McLaughlin Poll Exposes Concern About Media Bias on Guns, 2A

A new McLaughlin survey finds a clear majority of Americans are concerned about media bias when reporting on gun violence and the Second Amendment.

A new McLaughlin survey released Thursday shows a majority of Americans are “concerned” about media bias when it comes to reporting on gun-related violent crime and Second Amendment issues.

The poll was conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, a national survey research and strategic services company specializing in public opinion research and media planning, for the Second Amendment Foundation. SAF was not involved in crafting survey questions or the actual polling, the group said in a release.

McLaughin revealed that a whopping 71.9 percent of Americans are concerned that the national media and news organizations such as ABC, CBS and NBC are biased when it comes to reporting about gun violence and Second Amendment issues. By contrast, only 16.6 percent of respondents are “not very concerned”, and a scant 8.9 percent are “not concerned at all” about the perceived bias.

This comes on the heels of a Rasmussen survey which found a majority of likely voters do not believe the media is covering the important issues of the upcoming presidential election campaign. According to Rasmussen, “Only 28% of voters rate the national news media as doing a good or excellent job in terms of covering the most important issues, while 46% give the media a poor rating.”

This begs the question: Is the media out of touch with average Americans? SAF’s Alan Gottlieb had an interesting observation as he announced the McLaughlin survey results. “If media bias on this issue is so clear to Americans, it raises the question as to why?”

Media bias has become an embarrassing issue in recent weeks, following an Op-Ed by now-former NPR veteran business editor Uri Berliner accusing NPR of bias. Berliner subsequently resigned.

Scrutiny on alleged bias has become so intense that on May 8, the House Energy Committee held a hearing on the subject and NPR CEO Katherine Maher declined an invitation to appear before the committee, according to Fox News. An NPR spokesperson reportedly told Fox News Digital that Maher would be willing to testify on a different date.

The question of media bias against guns is nothing new. Almost two years ago, the Associated Press announced a style change in how newspapers should report on so-called “assault weapons,” as reported by the National Review.

“The preferred term for a rifle that fires one bullet each time the trigger is pulled, and automatically reloads for a  subsequent shot, is a semi-automatic rifle. An automatic rifle continuously fires rounds if the trigger is depressed and until its ammunition is exhausted,” the AP said in its Stylebook, which is considered the equivalent of a bible for copy editors and reporters.

But to this day, very few news agencies appear to have switched gears on this important issue. Semi-auto rifles are still referred to as “assault rifles,” which the firearms community knows is simply false. It is one thing to make an error and correct it, and an entirely different thing when the known error continues to be repeated. This is the sort of thing which contributes to criticism of media bias about guns and the Second Amendment.

Veteran pollster Jim McLaughlin, president and partner at McLaughlin and Associates, is quoted in a SAF news release observing, “Clearly the vast majority of Americans have lost faith in the national media when it comes to reporting honestly and fairly about gun violence and Second Amendment issues. Interestingly, not only are Republicans (83%) suspect of the information they receive, but Independents (69%) and even Democrats (63%) are worried about bias on Second Amendment and gun violence issues.”

SAF’s Gottlieb believes guns, crime and the Second Amendment will be “major issues” in the 2024 presidential and congressional elections, and gun rights versus gun control will likely be an issue in gubernatorial and legislative elections as well.

Joe Biden has been outspoken in his efforts to ban so-called “assault rifles” and even 9mm pistols. Many gun owners and rights activists say the president has “weaponized” the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to crack down on firearms dealers, and also to add restrictions on law-abiding gun owners who make private sales or purchases of firearms as collectors or hobbyists.

The McLaughlin survey also found that 36 percent of respondents considered themselves Democrats, another 36 percent are Republicans and 28 percent are Independents.

Interestingly, 29.1 percent identified as liberal, 35 percent identify as moderate and 35.9 percent consider themselves conservative, the poll found.

Another revelation about the McLaughlin poll is that an overwhelming majority (85.4%) are regular voters, with 64.8 percent saying they always vote and 20.5 percent saying the “almost always” vote.

And there was another stunning revelation of the McLaughlin survey. Only 24 percent believe the United States is on the “right track” while 68.2 percent believe the country is on the “wrong track.” Likewise, a May 13 Rasmussen poll said only 28 percent of likely voters think the country “is heading in the right direction” while 67 percent “believe the nation is headed down the wrong track.”

The pollsters are evidently on to something, and it will likely play out Nov. 5.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

Dave Workman

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Breaking news:

Polls reveal Americans are not as stupid as the Left and their media allies think they are.


Right on!!!! We know that, and even though they are edumakated enough to understand, without logic and common sense, they are lost.

Have a great Sunday.


want them to be, might be more to the point


So this is proof when the lying dictator and thief says that over 70 percent of Americans want tougher gun laws, to stop ghost guns and to close the gun show loophole, he is blowing smoke out his ASS.


the secret service would know.. they are the ones who change his diaper when Jill is out of town.


