
Congrats, conservatives! In the words of even left-leaning Politico, “[Joe] Biden is toast.” In front of an entire nation, the Leftist-in-Chief just doused himself in gasoline and lit a match.
As my wife Lori, author of “Building Food Security” so aptly put it: “The Emperor has no clothes,” and all the advisors and media telling us what a fine suit he’s wearing have proven themselves liars.
The sublime irony is that would-be dictator Joe Biden, enabled by his handlers, just gave himself a “June surprise.” (Yes, I can’t help wishing they had scheduled the debate just a little later.)
Meanwhile, the conservative Heritage Foundation is prepping legal challenges for states with laws which may hinder replacing Biden on the Democrat ticket. For a change, it’s looking like our republic just might survive the next election.
Beaming the spotlight on our naked-as-a-Jaybird Emperor, The Wall Street Journal recently ran a blockbuster exposé entitled, “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping” which put lie to White House insistence that Powerhouse Joe is as sharp as ever, citing whistleblowers who say that in policy meetings, Joe Biden is often clueless.
Unfortunately, however, Americans aren’t the only ones watching our long reprise of Weekend at Bernie’s. WSJ followed up its first expose with another entitled, “The World Saw Biden Deteriorating. Democrats Ignored the Warnings,” which says:
“European officials had already been expressing worries in private about Biden’s focus and stamina before Thursday’s debate, with some senior diplomats saying they had tracked a noticeable deterioration in the president’s faculties in meetings since last summer. There were real doubts about how Biden could successfully manage a second term, but one senior European diplomat said U.S. administration officials in private discussions denied there was any problem.”
With respect to the recent G-7 summit at which Biden struggled to keep up, WSJ said:
“’The reading in Europe is that this has been an unmitigated disaster,’ said Nathalie Tocci, director of the Institute of International Affairs in Rome and a former adviser to the EU’s foreign-affairs chiefs, referring to Biden’s attempts to reassure voters worried about his age. European officials and prominent commentators, she added, ’have been talking about it. It’s something that has been known, always, that his age is his main Achilles’ heel.’”
As administration officials continue to tote Bernie’s corpse to various meetings and press conferences, it’s a safe bet that Hamas, Hezbollah, Kim Jong Un, Ruhollah Khomeini, Vladamir Putin, and especially Xi Jinping are not only watching, but plotting to exploit the American power vacuum Democrats have created.
All of this, of course, raises a question far more immediate than who will be the next Leader of the Free World, namely …
…who, exactly, has his or her finger on the nuclear trigger?
During the debate, Trump correctly cited foreign aggression (e.g. Ukraine) catalyzed by the Biden administration’s obvious weakness, but nobody wants to talk about the Donkey in the Living Room: the (potentially nuclear) conflagration to come.
Invasion of Taiwan, anyone?
As of yesterday (6/30), U.S. military bases in Europe face elevated terrorist threat levels. For as long as the Oval Office remains effectively vacant, you can expect not only more of that, but far, far worse.
The pending disaster will be precipitated by a probable first in American history: The utter incompetence not only of our commander-in-chief, but also, if removed, his successor. Face it, nobody wants to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Joe Biden because, incredibly, we would be left with something worse: President Kamala Harris.
As for whose finger is on the nuclear trigger, many conjecture that this is Barack Obama’s third term, and that he is pulling strings like Jeff Dunham and his puppet, “Walter.” (You can’t un-see that now, can you?)
Obama may be many things, however, but unlike Joe, he is not stupid, especially not stupid enough to bury the problem until it becomes legally and logistically challenging to replace Biden on the ticket. (Unless, of course, Obama is punking even his own party to give himself a fourth term via his lovely man-bride Michelle, a thought too gruesome even to contemplate.)
More likely, the staffers who impart their wisdom to Joe vis-a-vis the nuclear “football” would be the same staffers currently propping up Bernie’s corpse.
Are you scared yet?
About Paul Valone
Author F. Paul Valone has been kicking leftist tail for twenty-eight years. Alarmed by the U.S. House passage of the “assault weapon” ban in 1994, he decided to take action. Finding no suitable organization, he organized a rally leading to the creation of a 501(c)(4) organization, Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC), which remains North Carolina’s primary and most successful gun rights group to this day.

If I may be so bold as to interject what is seemingly obvious. The Democrats almost got away with it. Got away with what?, you ask. Well, it seems that they don’t believe that the President’s job is anything more than an acting job. I don’t believe that the prevailing forces in the federal governance of this nation, allow for a free thinking president. Someone like Donald Trump is an anomaly for them, and the Washington establishment isn’t designed for a free thinking president. Joe Biden, among his predecessors, insists he can do the job. What job is that?, you… Read more »
A crooked arthritic finger at that.
Regarding‘Weekend At Bernie’s.’
“Movies Are Magic. Real Life Is Tragic!” Brian Wilson and Vandyke Parks
he is incompetent for sure but the next is line is worse. the dumb as crap party have sold the USA down the drain for a few dollars. why do you continue to vote for those who will enslave you? can’t fix stupid.
Still, according to after-debate polling, something like 27% of our fellow Americans are more encouraged to vote for FJB. I find it frightening that nearly one third of the country is so mentally deficient.
25 Dems have sent Biden a letter of no confidence and he is loosing states right and left! Karma is a bitch and the Dems are not paying the price!