Bump Stock Return Will Reverse Roles Between Citizens & ATF

It looks like I may get to plan a “Welcome Home” party soon for a piece of property that’s been held hostage for the past few years. (Photo: David Codrea)

“A contact for Mr. Codrea is below,” an email from the Department of Justice to attorney Stephen Stamboulieh states.  “He can reach out to that individual to arrange pickup.”

What that means is I’m getting my bump stock, which they’ve had since April 2019, back from ATF.

Longtime readers will recall mine is a unique one, signed by inventor Bill Akins, still in its original packaging, initially approved as “legal,” then deemed “illegal,” subsequently returned for rework to remove the spring and once more deemed “legal,”  and then ruled illegal again. They’ll also recall I don’t even own the rifle the stock is made for and never intended to use —my possession of it was always intended to make sure I had a dog in the fight, which is why I turned it in to ATF.

I’d originally joined in a lawsuit to force the issue to the Supreme Court. Ours was merged with another lawsuit, but ultimately, it was their Cargill ruling that saved the day. Kudos to those tyranny challengers—we all owe them.

What the DOJ admission means is I get to experience what naysayers have been telling me would never happen, what others incapable of seeing the bigger picture dismissed as “a hill not worth dying on over a stupid piece of plastic,” and what I’d hopefully characterized as “a dream come true” if it did: Me, a “mere” citizen confiscating a “machinegun” from ATF and them surrendering it to me. We who are in this position are in for a special experience.

When it will happen is another matter, but hopefully soon. I won’t be available to pick it up for a bit, and sent the following to the ATF contact:

I would like to make arrangements to retrieve my bump stock, transferred to ATF’s Independence Field Office via Receipt for Property and Other Items on 04/10/19 (see attached).

I will be available any time after August 8 to pick it up.

Please advise when, where, and what, besides identification, you need me to bring.

I’ll post an update after the transfer happens, and then have to decide what to do with this hunk of inanimate plastic I have no intention of expending ammo with. Maybe with its history and signature I can donate it to a deserving gun group to use as a fundraiser, or maybe I’ll just be selfish and frame it, but that’s to be determined. The immediate plan is to get a picture or two. And have a cigar.

What I won’t do is give it up again. Some Democrat Ohio cities have ignored that it’s a preemption state and tried to ban them, and a couple of Moms Demand Action-backed attention-seeking Democrats, Michelle Grim and Cecil Thomas, have introduced a bill to ban them that has no chance in the Republican-dominated legislature.

A bigger danger is not so much that Congress will ban them (that depends on what happens in November) but that so many prominent “pro-Second Amendment” voices argue that the issue was ATF doesn’t have such authority, but that Congress does. Not according to “shall not be infringed,” it doesn’t, and not a one of those arguing otherwise can point to the section in the Constitution delegating such authority to any branch of government.

If and when that happens, I’ll not repeat what I did to challenge the rule, and it won’t be the first time I’ve defied an infringement.

I don’t know when I’ll pick up my legal/illegal/legal/illegal/legal “machinegun” because my email resulted in an out-of-office reply from their ATF contact, but I’m expecting some time in August hardly sounds unreasonable. We’ll see if any unforeseen glitches surface or any delays arise.

The property receipt (my address redacted) is embedded below.


About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Awesome! I wonder how all of the people who’s property was destroyed will be compensated.

Dubi Loo

Congrats David, Well Done!


no bump stock but do have rare breed frt and it is in a gun I hunt with

Enemy of Democracy

Hog hunting, or another type of “pest”.


hogs so far


Now that they’ve been deemed legal, I’m guessing sales have shot up…..


I know a person who knows a person and that person knows of a person……


I saw these being marketed recently for $335. IIRC they were, just a few years ago, under $150. Sure wish I would have bought bump-stock futures back then…


$335 big wast of money. You can get Franklin binary triggers for a few dollars more. Theoretically you only get a double tap; however, you have to firmly force the butt into your shoulder or you will get very effective bump fire with a Fostech Echo II trigger. Been There Done That.


they got it wrong in the picture that is an ATKINS ACCELERATOR and was classified as a machine gun by BATF years ago, it has never held status as a “bump stock”
you all at ammoland need to do some research, it even clearly says Bill Atkins ACCELERATOR on the stock.


Trump banned this item he was not a fan/ most likely will again. A good trigger see a good gunsmith Then practice practice and more practice if your eyes are older use a optic a very good one than practice and more practice. The shooting sports can be enjoyed and should be. All the bolt on crap does not get you qualified as a expert class marksmen. Just because someone makes something does not mean that it works for all people. This stock will not make a person a better marksmen . Some folks like this then enjoy it buy… Read more »


No, Trumo did NOT “ban” tthis item. First he lacks the authority to do so and knows it, Secind he asked BATF to see about doing this, I suspct knowing full well they also lacked the auithority to do so. He did right.. because BATF made a “rule”, legislating from their office chairs illegally. then the courts started grinding through it, and here we have the definitive decision that no, bump stocks CAN NOT be banned


There are things in life that we all disagree with the Truth should never be one of them. More than one year since the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, the Trump Administration has finally amended federal regulations to clarify that bump stocks fall within the federal definition of machine guns and are illegal under federal law. https://www.bradyunited.org/about-us/press/more-than-one-year-after-las-vegas-massacre-trump-administration-bans-bump-stocks AP News Less than six years ago, then-President Donald Trump took on the influential gun lobby after the deadliest massacre in modern U.S. history. He announced that he had told the National Rifle Association that “bump stocks are gone,” arguing they… Read more »


now WHAT in the world triggered a delay for “moderation” in this inane post?


Maybe that the statement is truthful Trump did ban this item

I did not agree with that just reminded those here.

I stand my ground shooting for those of us who believe that accuracy the standard that all completive shooters are judge by. That is why we shoot to achieve the best possible results asking ourselves how can we do better.
Self defense is another issue that as we age remember the less complicated the better.

Enemy of Democracy

True! Also it seems some downvote because the Truth Hurts!


DJT followed the NRA’s advice to get the ATF to head Congress off at the pass. Congress was considering banning anything or modification that accelerated the rate of fire. Trigger jobs, low mass bolt carriers, lower spring rate recoil springs, etc. If Congress had passed the legislation DJT most likely would have signed it like Bush did with McCain Feingold. It wasn’t until the 2020-2021 SCOTUS term with WV v. EPA that the majority ruled that executive agencies have limited power to interpret statute which opened challenging ATF regulations on Administrative Procedures Act basis. If Congress had passed a bump… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by JD

“…which is why I turned it in to ATF.”

NEVER play their games.


He did this properly. Without actually havng been deprived of the toy he lacked “standing”/ Having had the hunk of plastic stolen from him, he DID hve “standing”. And now he gets to make the BATFE clowns the chumps they are, now being humiliated by being utterly totally and completely WRONG in every aspect of this ridiculous case. What I winder is WHO will reimburse the public, including you and me, the costs on both sides the stupid gummit poohbahs grands wasted on this ridiculous debacle. hese gimmit fools need to be taken out behind the woodshed and experience some… Read more »


Don’t forget the dealers, distributors, and manufacturers who had to destroy dozens, hundreds, and thousands, respectively, of bump stocks. They have all been cheated out of some big bucks.
Why send them to the woodshed when perfectly suitable chemical sheds can be found?