better if those changes came from the people elected by their fellow NRA members, than from a court in New York. One way or another, major changes are coming to the NRA. The only questions are how major the changes will be and who will be in control of making them.
It is my fervent hope that the majority of the Board will, in the words of the late Senator Everett Dirksen, “feel the heat and see the light.” They know very well that we’re not “turncoats,” “NRA-bashers,” or “the Enemy Within,” as the NRA brass has characterized us. We’re just concerned NRA members committed to transparency and integrity, who want to see the NRA as strong and effective as it once was.
The NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits will be held in Dallas from May 16 through 19 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, with a Board meeting to follow on Monday, May 20. If you plan to attend, be sure to plan to be in the Members’ Meeting on Saturday May 18. That’s your one annual opportunity to have your voice heard by NRA leaders and fellow members.
There’s been a lot of rancor over the recent scandals and the Board’s failure to take any substantive steps in response, particularly their unwillingness to fire Wayne LaPierre. That rancor was earned and is fully justified, but for we four new Directors, the mission is more important than personal grudges or past frustrations.
Our clock starts on May 20, when we are sworn in and become active members of the NRA Board. We are anxious to work with anyone who will work with us for the betterment of the NRA. We’ll listen to their positions and supporting arguments carefully, and we’ll support or oppose those positions based solely on the merits we find in them, not who’s offering the proposal or making the argument. We ask that our soon-to-be fellow Directors give us the same courtesy and consideration.
We all want the same things: A strong, effective NRA, fiscally stable, solidly grounded in the principles of liberty, actively working to protect our rights and promote our sports and hobbies. There shouldn’t be their team and our team, only the team.
Let’s make the NRA Great Again!
About Jeff Knox:
Jeff Knox is a second-generation political activist and director of The Firearms Coalition. His father Neal Knox led many of the early gun rights battles for your right to keep and bear arms. Read Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War.
The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations. Founded by Neal Knox in 1984, the organization provides support to grassroots activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, and with a historical perspective of the gun rights movement. The Firearms Coalition has offices in Buckeye, Arizona, and Manassas, VA. Visit: www.FirearmsCoalition.org.
Thank you for your tireless efforts to try to fix the NRA. I have been a member since 1977, where I joined at the annual meeting in Cincinnati as a life member (subsequently an endowment member). I pretty much gave up on the NRA years ago due to the internal corruption, but you and your fellow supporters at least provide some hope of change. At least some hope eclipses no hope at all.
While I will concede that this is a good first step toward the NRA regaining some semblance of value in the 2A community, I will continue to give my money and dues to those organizations who have not demonstrated a propensity to steal from their members. GOA, SAF and especially GRNC are honestly on the side of gun owners and their leaders don’t buy $14,000 tailor-made suits with members’ money. I’ll give it a few years and reconsider rekindling a romance with the NRA. It needs to earn some trust. But until that trust is regained, no thank you.
While I am extremely pleased with the outcome of the bullet vote, let’s put our money where our mouth is. Cut the BOD to a reasonable number and let’s get back to work!
Having laid my hand on LePewPew’s shoulder many times at the NRA Convention Thursday evening Auction and Banquets, I can assure all that we are getting really, really nice suits for our money.
Frequently, people spending other people’s money purchase flash over quality. Glad to hear LePewPew spent our money on topnotch fabric and tailoring. Can they be sold on consignment?
I used to be a life member, circa 1969,
This has happened before,
more than once (remember Adam Kraut?)
So, before we pop the Champagne,
Let’s sit back and see what happens……….
If I recall correctly, Kraut did not get elected. He did, however, have some great ideas on how to restructure the Board of Directors. Knox et.al. have a great opportunity to not only shift the direction of the board but to do a better job of providing inside information to the membership and potentially to the courts. There is the possibility of another WLP being spawned but I don’t see that as anything but another disaster this group can help guard against. Yeah, film at eleven but that’s past my bedtime.
Adam now serves us well at the Second Amendment Foundation. That’s where the bulk of my 2A donations go.
Yep. Me too.
There is till a lot of cancer that must be cut from the host. Simply because any cancer left at all has the opportunity to kill it.
Don’t forget corrupt Cotton, interim EVP, first and second vice presidents, CFO, and the majority of the board who are not qualified to be board members!
Cotton is rotten!
LePewPew needs to lose his retirement plan!!!
Needs to lose his retirement plan and his house and his stock portfolio and his gun collection and his closet full of suits and everything else shielding him from penury.
I hope you will pass on to the rest of the board that we want the NRA to become a no compromise pro-2A organization. That means absolutely ZERO support for any bill containing ANY anti-2A language, working to repeal all infringements the NRA has supported in the past, and vehemently opposing and working to abolish the ATF.
Well said, but is a damned shame it has to be said; and that so much time, energy and treasure has been wasted.
Just hoping we can see those changes in time for our children to enjoy.
It’s a start. But it’s like getting four Republicans into the House who aren’t RINOs.
But it’s like getting four Republicans into the world who aren’t RINOs.
Fixed it for you.
Every upcoming election, we need to determine more candidates for reform and get them elected! Let’s get the LaPierre cronies & “old boys” club out!
