WTF is Happening to America & What Are You Going To Do About It?


USA Flag Cracked Concrete Constitution Crisis Goverment iStock-Paul Campbell 977454982
iStock-Paul Campbell

The title of this piece is a question I always hear (and ask). What the fuck is happening to this country?

From listeners, neighbors, friends, family, and even those whom I despise on the opposite end of the political spectrum, it’s obvious to anyone paying attention that this country is a complete mess. The natural follow-up question is, how did we get here?

It’s not hard to answer.

It simply took 248 years for our government to bloat itself to what we are witnessing today. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Our founders understood this, and Benjamin Franklin wondered aloud when Elizabeth Willing Powell asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin famously responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” They knew what we are experiencing today was inevitable. That government naturally evolves to seek unbridled growth and total power over the people. What no one knew was how long it would take to lose it, and here we are today, in our lifetimes, living through what may very well be the end of our constitutional form of Republic unless we decide to “keep it” and “keeping it” my friends, is not a foregone conclusion.

To understand this requires a glance back to the work of Lord Alexander Tytler, a Scottish historian who lived between 1747 and 1813. Tytler wrote what has been referred to over the centuries as the “Tytler Cycle,” outlining the eight stages of a democracy or a democratic republic such as ours. His words were prophetic indeed. He believed that every society began in bondage and progressed through the stages below:

  1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
  2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
  3. From courage to liberty;
  4. From liberty to abundance;
  5. From abundance to complacency;
  6. From complacency to apathy;
  7. From apathy to dependence;
  8. From dependence back into bondage.

He professed that our form of government’s average life is 200 years.

While the Roman Republic survived nearly 500 years before its collapse, we’ve outlived his theory by 48 years. Washington, under Democrat leadership, is pushing us through stage seven en route to its goal of total control, or as Tytler put it, bondage. We are closer than at any time in our history to our eventual disintegration.

This is the “fundamental transformation” of America referred to by Marxist Barack Obama.

There isn’t enough space here on AmmoLand News to take a deep dive into the entire Democrat [Uniparty/Deep State] plan for destruction, but you already know the basics. Out-of-control spending and debt, increasing inflationary pressures and policies, weaponized government agencies, jailing of political opponents, the intentional invasion of our nation by illegal foreign actors by the millions across our porous borders, the destruction of Christianity, the rise of woke cancel culture, the nearly complete capture of our cultural and educational institutions, the destruction and rewriting of our history, the intentional breakdown of law and order, total control of virtually all media, and finally, the destruction of free speech and the total disarmament of the civilian population.

There’s an old saying, “you can never refuse to accept the situation.” We’re there. This is happening to the America you know and love and it’s in your lifetime. Ignoring it is no longer an option. This evil must be confronted head-on and it must be permanently crushed.

I ask you tonight that when you lay down and try to leave this day behind you, you ask yourself this question: What is it about their agenda that requires my disarmament? Hint: An armed population is standing in the way of number eight, dependence back into bondage. AmmoLand News readers are smart enough to have this already figured out, but an even more important question looms.

See the column title and keep this in mind: What the fuck is happening to America isn’t the question. The real question is, what the fuck are you going to do about it?

Read Related: America: Who’s Country Is It? Time to Take it Back By Force

About Mark Walters

Mark Walters is the host of two nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, Armed American Radio and Armed American Radio’s Daily Defense, with Mark Walters. He is the Second Amendment Foundations 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year award recipient and co-author of two books, Lessons from Armed America with Kathy Jackson (Whitefeather Press).

