Costner Box Office Flop Should Be an Example for Hollywood Gun Hypocrites

That gun prohibitionists can’t make up for disastrous movie attendance ought to be his first clue. (Everytown for Gun Safety/Facebook)

“Warner Bros. may have to change its plans for the August sequel to Kevin Costner’s ‘Horizon,’” Showbiz 411 reported Friday. “This weekend, the Civil War adventure made just $11 million in four days of wide release. Critically panned, “Horizon” is a financial disaster for Costner personally and for Warner’s.”

This might be where a gun owner or a Republican might say, “Gee, that’s too bad.” And reflect on why they have no intention of spending hard-earned dollars to reward a celebrity who uses his fame to work against their interests…

Always willing to perform fake cinematic feats of derring-do with guns to thrill audiences into accepting that using them to save the day is good when an “action hero” does it, Costner has proven to be a real-life Fudd extraordinaire, winning the T. Boone Pickens Lifetime Sportsman Award – while calling for “stricter gun laws”:

“I’m a hunter, I hunt but I think there should be gun laws. I think there should be a lot of gun laws. I don’t want to lose my shotgun but there’s a real good reason why I use my shotgun. It came from my grandpa. His cheek was on it. My dad’s cheek was on it and I go out and hunt with my dogs… But, even though with the connection that I have to my gun, can I look at the NRA (National Rifle Association) and say, `I think you’re out of line?’ I can say that.”

He’s out of line with Republicans who don’t want to see the Democrats win the presidency and start enacting collectivist edicts and replacing Supreme Court justices who will undo Bruen and start enabling those “lots of gun laws,” too. Costner’s very public support for Liz Cheney showed his enthusiasm for subverting the agenda that attracted Donald Trump voters.

That turned out to be a flop, too. But at the time, the “star” was defiant.

“Kevin Costner says it’s ‘OK’ if he loses fans over political views,” The Hill reported in 2022. “he ‘didn’t really care how the cookie crumbles’ when he backed Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) earlier this year … as well as former presidential candidate and current Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg in 2020.”

That means “sportsman” Costner supports, among other infringements, registration-enabling “universal background checks,” unconstitutional national licensing, banning semi autos and magazines,  due-process denying “extreme risk protection orders,” suing manufacturers, and more, all couched in propagandist rhetoric as “an action plan to combat the threat of white nationalist terrorism, abetted by weak gun laws and the gun lobby.”

Congratulations, Kevin Costner, the cookie has crumbled. Go ahead and be “OK” with losing the very demographic likely to be interested in an action film combining the Civil War with plenty of historic guns. Enjoy your box office debacle and what that will do to prospects with financial backers. Stupid ought to hurt.

In fairness though, it’s not all on him—he just took a bad situation and made it worse. Movie theater revenues are down and it’s not all due to Covid era closures. More and more Americans are finding out they can do just fine with a big screen TV and have the whole family watch a new release for less than the price of a ticket. Without worrying about having to say something to obnoxious morons who feel entitled to talk, text, bump, and otherwise disrupt…

Gun owners also need not subject themselves to an establishment that imposes “gun-free zone” policies that endanger everyone, and then rewarding not just the theater chain, but a rich collectivist Hollywood establishment that for the overwhelming part hates their values (except when making fistfuls of money off of sensory overload shoot-’em-ups) and abets politicians enacting coercive measures to subvert and destroy them.

They need us. We don’t need them. Not that Costner’s example will register with privileged useful idiots who will once more make unfulfilled promises to leave the country if Donald Trump wins…

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Another liberal-fake conservative that I tuned out years ago.


You’re very wise.


Thank you for your service. Sorry that the people had no respect for you when you returned. They are waking up now to the fact that some gave some and some gave all and when we lose our people it is a war, legitimate or not.


Trump 2024=No more wars.


MAGA. Now if we could just convince the brain-washed Never Trumpers.

Former democ-Rat Turned Republican After Taking Red Pill

Don’t despair…they’ll become useful when the time arrives… as live target practice silhouettes… until then, make sure you keep your guns well maintained and your shooting skill sharp. And long live the Republic!


Amen again.

Former democ-Rat Turned Republican After Taking Red Pill

“all gave some and some gave all” and “Trump 2024 = No more wars”

Amen to that!