Congratulations! Big accomplishment. Please don’t downplay the significant power the 4 of you possess in that big ole board. It takes only a good idea and the steadfast determination that you four have to make positive changes. Good luck, I have confidence in you fellows. However, I am not going to abandon the “David’s” out there doing the work the NRA forgot about decades ago, GOA, FPC, CCRKBA, 2AFoundation just to name the ones that get my “Life’s Energy” hopefully after your quartet works your magic, I’ll come back to the NRA. Ope, I agree we all should be members… Read more »
Congratulations. See you at the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits 2024
The plan we’re seeing so far is: Step 1: Elect reform candidates Step 2: ??? Step 3: Make the NRA great again With apologies to the Underpants Gnomes of “South Park”, I’d like to see more of what you have planned for step 2. Two of the failings of the LaPierre NRA, as detailed so well in “Neal Knox: The Gun Rights War,” were a lack of transparency, telling members one thing yet doing another, and a lack of regard for members’ attempts to guide what is essentially the members’ organization. In that light, I for one would llke to… Read more »
Step 1: Elect reform candidates
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Make the NRA great again
Step 2: Reduce the BOD to a reasonable # and chuck the trash out the door. You know who they are!
Whoopee Doo! 5% of the board who might be honest and act responsibly.
Last time I looked 5% was not a majority.
Congratulations Mr. Knox, and God Bless to you and your fellow newly elected board members. I left the NRA 20 years ago; but I would love to see you and your crew sailing and steering the NRA to a close relationship with a newly reelected President Trump and a Republican Congress, and to the major overhaul of Federal firearms laws and policies thar we are a hundred years overdue.
cotton is the next one that has to go
It doesn’t matter. The rot is too deeply entrenched. There is literally no hope for fixing the NRA to change it into the organization it claims to be but has never been. The NRA was not founded to be a pro-RKBA organization The NRA never was a pro-RKBA organization. Exactly the opposite! The NRA lobbied FOR the 1934 NFA and the 1938 FFA. It wasn’t until after the 1968 GCA that the NRA suddenly discovered the 2nd Amendment and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Unfortunately even when they discovered these, the NRA considered them strictly as a Fund-Raising… Read more »
Jeff, thank you for a magnificent effort. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Collective action by righteous men and women has an impact. The membership of my small collectors (C&R) group weighed in and I am sure there are many more clubs and shooting groups who did so as well. NRA can be brought back. It is all about leadership. Character and integrity are the foundation of good leadership. Best wishes from the Mohave Arms Collectors Association!
Ditto – kudos – and congrats! I was so tired of voting and coming up with nothing but a sick feeling. Guys – make us proud!
You are half right. Yes, It is all about leadership, character, and integrity. But No, the NRA cannot be brought back. Certainly not by four “reform” candidates out of the 70+ board members who are supposed to be responsible for guiding the organization, and who have no actual authority in any action of the officers and staff. It is time for American Gun Owners to do what the NY Courts failed to do for us — completely dismantle and dissolve this cesspool. There is no reason to spend another two decades or more and another billion dollars buying suits for… Read more »
Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!
YES!!! Finally some good news! Thank you for your efforts and getting us informed which helped me help you, with votes.
Now, do us proud and kick some ass!
I refuse to hope. Too much rot is left in the old organization.
Mr. Knox, Thanks much for your efforts at getting reform candidates elected to the board. As an endowment member, who has not donated to the NRA in years, I am cautiously optimistic regarding the possibility of deep reform. What direct steps can I take to support the efforts at reform? In the past, I found it pointless to contact our regional rep. nor the NRA as I either was ignored or had my concerns politely ridiculed. Is there a published list of contact information for the board of directors? How can I find out what issues will be covered at… Read more »
I’m a life member that is outraged by the prima donna life style that LaPierre led with my heart felt donations to the cause. I taste vomit.
clawing LaPierre’s retirement away from him would go a long way towards getting me to donate again. let him live on his social security and what he hid out of what he stole. until a lot of changes are made my wallet is closed to the NRA until they shrink the board and make quite a few other changes in how donations are handled and accounted for. until then my money goes to the NSSF and the SAF
Have the number of NRA members voting been posted ? Usually an awful low percent of those eligible . .
A good start – hope we can get a dozen more “nominated by petition” folks in the next round if the courts don’t kill it. Too many “go along to get along” types on the Board, more members need to VOTE .
Congrats to all four of you. Glad I could help with the nomination and vote.
You under emphasize your ability to affect change in the NRA. You need to be as radical for positive change as the LaPierre team has been for their own benefit. You need to intrude yourself into every aspect of the NRA your position allows while shedding light on any improper activity. Shame them publicly if you must, have them prosecuted if required. Make it known that we the membership want OUR NRA back to the pre-eminent 2A organization it should be.
I am currently supporting the GOA and the FPC. If I see that the NRA leopard has changed it’s spots, perhaps I will begin supporting them again too. After all, the NRA is a pretty big thorn in an anti-gun zealot’s side.
*Big congrats to the 4 new board members. It’s gonna be a tough slog to reform the NRA with all those impudent hangers-on. Personally, I’m still disappointed that even as a Life member I got shut out of the voting process because I am a non-resident. That’s got to change!
As long as you’re a US citizen, residency shouldn’t matter — according to the Bylaws. Contact the Secretary’s Office, or drop me an email and I’ll try to look into it for you.