Mark Walters

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You know, people catch a lot of shit for being baby boomers and allot of the blame of what is wrong with America is put on that generation. Alinsky was born in 1909. He started a push for Marxism in our country before and while boomers were born and published a book in 1971 on how to disrupt and change a political system. He was Canadian. In the mean time, Germans brought their socialist party agenda to America and rose to power in 1901 which we are dealing with today and they are not part of America’s baby boomers. The… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by musicman44mag

A wise man’s words that held as much truth then as they do now. “Societies exist under three forms sufficiently distinguishable. 1. Without government, as among our Indians. 2. Under governments wherein the will of every one has a just influence, as is the case in England in a slight degree, and in our states in a great one. 3. Under governments of force: as is the case in all other monarchies and in most of the other republics. To have an idea of the curse of existence under these last, they must be seen. It is a government of wolves… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I say lets try #1 for about 10 years and see what happens.


As much as I support Trump 2024. I also know that he is not the answer to the crime, chaos and tyranny we face on a daily basis from the Federal Bureaucratic Complex. The Nameless Faceless Bureaucracy that controls far more of our lives the Congress or even the President. An Tyranny so entrenched in our government that not even a President can destroy it. That can only happen by the will of ‘We the People’ and it will likely require much violence and a lot of bloodshed. As that kind of Tyranny will not go quietly.


I beg to differ with your first sentence and the reason why is because he said he will deport the illegals. That would take allot of our crime away. If he executes drug pushers as he wants, that will get rid of allot of criminals. I understand what you are saying about the governmental complex that is currently ruining and running our lives but if you take any number of the criminal gangs like the cartels from other countries that are here it would diminish the amount of crime we are having. My point is logical. 1+1 =2. 2-1 =1.… Read more »


Even deporting all the illegals is little more than pissing on a forest fire. While they are a symptom of the cancer. The cancer runs much deeper than them. The only way to stop the cartels is to deal with them just like any other terrorist group. By eliminating them where they live. Ever wonder why crime suddenly exploded on society after the Cold War ended? The powers behind the curtain need the criminals and the cartels otherwise they have nothing to protect us from. sarc/. Regardless of how powerful you believe one person (President) can be. The real powers… Read more »


Correct. The cancer is far more deep seated and began long before most noticed. Look at the author’s comment:’ the destruction of Christianity, the rise of woke cancel culture, the nearly complete capture of our cultural and educational institutions, the destruction and rewriting of our history… ‘ All of these plagues find their roots in the Darwinist/Progressive movements in Europe and the Americas circa the 1870’s. The rot spread through mandatory public education and the assault on the church and the counter attack has been limp to say the least. We awake to a culture in collapse and most are… Read more »


Even though you think that deporting the illegals would be like pissing on a forest fire, I have but one thing to say. What do you call 1,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean, A GOOD START!!!!!

Rome wasn’t built in a day but someone had to lay the first brick. Look what that turned into. I think Trump will be a good brick layer this time.


You most often have good ideas but you’re stuck on the TV version of politics. The right (yes we are right) march to the Trump,Trump,Trump beat while the left march to the “we hate” Trump,Trump,Trump beat I have a hard time watching any TV news because it is all Trump dependent. We need to look farther ahead than next November.


We can, that is what Trump Jr. is for.

Roland T. Gunner

No, disagreed, right now we need to focus on November. If we do not win in November, there may be nothing beyond other than trial, tribulation and chaos.


Let’s just make Mr. Trump our king, or emperor. Sorry, he is NOT God.


Never said or implied that he is or was a god, king or emperor. That kind of thinking is for people that don’t live in America. He was our president and nothing more, but he was and will be again a dam good one.

Trump 2024 because anyone else would be voting for the worst.


That thinking is extremely myopic, when we have options beside geriatric senile authoritarians like Biden and Trump. Folks go with just the two parties because their the safe bet and many people are too lazy, scared, or dumb to consider third parties. The GOP and DNC love this, because it means they stay in power. Both Trump and Biden are equal authoritarians; they couldn’t care less about freedom, civil rights, the Constitution, etc. Voting for either of them IS voting for the worst.