Yep, and they need to stop giving him his cocaine supply to hold for himself because he keeps losing it in the white house.


I would bet, Jill doesn’t change his “Depends.” They probably have been loaned a couple of Uyghurs from his master Xi Jinping to handle that duty.


I think Jill is staying as far away as she can. Haven’t seen much of her in the press, lately. Joe is on his own with ALL his puppeteers…..secret service agents…..and the nuke codes. We are safe, don’t ya think?


oddly, democrats and liberal media have no problem squashing the 1st Amendment when the narrative doesn’t fit their agenda.

that is something they should be concerned about. everyone lives and dies by the sword. the full constitution as written by our fathers must be upheld.


It seems to me this is a relatively new position the radical left has incorporated into their dangerous agenda. They’ve always hated #2 but held #1 sacrosanct or at least pretended it was.

Yes, we need to be very concerned and this is a good conversation to have if you associate with any moderate leftist or “independent” people.


Bob, the media always uphold the first amendment as long as you agree with their position. Other opinions are regarded as heresy.


they have always been i can say what I want and it is protected, but what you said is not


The question that is not asked but should be is “why does NPR and its affiliates still have 501(c)3 tax status?”

The media is not “out of touch.” It is simply biased. Extremely biased. And they view themselves more as “social justice warriors” and “influencers” than old school journalists.

Dave, to “crack down on firearms dealers” implies a preexisting pattern of wrong doing that needs to be addressed. “Persecute and drive out of business” might be more accurate.


Once trusted media now has zero credibility and will never get it back . They sold thier souls to the evil leftists and Satan.


trusted?….remember the Maine……yellow to the core from the get go

Last edited 7 months ago by swmft

This is an excellent example of why we should require occupational licensing to practice journalism. Not for one second would we tolerate the level of malpractice we see in the media, in any other profession. The degree of premeditated lies we see in the news media would have even embarrassed Joseph Goebbels


they are slowly putting themselves out of business


OV have you heard from Ope today or since last Tuesday?


thank you. Maybe tomorrow.


i read someone had a shed blow over and that one of the major power lines with a 100 foot tall tower was twisted and bent like a toy. Glad I don’t live near tornado alley. When we go on vacation you can see the older grain storage silos and they are torn to shreds. No repairing them.


I mind blowing how powerful the weather can be. Just think if we really did have something like climate change or global warming other than the warming that started with the ice age and hasn’t stopped. LOL.


In that vein of thought…could you imagine the hysteria that the communist media would generate if Mt. St. Helens blew off its South Western Slope today rather than on May 18, 1980? I was at Black Diamond, Washington fishing for Trout that day. 75 miles north of the eruption. We heard it. Sounded like a far off sonic boom we used to hear back in the 60’s if you were fortunate enough to live by an air wing of the military. Within 30-45 minutes later the ash cloud heading east towards Yakima was so thick, dusk to dawn lights on… Read more »


Oh, I am sure they still calculate that into todays weather. I lived in Sacramento and I was working in my garden about a week afterwards and the sky was darker and I had ash on my plants. Next time she blows, if it’s not another one first, we need to convince them that it is a good thing because it is like potting ash and it will help the plants grow and the plants will create more oxygen. LOL Man, you were close. No thank you. My sister in-law lives in Puyallup and you can see Rainier from her… Read more »


You’re right about Mt. Rainier. Depending upon which side of the mountain blew off, it could be cataclysmic. If it blew in the same direction as Mt. St. Helens did, holy moly. Mt. St. Helens sent a 20’ tidal wave down 2 small rivers, the Cowlitz and Toutle that lasted 2 days. By the time it hit I-5 it was about 6 feet higher than winter pool and it was chocked full of debris. I drove down to the Cowlitz the following day to witness the mess. I saw a house floating in the debris hit the concrete support on… Read more »


Yes, it would be tragic. I didn’t mention it but since you mentioned the egg, my wife’s folks bought her an elephant made out of the ash and it is beautiful. She loves elephants.

Well, I haven’t heard of any unusual shaking going on so we are probably safe right now.

Wild Bill

Yes, there is no Right to Gather the News, so licensing and ethics classes could be required.


Thanks Dave for the very informative article. Someone is paying attention. I hope the voter skeptics that read Ammoland read your article, they will, and decide that yes, this is the election I will participate again. 4 more FJB O’Biden years and we all might suffer the fate of Bryan Malinowski, Vicki Weaver, and the Waco men, women and children. President Trump said it best this weekend when he proclaimed that if the good gun people voted in November, we would win big! He called you people PATRIOTS. What more do you need to get your asses off your LazyBoy’s?… Read more »


most of the media is controlled by soros and democrats, if it does not fit their agenda you will never see the truth



Pa John

A fairly recent headline from the Babylon Bee speaks for itself:
Latest Polls Show Biden Will Need Twice As Many Fake Ballots To Win Election This Year

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Tell me again what 2% controls 96% of the media?