What Is an American? HINT: It is NOT an ‘Asylum Seeker’


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iStock-Sviatlana Barchan

“Cameo of a man who has just lost his most valuable possession. He doesn’t know about the loss yet. In fact, he doesn’t even know about the possession. Because, like most people, David Gurney has never really thought about the matter of his identity. But he’s going to be thinking a great deal about it from now on, because that is what he’s lost. And his search for it is going to take him into the darkest corners of the Twilight Zone.” ~ Opening narration from the Rod Serling’s imaginative series, “The Twilight Zone,” Episode 92, titled, “Person or Persons Unknown,” first aired on March 27, 1962.

There are many things a person takes for granted but shouldn’t. Among those, and undoubtedly the most important, is one’s sense of personal identity.

Many things go into one’s sense of personal identity: one’s name, upbringing, a personal belief system and the manner in which he observes the world, his sense of self-worth, livelihood, and interests—to name a few. These things are so intrinsic to his sense of self that he gives little conscious thought to them. There is little reason to. There is a sameness to such things that is reassuring. There is a sense of continuity. Such is how a person’s reality is built.

But suppose a person wakes up one day, like David Gurney, our protagonist in the TZ episode, and finds the ground has shifted out from under him.

Everyone he meets—his wife, his co-workers, his friends, claims not to know him.

He becomes understandably angry and confused and lashes out. But that only confirms to others that the man has gone insane. With his reality shattered, he spirals into a state of despair. He begins to think that perhaps everyone is right after all. Such occurred to our protagonist in the Twilight Zone episode, “Person or Persons Unknown.”

But it is one thing to watch a television program, knowing it to be nothing more than contrivance, compelling though it may be. It is quite another thing to suffer the fracturing of one’s soul in the real world.

With all the talk today of Government “Gaslighting” of the populace, one must wonder whether there isn’t something afoot to drive the nation’s people to a full psychotic break. An important part of one’s sense of self is tied to his community. That community, writ large, is a person’s Nation.

When I and my wife venture overseas on vacation, we enjoy conversing with the people of the countries we visit. They will remark, “Oh, you’re Americans.” Of course we are.

And the conversation invariably turns to where in America we live, how we live, and what we make of the turmoil that has infested the Country since the Biden Administration took over the reins of Government in January 2021.

But, while our conversations involved how I and my wife, as “Americans,” feel about America, no one, had ever asked us what it means to us “to be Americans.”

In other words, no one asks us, in these foreign lands we visit, to define the word, ‘American.’

I never seriously considered the matter until I happened to read an article in a newsletter I received from the United Federation of Teachers (“UFT”). The UFT is the New York Chapter of the National American Federation of Teachers (“AFT”).

Both are powerful Radical Left-wing teachers’ unions that have, through the years, transformed into shamelessly partisan channels of political activism, whose primary goal is the indoctrination of our Nation’s youth in the cult and ideology of Marxist Collectivism.

In the May 2017 issue of the publication, I came across an article by the UFT Vice President, Richard Mantell, titled “What is an American?” The article left me absolutely furious, and my anger compelled me to respond.

The UFT published my comment on June 1, 2017. I took Vice President Mantell to task.

Mantell’s fanciful definition of ‘American’ is grounded essentially on the idea of togetherness and goodwill toward all people, everywhere. The last paragraph of his article sums up this notion well.

Mantell says,

“I believe we have a responsibility as public school educators and as citizens of the United States to treat others as we want to be treated, to look past differences, and to recognize the reason why so many people came to this country and still do: to make a better life for themselves and their families.

That is the true definition of American.”

Really? That’s it? That’s the “true definition of American”?

This saccharine, simplistic view of ‘American’ is untrue and inane. And, at some level, Mantell must have agreed with me, because, on the day the UFT posted my comment, I noticed that the title of his “VPerspective” had changed. It was now titled, “Law Determines An American.” That was the salient point I had made in my comment.

I wondered what others in our Nation would think apart from those members of the UFT who generally would agree with Mantell.

I submitted a portion of my response to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News for publication on June 27, 2017.

AmmoLand News readers can find the earlier article at this link: Response to United Federation of Teachers Open Borders Take on Who Is American (ammoland.com).

It is not necessary for me to reiterate what AmmoLand published here.