And which one person do you have that America would immediately rally behind and win that is of another party? Unless you can get 52 percent of the people that vote to vote for someone else, I don’t really see that happening unless that person does something so great it is like a miracle, that it leaves no question in anyone’s mind that it is time to vote for a 3rd party. Not happening. About the only way you could get that win would be to turn the democrat party into another party like a socialist/marxist/communist party because they stick/lie/cheat,… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

No, Donald Trump is a very flawed man, yet he is the tool God chose.


So much for all powerful/all knowing.


Is he going to execute Pfizer or Sackler Family execs Mr sheep

Wild Bill

Trump could be that answer. The president has power, through the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to get rid of whole agencies, all of the Senior Executive Service (SES), all General Schedule (GS) 14s and 15s, and the two agencies that were not created by Congress. If Trump would give me one clerk from OPM, I could break the deep state in a week.

Matt in Oklahoma

OPM, OIA and OIG are all corrupt and lost as well.

Wild Bill

Keep it a secret. We will fire those GS-15s and 14s last.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

For what? A 4 year stall at the best? I don’t have anything against Trump except that he didn’t really do too much swamp emptying when in office. And he was so stupid he said “take the guns first” and then have due process. What kind of idiotic way to do “due process” is that? Oh and the bump stock ban and dropping bombs just like the rest of them do on innocent people. Plus his support for Zionism.
Boils right down to this…

Wild Bill

Once fired, I don’t think that those people would wait around for four years to get their old job back.


True. He is willing to undertake the task and he is obviously a force of nature. The uniparty will plague him at every step but think about it, we accomplished a great deal in the 1990’s under a leftist democrat in two assaults on the rot. The Base Realignment and Closing (BRAC) effort cut tremendous waste from DoD and the Reinvention of Government program under, wait for it, Reverend Al Gore of the Church of Gaia eliminated large numbers of federal workers and bureaucracies and transferred that work load to contractors. And yes, folks, I actually was able to FIRE… Read more »

Wild Bill

You got a GS-13 fired!? Well done. My hat is off to you, sir!!


Right after the DOE is totally Fired!


Sadly, he could have done this the first time around,AKA drain the swamp.

Roland T. Gunner

I believe he ran into a stiff headwind, unbelievable and unexpected pushback. And some very bad advice like from NRA for example. His failure to find and use the very best and brightest for his cabinet and advisers was my biggest disappointment.


He is still being misled. The bitch in charge of his scheduling has roots from the other side. It only takes a little garbage to pollute the water. He really needs to be better with personnel … I mean Omarosa … WTF was with that???

Roland T. Gunner



Yes, he pulled bone head moves but would any of us here on Ammoland did any better? Who of us would have even been elected.
In the words of Ope, who I hope made it through the procedure today ok. Nuff Said.

Trump 2024,


My wife says that I would be assassinated before I could get elected.


That probably rings true for the both of us. With me it would be the Mexican drug cartel that would do it because kicking all of them out would be a very big part of my election speech right along with you aint gettin no reparations, BLM and Antifags are terrorists and will be treated as such by our new law enforcement agency that will be put in place as soon as I am elected and install them. I would piss off the ecologists because I would let them know that one of the first things I would sign is… Read more »


Great idea but the country is too wus-afied to back you up.


4D chess?


What a dumb dumb, dumb idea, and not just because I’m a proud -15 who’s served this country proudly and honorably for over 20 years, including multiple voluntary overseas deployments to combat zones. Sure, get rid of the entire Executive branch, which in effect is what you propose, as -13s and political appointees alone can’t collect/distribute taxes for congressional appropriations, the military can’t function without the civilian cadre that moves with it, the border can’t be managed without senior agents in the various field offices, etc. By all means, do the work of Putin and Xi for them with your… Read more »