Amen to you brother and welcome aboard.

I’ll agree with no more wars.


Amen brother


Free men will not comply with any additional infringements. We will continue to take back our rights. Anyone who wants more infringements on our civil rights has slave mentality or doesn’t trust themselves with freedom. Their mental deficiency has no bearing on us exercising our rights.


“I own guns” but he voted for Cheney. Sorry, you lost me at that point. When you deliver the mail postman please just pass me by because I don’ want anything from, for or by you.

Trump 2024


Costner’s HORIZON is to movies what Joe Biden’s debate performance is to rational cognitive processes. Both Costner and Biden have fallen off the playing field.


Just another Hollywood hypocrite. Next…?


I’ll bet that since he likely has more than a few pennies stashed away so he probably doesn’t worry too much about his financial future.
Perhaps someone needs to pin him down on exactly what infringements he deems ‘acceptable’. I didn’t see anything in the article indicating what other guns he ‘might’ own but since he has a vintage shotgun maybe he would just abide by slow joe’s sage advice about shooting it off the balcony or thru his front door.


I always chuckle at these “celebrities” who think that by bashing the NRA, they are bashing the whole gun rights movement when in reality, they have so much in common with the NRA.


Not only can’t own, but cannot hold a firearm or ammunition. Not sure on this but may not even be allowed to reside in a domicile where firearms are readily available. Any future bang-bang movie he is in will have to use rubber fakes with CGI muzzle flashes and cartridge ejections (exceptions for matchlocks, wheel locks, flintlocks, and percussion caps.)


That should only be the case once he has been found guilty.
Once he serves his time in prison (let’s say 25 years) and his parole is complete.
His Rights should be fully restored. No exceptions.

Not a day sooner though.


Thanks Mr. Codrea for this insightful piece of work. You never fail to educate, inform and inspire!

I have never enjoyed this persons “art”, your article galvanizes my opinion. I also had no idea he is such a twitly with a little penis..and even smaller brain. The brain part I suspected.


I guess you are saying size DOES matter?


You know what pisses me off is out these Fטcktatds?

The movies from Costner, Dinero, Robbin’s are awesome.
They could do so much good if they loved the Constitution as much as the Hollywood Paycheck.

Fטck em’ all.


I gave up supporting Hollyweird stooges decades ago. They are all baby-killing hypocrites.


Proof that STUPID is as STUPID says!


‘ More and more Americans are finding out they can do just fine with a big screen TV and have the whole family watch a new release for less than the price of a ticket. Without worrying about having to say something to obnoxious morons who feel entitled to talk, text, bump, and otherwise disrupt… ‘ Also, when watching movies at home, there are no lines in the restrooms, the popcorn is cheaper and my feet don’t stick to the floor. ~~~~~ There is a gun law that pretty much covers all the bases. And that is by design. It’s… Read more »


Thanks for the hyperlink.


I don’t get it. What’s wrong with saying thank you for something especially when it is documentation that can educate from one of our founding fathers.


It’s possible he’s concerned with his life employment prospects. However, if that’s the case he would have said nothing.


Hey kevin hope you see this you whiney azz bitch. We need to keep our guns out of your hollyweird asses. You and alec baldwin. There are gun laws moron.You and lez cheney get yourselves out of the western states. Move back to the left coast You want to play a “real cowboy” in your movies then act and live like one you f–kin hump

Last edited 2 months ago by macdog

The only stricter gun laws should apply you and your libtard friends. Move your sorry ass to chicago where your strict gun laws don’t work.

Wild Bill

If he were content, as a gun owner, stricter law, then he could just write out stricter standards for himself, and follow the stricter standards.


The keystone of FUDD ideology is this: I am a kewl kid, therefore the power elite will leave me alone. Here is the flaw in that logic. When you are no longer a useful fool for the power elite you are no longer a kewl kid. When you are no longer a kewl kid you are put in line for elimination. So, so-called ‘hunter’ Costner is just waiting his turn in lines his trades his enumerated, God Given Natural Rights for a little bit of false security. And when he is no longer necessary to maintain the power structure of… Read more »


a howitzer and a machine gun

Wild Bill

Yes, another name for kewl kid is useful idiot.


the hollywood sign should be replaced with hypocrite.


Follywood might also appropriate.

