Citing Fake Mass-shooting Data, US Surgeon General Declares ‘Gun Violence’ a Public Health Crisis

Fake Facts Bogus Research
Fake Facts Bogus Research istock

United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared that “gun violence” constitutes a public health crisis Tuesday but cited fake mass-shooting data from the long-debunked Gun Violence Archive to support his spurious claims.

Murthy presented his finding in a 40-page Surgeon General advisory, titled “Firearm Violence: A Public Health Crisis in America.”

“While mass shooting deaths represent only about 1% of all firearm‑related deaths in the U.S., the number of mass shooting incidents is increasing. According to data published by Gun Violence Archive, the U.S. experienced more than 600 mass shooting incidents each year between 2020 and 2023, compared to an average of less than 400 annual mass shooting incidents between 2015 and 2018,” the Surgeon General’s advisory states.

In his report, Murthy cites data from the Gun Violence Archive more than four times.

Founded in 2013, the GVA quickly became the administration’s source of choice for mass-shooting data because they hype the numbers. The small nonprofit came up with its own extremely broad definition of a mass shooting, which says anytime four or more people are killed or even slightly wounded with a firearm, regardless of the circumstances, it’s a mass shooting. For example, according to the GVA there were 417 mass shootings in 2019. The FBI says there were 30 because it uses a much narrower and more realistic definition, which excludes gang-related and drug-related shootings, which the GVA includes in its data.

Murthy is not the only member of the Biden-Harris administration to use fake data from the GVA. Biden and his handlers have cited GVA’s mass-shooting data throughout his presidency in speeches, written statements, and social media.

In an editorial published May 14, 2023, by USA TODAY and reprinted in scores of newspapers across the country, titled, “President Biden: I’m doing everything I can to reduce gun violence, but Congress must do more,” Biden stressed the need for more Red flag laws, advocated for universal background checks and called on Congress to ban “assault weapons” and standard-capacity magazines, stating: “For God’s sake, do something.”

But then there was this: “We need to do more. In the year after the Buffalo tragedy, our country has experienced more than 650 mass shootings and well over 40,000 deaths due to gun violence, according to one analysis.”

The hyperlink whisked readers to the Gun Violence Archive (

When Biden’s staff announced the creation of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention last May, they cited GVA data that claimed there had been 500 mass shootings in the country and 118 firearm-related deaths per day, which Biden said was “far too high.”

In a statement released in February after the post-Superbowl shooting, Biden again cited GVA’s mass shooting data, claiming, “We’ve now had more mass shootings in 2024 than there have been days in the year.”

In a previous interview with the Second Amendment Foundation, Mark Bryant, the GVA’s executive director, took no responsibility for the misuse of his flawed data. When asked if he believed the average news consumer even considers domestic violence or gang warfare when they hear the term mass shooting, Bryant said;

“I don’t know. I know what we want to do is provide numbers and let the journalists, advocates and ‘congress critters’ look at the data, glean details and drill down on it.”

Bryant has claimed that he is “anti-violence” and not anti-gun, but has publicly lobbied for stricter gun control, including standard-capacity magazine bans.

“I think magazine capacity is an issue that should be addressed,” Bryant said in a previous interview. “You don’t need 30-round mags or a 60-round drum. While they are great ‘get off’ tools, they’re part of a hobby, not part of the Second Amendment.”

Other inaccuracies

Using fake GVA data is not the only error in Murthy’s report.

“Since 2020, firearm‑related injury has been the leading cause of death for U.S. children and adolescents (ages 1–19), surpassing motor vehicle crashes, cancer, and drug overdose and poisoning,” the report states.

This claim has also been debunked and proven to be nothing more than a frequently cited White House talking point. The numbers only work if you define everyone under 20 years old as children, and for 17-year-olds and younger, the leading cause of death is suffocation.

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

Lee Williams

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United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared that “gun violence” constitutes a public health crisis Tuesday

and that knowing the truth that more guns on the streets leads to less violence, determined that everyone should have a gun and propositioned the hospital to have a gun give away day where anyone coming in can get a gun for free!!!!

yes, it’s sarcasm and fake news that should be real.

Trump 2024


could be for him, all he has to do is run into one of the “nonviolent” gang members bidumb let in


Since there is no such thing as gun violence. Only violent acts by criminals using guns illegally. This is little more than political hyperbole disguised as caring. If he and the rest of the liberal democrat politicians across the nation truly cared about the violence perpetrated by violent criminals they would lock them up and stop refusing to prosecute them or make deals to keep them from facing the consequences they deserve. If guns cause the crime that injures and kills people and need to be taken from society. Then cars cause the drunk driving that injures and kills people… Read more »


I fully understand and agree and in fact I have referred to guns and cars many times in what I have written.