The reason the boomers get blamed is that it all happened on their watch. They inherited a rich, free nation with great infrastructure and endless opportunity and transformed it into what we have today. Everything going on now is a direct result of the political, cultural and economic rot that started to grow in the 1970’s – early 2000’s while the boomers were solidly in charge. We can talk about specific policies like the federalization of the student loan system which increased the cost of a college education (and resulting personal debt) astronomically in the past few decades, or look… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Yep, we did it! I was on the front lines! Two things happened before I was born that have taken us down the toilet. The Federal Reserve act and the Dick act with the resulting 1916 act that did away with the state militias. After that, those in power did whatever the hell they wanted and it was up to me to fight against a standing army of agents. Yeah fair deal. Stick it. What we have now is the culmination of a lot of crap over the last 150 years. You can believe what you want but I had… Read more »


Not really. The bureaucracy creep started under the early progressives: TR, Wilson and FDR. That rot came to full maturity under the Boomers but can’t be put in our lap. It has been a long, incremental slide in to oblivion.


I am a baby boomer. I don’t recall voting to make my minimum retirement age change and it pissed me off when they did that. I have never voted for any raise in taxes or to make laws more strict other than three strikes your in for good in kommiefornia. Thanks for sharing. You made valid points and thanks for shedding light on my question. I should have thought about how mad I was when finestein fought to make semi auto’s illegal. If I had done that, I would have answered my own question. It’s probably in part that I… Read more »


Absolutely 100% correct. However, the boomers were also working their butts off, and divorce was at an all-time high. They were working too hard to notice what their children were doing or learning in school.

Last edited 4 months ago by Rodoeo

These infiltrators should pray every day that we stay law abiding.
That is the only reason they are alive now.

Last edited 4 months ago by RichDD

The only answer, at this point, is violence. Trump won’t be allowed to win in November and we all know it. If he somehow does, the left will lose their minds and burn this country to the ground. Besides, Congress was very effective at hamstringing him last time.

It’s time to consider what your limits are…


I’ve got news for you, Bro. The real decline started in 1848 after a Communist Revolution failed in Europe! Marx and his contemporaries fled Europe and came to America!
Then came the Marxist Lincoln and the war of Northern aggression! We’ve been screwed ever since!

Last edited 4 months ago by hippybiker

So the downturn started way before the baby boomer! More proof that the baby boomer should not get all the blame for Americas problems.


It started in the 60’s with the hippies and the druggies, then ran downhill. Gen Y and Z are outcome of it.


That is the timing that I related to and never thought about congress or politics because I was a baby born in 58. As I got older and was still a child the most important thing to me in politics was beating the Russians going to the moon and someone killed our president.


And McCarthy WAS RIGHT after all.

Roland T. Gunner

Long before that. The overthrow of the Romanovs, and the budding movements around the world blossomed. The American Catholic Church has been a haven for communists since the 19th Century.

Roland T. Gunner

I have an elderly Aunt in Houston; very active in the Church all her life. Back in the 1960’s she was appalled at the communist activists she found herself working with; and Alinsky himself tried to recruit her.


And McCarthy WAS PROVEN RIGHT after all.

Matt in Oklahoma

What am I gonna do? Nothing according to everyone I’m the problem. I’m an evil white old man who loves his family, country and God. I worked for a living and did the best I could by everyone. I’m just gonna keep on being the problem

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Yep, it’s our fault Matt. We were there burning down the country during the BLM riots. We got ourselves into debt to our eyeballs going to college learning nothing of value while the trades got short on help causing the cost of plumbers, electricians, mechanics, air conditioning tech to charge $125 an hour for labor, and then expecting someone else to pick up the cost of our tuition. You and I were standing behind the Federal Reserve act praising the intelligence of it. We were the ones that were sent off to die in a no win war in Vietnam… Read more »

Thank you Courageous as well.


I have one addition to your list that either you intentionally left out or missed. GUNS!!!!! I too worked for a living and did the best I could by everyone and still do! Since I am labeled as a Christian Nationalist I will wear that badge proudly because the label has the word Christ in it and celebrate that God made me smart enough to realize the that Democrat/Liberal/Socialist/Marxist party is sick minded, evil, perverse and their stolen election thief and liar in office is a follower of Satan and a leader to Satanists in the USA today. Peace Oregoneistan… Read more »


But he i a “devout catholic”, we should rub his nose in THAT claim.


