Harsh Critique of ‘Media Failure’ Over Biden: Too Little, Too Late, Too Convenient

Fake News Biased Media Gun Banners iStock-807078422
A former editor’s criticism of the press for being duped about Joe Biden’s declining capacities seems like so much “fake news.”  iStock-807078422

Former New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson is making headlines for what is a scathing critique of the press for allegedly being fooled by what she describe es as a “massive cover-up of the degree of the President’s feebleness and his serious physical decline.”

Her 266-word scold appears at Semafor, and seems too little, too late, and too convenient. It looks all too much like—what’s that term, again?—“fake news.”

Abramson was the Times executive editor from 2011 to 2014. In her remarks, she offers this observation, which seems just a bit implausible: “The Biden White House clearly succeeded in a massive cover-up of the degree of the President’s feebleness and his serious physical decline, which may be simply the result of old age.”

Then, a few lines later, she may have come closer to the truth: “I worry that too many journalists didn’t try to get the story because they did not want to be accused of helping elect Donald Trump. I get that.”

And in the process, the country got Joe Biden, known throughout his career as something of a “storyteller,” tales in which he always seemed to be the smartest guy in the room, and which were frequently found to have been questionable in nature, if not fabrications.

Abramson talks a good game, observing, “But this is no excuse for abandoning our first duty, which is to report the truth and hold power accountable.”

Oh, c’mon, Jill. When there is a Democrat in the Oval Office, the establishment press corps, and the editorial boards of major newspapers, have abandoned their job as “watchdogs” and taken on the role of “lap dogs,” and the decline of newspaper subscribers tells that tale.

Newspapers have lost tens of millions of conservative subscribers who feel no great obligation to financially support news agencies whose focus tilts increasingly left, calling riots “mostly peaceful protests” as buildings burn, for example. Likewise, those folks have drifted away from network news broadcasts in favor of Fox News, which does not treat them like lepers, and reports news from a different perspective.

Among the lost subscribers and viewers are millions of gun owners for whom editorial pages read like broken records, invariably calling for and supporting increasingly restrictive gun control laws that only to penalize law-abiding citizens and do nothing to prevent crime or punish criminals. Those laws invariably have Democrat DNA all over them.

Biden came into office already in visible cognitive decline and the press knows it. Nobody was duped, misled, bamboozled or kept in the dark. At best, they went along for the ride.

The press knows something else about Biden, which should have kept reporters on their guard from the moment he announced his candidacy four years ago: Joe is a plagiarist, and it is discussed at length in an article at Wikipedia. Plagiarism is theft of someone else’s intellectual property. Plagiarism is repugnant and, at least among a declining number of “old school” journalists, unforgivable. (Note: This correspondent was once plagiarized.)

While admitting the press corps’ anathema about the prospect of “helping elect Donald Trump,” Abramson fails to acknowledge the media’s preoccupation with skewering Trump helped reporters overlook or deliberately ignore Biden’s failures. Has there ever been another president so demonized by the establishment media like Trump has been?

Second Amendment activists and advocates know this kind of demonization all too well. Just over a year ago, for example, the Washington Monthly published an article under the headline, “The Myth of the Responsible Gun Owner.” Pretty hard for gun owners to not take offense at stuff like that.

A large portion of American gun owners will be voting for Trump—the man reporters cringe at the thought of helping get elected—because whatever else the former president may or may not be, he has been far friendlier to the Second Amendment than Biden, whose claims to being a “Second Amendment guy” are dismissed as hogwash by the firearms community.

When Abramson writes, “It is simply astounding for the entire country, including its most seasoned reporters, to be as shocked as everyone was by the ugly and painful reality of Biden’s debate performance,” she seems oblivious to the fact conservatives think it is “astounding” she hasn’t seen what they have been seeing for the past couple of years, at least. They see the press as Biden’s enablers, not as people trying to hold him accountable.

They see the press as blind to Biden’s faults as he and his administration are to the porous southern border, our diminished national profile as a world leader and the harm his domestic policies have done to the middle class.

Abramson’s scolding of her media colleagues appears conveniently timed to give the press a chance to dust itself off and vow to get tough again on the man in the Oval Office, just in time to justify their reborn aggressiveness as it appears the next man in that office will be named Trump.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.Dave Workman

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“I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!” — Capt. Louis Renault in “Casablanca”


Every once in awhile I miss the star rating that Ammoland used to have for readers to rate articles. 5 stars for this one, Dave.


Damn Dave, you’ve done it again. Usually there’s one or two money quotes in any given article, but this one Sir, has one in every paragraph.

Needless to say this article has been clipped and distributed to all in my circle of influence! Thank you.


The ” fake news” main stream media as a whole owns the Biden 3 ring circus because they promoted the clown and lied for him so this is thier shitshow . I hope it continues till November and then is abruptly halted at the ballot box .


I hope you’re right, these progressive leftists are determined to win by any means.


In the recent debate, Biden did great (for him.) No one should say he had a bad night. He was at the top of his game and he needs to stay the course. Like DDS, the Louis Renault scene from the movie Casablanca came immediately to mind when the left wing talking heads and politicians exhibited surprise at Biden’s condition. The cat is out of the bag and Biden’s prospects are being flogged.
FWIW a local physician says the raspy voice he exhibited in the Stephanopoulos interview is a symptom of certain drugs like amphetamines.


