It Wasn’t Just Donald Trump Who Dodged A Bullet


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iStock-Paul Campbell

Cross a leftist, and you just might die.

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump was not a fluke but instead the latest in a long series of attacks and attempted attacks against conservative public figures, typically preceded by hyperbolic political rhetoric.

But forget all that. All is well again, thanks to the man who branded not only Trump but any MAGA American an “existential threat to democracy,” who called Trump “semi-fascist,” who said “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” and who now proclaims that you should “turn down the temperature.”

But would even a starvation diet on vitriol by Joe Biden and his cronies stop leftist political violence? One need only consider the left’s history to draw one’s own conclusions. Let’s look at some recent examples, shall we?

To give you the flavor of what follows, Mike Shelby, who monitors leftist radicals via Gray Zone Research, weighs in with this: “Far Left reactions to the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump poured in over the weekend. It was about what you’d expect, mainly regret that the shooter missed.”

Gotta love those lefties.

Peace, Love, and Abortion

Violence by ostensibly peace-loving “progressives” routinely follows polarizing accusations from leftist politicians. In March of 2020, the Supreme Court heard arguments in the Dobbs abortion case. Long before a decision was even rendered, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stood on the steps of the conservative-controlled Court and incited pro-abortion protestors by screaming threats at Supreme Court justices:

  • “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions!”

Chief Justice John Roberts responded by saying: “…threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.”

Dangerous, indeed. In May of 2022, a draft opinion of Dobbs was leaked by a still-unidentified (probably leftist) member of the SCOTUS staff. A month later, police arrested Nicholas John Roske outside the home of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Armed with a Glock and a knife, Roske admitted a plot to kill the Supreme Court Associate Justice. Why? Because Roske believed the Court would undermine access to abortion.

In fact, at the time, I described intimidating protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices and copious threats designed to produce violence as “court packing by assassination.”

Oh, and don’t think for a moment that high-profile conservatives are the only ones torn asunder by the leftist Jackal pack. After Dobbs became law, Michigan resident Richard Harvey shot an 84-year-old pro-life woman who was canvassing door-to-door against a proposed constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion access.

Meanwhile, GOP offices were vandalized in Fort Collins, Colorado and Hudsonville, Michigan, and 100+ pro-life crisis pregnancy centers, churches, and other organizations were also attacked, some more than once.

In fact, the miscreants who claim ownership of “diversity” and “inclusion” are likely responsible for an explosion in attacks on Catholic churches. Says the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:

  • “At least 338 incidents have occurred across 43 states and the District of Columbia since May 2020. Incidents include arson, statues beheaded, limbs cut, smashed, and painted, gravestones defaced with swastikas and anti-Catholic language and American flags next to them burned, and other destruction and vandalism.” [Emphasis added]

Peace, baby.

‘Regress Of Grievances,’ Lefty-Style

When it comes to neo-Marxist violence, congressional conservatives get special attention. Consider Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (R-AZ): Deemed insufficiently submissive to the Biden agenda, she was chased into a bathroom by Biden disciples. Fortunately for her, Sinema was only stalked and harassed.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) wasn’t so lucky. He got blindsided – literally – by leftist neighbor Rene Boucher while mowing his lawn, resulting in Rand suffering five rib fractures, including three displaced fractures which later required treatment for pneumonia. Happily, the attack also got Boucher nine months in the federal pen and a $580,000 fine.

But Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) got the “Most Likely to be Eradicated by a Marxist” award (at least until recently) when Bernie Sanders sycophant James Hodgkinson shot and seriously wounded Scalise and five others at a congressional baseball practice, engaging police in a 10-minute gun battle. To make sure he would be killing Republicans, Hodgkinson inquired about the political affiliation of those on the field before opening fire.

Everyday Looting, Rioting, Arson & Murder

All of this pales beside the “mostly peaceful protests” of 2020 and 2021 with, of course, attendant spikes in homicide and violent crime. Latching on to the death of George Floyd as a convenient excuse for their pre-ordained chaos, leftists spent months burning down buildings and looting cities such as Minneapolis, Portland, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and elsewhere, leaving at least 19 dead.