I liken it to this. This is not your fathers Oldsmobile just like this is not your fathers NASCAR, this is not your fathers catholic religion, this is not your fathers democrat party, this is not your fathers republican conservative party as well as this is not like our last republican president but this current president is like any other democrat president because they screw up our government and screw over the people better and more often than anyone else.

I think that pretty much covers what is most important.


Thank you, Matt


a large swath of individuals need to move (back) to England and bow down to the British crown and kiss it.

They can kiss my ass also.

We protect and defend the Constitution.


True. New York State was a tory majority colony. Look at them now.

Roland T. Gunner

Did you read that article a month or so ago?


I mourn for my grandchildren who will never know the freedom I grew up enjoying. I know I probably won’t live long enough to see the total destruction of this great experiment. I’m glad I’m old. At least I knew America when we were still great.


If you haven’t seen the beginning of the movie “Patton” starring George C. Scott, I encourage you to do so. I am going to paraphrase part of the beginning where General Patton is addressing his men. ” I know that some of you are going to say you don’t know what to do. When you stick your hand in a pile of goo that was once your best friends face, you will KNOW what to do” That scene and advice is akin to where we are right now in this country. FWIW, I am not advocating a show of force… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Just1Saddletramp
Roland T. Gunner

I only have two words: Bonus Army.


Hear hear!

Alan in NH

WTF is happening to America? The forces orchestrating our seemingly rapid decline have been deliberately working to do just that at least since the 60’s. If you are not familiar with the Cloward Piven 8 step plan to destroy America, google it. Bing Videos

Alan in NH

Cloward-Piven Strategy explained again just 3 weeks ago. Bing Videos


Interestingly enough my father, a WW II vet, told me something very close to the above article when I was starting grade school in the early 1950s


1870’s, actually, with the start of the Progressive Movement.

Matt in Oklahoma

Uniparty is right. There is a still a pretend party but at the end of the day they vote together.


Many years ago one of my grandfathers, a lifelong Democrat, said there was only one difference between the two major political parties in this country. ” One party is in power and the other wants to be “


Its quite simple. Knowing the Communist Deep State has established national tyranny, sabotoged the electoral process, undermined a standing president Donald Trump, established a coup against the same president by way of an insurgent SecDef and JCS Head and Intelligencia, has violated the US constitution as if it were toilet paper, and has opened the national borders to enemy agents and saboteurs and cartels. I would say the day of an armed revolt against the Communist Obama Biden Regime is long overdue. The Supreme Court has also joined with the Communist Executive Branch. Hollywood, Wall Street, and most US States… Read more »

Wild Bill

There are other methods available to the chief executive to destroy the deep state. The president has the power and authority to eliminate whole agencies with the stroke of a pen using the power of Reduction In Force (RIF). All Senior Executive Service (SES) employees, General Schedules (GS) 14s and 15s sit at the pleasure of the president, the entire DOJ sits at the pleasure of the president; whole agencies can be eliminated by Reduction in Force (RIF); and two special agencies were created by memos rather than an Act of Congress. Still want to go shooting?


You’re exactly right. It’s not time for a shooting war it’s time to get involved locally. Make our own beds and things will straighten out.


An acquaintance from a long time back once said ” Talk is cheap ” , i.e. how many times has a person said they will do something and then never acted on it. Many polls say the the Democrats and liberals will be sent packing from public office but will the electorate actually make it happen ?

Last edited 4 months ago by Just1Saddletramp

Awaiting another “red ripple”.


Shooting will be our only choice. The other side has set the rules.



You may be right but I hope that it doesn’t come down to that extreme.

Wild Bill

Perhaps, but just now, we have other choices. Let’s use them. Let’’s all urge Trump to clean house.


