Armed Father Holds POS at Gun Point After Heinous Home Invasion

Armed Defender Ends Attack on the Road, iStock-1354934183
Armed Defender Ends Attack on the Road, iStock-1354934183

In a chilling home invasion incident, a Michigan family narrowly escaped a tragic fate thanks to the swift and decisive actions of an armed homeowner. Ricardo Perez Castillo, a 24-year-old man who confessed to wanting to kill the entire family, broke into a Rockford residence on June 15th. However, his sinister plans were thwarted by a vigilant homeowner who exercised his right to self-defense, illustrating the critical importance of legal firearm ownership.

The home invasion occurred in the early hours of the morning, around 3 a.m., as detailed in court records. Castillo, armed with a knife he found in the family’s kitchen, stripped down to his underwear and T-shirt before proceeding upstairs with the intent to kill the entire family. His first target was an 11-year-old girl who was sleeping in a room with a friend.

Castillo’s depraved actions were cut short when the girl’s screams woke the homeowner, who courageously confronted Castillo and held him at gunpoint until police arrived.

This incident starkly highlights the necessity of having the means to protect oneself, and one’s loved ones from imminent danger. The homeowner’s quick thinking and readiness to defend his family prevented a tragedy that could have claimed multiple lives. Castillo’s arrest at the scene by Kent County sheriff’s deputies further underscores the effectiveness of armed self-defense in stopping violent criminals in their tracks long before the police can be on the scene.

Ricardo Castillo now faces an array of serious charges, including attempted murder, first-degree home invasion, assault with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct, and carrying a weapon with unlawful intent. His intentions were nothing short of horrifying, as he admitted to planning to kill the young girl and subsequently commit necrophilic acts.

Such a disturbing revelation reinforces the argument that law-abiding citizens must retain the right to bear arms to protect themselves from such monstrous threats.

Michelle LaJoye-Young of the Kent County Sheriff’s Office commented on the case, noting that Castillo was fully aware of his actions and had planned the attack to some extent. “He seemed to be very aware of where he was, he knew what steps he took to get into that house. He very clearly articulated an intent to be there,” LaJoye-Young stated, emphasizing the premeditated nature of Castillo’s actions.

The homeowner’s heroic actions serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of the Second Amendment. This incident illustrates how responsible gun ownership can be a vital line of defense against violent crime. Without the ability to arm himself, the homeowner would have been powerless against Castillo’s brutal assault, potentially leading to a devastating outcome for the entire family.

Castillo remains in the Kent County Jail on a $2 million bond and is scheduled to appear in court for a probable cause hearing on June 26, followed by a preliminary examination on July 3. The legal proceedings will determine whether there is sufficient evidence to bind the case over for trial, but the facts already presented paint a clear picture of a planned and deliberate attack.

The right to bear arms is not merely a constitutional privilege but a practical necessity in a world where threats can emerge without warning. As this Rockford homeowner demonstrated, being armed can mean the difference between life and death, ensuring that justice is served and innocent lives are safeguarded.

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The other Jim

Very good to here. But not enough information on the homeowner’s unlawful punishment; did the police find something to arrest him for? If not, are the police currently brainstorming on how and what charges they should arrest the homeowner for? Did the police take the homeowners gun? If the police did take the homeowners gun, did the police lie to him and say they would return the gun and now refuse to return his gun? If the police did take the homeowners gun, are they forcing him to fill out a NICS Form to get his own gun back? If… Read more »


1.) There would have been no arrest of the criminal in my house. Responding officers would have called the coroner instead. Guaranteed. 2). The criminal’s body would have had five or six ventilation holes matching the diameter of a .45 caliber round. Two of those holes would have been in the head. 3.) The press’ continuous practice of manipulation, lying and reporting disinformation indicates that since they didn’t mentiion anything about legal status at all, the perpetrator, Castillo, must be an illegal invading criminal.


Liberals and pigs don’t tolerate brandishing. Liberals and pigs will squeal.

Last edited 7 months ago by Ledesma

One thing missing from the story is Ricardo Perez Castillo an Illegal Alien???
If so this POS should executed instead of prison..


Another DA Michiganistan homeowner!


This guy should be dead, not in jail.

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