According to the Council on Criminal Justice, spiking homicide rates neatly overlay the period of leftist civil unrest and accompanying “defund police” public policy malfeasance in Democrat-controlled cities:

  • “Homicide rates spiked by 68% from April to July 2020 in a sample of 30 American cities. By the end of 2021, rates were an average of 44% higher than in 2019. The average rate began receding in 2022 but was still 24% higher in the first half of 2023 compared to the first half of 2019.”

While the left is fond of hyperventilating over the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, in truth, the only person killed as a direct consequence of the riot was Ashley Babbitt, who was inexplicably shot by Capitol Police for the crime of climbing through a broken window – an event for which Capitol Police covered their collective asses by claiming her death “potentially saved Members (of Congress) and staff from serious injury and possible death.”

Nerd + Radicalization = “BANG!”

The new winner of the “Most Likely to be Eradicated by a Marxist Award” is, of course, Donald J. Trump. And no, I’m not claiming the shooter was Marxist. I’m saying he was likely indoctrinated by Marxists.

Based on nothing, the left is quick to claim Thomas Matthew Crooks was conservative. By all accounts, however, Crooks wasn’t especially political. Described by his peers as a shy and bullied outcast who wore hunting garb to school and never spoke of his political views, Crooks registered Republican, voting once in a local election, but donated a grand $15 to the Democrat political action committee “Act Blue.”

Crooks’ donation was earmarked for the “Progressive Turnout Project,” described as “a Chicago-based political action committee that supports Democratic candidates for public office and claims to advocate for ‘key Democratic constituencies: young people, minorities, and low-income people.’”

A post added on the day of the shooting to the Progressive Turnout Project’s “X” page says: “It’s simple people: Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy, and another four years of him would be detrimental to our country.”

The post also featured a quote by President Joe Biden: “The choice in this election is simple: Donald Trump will destroy our democracy. I will defend it.”

Unsurprisingly, one of Crooks’ classmates called him a “known Trump-hater,” doubtless the product of the constant media drumbeat on Trump the Terrible.

What we are likely to find is yet another impressionable and isolated youth who lived for video games (he frequented “Discord,” an instant messaging platform for gamers) and who, once properly indoctrinated with “Trump is an existential threat to democracy” disinformation, decided to show everybody his worth by doing something about it.

“Turning Down The Temperature”?

The left waited all of 45 hours after the assassination attempt to resume apocalyptic predictions about Trump, MAGA Americans, and white people in general. On Monday morning, Ana Navarro of MSNBC’s “The View” said she would “try to heed Biden’s words” to “tamp down the rhetoric” … just before describing the would-be assassin as, “A 20-year-old lone-wolf, white, whack-job with easy access to a gun…”

In another clip from the same show – the first after Trump’s brush with death – Joy Behar chimed in by saying:

  • “Okay, I just want to add that the shooter, um, yes, he was a 20-year-old kitchen worker from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania … According to a CNN reporter, senior law enforcement officials say he bought 50 rounds of ammunition from a local gun store hours before the rally. Shouldn’t that have been reported? Somebody buys 50 … a 20-year-old-white guy.” I mean, we’ve seen that many times now. Young white men with guns.” [Emphasis added]

No Divisiveness Here, Folks. Move Along.

The infamous “Libs of TikTok” did a lovely compendium of physical threats by leftist media and public figures that should give you an idea what you face. I especially enjoyed the unhinged Robert De Niro threatening to “punch Trump in the nose.”

Whether the doomsday claims are “The Climate Apocalypse,” “destruction of “women’s health,” the end of voting, or the extinction of our “democracy” (yes, I know it’s a republic, not a democracy), leftists can’t restrain themselves from lying not just about Donald Trump, but about anyone who agrees with him. (And, naturally, anyone who disagrees with them.)

Claiming “equality and democracy are under assault,” Joe Biden gave a prime time speech not long ago in which he said: “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic,” further claiming those evil-doers “promote authoritarian leaders and … fan the flames of political violence.” Little wonder a lonely nerd craving notoriety would try to exterminate this “existential threat to democracy.”