I agree with you Wild Bill, but one major group of citizens that would be opposed to eliminating a large part of these agencies are the families that have someone working in these agencies. I remember reading an article several years ago mentioning 50% of the households in America have at least 1 family member working for a government agency. Probably the biggest is the IRS and it just got expanded by Obiden. If the Chief Executive started eliminating these jobs, these government workers would become job scared and likely oppose this with a major push back. Until they understand… Read more »


Lol. 50% of America has at least one government worker in the household. I read that too! My experience is the rules state that there will be no nepotism in state government and if it is found, the people involved will be immediately dismissed, yet their sons, daughters, cousins first and second, nieces and nephews are all hired through their friends that do the hiring. That makes me think the number is a little low.

Wild Bill

That is why Trump should give the job to me.


One quote I read somewhere unfortunately has a large element of truth in it.

Hopefully, we aren’t quite at that point yet, but I think we are getting awfully close to the chasm.

“You can vote your way into Socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.”


Wild Bill

Like you said we are not quite there yet. So some drastic Come to Jesus sessions would still work. Trump will never be in the boss untill he fires enough people to make the rest tremble.


I believe we are of the same book.
But, every fight after WW2 … not as advertised.
This is after being infected with DOD, CIA …
Resulting in Tie, Retreat and Massive amounts of money laundering.

You’re gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company.


Was it Cambodia or, was it Laos where the PepsiCo had a Heroine refinery!?!
Does Air America ring a familiar note!?!


“Excuse me, is that an Uzi?” =)

“There’ll be another, new war opening soon in a theater near you.”

Yote Hunter

I say it yet again:

THE biggest threat to American liberties today is the modern Democratic Party.
There is NOTHING they won’t do (constitution be damned) to amass more power, concentrate power, and exploit their power over others who are not part of it. They are in lockstep to do so.
It was once very happy just to get the fringe lunatic movement votes, but those factions are now in control of it.
Friends don’t let friends vote Democratic.
It is the blue death of our republic.


My take on this, is that it’s much, much bigger, and more powerful than them. Plus, they are just too stupid to plan this themselves. There are some very powerful and extremely wealthy, and evil Puppet Masters running this whole Global Show, hidden in the shadows.


The question framed here is extremely important to ask. The far more difficult part, as every America-loving patriot already knows, is to answer it.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I’ve been trying to wake as many people up as possible about the fact we COULD take OUR country back if we had the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment back in force and effect and did away with the Federal Reserve and went back to what the Constitution DEMANDS we use for money. There is a REASON they Don’t Listen to Us Anymore Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 Words What do I get on here? Downvotes from some of the brain dead boot licking zombies that frequent the page. I’m certainly not going to be a one man… Read more »

The sheeple look at us with a blank stare, they are brain dead.


Yep, so sad. They have no idea what is coming. Unfortunately, they will be used against those of us THAT WILL NOT OBEY THOSE DAMN COMMIES. They will be happy and obedient Amerikans, to “snitch” on us.


All planned accordingly, and right on schedule.


If you don’t already, put up a link to “Bracken-what-i-saw-at-the-coup” somewhere on your site.

I am aware of a copy of it at:

but I believe it is hosted elsewhere, as well.

It also boils down to a “Militia of One” concept.


Guys. it’s two words: “a lot”.
“Alot” is not a word and “Allot” means give or apportion (something) to someone as a share or task, “equal time was allotted to each”.


Thank you, Norm. I gave up trying to educate everyone a few years ago. Now I just automatically discount the writing of anyone attempting to use the non-word “alot” or misusing “allot”.

Last edited 4 months ago by FL-GA
2A Gun Guy

Butt Crack Obama belongs in Jail with all the other Marxists


And, who’s going to do that honorable arrest? NOBODY, because the whole damn System is corrupt to the core. So, enough of Clinton’s, Obama’s, etc, should be in jail, and tried for TREASON.