If it is amphetamines they are using on him, no matter whose decision that he stays the course, he ain’t got much more time. Whatever he sees in that vacant stare, is probably not an Angel of the Lord. Twenty fifth him now, before the forces of evil annihilate the world!


No, definitely not. Put Kamala in charge? Never challenge worse. Though if done before the convention it would be interesting to see if Biden then chose a new running mate. He has enough committed votes guaranteed by law to win the nomination on the first ballot so unless he bows out its automatic. BTW, K. Harris would not be president if the 25th is invoked, she would be “Acting President”.


Sure, replace Harris at the convention with Newsom and then when Biden strokes out or has a brain aneurysm pop he fills the seat. With his winning smile he can run on the slogan “Make America Somalia Soon.”




The Secret Service has probably already worked up a protocol for him falling down the stairs the last time. Upon Joetatoe initiating the first sign of a stumble the agents all drop their keys and reach down for them.
The reports will read a Col. Clink-worthy “I saw notzing!”


That was Sergeant Schultz’s line. A great TV series. The pilot was filmed in black and white and Carter was a lieutenant and of normal intelligence.


I’m sorry to disagree with you DYstl. If they twenty fifth Biden, he is no longer Pres. Kamala takes over, whether acting or not and Leader of the house (M. Johnson) becomes Vice. That would be better than what we have now. That would, IMO, not change whoever is REALLY running things, but would probably put our country in a better position for the next almost seven months against our world enmemies and with our allies. Wild Bill probably knows a lot more than any of us. about this. One final note: Biden will not be in office which makes… Read more »

Get Out

No, President Harris would pick her own VP.


Disagreements are good. Sometimes someone learns something. 25th., Section 4. If the VP and a majority of the cabinet (heads of departments) give Schumer and Johnson a written declaration that Biden is unable to discharge his duties, Harris takes over duties as “Acting President.” If Biden responds with his own letter to Schumer and Johnson then he resumes powers and duties. The VP and cabinet can respond within 4 days with another letter in which case Congress has 2 days to reconvene and another 3 weeks to decide. It takes 2/3 majority in both Houses to then dump Biden and… Read more »


Sounds as if I am the one who learns something here, in this case. What I said must be only in the case a sitting President is removed from office by impeachment? As President Trump was impeached twice, I remember all the press was discussing the chain of succession when he was gone. Is that the case in that particular event? Thank you for my enlightenment?


No sooner did I hit send in the above post, Fox News on the Neil Cavuto Show interviewing Chip Roy, confirmed exactly what you stated. If only I had waited……I thought my impulsive attitude went away when I hit 76!


No. As usual, the press are talking through their collective hats. If you may recall, when Spiro Agnew resigned, it was Nixon who chose Ford who was “just” the minority leader. As VP, Ford succeeded Nixon. When President Ford then selected Nelson Rockefeller to be VP I don’t think he was in any political office. If Harris was in the White House wiping the chocolate chip ice cream dribble off of Biden’s chin when an asteroid hit and took them both out, then Johnson would be the next (Acting?) President. (Wouldn’t that be interesting with Trump and ??? at the… Read more »


Ah, interesting question. As far as line of succession, that’s fixed and the only party influence is who has elected the Speaker, Senate Pres pro tem, and appointed the cabinet secretaries. BUT selection of a VP requires confirmation of congress. So a divided congress or one controlled by the opposition (assuming the Acting Pres is other than the Speaker or Senate Pres) could present difficulties such as as an extended period of time with no VP or even a VP of a different party than the Pres.

Get Out

If a U.S. president cannot carry out the duties of the office, the responsibilities are passed to another government leader in a specific order. The president of the United States may be replaced if he or she: Becomes incapacitated Dies Resigns  Is unable to hold office  Is removed from office  The U.S. Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 outline the presidential order of succession. The line of succession of cabinet officers is in the order of their agencies’ creation. Vice President Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore of the Senate Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of… Read more »


That’s the plan. How can the media continue to cover up for Biden after acknowledging his decline and their part in covering it up?

Enemy of Democracy

I believe you are correct, that is why Dick Cheney moved to Wyoming.


Sorry, the media wasn’t fooled by anything or anyone. They were knowing, willing, active participants in a massive scam and coverup that effectively amounts to treason. But of course, with the most corrupt Department of Justice in this nation’s history, NO ONE will be held accountable.


In the long list that follows “Those who can’t do, teach.”, journalists get listed last. (Sorry, Dave) I just heard one on the radio talking about the 25th amendment. Few, including the talk show host, stop to think and understand that invoking the 25th can get him out of the oval office for now but does not remove him as the Democrat’s candidate.


First of all, she would not be able to run for “reelection [as] president” since per the 25th amendment she would only be “Acting President.” Even then the process can easily be drawn out for a couple months. Unless Biden removes himself from the candidacy, his nomination is locked it. It will be too late for Harris to get on the ballot for a 3rd party in most States. If he does quit then the convention is wide open and they can nominate anyone, even you.


Well, it would be an improvement. For them, not you.


The 25th Ammendment , as I understand it, is invoked when a President is unable to perform the duties of the Executive Office, which we all know is Biden’s situation. What chance is there thwat he will be miracuously cured? NADA! If he can’t be President, than he is unable to run even if he has the delegates. Problem solved for the DNC, and it doesn’t matter, again IMO, who they put up against Trump.

Trump 2024!


Another great piece, Dave. Please keep it up.