Using this definition (especially 3.)…

folly /fŏl′ē/
noun1.) Lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight.
2.) An act or instance of foolishness.
3.) A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome.

Some minor carpentry skills could easily change that “H” to an “F”; jus’ sayin’.


Take him to the train station.


Don’t you mean, boxcar?


Just like that twinkled toed c@#ksucker Liam Neeson. He makes 99% of his millions from action scenes involving guns and then takes a dump on the 2nd amendment. Does the word hypocrite ring a bell?

The other Jim

Yes, and that creep Matt Damon, and Will Smith too, Michael Douglas and Jim Carrey. I will never watch any of their new movies or their re-runs to make sure they do not get any residual royalties.

Chief Acid Rain

Just another Hollyturd lib commie. Rules for thee, but not for me, because I’m a Good Comrade. Eff’im.

Wild Bill

So Cosner trusts himself with guns, but not his fellow Americans. He has a high opinion of himself, but a low opinion of the rest of us. And God forbid that he should read some Constitutional law.

Roland T. Gunner

Some of his movies were good; but not that good.


The two best, in my mind, were: Dances with Wolves and Field of Dreams.
Postman gets honorable mention……


and here I liked Postman the best, Water world gets honorable mention, Dances with Wolves second and Field of Dreams 3rd.

For some reason I am not much for slow movies. I had enough in my Clint Eastwood days and other actors, but if anyone does slow best, to me it’s Sam Elliot.

See how our different tastes and preferences line up as if we are both different but when it comes to the 2nd Ammendment, I bet showing differences would be as easy as putting a camel through the eye of a needle.

Wild Bill

Yes, as long as we all keep in mind that movies are just hollywoud hokum. A good book about what the indians were really like is Five Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri, by Edwin Thompson Denig.

Denig ran a trading post that served these five tribes. Because the tribes did not get along with each other, Denig, kept careful notes on everything about each of these tribes. His notes, from 1837, became a book much later … a book written prior to political agendas.

Last edited 2 months ago by Wild Bill
Wild Bill

Oh yeah, many Americans get the balance of their education from TV and movies.


Mr Costner is a self important ass. His movie/TV days are done. I personally could care less about any opinions he holds on anything. As an actor he, like all actors, are children pretending to be adults. Who on earth could care what they think?!


We should RED FLAGE Costner, I’ve seen him point loaded firearms at people, like Aleck Baldone, What a stupid POS Costner is.


Re: Alex Baldwin….. Does ANYONE on here EVER point even a known unloaded gun at ANYONE and then pull the trigger…just for fun?
Only untrained, undisciplined, ignorant folks would EVER do that. Baldwin is all those….


have pointed loaded guns and pulled trigger ,oh wait that was fully expecting to kill the pos shooting at me….no even at gun shop with slide open never fan anyone or in a shop that is in a strip never at a connecting wall …you have to know what could be hit


+My take on Aleck Baldone is, He put the make on that woman and she said no thank you, so being a wise azz, he says bang, bang your dead and pulls the trigger. When I was a kid growing up, I was never allowed to point a cap pistol at some one, never realized why until I got older and had the real thing, then it came to me that, that was all training me to always be safe, even if you see someone check the gun before handing it to you, you take it and verify that it… Read more »


I give you one warning and I tell you the end result if you point that at me again, loaded or not. It takes balls to tell someone with a loaded gun at the range that if they do it again you will kick their ass. Never happened again. People apologized and that was cool and others got pissed and left even when they were holding the gun and all I had was my open, empty hands.


Ope, I totally agree with the exception of one point. Instead of he needs to be convicted, I say, he should have already been convicted and doing ……… just like Hunter.

Take care.


Oh man. Happy Independence Day.. She is rocking and a spoiled brat. 1,500 to find out Amazon sells dog food that is supposedly Purina which I don’t doubt but I think it is poorly stored. Her food was bad so she would not eat it. Because of that, we tried different hard foods from different brands and she refused them all. Then we switched to food in the can and she started to eat again. Now she gets a mix of both but she wont eat dry unless it is hand fed to her like a treat. Thank you so… Read more »


Yeah, I didn’t know the prosecuting attorney was stoopid. Must be a Biden lover.


Costner: What A TURD!!!


