Can ‘Gun Owners for Trump’ Provide Critical Gun Vote in November?

Gun Owners for Trump Coalition
Gun Owners for Trump Coalition

The endorsement of Donald J. Trump for president by the National Rifle Association during its recent convention in Dallas was essentially a foregone conclusion, and almost simultaneously, the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee announced the launch of “Gun Owners for Trump.”

The proverbial “$64 million question” is whether this will help propel Trump back into the Oval Office, displacing Democrat Joe Biden, who has proven to be more unfriendly to gun owners than former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. After all, it was Biden, not the others, who admitted during a CNN Townhall broadcast three years ago that he not only wants to ban the sale of modern semiautomatic rifles, he also wants to ban 9mm semi-auto pistols.

The Second Amendment Foundation has run a series of ads featuring the actual video clip of Biden saying so. It’s one thing to accuse a president of wanting to ban guns, but when he publicly admits it to a national audience on live television, not even the spinmeisters in the Biden inner circle can walk that one back.

What about “Gun Owners for Trump?” It’s a coalition of more than 50 top names in the firearms community.

The list includes newly-elected NRA President Bob Barr and NRA First Vice President Bill Bachenberg, Second Amendment Foundation founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, Armed American Radio host Mark Walters (also a member of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Board of Directors), former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, NRA-ILA Executive Director Randy Kozuch and several members of the NRA Board of Directors and several more members of Women for Gun Rights.

The challenge for this group, and the NRA and other gun rights organizations, will be to get out the vote for Trump in November. There will be some resistance from gun owners who remain furious about Trump’s decision to ban bump stocks following the 2018 mass shooting in Las Vegas. The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on a challenge to that ban sometime next month, according to NPR, and if the high court overturns the ban, that issue should become moot.

The NRA’s influence has been diminished over the past few years due to legal battles and revelations of mismanagement. But longtime NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre, on whose watch the troubles emerged, resigned earlier this year and the convention in Dallas has produced a largely new leadership team with two “reform” candidates on this year’s Board ballot now elected to top posts. The organization appears determined to rebound in a major way, which could be critical to the “get-out-the-vote” effort this fall.

On the plus side, Trump can run on an unmatched record of federal court appointments, including placing Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett on the U.S. Supreme Court. Their presence resulted in the 2022 landmark ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, which nullified “good cause” requirements for concealed carry permits in New York and other states, and also did away with the “two step” process developed by lower federal courts for dealing with Second Amendment cases. Henceforth, courts must consider gun restrictions based on verifiable historical analog rather than compelling government interest.

Trump also filled some 300 federal court vacancies with constitutional judges. Biden, on the other hand, stands accused of “weaponizing” the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives against gun owners.

Still, American gun owners and particularly hunters have established a reputation of lethargy and even apathy when it comes to voting. Too many in this fraternity can complain ad nauseum on social media, but filling out a ballot seems too much of an effort. As activists have repeatedly said, posting on Facebook does not substitute for voting in November.

Here are two things gun owners must do, and the sooner the better:

  • Make sure you are registered to vote at your present address.
  • If you plan to be hunting on Election Day—Tuesday, Nov. 5—get an absentee ballot and make sure to submit it. The only way to be sure your vote counts is to actually vote.

According to the Trump campaign’s announcement of the gun owners group, “President Trump believes that every American has a God-given right to protect themselves and their family and has proven through his actions that he will defend law-abiding gun owners. Gun owners across the country are working to deliver President Trump a second term, secure a Senate majority, and defend the Republican House majority. President Trump and his Republican allies in the House and Senate will put a stop to the left’s constant attacks on Americans’ Constitutional Rights.”

Many states still have primary elections on the horizon. Check here to see if your state is on the list.

It’s not just the presidency at stake. To make this work in favor of the Second Amendment, the “gun vote” must also have an impact on U.S. Senate and House races, and even state races for governor and legislatures. For example, in Washington, the race for governor will likely pit anti-gun Democrat Attorney General Bob Ferguson against former Republican Congressman and Sheriff Dave Reichert.