But, five plus years after the publication of Richard Mantell’s “VPerspective” on what it means to be an ‘American,’ the absurdity inherent in his definition becomes even more glaring and menacing, and that encouraged me to further develop the ideas I had earlier written about.

We now have millions of illegal aliens residing in our Country, whom the Biden Administration has deliberately enticed in. And they obliged. And we are inundated with them, and no one knows where they are in the country. They have scattered everywhere.

Many of them are lunatics, dangerous psychotics, or common criminals whom their home nations are all too happy to rid themselves of. All of them constitute a heavy burden on our limited resources and are unassimilable. None of them have been properly vetted, and more than a few are murderous terrorists or psychopathic members of international criminal cartels.

Are these people here to make a better life for themselves? Or is it to partake in all those goodies: free housing, free medical care, food allowances, and allocations of federal reserve notes too, and to create violence and induce terror in the native populace?

UFT Vice President Mantell’s mentioning of the word ‘citizen’ in his exposition is not done to impute definitional import to the word ‘citizen’ apropos of ‘American.’

His point is that being a citizen of the United States requires that citizen to manifest what Mantell considers to be the correct attitude toward people. That attitude is grounded on a presumption about people that might be true of some, but not all, and certainly not most—especially those who come here illegally.

The Biden Administration, along with the many Political Progressives and outright Neo-Marxist Cultists in Congress, in State and local governments, in the Press and in social media, in the public schools and in academia, and the rank-and-file Leftists in our Country, all demonstrate the danger in misunderstanding or misrepresenting the meaning of “Being an American.” And, it is clear from their actions, they don’t give a damn whether these aliens are decent sorts or not.

They just want them here: one, to bolster the number of Representatives in Congress for the Liberal States; two, eventually, to bolster the voting rolls; and, three, to tear down traditional institutional structures, destabilize society, and terrorize the populace.

In a few months, through the election that will determine who will lead our Country, the Electorate will know whether the U.S. will regain its preeminence in the world as a truly free Constitutional Republic—the only one of its kind in the world—or whether we will continue down the road to Tyranny and subjugation.

This election truly is our Final Battle.

We will return to a state of grace as envisioned by our wise Founders, or we will cast it aside, seduced by propaganda, cloaked in sickening sweet priggish sanctimony, lauded by Leftist politicians and a seditious Press and social media.

In the next few articles, my business partner and co-author and I will discuss in depth what the word ‘American’ really means, from a legal and philosophical standpoint, devoid of ‘goody-goody phraseology of the sort espoused by people like Richard Mantell.

To highlight what we will be discussing in the Arbalest Quarrel, we offer this overview:

The word ‘American’ includes three salient components. Those components may also be construed as conditions that must be met.

The first is that a person is a citizen of the United States. The term ‘citizen’ is a legal term of art. It has a well-defined meaning. No one who is not a citizen is an ‘American’ regardless of his or her feelings about the Country.

‘Citizenship’ is therefore a necessary condition for one’s status as an ‘American’ but it is not a sufficient condition.

The second component of the definition of ‘American’ or a condition that must be met for calling one an “American” requires that a person be willing to take up arms to protect the Nation from all enemies both foreign and domestic.

An American will not long suffer a foreign adversary forcing its will on the people, nor will an American long suffer Tyranny of Government at home. This bearing of arms, too, is a necessary condition, but not sufficient for a person to be considered an American.

The Third Component requires a person to adhere to the doctrine of Individualism that grounds the U.S. Constitution and the crucial “Bill of Rights.”

While a person can espouse the ideology of Collectivism, as that is a person’s right under the First Amendment’s Freedom of Speech, such ideology is inconsistent with the tenets of Individualism and the concept of Natural Law Rights, codified in our Nation’s Bill of Rights.

A person who does not honor our Nation’s Constitution nor cherishes our Bill of Rights and who knowingly, willingly violates Divine Law is not an American.

These three components, conditions, or attributes go together to define what it means to be an ‘American.’ In the next few articles, we will make our case.

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

For more information, visit: www.arbalestquarrel.com.

Arbalest Quarrel

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we are getting dangerously close to the need to defend our constitution from the communists


that is where condition #2 comes into play. be willing to fight and die to protect our way of life.


ammo and the knowledge to use it to advantage if needed

Deplorable Bill

I like to think that Patton got the idea right in one of his speeches, “No one ever won a war by dieing for his country, he won it by making that other poor dumb bastard die for his country”. I took my oath to defend the people, the nation and the constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic many decades ago, there is no sunset clause to that oath, so, when it starts, I’m in.