He is a prick. He’s been a prick all his adult life and he will continue to be a liberal prick until he draws his last breath. Piss on him and may misfortune follow him wherever he goes.

Last edited 2 months ago by Charlie

I wonder if that “tool” will still “be for it” when stricter gun laws strip him of his 2A right to keep and bear arms. Still for it Kevie? Or are you only claiming to own firearms to give yourself legitimacy in making your call for stricter laws?

The other Jim

Great summation “once more make unfulfilled promises to leave the country if Donald Trump wins..”


I gave you an up vote to bring you back to zero and he can take Madonna and whoopie goldturd and baywhore right along with him.

The other Jim

Some Hypocrite Hollywood Spy from the Left must be coming in here because I don’t know how some of these comments are getting down votes. Maybe Alec Baldwin taking up a rampage against the Second Amendment to deflect his guilt.


Hollywood is filled with actors and actresses who are full-blown hypocrites. They make their money with movies that endorse owning and using guns, and then criticize those who support the Second Amendment. The Second is not just for hunting fudds, Kevin. Far more important is opposition to tyrannical changes in our government and being able to protect ourselves and our loved ones.


Costner granddaddy passed the scattergun to his dad who passed it to him…. Any background checks on THAT? What if one of those folks had pissed off the local sheriff and couldn’t ‘pass’ the gun down…. Would Costner still think it’s a great thing….???Yeah… we know damn well he would have been in their face and pulled some strings only the Elite have…..

The other Jim

Yes, if one of us, MAGA, Donald Trump, etc. said that they would have the anti-conservative FJB/Meritless Garland Dept. of Justice out to get us on multiple charges. A full federal assualt team from ATF or Wray’s FBI at 1-3AM breaking down the front door to confiscate the shotgun and pull us out of bed and slam us on the floor in our pajamas.


Kostner is deeeed to me.


Ever notice it’s primarily the non-conservative celebrities who are compelled to vocalize their beliefs to all who will listen – even though it may bite them in their derriere? Does this not speak to their general intellect? Woke goes broke. There are a few conservative celebrities out there, but they tend to keep their thoughts to themselves for the most part. (Yes, exceptions do exist, to both sides. But liberal celebrities seem far more outspoken about their political ideologies and who they support than are players that lean conservative.) Oh, wait… maybe it just depends on who the MSM decides… Read more »


Yeah! I “WAS” a Costner fan, key word there is (“was”) I grew up with Costner in the box-office. he was one of the first non-musclebound, average guy action hero’s of the 80’s-90’s but never better than to Harrison Ford & Bruce Willis. which I would love to see, Ford & Costner in the same room, discussing gun rights/infringements. However why is it, that these washed up, hypocrite, over privileged, Actors, (Kevin Costner) think they are more entitled, than the US Constitution, “The People” (their X-fans). I am sure that Costner, has to see at some point, that he has… Read more »


I was unaware of Costner’s posture on firearms (you can’t know everything) and actually saw the movie. Local theater gives military vets $5 tickets, so he didn’t make much from me. Anyway, the movie is forgettable and a waste of three hours. From a critical standpoint, it is amazingly disjointed and almost impossible to follow. In my opinion, Costner has lost any demonstrable skill as a writer/director.


When people say, “I support the 2A, BUT…”, it’s like saying, “I like children, mainly medium-rare, with BBQ sauce.”

Roland T. Gunner

What’s better on toddlers than A1?


Teriyaki sauce with a splash of sesame oil and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes.


Thanks! You saved us $30.

Roland T. Gunner

I will stick to Tarantino.


You know it gets me. What movie hasn’t he made that isn’t a bloody mess? I can take him or leave him and in most cases I only last about a 1/2 hour and I have had enough.


Even Reservoir Dogs?

One of the funniest movies I ever seen…..Almost as good as the Coen brothers…………


I haven’t seen that one. Looked it up because it sounded familiar. Today I would watch every minute of it because everything they seem to make today has some section of woke or gay in it and I hate them all and when I see a man kissing a man I want to puke and they can take their gay commercials and shove them all where the sun don’t shine.

I’ll take Blazing Saddles over all of it any day.


Oh, you must have watched Dances with Wolves.


