Avoiding Guns in Presidential Debates Won’t Last Forever

For being such an exploited issue, guns weren't talked about in the last debate. That won't last forever and Donald Trump had better be prepared against whomever he ends up facing. (Joe Biden/Facebook)
For being such an exploited issue, guns weren’t talked about in the last debate. That won’t last forever and Donald Trump had better be prepared against whomever he ends up facing. (Joe Biden/Facebook)

Aside from a brief retort about Hunter Biden being a felon, Thursday’s much-watched presidential debate on CNN between Donald Trump and Joe Biden avoided the one subject that both candidates and the establishment news media have made great political hay over, guns. That makes fair the question “Why?”

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms thinks it knows. Per founder Alan Gottlieb, referencing questions it had challenged the moderators to ask, “The simple fact is that if the man we saw on stage had been asked to explain his campaign against guns, he would have been shooting blanks.” Perhaps, but that’s not the only consideration.

The race here is for “independents,” voters who haven’t made up their minds, that is, the least qualified to have a say in things. If a voter doesn’t know by now that this is a binary existential equation, and if they’re that unfixed in their principles to where either is acceptable, an accurate term for that is “citizenship malpractice.” And to corroborate that, their right to keep and bear arms doesn’t even register as a priority.

“This is the top issue for undecided voters ahead of the debate,” a Nexstar viewer survey reveals. “Of those who are undecided, 31% said the candidates’ positions on the economy is the most important issue. The second-most important issue was immigration and border security (24%), followed by Medicare and Social Security (13%), abortion (10%), and climate change (6%).”

Even among Republicans and Democrats, the right to arms didn’t register, which is curious considering how screaming headlines on “gun violence” dominate the headlines.

What’s unclear is if the survey itself ignored the issue. And if the debate moderators didn’t want to open a door for exploiting Hunter Biden’s recent conviction. Still, it’s curious, considering if any issue is going to provoke the next “shot heard ‘round the world,” an attempt at coercing citizen disarmament would certainly be a candidate.

With that in mind, it can’t be assumed that guns won’t fit prominently into the next debate, particularly if there’s another incident of carnage in a “gun-free zone” to exploit politically. With that in mind, leaders in the newly formed Gun Owners for Trump need to press their contacts in his campaign (assuming they have ones with direct access to the man himself) on the urgency of being ready to talk about that.

First, gun owners need to know that the group was formed for more than good optics and that the named leaders actually have the president’s attention. It’s on them to make sure that access is not singularly dominated by NRA, which advised him so poorly on “bump stocks,” and to do what they can to keep Trump from saying stupid stuff, like “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

Influencers need to be able to prepare Trump to debate on the right to arms and to coach him on what the correct responses to questions should be. There are really only a handful of core arguments we hear the prohibitionists make, and he should be able to instantly recognize them and have a ready response, one that not only exposes the lies behind false assumptions in the questions and the Democrat response but educates the voters on truths the prohibtionists don’t want known. And he can start by challenging any moderator that uses the term “gun violence” to introduce a question.

I was also going to invite him to ask Joe Biden to flesh out his contention on F-15s and explain how they would be deployed over American neighborhoods and what that would look like in terrms of cololateral casualties. But with the delicious way things are going after his disastrous debate performance, it seems likely the president could be replaced on the Democrat ticket at any time, perhaps even by the time this article is posted.

One thing’s for sure—the way some are just now calling for Biden’s head suggests a set-up by ruthless political operatives not averse to eating their own and winning at all costs. Consider, why was the debate held now, before the Democrat Convention? Just checking back on the last two elections, debates happened afterward in both 2016 and 2020. It’s hard to believe that a cabal didn’t anticipate a Biden implosion and plan for this to happen sooner rather than later.

There’s an internecine war going on in the Party, with the Biden faction delusionally maintaining that his sad performance appealed to independents, with Establishment power brokers calling for his resignation through no less a mouthpiece than The New York Times, and with the wild card radicals promising to make the 1968 Chicago Democrat Convention look tepid by comparison. Add in all the factions, from hand-wringing gun prohibitionists, exasperated universal abortionists, racial grievance militants, zealous LGBTQ+ evangelists, enraged Hamas sympathizers, intolerant climate Puritans, open borders insurgents, out-and-out Marxists, and more, and good luck picking a “compromise” candidate with those infuriated by the suggestion of anything less than everything they demand.

Whomever is picked, Trump and his choice for VP need to be prepared to meet and defeat them whenever the subject of citizen disarmament is raised. Our “gun rights leaders” who say they have his ear need to make sure that they do and use that presumed access to prepare him for a public fight that’s sure to come.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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someone should introduce trump to brandon herrera and have him as an advisor.


pretty solid answer ++

Roland T. Gunner

Hell yeah!


I’m not sure Trump is as pro-gun as he’s made out to be. Besides ignoring due process and the bump stock ban he’s also talked about removing silencers from special restrictions and 50 state license carry, neither of which came to fruition. I’ll still be voting for him but I take everything he says with a grain of salt.