Arm up and carry on


When I was in the Marine Corps we were told that we would be court marshalled if we did not follow orders and that treason in most cases meant death by friendly fire because you would not make it back to the states alive to be court marshalled because Marines take care of their own and there will be no man left behind.

Our first order was, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE!!!!!

Semper Fidelis


Wow, waiting approval. Don’t think anything I said should have put it on hold. It is not very long and I don’t recall us having an argument. What could it be?

Deplorable Bill

Waiting to see what you wrote. 2036 Az time

Arm up and carry on


When I was in the Marine Corps we were told that we would be court marshalled if we did not follow orders and that treason in most cases meant death by friendly fire because you would not make it back to the states alive to be court marshalled because Marines take care of their own and there will be no man left behind.
Our first order was, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE!!!!!
Semper Fidelis


just tried to copy and send it to you. Look at the one 12 hours ago that talks about me being in the Marine Corps. That is it.


it’s up two or three.
it ends with Semper Fidelis

Last edited 2 months ago by musicman44mag

The communists have already taken the Constitution by destroying “originalism” and replaced it with a dead “living constitution.”

The question is not whether American’s can “defend” the Constitution, but more succinctly can the People reclaim what has been lost?

5 November next will decide that issue once and for all.


I’m pretty sure the AFoT has been home to more child molesters than NAMBLA

Last edited 2 months ago by Nanashi

If Mantell believed we should “look past differences” why is so much of public policy based on race, gender, and sexual orientation? There are African Americans, gay Americans, BIPOC, and other assorted alphabet fruit loops all with their own list of demands and pronouns. Without a unifying belief in being American first there is no reason to protect our borders, our culture, our heritage. Patriots do not see these differences in their fellow Americans. We do see the differences in legal and illegal immigration the way we see legal withdrawal and illegal withdrawal at the bank. There are no gray… Read more »

Enemy of Democracy

The progs. only believe (1st) half truths.


Looking forward to this discussion.

Parts 1 and 2 are self-evident but Part 3 is a horror story all generations of so-called Americans are guilty of starting with the conquest of Hawaii in1893.

The path of empire, progressivism-leftism-socialism-Marxism all, and a thousand & one other societal, moral, civic and political transgressions have been a downhill racer ever since, culminating in today’s morass and death wish of a once great country.


9/2016 “The scale of the global refugee problem demands an appropriate scale of response,” A recent study by from the UN’s refugee agency estimated 65.3 million people were displaced from their homes by conflict or persecution in 2015, up by over five million from the prior year. Many are internally displaced within the borders of their own countries, but about 21.3 million are classified as refugees. Obama’s summit follows a similar UN-led meeting on the issue Monday, which drew attention to the crisis but offered little in the way of binding commitments. “Make no mistake,” US Secretary of State John Kerry said… Read more »


The conversation of illegals in our country and around the world began with Obama and his administration. American has always had the welcome matt out when others from foreign country’s wanted to become US citizens legally. During the Obama years in office Obama and Hillary created a humanitarian crisis in Europe with the mass exit form Libya and Syria. That was their plan of action to flood Europe while allowing those fleeing to enter the United States seeking asylum. In short he opened our Southern border to the crisis we now face as Americans. Biden and the democrats continued this… Read more »


I know I will make some folks mad but hear me out.
Most of the illegals coming across the border are Americans.
South American, Central American heck even the Canadians are North Americans.
But None of them are US Citizens and what they are doing is illegal as h*ll and you can’t convince me other wise. Mexico should be sanctioned for aiding and abetting and invasion into the USA. Disband the ATF you can’t fire them so transfer them to the Border Patrol Training Facility or they can quit.


I can reply in confidence and say NO they are not Americans.

The series promised by Arbalest Quarrel will attempt to answer that mysterious question not settled by the Supreme Court or legislated by Congress.

It’s that peculiar Constitutional euphemism of “We the People” that needs to be answered, not the colloquialisms of common usage & understandings (though important in an historical & societal context).

Should Trump win in November and achieve inauguration that anomalous reference will no doubt be hotly debated.