Driving a car is a privilege, owning a gun is a God given right.

Roland T. Gunner

I gotta go reread my Bill of Rights; my car has to be in there somewhere.


I think that will change Ope because it has too. We can’t be living in fear everyday because of the left destroying our country and making it unsafe. People will get fed up and revolt. Lets hope that shows at the ballot box this year. To those that say voting is a waste of time and it’s all rigged, what if I said that if republicans were to take power that they might insist that all rolls be cleared and everyone has a voter ID card that can legally vote? Don’t believe me, then don’t vote and be part of… Read more »


They keep selling us on friendly protests, I wonder if we could sell them on friendly fire.

Roland T. Gunner

Two thumbs up!

Roland T. Gunner

Anybody feel intimidated yet? Not me, just pissed off.

No reflection on your post Ope, just my instinctusl response.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roland T. Gunner
Roland T. Gunner

It’s a “voting constituent block” thing.


Take a look at Murthy in his uniform. It is festooned with ribbons and medals and admiralty stripes. What did he do to earn a medal? Give a gyno exam to Admiral Levine?


bidumb gave them to it when they served in foreign legion

Roland T. Gunner

Don’t blaspheme the Legion.


I love it.

Roland T. Gunner

I’m sure he would never mix business with pleasure.


They are going to try to use “public health crisis” as an end run around the 2nd amendment civil right, bypassing Congress (which already has no authority to infringe on the right) to apply Unconstitutional executive orders and regulations to restrict and limit citizens’ rights. This is tyranny, an attack on the Bill of Rights, and an impeachable offense.


hang-able, no firing squad good old hemp rope


It’s all part of the NWO. ObiDUMB wants the UN to determine if we can have guns or not and the WHO will determine that all guns are violent so they should be taken away for everyone’s safety!!!!

Remember, this paraphrase of his words. “its the NWO and you can’t stop it and if you try with your AR15’s I will use F15, tactical nukes and drones on your ass”.


We will treat the UN declarations and troops exactly as we did King George and the Redcoats,


I would believe that coming from AZ and TX and a few northern states too, but we have bended knee leftists to contend with that love the master and will do anything it says like turn in your neighbor for having a party during covid with your own family because there are more than 10 people.


same old shit, the were called royalists back in the day

Roland T. Gunner

Royalists, Loyslists, Tories, alla same-same.

Lots of their increase in and around NYC and NYS.


worse, un has cholera so burn them all prevent contamination


one well placed round and that is over


Interestingly enough one of the most important of the Founding Patriots had a direct quote concerning the 2nd Amendment. ” The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to it.” As has been occurring all across the nation by liberal democrats via a death of a thousand regulations. That quote has not been as relevant since the British Crown attempted it on April 19, 1775 and we all know how that worked out for them. “The Right to Keep and Bear arms shall not be Infringed.”


The last full year of data for fentanyl deaths is 2022.

There were 76,300 fentanyl deaths
There were 48,000 gun deaths

There were 28,300 more fentanyl deaths than gun deaths.

That’s more than 50% more fentanyl deaths than gun deaths.



I think its rather transparent which of the two industries give kickbacks to the Biden Crime Family and the Democrat party. Hint: it’s the one they foster. If the FBI stats were reliable we could identify how many of the gun deaths were among low level employees and retailers of the fentanyl/meth/etc. industry and shift the counts to that sum.


how many were do to bad actors in government


Also must give credit for death inflicted in self defense. Democrat counting scheme says it is better for you and your entire family to be beaten to death than for you to shoot thug trying to do so. I not only would not count that as a gun death but would instead subtract all the lives potentially saved.

How many bonus points for Elija Dickerson? (misspelled name, but you all know who I’m talking about). One point for the one innocent who lost his life and possibly hundreds of points subtracted for mall shoppers saved.


world wide with the wars and governments attacking their people could be that many dead. As most governments have disarmed their populous and they are sitting ducks for the criminals………..and government


i got a slightly higher number of drug overdoses from

where is all the handwringing, protests and speeches about these deaths? they were also caused by inanimate objects.

in contrast, where is the outcry about the public health crisis of illegals killing American citizens?

worthless p.o.s. aren’t even able to use words correctly.
you can either be free or a slave. i choose freedom.


my politically incorrect (but true) statement on hold


Bad boy Bad boy, talkin bout the bad boy. You rule!


you have had a few too,good company


Just saying, the leading cause of death of children may be abortion. I bet the majority of the anti-second amendment people support abortion on demand right up to birth.

Roland T. Gunner

Wierd ain’t it? Until you examine it Biblically.


