In the growingly tiresome debate by the freedom-hating groups for more gun control, one would assume that organizations advocating for stricter gun laws would also support harsher penalties for violent criminals.
Come on! If you were still that naive, you would be very wrong.
Yet, a recent hearing in the Virginia State Senate reveals a startling contradiction. When faced with a bill proposing longer prison sentences for repeat offenders who commit violent crimes using firearms, several national gun control groups opposed it.
This raises a critical question: Do these groups truly care about public safety, or is their agenda primarily about disarming law-abiding citizens?
The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) has long argued that gun control advocates use crime as a pretext to push for stricter gun laws, rather than genuinely aiming to reduce crime. The testimony presented by these groups at the hearing seems to support this claim. Representatives from organizations like Mom’s Demand Action and Brady opposed the bill, arguing that mandatory minimum sentences do not effectively reduce crime and disproportionately affect minority communities. While these concerns are not completely without merit, they overlook a fundamental reality:
…repeat violent offenders pose a significant threat to public safety, and keeping them behind bars protects innocent people.
One of the most baffling arguments presented was the notion that the certainty of punishment is more effective than the length of the sentence. Essentially, they suggested that knowing they will be punished, even lightly, is enough to deter criminals. However, this logic is flawed when applied to violent repeat offenders. Individuals who have already committed serious crimes and reoffended are clearly undeterred by existing penalties. For such hardened criminals, the prospect of a mere slap on the wrist is unlikely to discourage further violence.
It’s essential to understand that mandatory minimum sentences for violent crimes committed with firearms serve a dual purpose: deterrence and incapacitation. While the deterrent effect may vary, the incapacitation effect is undeniable. A violent offender who is incarcerated cannot harm the public. This simple fact underscores the necessity of keeping dangerous criminals off the streets for extended periods.
The opposition from gun control groups to this bill reveals a deeper hypocrisy.
These organizations consistently support measures that target law-abiding gun owners, advocating for stricter regulations and restrictions. Yet, when it comes to holding violent criminals accountable, they balk. This inconsistency reveals that their ultimate goal is NOT crime reduction but rather the disarmament of the general populace.
As law-abiding gun owners, we must recognize the importance of law and order in ensuring public safety. Stricter penalties for violent offenders are not about punishing individuals unfairly; they are about protecting society from those who have shown a blatant disregard for the law and human life. I, for one, appreciate that the Virginia Citizens Defense League’s stance on this issue is clear and rational: violent criminals who repeatedly harm others should face serious consequences. This is not only a matter of justice but also of common sense.
Stay Armed & Very Dangerous
The opposition by gun control groups to longer prison sentences for repeat violent offenders highlights a critical disconnect between their stated goals and their actions. While they claim to champion public safety, their reluctance to support measures that would keep dangerous individuals off the streets suggests otherwise. As informed and responsible citizens, we must advocate for policies that genuinely enhance public safety, including tougher penalties for violent criminals. It is time to call out the hypocrisy and demand a balanced approach that prioritizes the protection of innocent lives over political agendas.
Meanwhile, make sure you and your family are heavily armed, trained, and prepared to deal with the VCA that the antis have let loose on your communities.
About Tred Law
Tred Law is your everyday patriot with a deep love for this country and a no-compromise approach to the Second Amendment. He does not write articles for Ammoland every week, but when he does write, it is usually about liberals Fing with his right to keep and bear arms.
Gun control is not now, and has never been, about crime, criminals, or public safety. Frankly, the Left doesn’t give a rat’s behind about crime, criminals, or public safety. Gun control is all about disarming the citizenry so they cannot pose a threat to the government when the Left establishes the dictatorship they have been working toward since the end of WWII.
If criminals are locked up, they cannot commit crimes against the public therefore crime will go down.
The argument with the Progressive and now New Left Progressive movements has never been about safety and security, it has never been about prosperity and it has certainly never been about equality before the law. It has and will always be about power. Concentrated power. That is why these clowns argue against what most folks consider to be common sense solutions and instead propose common sense solutions based upon silly thinking and spurious facts. It is all about power. Total power. Over you. Plain and simple.
Screw these Communist freaks.
love the part where demanding mom ressin says that this will dis-proportionately impact black and brown communities and min-man doesn’t work. show you data ignoramus or shut up. data shows that black men dis-proportionately commit more violent crime than other groups of men. show me yours and i will show you mine. https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend
show that blacks commit almost as much violent crime as whites but are a much less percentage of the total population.
how about this, you murder someone without cause you die by public execution immediately? i think that will work effectively.
I hope those hags all get crabs. That should give them plenty of “Action”, itching and scratching.