Resident Justifiably Slashes-To-Death Violent Home Invader, That Shot His Wife

AVON PARK, Fla. – A Highland County man is being celebrated for his bravery after a violent home invasion on Joe Hilton Street ended in the death of the intruder. The suspect, identified as 62-year-old Lindsey Glen, shot the homeowner’s wife, prompting the husband to take brutal and deadly action.

On Thursday night, around 8:30 p.m., the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call regarding a suspicious incident. When deputies arrived, they found both the 69-year-old husband and wife severely injured and the home invader stabbed to death inside the home.

According to Sheriff Paul Blackman, Glenn tricked his way into the house, possibly by pretending to need a document notarized, a common request as the wife often notarized documents for the community. Once inside, Glenn pulled out a gun and shot the unsuspecting elderly woman in the face.

Reacting to the horrific sight of his wife being shot, the husband grabbed a seven-inch garden knife and fought back. He repeatedly stabbed Glenn, who was found deceased by the time deputies arrived.

“Once armed with the knife, he [the homeowner] went to work on Mr. Lindsey Glenn,” Highlands County Sheriff Paul Blackman said. “Ultimately, Glenn was cut to pieces and very much deceased by the time deputies could get to him.”

Sheriff Blackman praised the husband for his courage and quick thinking.

“I would like to commend the male victim for his bravery in defending his wife and their home,” Blackman stated. “If everyone defended their home and family in such a manner, we’d have much less crime in our area.”

Neighbor Tyris Godfrey, who lives across the street, recalled the terrifying moment the wounded wife stumbled onto his porch, bleeding and in distress. Godfrey’s wife immediately assisted her while they awaited the arrival of first responders.

“They are very loving people,” Godfrey said about his neighbors. “They do whatever they can for the community. They feed the community. They’re church people. He’s a mechanic. Everybody in the neighborhood speaks very highly of them.”

Sheriff Blackman revealed that Glenn had a long criminal history with at least 12 felony convictions, including robbery and burglary. He had been sent to state prison six times before.

The male homeowner was treated at a local hospital and released. His wife is currently recovering in stable condition at a trauma center. Sheriff Blackman confirmed that there are no plans to charge the husband for defending his home.

“We will pray for his wife that she has a fast and full recovery,” Blackman said.

The incident is still under investigation, but it stands as a sterling reminder of the importance of being prepared to defend one’s home and loved ones by any means necessary. TCB

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Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

First time I’ve ever heard of a knife being successful in a “gun fight”.
Bravo Zulu, well done Mr Husband. Be the lion that protects his wife. No cucks here!

Knute Knute

Here is living proof that the one that brings a knife to a gunfight… doesn’t always lose the fight! The other train of thought says: Why use a gun if you’re in knife range?


gunman facing wrong way, this is the reason for if 25 feet away shoot till dead


“We will pray for his wife that she has a fast and full recovery,” Blackman said.”

I fully agree! I hope when they have had time to recover and regroup from this ordeal, a collection can be taken up to get this man (and maybe his wife) a handgun, ammo, and training in its use.


and a attorney to sue the last police department or prison that let him back into society to continue his rein of terror.


That too, MusicMan!

Wild Bill

The only weapon more dangerous than either knife or gun … the American lawyer.

Wild Bill

It is just a joke, but thank you. Thank you, very much.

Wild Bill

No, how do you get a lawyer out of a tree?

Wild Bill

That is funny! I thought that you were going to write, “Throw some pennies at its base” or something.

Wild Bill

Nope. Is there cause for concern?


Hello, had to go to another town to have my dog looked at. Not eating, not pooping, did Xray, Sonigram, took stool, urine and blood and sent it out to find out what is going on. Got there a 9 and hung out until 4:30 before they would let her go. That and pills including shots, 1,300 so far. Gee, the price of the Bergara rifle I have been looking at and not buying because it is a lot of money LMAO, at least the dog gives me hugs and kisses and lets me pet her. Thanks for caring. Trump… Read more »


Yep, she is six months old and already a protector and an excellent burglar alarm which is why I wanted a dog.


she is a Berniedoodle. 1/4 Burmese mountain dog and 3/4 poodle. I have never been one for poodles but would rather have that than a Chikwawa. I don’t like little dogs that yip or are ankle biters, I like dogs that have a deep growl and a solid bark and take big bites. LOL>


It’s really starting to look that way. She sits, lay, stays, stays out of the kitchen when I make her yumm yumms in the mornging and never says a word, speaks when I ask her to or she has to go potty, plays fetch, barks at people walking down the street. The one thing that concerns me though is I think she is a racist. The wife was with her in the car while I was in the store and an older man put his shopping cart away and no problem, an older woman put her cart away and no… Read more »


Yep, all on her own. So nice. 🙂

Wild Bill

Yes, she is family. Will be praying for your family.


Thank you, that’s so nice. We will find out in a couple days what the blood urine and feces say.


the three strikes law was struck down as racist ,so now we just arm as many people as we can

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Sheriff Blackman revealed that Glenn had a long criminal history with at least 12 felony convictions, including robbery and burglary. He had been sent to state prison six times before.” WHAT? And he had a GUN? How did that happen? I thought guys like this aren’t supposed to have guns. Why didn’t that force field work? Good riddance. One less ANIMAL running loose in society.

Knute Knute

And one more case of the gun controllers failure(s). What number are they up to now? About a billion examples?


failure to use three strikes law


It would appear that men of my generation are still real men. I applaud the homeowner’s actions.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Well at least he is. So many of our generation are WHIMPS! Sad to say.


Good job sir!
This offender will never commit another crime.
The headline on the TV video is wrong though. Instead of “suspected intruder” it should read “violent intruder”. No suspicion about it.

Of course there should be no charges brought against the husband as in the end the correct ruling is justifiable homicide. Any trial would be a waste of the court’s time and taxpayers money.


Godfrey’s wife immediately assisted her while they awaited the arrival of first responders.”

Who is the real first responder?


Once again, the knife wins.

Well done.

Most are taught to fight without anger. But rage is a whole different element. That rage was brought to you by years of unwavering love for his wife.


If this had happened in NY or Commiefornica, the husband and wife would have been charged with murder and the perp would have been made a hero with multiple funerals, parades and statues!


The unidentified Husband is indeed a very brave man and is commended for defending his wife and home against a no good sleazeball who should never been allowed out of state custody. Now no one needs worry about encountering this creep ever.
Thank you Sir.


Another jogger, like usual


Impossible that happened. Felon can’t have a gun, there is a politician’s law says NOT. Couldn’t have happened, I tell you. Libs tells us laws will prevent gun violence. For you Libturds out there, this is sarcasm about your mental defectiveness beliefs.

One mo’ lap, Sam…
Politicians with laws never stop bad guys with guns, evil intent.
They only control the good guys, which is their true agenda.