One very important argument Gun Owners for Trump cannot over-emphasize is that the president makes federal court nominations, including the Supreme Court, where vacancies are almost certain to occur over the next four-plus years. It is the U.S. Senate which confirms those nominations, and the party in majority can make that easy or difficult. A Republican majority prevented Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland from moving forward, while subsequently confirming Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett during Trump’s administration.

To join, or find out more about, Gun Owners for Trump, gun owners can visit their website here.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

Dave Workman

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While he’s never been any sort of ideological favorite of mine, in the coming race there really is no other choice. FJB

Henry Bowman

An endorsement from the NRA doesn’t mean spit. They gave ‘A’ ratings to LOTS of RINOs over the years, including John Cornyn and Dan Crenshaw.

I’ll stick with GOA and THEIR ratings!


I just read GOA’s analysis of the ATF’s illegal gun registry. Amazing work. GOA does not receive the attention or the credit it deserves. I’m glad I included them in this year’s charitable traunch..


DIYinStL, take note of the GOA GOALS weekend in Knoxville Aug 17-18. First event, Registered, plan to attend. Hope it’s like the annual SAF Gun Rights Policy Conference. Won’t be attending the GRPC in San Diego this year. Not anxious to be a felon-in-waiting crossing the CA state line packing, won’t relinquish 2A to go…..that’s the whole reason for that meeting. Workman and Gottlieb aren’t gonna’ be packin’, giving up to the Left to host Judge Benetiz at home. Could host event in free state, beam in Benitez. Advise him many want to hear him in person/thank him, but due… Read more »

Last edited 7 months ago by StLPro2A

I didn’t know about GOALS; I’ll see if I can sign up for a newsletter from GOA. It’s gonna be a busy year so don’t know if I can make Knoxville in August. If I do, we’ll have to coordinate me buying you a beer. I went to GRPC a few years ago in AZ. Alan is a very nice and gracious person and it was good to chat with some of the big movers and shakers. But I think it is a once and done event for me.


Would be interesting to meet at Knoxville. Do you belong to BRRC maybe? Arnold?? Enjoy my annual road trips….NRA, GRPC, PRE, ELR Shoots,…wandering like lost, planning on Knoxville, on to Louisville since close to connect with college/mil buddy. Enjoy GRPC interaction with pro-2Aers from around country as much/more than official program….lotta puffing yap-yap.Planning to skip GRPC this lap as in San Diego, not warm to being felon-in-waiting crossing CA line, unimpressed Workman, Gottlieb won’t be walkin’ their talk in SD…..trolling for defendants in new National Reciprocity SCOTUS maybe??? Workman chuckled, no denial at that hmmm. Precision Rifle Expo near Little… Read more »


No, I was going to join Bench Rest but a member told me I can’t shoot full auto there and that would be the primary reason to drive out past Wright City. Of course it would also be nice on occasion to shoot past 100 yards and to move and shoot in the pistol bays. I used to be a member at Gateway and St. Louis S&T when I shot skeet competitively. If I go to Knoxville it will be last minute; lots to get done this summer while I contemplate back surgery. NRAAM is in Atlanta again next year… Read more »


DIYinStl, sometime ago, you asked me if I knew anything about a pro-2A group you were considering. Wrote that name down to check with friends in the know at the annual Jeff City Gun Rights Rally…..but, old guy lost the note. Did look them up, found their brick’n’mortar location in Jeff City near Capitol. As far as I got. Did you ever find the info? Remind me of the group’s name, I’ll definitely check with knowledgeable persons, if still interested.