Stay in your lane bitch…. worry about obesity, smoking, drugs, criminal gangs formed by illegal immigration or any other dozen failed Biden administration policies.


sounds about right
with all the wars ,and peaceful religious “demonstrations” there could have been 48,000 killed how many russians ,how many Christians killed by peaceful muslims ditto for Jews and now how many killed with clubs and knives the good people need to all arm up and protect each other no goobers will help they just want to rob the piggy bank

Last edited 3 months ago by swmft

Murthy was born in Yorkshire, England, his parents came from India, moved to Newfoundland and at age 3 family moved to Miami, i am assuming the family became US citizens. he went to ivy league schools, was a leftist from the start, obama got him in as fake vise admiral, its a honorary tidal, he never server in the military, he barely got in, the Senate vote was 57 to 43, he has been anti- gun from the beginning, when Trump got in office he got rid of him and when the fake president biden stole the seat, he put… Read more »

American Cynic

The cure for criminal gun violence, is more law abiding Americans who own guns, are trained, ready, willing, and able to shoot back. If prosecutors refuse to prosecute, and continue to contribute to recidivism, then we will have to thin the herd of criminals by defending ourselves with impunity. Be very careful about who you elect to the bench and to the prosecutor’s office. They have great influence on the quality of your life. What happens at the grassroots level, dare I say, is equally important to what happens in Washington D.C. When the police were defunded, they left us… Read more »


if you got any working brain cells, you realize the dumb as crap party is your real health hazard.


Every shooting isn’t a tragedy. Many people are shot for a reason. Because they were harming somebody else.

Last edited 3 months ago by Ledesma

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy
Stay in your own lain @$$#0ll.
Oh, and FLB and you too you commie, libtard, lying, pos.


Democrat Communists, leftists, progressives, socialists, deep state lackeys, corrupt traitors and nearly every soul in Washington DC and all their agencies are a Public Health Crisis. They gave us Covid, intentionally, and the vax bioweapon, inentionally. They are funding the invasion and destruction of our country. They all have earned the gallows.


I’ve been saying that for a long time. They tried to impeach Trump on day one; then, when everything else failed, a deadly virus was released upon the world for the first time in history. They vax everyone up once he’s gone and continue the corruption and grift. Coincidence? I think not.


He’s continuing the recently established “tradition” of presenting dubious analyses of natural occurrences to insert government control over every aspect of life. It was first observed in the historic Swine Flu epidemic and more forcefully established in the recent Covid 19 nonsense. Soon there will be a mandatory “vaccine” for gun violence. Said vaccine will kill approximately 90% of those receiving it, but it is expected to have a dramatic impact on incidents of gun violence. The government will cite irrefutable statistics proving that the deceased never commit violent crimes using guns.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cappy

I’ll let William and Le Roi know of the Generals declaration.


I hope if the SHTF that we have a RSND day. If everyone would do it, how in the hell would anyone be able to track anything supporting what their tool is worth today, nothing when it comes to finding the criminal that stole it and used it.

Last edited 3 months ago by musicman44mag
Roland T. Gunner

I swear to God, we’ll hang that son of a bitch and ship his body back to Punjabistan.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roland T. Gunner

I think putting him on a pike at the capital and letting the birds feed off of him until he would be gone would be better. Who cares if the DC birds get sick and die.

Roland T. Gunner

Ok, I’m not picky.


chase him back ,the people there will do worse than hang him

Roland T. Gunner

Hot coals? Branding irons? Ants and honey?

Chief Acid Rain

The Commies, like rust, never sleep. They will keep pushing until they get what they want.


Got it. Neil Young. A southern man don’t need him around anyhow!!!!


or get toasted


Can we say that Murthy is a lying SACK of $HIT?


Gun control advocates live in a different world. In the world of gun control, everything runs on emotion. Wild claims are thrown out as facts with nothing to back them up except ignorance and misinformation. If you think that is too harsh, let’s go through some of the best-known gun control claims, and you can judge for yourself. –

Roland T. Gunner

Government is a public health crisis.


To me, even Socialist Dems should want to impeach Ol’ Joe. There is so much evidence in that laptop that still has not yet seen the light of day that they would, seems to me, want to impeach him to possibly save their jobs. You give up one to save your movement, right?
I believe that tonight will be a most enlightening moment that even the dumbest of the stoopidest will see the light.


well gee why didn’t he go after the covid people? lots more covid deaths that gun deaths in the same time frame. come on people wake up and stop being the governments tools/fools and stools.


Dr Murthy lied about Covid. He has lied for 3 years by not coming out and telling the world about Biden’s obvious pre-senile dementia. His data is falsified, and he has no ethics, probably no morals considering the fact he knowingly let thousands die from a deadly vaccine that did nothing. He should be in front of a tribunal not a podium.