Horizon has no direct reference to the civil war in the movie and is not about the civil war.
It’s a western.
Costner is a fudd but you could take a second to get the movie information right.


just another fkn fudd…
“shotgun” truly defines it


Never was impressed with his acting,have avoided anything with him in it for at least 20 years


schwartznegger banned 50 cal. {barrett} when he was in cali. because it could be used in bank robberies. BARRETT stopped shipping to cali.


STFU and act!


A million gun enthusiasts have attended shot shows over the years with thousands and thousands of guns in attendance, and not one shooting, BUT give a handful of liberal anti gun idiots a gun ………………….


NEVER, EVER believe what a professional make believer wants you to believe, or be duped by their hypocritical Liberturdness. DUMP his make believe extravaganza, wait for it for free at library DVD checkout, after Costner goes belly up. He has literally mortgaged his home to finance this fiasco. Caution on the set, Baldwin may have trained Costner in gun safety……

Last edited 2 months ago by StLPro2A

I wouldn’t spend too much time worrying about poor Kev. He has more money than anybody knows………….dontcha know?


Well dang . He’s made some good westerns and I watched Yellowstone but won’t be watching his latest.

Roland T. Gunner

I disagree. When sn actor is on a set, he may be s liberal fumbass, but his job is to simulate gunfire for the camera. His job is not insuring the the safety of the minutia of the guns he is handed. Your loathing clouds your logic.


And………in the process of target practice, they ALL broke a major rule of movie making…………NO live ammo anywhere near a movie set, none, NADA!. Everyone of these dumbass, self centered asswipes is responsible for the woman’s death, especially Baldwin.


Yep, that is the first one that comes to my mind. I haven’t heard of any before that point……….don’t mean there weren’t tho’,


Thanks, OPe.


It was long ago and I was really, really, young. I remember watching a movie and I think it had Elvis in it and in the movie I think he was shot on a set with what was supposed to be a prop gun but someone put a real bullet in it on purpose.

I wonder if that movie was spawned from the shooting you mentioned.

I might have been 8 and have it all wrong but that is what I remember and I could have been even younger or older. It’s funny how some things stick.

Trump 2024


Jon Erik Hexum actually shot himself with a real gun by trying to be smart and show off. He put the muzzle of a Model 29 to his temple and pulled the trigger to show it was harmless since it was loaded with blanks. However, even with blanks, the muzzle blast of the .44 Magnum was great enough it blew a piece of his skull into his brain.

Last edited 2 months ago by Just1Saddletramp

Jon-Erik Hexum is where it started. Lee Brown (RIP) owner of Browns Guncraft was a Phenomenal gunsmith. He and I designed a modification for all movie guns that make the wad damn near impossible to hurt or to kill someone on set with a BLANK round. The movie industry said Fטck you. We don’t need it. That was before Brandon Lee killed himself with a Blank. Lee got Steven Segal to use only a Gunsmith on his movie sets to handle firearms that were then given to the actors. We had zero injuries from any type of firearm while on… Read more »


Sorry but I disagree and here is why! The rules or possibly even laws state that there is to be no live ammunition on a set, period.

Dumbass was the director of the movie and his responsibility started there first. Second his choice not to check the weapon is breaking the first rule, a gun is always loaded. He should have checked it to make sure the armorer didn’t mess up.

It’s his responsibility and fault that any of it happened.



When handling the firearm balddumb is also responsible for assuring that weapon is safe. It’s in his possession, he failed. no more guns in his hands.

Last edited 2 months ago by macdog

Not guilty!

That will be the verdict from the Libtards on the Jury.

Good luck getting a conviction.
If it was Trump they wouldn’t need a trial to give him the death penalty.
Two tiered justice system


If you have a gun in your hand it is your responsibility to be safe with it. That is an absolute rule of firearms and shooting.
It’s like saying “Nobody checked this car to see if I could drive it off of a cliff, It’s not my fault.” Yes, it is your fault.


On the other hand, some people have no commons sense and are just stupid and use their stupidity to put the blame on someone else and it works because people FEEL sorry for them. Your example of car off a cliff and who’s responsibility it is brought me back to when I was13 and a lesson I learned. We were in a big wrecking truck my cousin was driving. We had a very pretty blond with us and I told him that he should make her his girl friend and he said “no she is too dumb”. I said really… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by musicman44mag

The executive producer has the final responsibility.