Last edited 7 months ago by StLPro2A

@StLPro2A I’m guessing it was Missouri Firearms Coalition but I doubt they have a brick and mortar. That might change my opinion which is not a great one at the moment. The organization is one of dozens run by the Door brothers in as many States. There is no way to contact them through their website. One writer (from Ohio?) said he talked to some legislators and they said they never heard of them and certainly have not talked to anyone from [your state here] Firearms Coalition. Liberty Doll on youtube, who usually researches things pretty well, says the only… Read more »

Henry Bowman

In the past, it was the NRA that would steal credit for the hard work GOA does. But with the NRA being completely moribund, credit is now going where it’s due.



Henry Bowman

Term limits should be a given. But WLP f#cked things up really bad, and I think that if the NRA survives all this, it will be because limits are enacted not just on terms, but no more of the usual “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” conflicts of interest in the BoD, which is how WLP was able to suborn them all and insulate himself from accountability. You can’t be voted out by the BoD if you can hold their own corrupt practices over them. It’s a classic “if I go down, we all go down” – and the… Read more »


Who would’ve believed that a billionaire Manhattan playboy from snobby Park Avenue would prove to be our greatest ally in this fight?

Last edited 7 months ago by Ledesma
AZ Lefty

You mean FOR gun control?


So you are voting for him then?






Actions speak louder than words.

Matt in Oklahoma

Actions do speak
And that 4 years told a lot

Wild Bill

Ok, Trump successfully appointed more that 300 pro 2A federal judges; changed the course and direction of the 9th Circuit; and added two S. Ct. justices in those four years. Those appointments are saving us, now.

Last edited 7 months ago by Wild Bill
Wild Bill

Yes, I stand corrected! Oh and good article in the June “Guns” by the way.


If Trump is our greatest ally regarding 2A, we’re fucked big time. He blew smoke up NRA Convention attendees’ asses several years in a row. But, still fucked us, nary a kiss or reach around, on National Reciprocity, Hearing Protection Act, and sent warm tinglies up FineStain’s leg over bump stocks…:Take ’em all first, worry about law later.” Yeah, greatest ally. Nope, we’re our greatest ally via our Founders’ foresight in implementing it the first time, and penning the Second telling government to keep your slimey hands off our right to keep and bear., But, they can’t implement it a… Read more »




Personally, since the RNC can no longer be trusted not to Distribute donations to RINO’s , (equally funding RINO’s and real Republicans) I would think gun advocacy institutions could be the answer to political support for real Republicans. RNC could resolve this but won’t. All that they would have to do is set up a Algorithm on their electronic donation page that donors could dictate which Senators and representatives could receive any of their specific donations.. This would, in reality set up a monthly voting for each Politician, by only supporting real republicans. Rhinos would begin to dwindle because donations… Read more »


The RNC has lost my trust when they sent money to a Non-Constitutionalist DemoKKKrat in Virginia that helped to defeat a Republican!


Thanks Dave you laid down some serious words there Sir! Everyone reading this needs to print out a dozen copies and deliver them to you-know-who in your circle of influence. There’s no way a stubborn gun owner could ignore your well constructed advice.

Keep it up! Thank you, thank you, thank you some more!!!


Ope, where are you?


“”Still, American gun owners and particularly hunters have established a reputation of lethargy and even apathy when it comes to voting. Too many in this fraternity can complain ad nauseum on social media, but filling out a ballot seems too much of an effort.””

Nailed it. Most hunters seem to be out hunting when it comes to voting. Then have the balls to complain.
It was hunters in the 80’s that agreed to the mess patriots in NJ must suffer today.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Take them early without due process…


I believe President Trump has learned to truly support Second Amendment supporters! I HOPE he will CLEAN HOUSE of all the ANTI-American SYCOPHANTS once he gets back into office.


Trump 2024
FJB and all Democrats

Matt in Oklahoma

If I’m voting only 2A (which I’m not) then NO heck NO President Trump isn’t who I’d vote for. “Take the guns first” “bump stocks” “silencers”
All the things he did or was going to do is not pro 2A For that matter neither is the NRA.
It’s just a matter of voting for the lesser of two evil politicians now like always.