According to ammoland, the answer is to convert our monies to chinese made kershaw knives and other crap at sellout prices

We’ve been infiltrated for a LONG time. Trevor Loudon will explain in his film The Enemies Within.
We’ve been misled on EVERYTHING. Had our strengths used against us to where the public believes we are a democracy, so now we’re in the cattle cars, riding the democracy train all the way to tyranny.

At the very least, point out the stupidity and BS logic. Being “civil” loaded us in the cattle cars.


Yep, it’s called “distraction”; look over here, but not over there.


The deal with all the illegals is that I think that Biden and Obama have enough of them registered to vote with mail in ballots and Trump has no way of winning. Even if he does win they will probably take him out. Just my thoughts.


Plus, they didn’t even “fix” the Stolen 2020 Elections. And, they will still be using those “FlipFlop” Dominion Voting Machines. Even the Supreme Court refused to look at the clear evidence of massive voting fraud. My prediction is that once that WHO Health Treaty is Signed, they will declare another Global Health Emergency, complete with Lockdowns, damn mask wearing, distancing, hardcore censorship of truth, mail-in ballots AGAIN, etc. Only this time, that damn new WHO Treaty has “teeth” in it, NOT like in 2020.


I agree that our country is in a !ot of trouble. Those of us who love our country and our Constitution have been busy working and raising families while progressive Communists work to destroy us from within. However, the swearing by Mark and some of the commenters is in poor taste. Profanity is the crutch of a weak mind.


Mr. Walters, Thank you. The truth you present needs to be said over and over again; if there is to be hope. And, then there is your question, and the “quiet part” of the answer for which those who would survive need mentally prepare – living the life of “Spartans” and realizing many will fail to thrive (through their ill considered actions or lack of faith, or actions or inaction of others). Regardless, a predecessor and supplement to the “Tytler Cycle” outline (which might allow an initial screen of who to trust) is the 1548 essay: “A Discourse on Voluntary… Read more »


You lost me with the Christian BS. Quit mixing secular classical liberal and libertarian thinking (government should be small, right to bear arms, etc) with dumb theistic myths that only limit human potential and freedom.


Growing my garden stacking ammo /gold / silver / energy


You are an American, doing what Americans should be doing. What crime is that, unless you are a damn Commie, or Traitor.


another re-run.


I have read most of the posted comments, and many are spot on. But, let me remind you, in a side note, that most of our Founding Fathers were either Deists, or outright non-believers. Sure, they had to fake it, or they would not get elected. They knew the religious game, even back then. Read some of their private letters. Heck, even the clergy back then, were complaining publicly that the first six Presidents didn’t attend church, or discuss christianity to the public. The 1st Amendment put a stop to any future evil Theocracy from emerging on American Soil. Plus,… Read more »

Wild Bill

What are we going to do about this the author asks? The representitives that past generations elected were supposed to have done something about this. And our current representitives are supposed to do something about this. That is the way our representitive democracy system works.


They only do as they are told, and earn millions for doing so. Most of them are just Empty Suits, Traitors to America.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Hmmmmm… Sounds exactly like what Hitler was fighting against. Why do the 2% dual citizens have so much control within our government. JFK was shot after stating that Israel should not have nukes, and that AIPAC should be registered as a foreign agent.


Explain to me why JFK, who was clearly assassinated (sorry, the QQs (QQuacks) believe that he is still alive somewhere), an inside job, by the U.S. Government Agencies, AND Trump, who is “hated” more than JFK ever was, by the Powers That Be, is still alive? Those government assassins have no conscience, they just follow Orders. So, basically, why is Trump still alive?


Jews destroyed this country, but most people aren’t able to understand that. Just too much unpleasant information for a midwit to understand.

Roland T. Gunner


When was the last time one of our Jewish brothers and sisters hang glided into town, raped an infant, and baked it in an oven?

If it gets to the point Israel is accepting non-Jewish, non-Israeli volunteers, I’m their Huckleberry.

I know, I have seen me do it.


Your rock is missing you.
Crawl back under it…