Biden Campaign’s Response To Pro-Gun Ad Signals ‘Truth Hurts’ ~ VIDEO

The Biden re-election campaign has launched a 30-second television advertisement touting Joe Biden’s gun control crusade, which the Second Amendment Foundation says is the president’s desperate reaction to SAF’s own national television effort showing him admitting he wants to ban modern semi-auto rifles and 9mm handguns.

“Our 60-second ad cuts right to the heart of Joe Biden’s lifelong crusade to ban the most popular rifles and pistols in the country today,” SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb observed. “Our message features his infamous remarks during a CNN Townhall program in which he admitted he wants to stop the sale of those firearms. Our message finally and forcefully reveals the truth about the Democrats’ gun ban agenda, and it hurts. While others have claimed they do not want to take away anyone’s guns, Joe Biden is right there on live television acknowledging their true intentions.

“Obviously,” Gottlieb continued, “our message, which has been appearing on dozens of cable networks encouraging people to join our legal efforts to stop Biden’s unconstitutional gun bans, is having a devastating impact on the Biden campaign, otherwise they would not have spent the time and money to create a response ad. No matter how the Biden camp tries to portray Joe as a compassionate leader, the whole country knows he is a gun-grabbing zealot, thanks to our advertising.

“In the wake of recent events,” he added, “President Biden will eventually have to acknowledge the greatest failure of his half-century of gun control extremism, the conviction of his own son in a Delaware courtroom, for violating the federal gun laws Joe fondly claims he shepherded through Congress. His gun ban agenda has failed to keep the country safe, and more importantly, Joe Biden has failed to uphold his oath of office to protect and defend our Constitutional rights.

“Biden’s campaign ad is a desperate attempt to distract the public from the truth we’ve been sharing for weeks,” Gottlieb said. “It won’t work.”

Second Amendment Foundation

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 720,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.
Second Amendment Foundation

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Edited by me to be a little more accurate:
No matter how the Biden camp tries to portray Joe as a compassionate leader, the whole country knows he is a gun-grabbing zealot, Dumb son of a bitch, thanks to our advertising.


Trump 2024


I’m confused. The gun Hunter Biden bought when he lied on the Form 4187 was, as I understand it, was a Colt Cobra, a revolver. But the gun in naked Hunter’s hand in the photo is definitely not a revolver. So where did he get this gun? And what happened to it? Did it end up in a dumpster in a school zone? And the dumbass has his finger on the trigger in the photo. Maybe a negligent discharge putting a bullet through his foot would have brought this whole thing to lot a lot earlier.


Ol’ Joe claimed it was a 9mm revolver with a 30 round “clip” that could blow a person’s lung right out of their body. He also claimed that all anybody needed was a shotgun to fire a couple rounds into the air, and that was enough to scare anybody off.


With the two adjacent pics of hand holding pistol and then identifiable picture of Hunter, we assume it is him holding pistol, But, can it be definitively confirmed that is his hand holding pistol???


The same office chair appears in the background of both photos. The bracelet on the right hand/arm in the left photo appears to also be on the right hand/arm of the person in the right photo who is no doubt Hunter Biden. You can’t see it but IF Hunter is still holding the gun in the right photo, it is awfully close to his genital area. How smart is that? What I’d like to know is whose body is partially blocking the view of the office chair and what part of their body is it?


there are pictures of him with three different guns on the laptop and none is the revolver…..sooooo there should be more charges but will not be funny they charge others with possession for social media posts ,post is the evidence why has he not been charged when laptop is/was his same thing.. oh wait second tier of justice


Have not seen the other photos. If Hunter would publish the contents of his laptop in book form he wouldn’t have any more money problems. He could pay his own taxes!


If Biden is truely antigun then Hunter should receive all 25 years of his possible sentence…AND SERVE IT !!


But everybody is missing the bigger point here, which is that the ENTIRE legal system/Matrix is a criminal enterprise, and therefor has ZERO power or authority over anyone! What will it take to get that through the head of the dumbasses who keep on believing in their delusions that the legal system is honest and fair and doesn’t make mistakes? The USSC/SCOTUS openly ADMITTED in 2022 with the reversal of Roe v. Wade that they DO make mistakes! Are you willing to gamble that there won’t be any future mistakes?