To paraphrase the late Sen. H.L. Richardson, founder of Gun Owners of America and author of Confrontational Politics, “Ferrets ferret, vultures vomit, and liberals lie. It is their nature.”

Brace for Impact

Far from a reduction in political violence, in coming months, you can expect more of the same. If Trump wins the election, maybe a lot more. Says my friend and mentor, John Farnam of Defense Training International:

  • “In their [election-related], panic we’ll be hearing from the mouths of Democrat politicians, as well as leftists in the media and in Hollywood, overt calls for political violence, directed at all who can be identified as ‘political adversaries.’”

Smart people will be ready for that.

What, If Anything, Have We Learned?

The first takeaway is that leftists are incapable of speaking truth in politics because, like the Chinese Communist Party, their ultimate goal is absolute control over everything you do and think. When they get over-confident and reveal their true objectives, however, they get rejected by voters. Let’s hope the upcoming election is one of those times.

Second, neo-Marxists, not conservatives, are the nexus of political violence in the United States. Whoever dares to disagree with leftist doctrine – whether Supreme Court, Congress, or POTUS himself – is fair game for “direct action:” physical intimidation up to and including assassination.

Third, and most importantly, we must see their accusations for what they are: Like light and shadow on a movie screen, the left projects upon you everything they themselves are actually doing. Leftists who accuse you of extremism are themselves extreme. Those who accuse you of violence are themselves violent. And those who call you a liar are themselves lying.

And, yes, when they call you an “existential threat to democracy,” they themselves are the existential threat: not to “democracy,” of course, but to our republic.

No thanks to Biden’s “D.E.I.” Secret Service (whose recent incompetence strains credulity), Trump survived and, in his usual indomitable fashion, actually thrived. (You’d think the left would figure out that like a Godzilla movie, every time they try to kill him, he gets bigger.)

The final takeaway is this: It wasn’t just Donald Trump who dodged a bullet on Saturday; it was the entire nation. So, I suggest you stay light on your feet, both politically and physically, because …

… next time, we might not be so lucky.

About Paul Valone

Author F. Paul Valone has been kicking leftist tail for twenty-eight years. Alarmed by the U.S. House passage of the “assault weapon” ban in 1994, he decided to take action. Finding no suitable organization, he organized a rally leading to the creation of a 501(c)(4) organization, Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC), which remains North Carolina’s primary and most successful gun rights group to this day.

Paul Valone
Paul Valone
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quote: “he bought 50 rounds of ammunition from a local gun store hours before the rally. Shouldn’t that have been reported?” Hmmm.. Mommie is getting a bit uptight of late. Mayhem all across the country and round the world, and she thinks an adult with no criminal record must be reported to “someone important” in response to that adult purchasing a box of fifty rounds of ammunition. Makes me remember the “swarms of officers eating out our substance”, of which we were warned way back when. I have, in the past little while, made some purchases this warting nanny would… Read more »


“Being the bigger man” and just letting this crap roll off us like water on a duck is OVER! We must be ever vigilant and ready to practice extreme violence against those who would hurt us!! No more excuses or “pardon me”s! The time is now to fight fire with FLAME!

Last edited 7 months ago by NDevr2Persevere
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Let’s get the right and left perspective into proper understanding.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Wow, reading of all these incidents in one article really puts a perspective on what is going on in reality. I’ll have to get a book so I can have something to help me throw up when I get sick. Not from the book itself but from the sickening content like this article. Good job of research! And everyone wonders why I go out with a pistol on my hip and a .308 carbine in the back of my SUV.


They dont like conservatives (Trump is not really ) but will attack anyone that is in their way to get power ,and he is in the way trying to get people engaged and working for a better future dam sounds like MLK the dignity of a good job……they did kill him for that idea

Enemy of Democracy

Kyrsten Sinema AZ. Not Reb. Dem. then Ind. now.
More important Thank you for noting a difference between democracy and Our Republic. Great article.