Wild Bill

Under Trump inflation was 1.4%; working class wages were out pacing inflation; FIT was cut; commodity prices were stable; NATO was forced to pay its fair share; foreign leaders were afraid of Trump and so did not invade their neighbors; the dollar was the world’s reserve currency (without being on the gold standard); and Trump was successfully appointing pro-2A federal judges faster than any president before him.

Matt in Oklahoma

The discussion however is about him being pro 2A. He is not.


He is more pro gun than ObiDUM or RFK. Don’t waste your vote on a write in.

Trump 2024

Matt in Oklahoma

Can’t waste a vote cause they don’t count because “the elections are fake and rigged” says the man who wants the vote

Matt in Oklahoma

I hear what he says now and when he ran the first time and I saw what he did and heard what he said the first term.
He is saying that suddenly he’s all in pro 2A. I don’t believe him.
He did a lot of good and yes I’ll probably vote that way however he is not pro 2A. He’s a politician who will say what’s needed.

Wild Bill

Didn’t you write, “ If I’m voting only 2A (which I am not) …” I thought that you were open to other factors.

Matt in Oklahoma

I’m open to truth. Yes I will most likely vote for President Trump however it won’t be with a blind fanboy eye because I saw and heard him the first term.

Matt in Oklahoma

I’ll tell ya Wild Bill I’m about half convinced none of us will be voting. If I’m leaning in ANY direction it’s that it won’t happen or will be disrupted and uncounted.
More than anything I want yall to stay safe on those critical days. Watch your backs

Wild Bill

I’m in a very rural area, and so everything is generally civil, but your point for our urban friends is well taken.

Wild Bill

We may not get a chance to vote for Trump. Remember the Mira Lago raid? The Fat Boy Institute gave themselves the power to excercise deadly force. They do not have that authority, but it was in the raid plan. In the US, we have the law of deadly force. Deadly force may only be used to defend against deadly force. Meaning that we can only use deadly force as a reasonable reaction to deadly force. No agency can blatently put in the op order that deadly force may be used in the first instance. Luckily, the Mira Lago staff… Read more »


“The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on a challenge to that ban sometime next month, according to NPR, and if the high court overturns the ban, that issue should become moot.” NOT!!!! Just because Trump’s attempt to ban bump stocks….a first step in banning other accessories….does not mean we then love Trump. He fully displayed his anti-2A bent in those actions. He will still be a Liberal in “pro-2A clothing” until the next opportunity to fuck pro-2A patriots…..again, as he did with National Reciprocity and Hearing Protection Act. Listen to one’s words, but watch their hands….both of them!!! I… Read more »


ARROGANCE, SNOBBERY, ELITISM PAR EXCELLENCE!!! Yeah, Trump came to the NRA Convention in Dallas last weekend AGAIN, for about the sixth time, with all his Secret Service goons and security infringements. Relinquish your 2A, take your EDC, pocket knives, literature bags, samples, purchases, et el back to your cars, setting everyone up for smash’n’grabs in the parking garages. Attendees took major time out of their annual vacation fun road trip to the convention, starting to line up at 11AM….3 hours before scheduled 2PM start time. THAT BECAME 5-1/2 HOURS WHEN HE KEPT US WAITING 2-1/2 HOURS FOR HIM TO GET ON… Read more »

American Patriot

The headline here has to be 1 of the most stupid azz questions ever!!!

AZ Lefty

YTrump is as anti gun a biden – see bumpstocks!

Henry Bowman

That’s asking too much of him.


Good to see your mommy gave you back your computer privileges…snowflake. I get a kick out of watching you squirm.


Wrong. See the article.


I have a policy: If a politician says he’s going to do something you want done, take it with a grain of salt. If a politician says he’s going to do something you don’t want done, believe it wholeheartedly.
Biden’s trying to ban guns… you do the math.