J Gibbons

His comments regarding red flag laws were not good. On bump stocks, it is far better for the ATF to act and then be wrist-slapped by SCOTUS versus Congress acting, so that worked out in the end. As for reciprocity and removing silencers from the NFA, those require Congress to act. While McConnell should have put reciprocity up for a vote, it was never going to happen without 60 senators supporting it. The votes weren’t there. Trump has some very negative baggage, and he’s a pompous jerk. However, his policies were far better for this country than Biden’s. Biden has… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by J Gibbons
Roland T. Gunner

I believe that theory of the bump stock boondoggle is overthinking the isdue and giving credit for cunning and scheming that was really more luck and happenstance.


I’ve come to realize that quite an industry has grown up on both sides of the arms rights debate. Just think how many people would be out of work if the issue just went away.

Didn’t the Founders try to take this issue off the table? Seems like they even put it a fairly prominent part of the Constitution.


they tried to require every able bodied male to have a gun and powder and shot, could not say that guns are restricted if almost everyone would have been required to have one


The founders did indeed remove this issue from government’s locus of control, forbidding any interference with citizens’ arms. All laws on guns by definition infringe, unconstitutionally, as they limit, restrict, ban, etc. All gun laws are void, and only have real power if the 2nd is repealed.


Biden is right. We will not make progress on ending gun violence until republicans in congress quit sitting on their hands. All the political violence against guns and gun owners is utterly unacceptable – so I beg republicans to get off their hands and do everything in their power to protect our rights.


Seems like I remember the president did not stop at F-15s, didn’t he want to remind us that he has nuclear weapons to use against us too ?
Since the American public were easily convinced Posse Commitatus had little to no meaning,Waco was just a warm up.
Nuking American Citizens.
NAC , How many democrats will join,donate and lobby for NACPAC ?




Perhaps Don Jr. will be the asset here.


I think Don Jr. likely has the ear of the Fudds. I don’t think they are very concerned about infringements that don’t affect them. When Trump blessed us with the Bump Stock Ban and made some effort to do away with due process, I don’t recall that Don Jr raised much if any objections. The fact that Don Jr. is not anti-gun could be seen as an asset. Don Jr. does have his own little soapbox and a degree of influence. I just wish he had a strident no compromise, no infringement influence on his Dad.


When someone pulls the gun violence bullcrap I just look at them and say, how does a gun commit violence. All they can say is when someone bad uses it. The look on their face when they figure out it was the bad guy and not the gun is precious.


some are too stupid to figure it out, like the gun makes the criminal a criminal otherwise he/she/it would be a good …….person? can we use that word????? hate the woke bs

Roland T. Gunner

Thats a good soundbite, but the kind of person you reference is not that self aware.


Disarming citizens to end “Gun Violence” always results in much more “gun violence’ and it’s perpetrated by their own governments!! NOT FOOLING ANYONE, JOE!!

Roland T. Gunner

Good morning Mr. Codrea, and thank you for another great article. Your writing really does kick my day off to a good start. Charles W. Cooke really got it right over at NR: Joe Biden IS an asshole. REAL 2A groups need to both bend Predident Trump’s ear and hold his feet to the fire, right up to and including disbanding or at least starving to death and nullifying the ATF; and beginning s rollback of NFA infringements, ultimately leading to repeal. As far as guns not being a topic on the debate, yes, the remaining brain dead voters do… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Roland T. Gunner

I’ve never committed gun violence, I’m positive you haven’t either.
The criminals who vote for Joe Biden do however.

Enemy of Democracy

Once,a customer (who really deserved it) had a gun that needed a drift pin removed for cleaning access. I said this will just take minute,
took it into the back room and began hitting an anvil with largest hammer in the shop, I of course could not see his reaction, but everyone else in the shop got quite a kick out of it.


that would be worth having a split screen video


That’s akin to alcohol abuse being when you spill a glass of good bourbon.


As usual, a cogent, concise, and brilliant article by David Codrea. I hope that the individual members of Gun Owners for Trump read this article and provide President Trump and his VP the answers they need to refute the arguments of the Dems, Commies, Nuts and Fruitcakes of the Democrat Party !


Does the NRA still exist?


Outside of the delicious thought of Biden having to explain how he would use F-15s against the people (he never said he would, just that our side would need them), this is all laughable. First, Trump did not prepare for the debate; he simply winged it. Only Biden’s horrible performance saved Trump from looking like an ill prepared light weight. Second, we all know Biden’s position on guns and whatever he says is not likely to alienate any new gun owners. Finally, Trump, who doesn’t know jack about guns, could very well waffle on the subject in response to an… Read more »


It was a implied threat in the context that he would use jet fighters against resistance to his gun control agenda. You are right. He did not specifically use the words that he would use the weapons against the people. This was clearly a threat to those that dare oppose his agenda. Although he did not use these words, he was also implying do not resist,comply, obey. I will decide what your rights and freedoms amount to. The constitution does not mean anything. I have more power than you could ever hope to muster. He did not mention these weapons… Read more »


Neither will Biden!


If it could get to Trump, he should point out that when you blame the object instead of the person who has misused the object, you then ignore the person for the object. It’s called transference. Democrats have a hard time holding criminals to blame for there actions, unless one is a known conservative republican. That being said, since criminals ignore all laws can Biden or the leftist liberal democrat name a law that has ever stopped a crime ?? Or how restrictions on law abiding citizens has any effects of reducing crime ? The so called “if it saves… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Link